%% Copyright (c) 2011, Anthony Ramine %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. %% @doc Multipart parser. -module(cowboy_multipart). -type part_parser() :: parser(more(part_result())). -type parser(T) :: fun((binary()) -> T). -type more(T) :: T | {more, parser(T)}. -type part_result() :: headers() | eof. -type headers() :: {headers, http_headers(), body_cont()}. -type http_headers() :: [{atom() | binary(), binary()}]. -type body_cont() :: cont(more(body_result())). -type cont(T) :: fun(() -> T). -type body_result() :: {body, binary(), body_cont()} | end_of_part(). -type end_of_part() :: {end_of_part, cont(more(part_result()))}. -type disposition() :: {binary(), [{binary(), binary()}]}. -export([parser/1, content_disposition/1]). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). %% API. %% @doc Return a multipart parser for the given boundary. -spec parser(binary()) -> part_parser(). parser(Boundary) when is_binary(Boundary) -> fun (Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> parse(Bin, Boundary) end. %% @doc Parse a content disposition. %% @todo Parse the MIME header instead of the HTTP one. -spec content_disposition(binary()) -> disposition(). content_disposition(Data) -> cowboy_http:token_ci(Data, fun (_Rest, <<>>) -> {error, badarg}; (Rest, Disposition) -> cowboy_http:content_type_params(Rest, fun (Params) -> {Disposition, Params} end, []) end). %% Internal. %% @doc Entry point of the multipart parser, skips over the preamble if any. -spec parse(binary(), binary()) -> more(part_result()). parse(Bin, Boundary) when byte_size(Bin) >= byte_size(Boundary) + 2 -> BoundarySize = byte_size(Boundary), Pattern = pattern(Boundary), case Bin of <<"--", Boundary:BoundarySize/binary, Rest/binary>> -> % Data starts with initial boundary, skip preamble parsing. parse_boundary_tail(Rest, Pattern); _ -> % Parse preamble. skip(Bin, Pattern) end; parse(Bin, Boundary) -> % Not enough data to know if the data begins with a boundary. more(Bin, fun (NewBin) -> parse(NewBin, Boundary) end). -type pattern() :: {binary:cp(), non_neg_integer()}. %% @doc Return a compiled binary pattern with its size in bytes. %% The pattern is the boundary prepended with "\r\n--". -spec pattern(binary()) -> pattern(). pattern(Boundary) -> MatchPattern = <<"\r\n--", Boundary/binary>>, {binary:compile_pattern(MatchPattern), byte_size(MatchPattern)}. %% @doc Parse remaining characters of a line beginning with the boundary. %% If followed by "--", eof is returned and parsing is finished. -spec parse_boundary_tail(binary(), pattern()) -> more(part_result()). parse_boundary_tail(Bin, Pattern) when byte_size(Bin) >= 2 -> case Bin of <<"--", _Rest/binary>> -> % Boundary is followed by "--", end parsing. eof; _ -> % No dash after boundary, proceed with unknown chars and lwsp % removal. parse_boundary_eol(Bin, Pattern) end; parse_boundary_tail(Bin, Pattern) -> % Boundary may be followed by "--", need more data. more(Bin, fun (NewBin) -> parse_boundary_tail(NewBin, Pattern) end). %% @doc Skip whitespace and unknown chars until CRLF. -spec parse_boundary_eol(binary(), pattern()) -> more(part_result()). parse_boundary_eol(Bin, Pattern) -> case binary:match(Bin, <<"\r\n">>) of {CrlfStart, _Length} -> % End of line found, remove optional whitespace. <<_:CrlfStart/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin, Fun = fun (Rest2) -> parse_boundary_crlf(Rest2, Pattern) end, cowboy_http:whitespace(Rest, Fun); nomatch -> % CRLF not found in the given binary. RestStart = max(byte_size(Bin) - 1, 0), <<_:RestStart/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin, more(Rest, fun (NewBin) -> parse_boundary_eol(NewBin, Pattern) end) end. -spec parse_boundary_crlf(binary(), pattern()) -> more(part_result()). parse_boundary_crlf(<<"\r\n", Rest/binary>>, Pattern) -> % The binary is at least 2 bytes long as this function is only called by % parse_boundary_eol/3 when CRLF has been found so a more tuple will never % be returned from here. parse_headers(Rest, Pattern); parse_boundary_crlf(Bin, Pattern) -> % Unspecified behaviour here: RFC 2046 doesn't say what to do when LWSP is % not followed directly by a new line. In this implementation it is % considered part of the boundary so EOL needs to be searched again. parse_boundary_eol(Bin, Pattern). -spec parse_headers(binary(), pattern()) -> more(part_result()). parse_headers(Bin, Pattern) -> parse_headers(Bin, Pattern, []). -spec parse_headers(binary(), pattern(), http_headers()) -> more(part_result()). parse_headers(Bin, Pattern, Acc) -> case erlang:decode_packet(httph_bin, Bin, []) of {ok, {http_header, _, Name, _, Value}, Rest} -> parse_headers(Rest, Pattern, [{Name, Value} | Acc]); {ok, http_eoh, Rest} -> Headers = lists:reverse(Acc), {headers, Headers, fun () -> parse_body(Rest, Pattern) end}; {ok, {http_error, _}, _} -> % Skip malformed parts. skip(Bin, Pattern); {more, _} -> more(Bin, fun (NewBin) -> parse_headers(NewBin, Pattern, Acc) end) end. -spec parse_body(binary(), pattern()) -> more(body_result()). parse_body(Bin, Pattern = {P, PSize}) when byte_size(Bin) >= PSize -> case binary:match(Bin, P) of {0, _Length} -> <<_:PSize/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin, end_of_part(Rest, Pattern); {BoundaryStart, _Length} -> % Boundary found, this is the latest partial body that will be % returned for this part. <> = Bin, FResult = end_of_part(Rest, Pattern), {body, PBody, fun () -> FResult end}; nomatch -> PartialLength = byte_size(Bin) - PSize + 1, <> = Bin, {body, PBody, fun () -> parse_body(Rest, Pattern) end} end; parse_body(Bin, Pattern) -> more(Bin, fun (NewBin) -> parse_body(NewBin, Pattern) end). -spec end_of_part(binary(), pattern()) -> end_of_part(). end_of_part(Bin, Pattern) -> {end_of_part, fun () -> parse_boundary_tail(Bin, Pattern) end}. -spec skip(binary(), pattern()) -> more(part_result()). skip(Bin, Pattern = {P, PSize}) -> case binary:match(Bin, P) of {BoundaryStart, _Length} -> % Boundary found, proceed with parsing of the next part. RestStart = BoundaryStart + PSize, <<_:RestStart/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin, parse_boundary_tail(Rest, Pattern); nomatch -> % Boundary not found, need more data. RestStart = max(byte_size(Bin) - PSize + 1, 0), <<_:RestStart/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin, more(Rest, fun (NewBin) -> skip(NewBin, Pattern) end) end. -spec more(binary(), parser(T)) -> {more, parser(T)}. more(<<>>, F) -> {more, F}; more(Bin, InnerF) -> F = fun (NewData) when is_binary(NewData) -> InnerF(<>) end, {more, F}. %% Tests. -ifdef(TEST). multipart_test_() -> %% {Body, Result} Tests = [ {<<"--boundary--">>, []}, {<<"preamble\r\n--boundary--">>, []}, {<<"--boundary--\r\nepilogue">>, []}, {<<"\r\n--boundary\r\nA:b\r\nC:d\r\n\r\n\r\n--boundary--">>, [{[{<<"A">>, <<"b">>}, {<<"C">>, <<"d">>}], <<>>}]}, { << "--boundary\r\nX-Name:answer\r\n\r\n42" "\r\n--boundary\r\nServer:Cowboy\r\n\r\nIt rocks!\r\n" "\r\n--boundary--" >>, [ {[{<<"X-Name">>, <<"answer">>}], <<"42">>}, {[{'Server', <<"Cowboy">>}], <<"It rocks!\r\n">>} ] } ], [{title(V), fun () -> R = acc_multipart(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. acc_multipart(V) -> acc_multipart((parser(<<"boundary">>))(V), []). acc_multipart({headers, Headers, Cont}, Acc) -> acc_multipart(Cont(), [{Headers, []}|Acc]); acc_multipart({body, Body, Cont}, [{Headers, BodyAcc}|Acc]) -> acc_multipart(Cont(), [{Headers, [Body|BodyAcc]}|Acc]); acc_multipart({end_of_part, Cont}, [{Headers, BodyAcc}|Acc]) -> Body = list_to_binary(lists:reverse(BodyAcc)), acc_multipart(Cont(), [{Headers, Body}|Acc]); acc_multipart(eof, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc). content_disposition_test_() -> %% {Disposition, Result} Tests = [ {<<"form-data; name=id">>, {<<"form-data">>, [{<<"name">>, <<"id">>}]}}, {<<"inline">>, {<<"inline">>, []}}, {<<"attachment; \tfilename=brackets-slides.pdf">>, {<<"attachment">>, [{<<"filename">>, <<"brackets-slides.pdf">>}]}} ], [{title(V), fun () -> R = content_disposition(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. title(Bin) -> Title = lists:foldl( fun ({T, R}, V) -> re:replace(V, T, R, [global]) end, Bin, [{"\t", "\\\\t"}, {"\r", "\\\\r"}, {"\n", "\\\\n"}] ), iolist_to_binary(Title). -endif.