%% Copyright (c) 2017-2024, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(cowboy_metrics_h). -behavior(cowboy_stream). -export([init/3]). -export([data/4]). -export([info/3]). -export([terminate/3]). -export([early_error/5]). -type proc_metrics() :: #{pid() => #{ %% Time at which the process spawned. spawn := integer(), %% Time at which the process exited. exit => integer(), %% Reason for the process exit. reason => any() }}. -type informational_metrics() :: #{ %% Informational response status. status := cowboy:http_status(), %% Headers sent with the informational response. headers := cowboy:http_headers(), %% Time when the informational response was sent. time := integer() }. -type metrics() :: #{ %% The identifier for this listener. ref := ranch:ref(), %% The pid for this connection. pid := pid(), %% The streamid also indicates the total number of requests on %% this connection (StreamID div 2 + 1). streamid := cowboy_stream:streamid(), %% The terminate reason is always useful. reason := cowboy_stream:reason(), %% A filtered Req object or a partial Req object %% depending on how far the request got to. req => cowboy_req:req(), partial_req => cowboy_stream:partial_req(), %% Response status. resp_status := cowboy:http_status(), %% Filtered response headers. resp_headers := cowboy:http_headers(), %% Start/end of the processing of the request. %% %% This represents the time from this stream handler's init %% to terminate. req_start => integer(), req_end => integer(), %% Start/end of the receiving of the request body. %% Begins when the first packet has been received. req_body_start => integer(), req_body_end => integer(), %% Start/end of the sending of the response. %% Begins when we send the headers and ends on the final %% packet of the response body. If everything is sent at %% once these values are identical. resp_start => integer(), resp_end => integer(), %% For early errors all we get is the time we received it. early_error_time => integer(), %% Start/end of spawned processes. This is where most of %% the user code lies, excluding stream handlers. On a %% default Cowboy configuration there should be only one %% process: the request process. procs => proc_metrics(), %% Informational responses sent before the final response. informational => [informational_metrics()], %% Length of the request and response bodies. This does %% not include the framing. req_body_length => non_neg_integer(), resp_body_length => non_neg_integer(), %% Additional metadata set by the user. user_data => map() }. -export_type([metrics/0]). -type metrics_callback() :: fun((metrics()) -> any()). -export_type([metrics_callback/0]). -record(state, { next :: any(), callback :: fun((metrics()) -> any()), resp_headers_filter :: undefined | fun((cowboy:http_headers()) -> cowboy:http_headers()), req :: map(), resp_status :: undefined | cowboy:http_status(), resp_headers :: undefined | cowboy:http_headers(), ref :: ranch:ref(), req_start :: integer(), req_end :: undefined | integer(), req_body_start :: undefined | integer(), req_body_end :: undefined | integer(), resp_start :: undefined | integer(), resp_end :: undefined | integer(), procs = #{} :: proc_metrics(), informational = [] :: [informational_metrics()], req_body_length = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), resp_body_length = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), user_data = #{} :: map() }). -spec init(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_req:req(), cowboy:opts()) -> {[{spawn, pid(), timeout()}], #state{}}. init(StreamID, Req=#{ref := Ref}, Opts=#{metrics_callback := Fun}) -> ReqStart = erlang:monotonic_time(), {Commands, Next} = cowboy_stream:init(StreamID, Req, Opts), FilteredReq = case maps:get(metrics_req_filter, Opts, undefined) of undefined -> Req; ReqFilter -> ReqFilter(Req) end, RespHeadersFilter = maps:get(metrics_resp_headers_filter, Opts, undefined), {Commands, fold(Commands, #state{ next=Next, callback=Fun, resp_headers_filter=RespHeadersFilter, req=FilteredReq, ref=Ref, req_start=ReqStart })}. -spec data(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_stream:fin(), cowboy_req:resp_body(), State) -> {cowboy_stream:commands(), State} when State::#state{}. data(StreamID, IsFin=fin, Data, State=#state{req_body_start=undefined}) -> ReqBody = erlang:monotonic_time(), do_data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State#state{ req_body_start=ReqBody, req_body_end=ReqBody, req_body_length=byte_size(Data) }); data(StreamID, IsFin=fin, Data, State=#state{req_body_length=ReqBodyLen}) -> ReqBodyEnd = erlang:monotonic_time(), do_data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State#state{ req_body_end=ReqBodyEnd, req_body_length=ReqBodyLen + byte_size(Data) }); data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{req_body_start=undefined}) -> ReqBodyStart = erlang:monotonic_time(), do_data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State#state{ req_body_start=ReqBodyStart, req_body_length=byte_size(Data) }); data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{req_body_length=ReqBodyLen}) -> do_data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State#state{ req_body_length=ReqBodyLen + byte_size(Data) }). do_data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State0=#state{next=Next0}) -> {Commands, Next} = cowboy_stream:data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, Next0), {Commands, fold(Commands, State0#state{next=Next})}. -spec info(cowboy_stream:streamid(), any(), State) -> {cowboy_stream:commands(), State} when State::#state{}. info(StreamID, Info={'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State0=#state{procs=Procs}) -> ProcEnd = erlang:monotonic_time(), P = maps:get(Pid, Procs), State = State0#state{procs=Procs#{Pid => P#{ exit => ProcEnd, reason => Reason }}}, do_info(StreamID, Info, State); info(StreamID, Info, State) -> do_info(StreamID, Info, State). do_info(StreamID, Info, State0=#state{next=Next0}) -> {Commands, Next} = cowboy_stream:info(StreamID, Info, Next0), {Commands, fold(Commands, State0#state{next=Next})}. fold([], State) -> State; fold([{spawn, Pid, _}|Tail], State0=#state{procs=Procs}) -> ProcStart = erlang:monotonic_time(), State = State0#state{procs=Procs#{Pid => #{spawn => ProcStart}}}, fold(Tail, State); fold([{inform, Status, Headers}|Tail], State=#state{informational=Infos}) -> Time = erlang:monotonic_time(), fold(Tail, State#state{informational=[#{ status => Status, headers => Headers, time => Time }|Infos]}); fold([{response, Status, Headers, Body}|Tail], State=#state{resp_headers_filter=RespHeadersFilter}) -> Resp = erlang:monotonic_time(), fold(Tail, State#state{ resp_status=Status, resp_headers=case RespHeadersFilter of undefined -> Headers; _ -> RespHeadersFilter(Headers) end, resp_start=Resp, resp_end=Resp, resp_body_length=resp_body_length(Body) }); fold([{error_response, Status, Headers, Body}|Tail], State=#state{resp_status=RespStatus}) -> %% The error_response command only results in a response %% if no response was sent before. case RespStatus of undefined -> fold([{response, Status, Headers, Body}|Tail], State); _ -> fold(Tail, State) end; fold([{headers, Status, Headers}|Tail], State=#state{resp_headers_filter=RespHeadersFilter}) -> RespStart = erlang:monotonic_time(), fold(Tail, State#state{ resp_status=Status, resp_headers=case RespHeadersFilter of undefined -> Headers; _ -> RespHeadersFilter(Headers) end, resp_start=RespStart }); %% @todo It might be worthwhile to keep the sendfile information around, %% especially if these frames ultimately result in a sendfile syscall. fold([{data, nofin, Data}|Tail], State=#state{resp_body_length=RespBodyLen}) -> fold(Tail, State#state{ resp_body_length=RespBodyLen + resp_body_length(Data) }); fold([{data, fin, Data}|Tail], State=#state{resp_body_length=RespBodyLen}) -> RespEnd = erlang:monotonic_time(), fold(Tail, State#state{ resp_end=RespEnd, resp_body_length=RespBodyLen + resp_body_length(Data) }); fold([{set_options, SetOpts}|Tail], State0=#state{user_data=OldUserData}) -> State = case SetOpts of #{metrics_user_data := NewUserData} -> State0#state{user_data=maps:merge(OldUserData, NewUserData)}; _ -> State0 end, fold(Tail, State); fold([_|Tail], State) -> fold(Tail, State). -spec terminate(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_stream:reason(), #state{}) -> any(). terminate(StreamID, Reason, #state{next=Next, callback=Fun, req=Req, resp_status=RespStatus, resp_headers=RespHeaders, ref=Ref, req_start=ReqStart, req_body_start=ReqBodyStart, req_body_end=ReqBodyEnd, resp_start=RespStart, resp_end=RespEnd, procs=Procs, informational=Infos, user_data=UserData, req_body_length=ReqBodyLen, resp_body_length=RespBodyLen}) -> Res = cowboy_stream:terminate(StreamID, Reason, Next), ReqEnd = erlang:monotonic_time(), Metrics = #{ ref => Ref, pid => self(), streamid => StreamID, reason => Reason, req => Req, resp_status => RespStatus, resp_headers => RespHeaders, req_start => ReqStart, req_end => ReqEnd, req_body_start => ReqBodyStart, req_body_end => ReqBodyEnd, resp_start => RespStart, resp_end => RespEnd, procs => Procs, informational => lists:reverse(Infos), req_body_length => ReqBodyLen, resp_body_length => RespBodyLen, user_data => UserData }, Fun(Metrics), Res. -spec early_error(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_stream:reason(), cowboy_stream:partial_req(), Resp, cowboy:opts()) -> Resp when Resp::cowboy_stream:resp_command(). early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq=#{ref := Ref}, Resp0, Opts=#{metrics_callback := Fun}) -> Time = erlang:monotonic_time(), Resp = {response, RespStatus, RespHeaders, RespBody} = cowboy_stream:early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp0, Opts), %% As far as metrics go we are limited in what we can provide %% in this case. Metrics = #{ ref => Ref, pid => self(), streamid => StreamID, reason => Reason, partial_req => PartialReq, resp_status => RespStatus, resp_headers => RespHeaders, early_error_time => Time, resp_body_length => resp_body_length(RespBody) }, Fun(Metrics), Resp. resp_body_length({sendfile, _, Len, _}) -> Len; resp_body_length(Data) -> iolist_size(Data).