%% Copyright (c) 2011, Loïc Hoguin %% Copyright (c) 2011, Anthony Ramine %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(cowboy_http_req). -export([ method/1, version/1, peer/1, host/1, host_info/1, raw_host/1, port/1, path/1, path_info/1, raw_path/1, qs_val/2, qs_val/3, qs_vals/1, raw_qs/1, binding/2, binding/3, bindings/1, header/2, header/3, headers/1 %% cookie/2, cookie/3, cookies/1 @todo ]). %% Request API. -export([ body/1, body/2, body_qs/1 ]). %% Request Body API. -export([ reply/4, chunked_reply/3, chunk/2 ]). %% Response API. -export([ compact/1 ]). %% Misc API. -include("include/http.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). %% Request API. -spec method(#http_req{}) -> {http_method(), #http_req{}}. method(Req) -> {Req#http_req.method, Req}. -spec version(#http_req{}) -> {http_version(), #http_req{}}. version(Req) -> {Req#http_req.version, Req}. -spec peer(#http_req{}) -> {{inet:ip_address(), inet:ip_port()}, #http_req{}}. peer(Req=#http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, peer=undefined}) -> {ok, Peer} = Transport:peername(Socket), {Peer, Req#http_req{peer=Peer}}; peer(Req) -> {Req#http_req.peer, Req}. -spec host(#http_req{}) -> {cowboy_dispatcher:path_tokens(), #http_req{}}. host(Req) -> {Req#http_req.host, Req}. -spec host_info(#http_req{}) -> {cowboy_dispatcher:path_tokens() | undefined, #http_req{}}. host_info(Req) -> {Req#http_req.host_info, Req}. -spec raw_host(#http_req{}) -> {binary(), #http_req{}}. raw_host(Req) -> {Req#http_req.raw_host, Req}. -spec port(#http_req{}) -> {inet:ip_port(), #http_req{}}. port(Req) -> {Req#http_req.port, Req}. -spec path(#http_req{}) -> {cowboy_dispatcher:path_tokens(), #http_req{}}. path(Req) -> {Req#http_req.path, Req}. -spec path_info(#http_req{}) -> {cowboy_dispatcher:path_tokens() | undefined, #http_req{}}. path_info(Req) -> {Req#http_req.path_info, Req}. -spec raw_path(#http_req{}) -> {binary(), #http_req{}}. raw_path(Req) -> {Req#http_req.raw_path, Req}. -spec qs_val(binary(), #http_req{}) -> {binary() | true | undefined, #http_req{}}. %% @equiv qs_val(Name, Req, undefined) qs_val(Name, Req) -> qs_val(Name, Req, undefined). -spec qs_val(binary(), #http_req{}, Default) -> {binary() | true | Default, #http_req{}} when Default::any(). qs_val(Name, Req=#http_req{raw_qs=RawQs, qs_vals=undefined}, Default) -> QsVals = parse_qs(RawQs), qs_val(Name, Req#http_req{qs_vals=QsVals}, Default); qs_val(Name, Req, Default) -> case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Req#http_req.qs_vals) of {Name, Value} -> {Value, Req}; false -> {Default, Req} end. -spec qs_vals(#http_req{}) -> {list({binary(), binary() | true}), #http_req{}}. qs_vals(Req=#http_req{raw_qs=RawQs, qs_vals=undefined}) -> QsVals = parse_qs(RawQs), qs_vals(Req#http_req{qs_vals=QsVals}); qs_vals(Req=#http_req{qs_vals=QsVals}) -> {QsVals, Req}. -spec raw_qs(#http_req{}) -> {binary(), #http_req{}}. raw_qs(Req) -> {Req#http_req.raw_qs, Req}. -spec binding(atom(), #http_req{}) -> {binary() | undefined, #http_req{}}. %% @equiv binding(Name, Req, undefined) binding(Name, Req) -> binding(Name, Req, undefined). -spec binding(atom(), #http_req{}, Default) -> {binary() | Default, #http_req{}} when Default::any(). binding(Name, Req, Default) -> case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Req#http_req.bindings) of {Name, Value} -> {Value, Req}; false -> {Default, Req} end. -spec bindings(#http_req{}) -> {list({atom(), binary()}), #http_req{}}. bindings(Req) -> {Req#http_req.bindings, Req}. -spec header(atom() | binary(), #http_req{}) -> {binary() | undefined, #http_req{}}. %% @equiv header(Name, Req, undefined) header(Name, Req) -> header(Name, Req, undefined). -spec header(atom() | binary(), #http_req{}, Default) -> {binary() | Default, #http_req{}} when Default::any(). header(Name, Req, Default) -> case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Req#http_req.headers) of {Name, Value} -> {Value, Req}; false -> {Default, Req} end. -spec headers(#http_req{}) -> {http_headers(), #http_req{}}. headers(Req) -> {Req#http_req.headers, Req}. %% Request Body API. %% @todo We probably want to allow a max length. -spec body(#http_req{}) -> {ok, binary(), #http_req{}} | {error, atom()}. body(Req) -> {Length, Req2} = cowboy_http_req:header('Content-Length', Req), case Length of undefined -> {error, badarg}; _Any -> Length2 = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Length)), body(Length2, Req2) end. %% @todo We probably want to configure the timeout. -spec body(non_neg_integer(), #http_req{}) -> {ok, binary(), #http_req{}} | {error, atom()}. body(Length, Req=#http_req{body_state=waiting, buffer=Buffer}) when Length =:= byte_size(Buffer) -> {ok, Buffer, Req#http_req{body_state=done, buffer= <<>>}}; body(Length, Req=#http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, body_state=waiting, buffer=Buffer}) when Length > byte_size(Buffer) -> case Transport:recv(Socket, Length - byte_size(Buffer), 5000) of {ok, Body} -> {ok, << Buffer/binary, Body/binary >>, Req#http_req{body_state=done, buffer= <<>>}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. -spec body_qs(#http_req{}) -> {list({binary(), binary() | true}), #http_req{}}. body_qs(Req) -> {ok, Body, Req2} = body(Req), {parse_qs(Body), Req2}. %% Response API. -spec reply(http_status(), http_headers(), iodata(), #http_req{}) -> {ok, #http_req{}}. reply(Code, Headers, Body, Req=#http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, connection=Connection, resp_state=waiting}) -> Head = response_head(Code, Headers, [ {<<"Connection">>, atom_to_connection(Connection)}, {<<"Content-Length">>, list_to_binary(integer_to_list(iolist_size(Body)))}, {<<"Date">>, cowboy_clock:rfc1123()}, {<<"Server">>, <<"Cowboy">>} ]), Transport:send(Socket, [Head, Body]), {ok, Req#http_req{resp_state=done}}. -spec chunked_reply(http_status(), http_headers(), #http_req{}) -> {ok, #http_req{}}. chunked_reply(Code, Headers, Req=#http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, resp_state=waiting}) -> Head = response_head(Code, Headers, [ {<<"Connection">>, <<"close">>}, {<<"Transfer-Encoding">>, <<"chunked">>}, {<<"Date">>, cowboy_clock:rfc1123()}, {<<"Server">>, <<"Cowboy">>} ]), Transport:send(Socket, Head), {ok, Req#http_req{resp_state=chunks}}. -spec chunk(iodata(), #http_req{}) -> ok. chunk(Data, #http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, resp_state=chunks}) -> Transport:send(Socket, [integer_to_list(iolist_size(Data), 16), <<"\r\n">>, Data, <<"\r\n">>]). %% Misc API. -spec compact(#http_req{}) -> #http_req{}. compact(Req) -> Req#http_req{host=undefined, host_info=undefined, path=undefined, path_info=undefined, qs_vals=undefined, raw_qs=undefined, bindings=undefined, headers=[]}. %% Internal. -spec parse_qs(binary()) -> list({binary(), binary() | true}). parse_qs(<<>>) -> []; parse_qs(Qs) -> Tokens = binary:split(Qs, <<"&">>, [global, trim]), [case binary:split(Token, <<"=">>) of [Token] -> {Token, true}; [Name, Value] -> {Name, Value} end || Token <- Tokens]. -spec response_head(http_status(), http_headers(), http_headers()) -> iolist(). response_head(Code, Headers, DefaultHeaders) -> StatusLine = <<"HTTP/1.1 ", (status(Code))/binary, "\r\n">>, Headers2 = [{header_to_binary(Key), Value} || {Key, Value} <- Headers], Headers3 = lists:keysort(1, Headers2), Headers4 = lists:ukeymerge(1, Headers3, DefaultHeaders), Headers5 = [<< Key/binary, ": ", Value/binary, "\r\n" >> || {Key, Value} <- Headers4], [StatusLine, Headers5, <<"\r\n">>]. -spec atom_to_connection(keepalive) -> <<_:80>>; (close) -> <<_:40>>. atom_to_connection(keepalive) -> <<"keep-alive">>; atom_to_connection(close) -> <<"close">>. -spec status(http_status()) -> binary(). status(100) -> <<"100 Continue">>; status(101) -> <<"101 Switching Protocols">>; status(102) -> <<"102 Processing">>; status(200) -> <<"200 OK">>; status(201) -> <<"201 Created">>; status(202) -> <<"202 Accepted">>; status(203) -> <<"203 Non-Authoritative Information">>; status(204) -> <<"204 No Content">>; status(205) -> <<"205 Reset Content">>; status(206) -> <<"206 Partial Content">>; status(207) -> <<"207 Multi-Status">>; status(226) -> <<"226 IM Used">>; status(300) -> <<"300 Multiple Choices">>; status(301) -> <<"301 Moved Permanently">>; status(302) -> <<"302 Found">>; status(303) -> <<"303 See Other">>; status(304) -> <<"304 Not Modified">>; status(305) -> <<"305 Use Proxy">>; status(306) -> <<"306 Switch Proxy">>; status(307) -> <<"307 Temporary Redirect">>; status(400) -> <<"400 Bad Request">>; status(401) -> <<"401 Unauthorized">>; status(402) -> <<"402 Payment Required">>; status(403) -> <<"403 Forbidden">>; status(404) -> <<"404 Not Found">>; status(405) -> <<"405 Method Not Allowed">>; status(406) -> <<"406 Not Acceptable">>; status(407) -> <<"407 Proxy Authentication Required">>; status(408) -> <<"408 Request Timeout">>; status(409) -> <<"409 Conflict">>; status(410) -> <<"410 Gone">>; status(411) -> <<"411 Length Required">>; status(412) -> <<"412 Precondition Failed">>; status(413) -> <<"413 Request Entity Too Large">>; status(414) -> <<"414 Request-URI Too Long">>; status(415) -> <<"415 Unsupported Media Type">>; status(416) -> <<"416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable">>; status(417) -> <<"417 Expectation Failed">>; status(418) -> <<"418 I'm a teapot">>; status(422) -> <<"422 Unprocessable Entity">>; status(423) -> <<"423 Locked">>; status(424) -> <<"424 Failed Dependency">>; status(425) -> <<"425 Unordered Collection">>; status(426) -> <<"426 Upgrade Required">>; status(500) -> <<"500 Internal Server Error">>; status(501) -> <<"501 Not Implemented">>; status(502) -> <<"502 Bad Gateway">>; status(503) -> <<"503 Service Unavailable">>; status(504) -> <<"504 Gateway Timeout">>; status(505) -> <<"505 HTTP Version Not Supported">>; status(506) -> <<"506 Variant Also Negotiates">>; status(507) -> <<"507 Insufficient Storage">>; status(510) -> <<"510 Not Extended">>; status(B) when is_binary(B) -> B. -spec header_to_binary(http_header()) -> binary(). header_to_binary('Cache-Control') -> <<"Cache-Control">>; header_to_binary('Connection') -> <<"Connection">>; header_to_binary('Date') -> <<"Date">>; header_to_binary('Pragma') -> <<"Pragma">>; header_to_binary('Transfer-Encoding') -> <<"Transfer-Encoding">>; header_to_binary('Upgrade') -> <<"Upgrade">>; header_to_binary('Via') -> <<"Via">>; header_to_binary('Accept') -> <<"Accept">>; header_to_binary('Accept-Charset') -> <<"Accept-Charset">>; header_to_binary('Accept-Encoding') -> <<"Accept-Encoding">>; header_to_binary('Accept-Language') -> <<"Accept-Language">>; header_to_binary('Authorization') -> <<"Authorization">>; header_to_binary('From') -> <<"From">>; header_to_binary('Host') -> <<"Host">>; header_to_binary('If-Modified-Since') -> <<"If-Modified-Since">>; header_to_binary('If-Match') -> <<"If-Match">>; header_to_binary('If-None-Match') -> <<"If-None-Match">>; header_to_binary('If-Range') -> <<"If-Range">>; header_to_binary('If-Unmodified-Since') -> <<"If-Unmodified-Since">>; header_to_binary('Max-Forwards') -> <<"Max-Forwards">>; header_to_binary('Proxy-Authorization') -> <<"Proxy-Authorization">>; header_to_binary('Range') -> <<"Range">>; header_to_binary('Referer') -> <<"Referer">>; header_to_binary('User-Agent') -> <<"User-Agent">>; header_to_binary('Age') -> <<"Age">>; header_to_binary('Location') -> <<"Location">>; header_to_binary('Proxy-Authenticate') -> <<"Proxy-Authenticate">>; header_to_binary('Public') -> <<"Public">>; header_to_binary('Retry-After') -> <<"Retry-After">>; header_to_binary('Server') -> <<"Server">>; header_to_binary('Vary') -> <<"Vary">>; header_to_binary('Warning') -> <<"Warning">>; header_to_binary('Www-Authenticate') -> <<"Www-Authenticate">>; header_to_binary('Allow') -> <<"Allow">>; header_to_binary('Content-Base') -> <<"Content-Base">>; header_to_binary('Content-Encoding') -> <<"Content-Encoding">>; header_to_binary('Content-Language') -> <<"Content-Language">>; header_to_binary('Content-Length') -> <<"Content-Length">>; header_to_binary('Content-Location') -> <<"Content-Location">>; header_to_binary('Content-Md5') -> <<"Content-Md5">>; header_to_binary('Content-Range') -> <<"Content-Range">>; header_to_binary('Content-Type') -> <<"Content-Type">>; header_to_binary('Etag') -> <<"Etag">>; header_to_binary('Expires') -> <<"Expires">>; header_to_binary('Last-Modified') -> <<"Last-Modified">>; header_to_binary('Accept-Ranges') -> <<"Accept-Ranges">>; header_to_binary('Set-Cookie') -> <<"Set-Cookie">>; header_to_binary('Set-Cookie2') -> <<"Set-Cookie2">>; header_to_binary('X-Forwarded-For') -> <<"X-Forwarded-For">>; header_to_binary('Cookie') -> <<"Cookie">>; header_to_binary('Keep-Alive') -> <<"Keep-Alive">>; header_to_binary('Proxy-Connection') -> <<"Proxy-Connection">>; header_to_binary(B) when is_binary(B) -> B. %% Tests. -ifdef(TEST). parse_qs_test_() -> %% {Qs, Result} Tests = [ {<<"">>, []}, {<<"a=b">>, [{<<"a">>, <<"b">>}]}, {<<"aaa=bbb">>, [{<<"aaa">>, <<"bbb">>}]}, {<<"a&b">>, [{<<"a">>, true}, {<<"b">>, true}]}, {<<"a=b&c&d=e">>, [{<<"a">>, <<"b">>}, {<<"c">>, true}, {<<"d">>, <<"e">>}]}, {<<"a=b=c=d=e&f=g">>, [{<<"a">>, <<"b=c=d=e">>}, {<<"f">>, <<"g">>}]} ], [{Qs, fun() -> R = parse_qs(Qs) end} || {Qs, R} <- Tests]. -endif.