%% Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Loïc Hoguin %% Copyright (c) 2011, Anthony Ramine %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. %% @doc HTTP request manipulation API. %% %% The functions in this module try to follow this pattern for their %% return types: %%
{Value, Req}
{Result, Req} | {Result, Value, Req} | {error, atom()}
question (has_* or is_*):
%% %% Exceptions include chunk/2 which always returns 'ok', %% to_list/1 which returns a list of key/values, %% and transport/1 which returns {ok, Transport, Socket}. %% %% Also note that all body reading functions perform actions, as Cowboy %% doesn't read the request body until they are called. %% %% Whenever Req is returned, it should always be kept in place of %% the one given as argument in your function call, because it keeps %% track of the request and response state. Doing so allows Cowboy to do %% some lazy evaluation and cache results when possible. -module(cowboy_req). %% Request API. -export([new/14]). -export([method/1]). -export([version/1]). -export([peer/1]). -export([peer_addr/1]). -export([host/1]). -export([host_info/1]). -export([port/1]). -export([path/1]). -export([path_info/1]). -export([qs/1]). -export([qs_val/2]). -export([qs_val/3]). -export([qs_vals/1]). -export([fragment/1]). -export([host_url/1]). -export([url/1]). -export([binding/2]). -export([binding/3]). -export([bindings/1]). -export([header/2]). -export([header/3]). -export([headers/1]). -export([parse_header/2]). -export([parse_header/3]). -export([cookie/2]). -export([cookie/3]). -export([cookies/1]). -export([meta/2]). -export([meta/3]). -export([set_meta/3]). %% Request body API. -export([has_body/1]). -export([body_length/1]). -export([init_stream/4]). -export([stream_body/1]). -export([skip_body/1]). -export([body/1]). -export([body_qs/1]). -export([multipart_data/1]). -export([multipart_skip/1]). %% Response API. -export([set_resp_cookie/4]). -export([set_resp_header/3]). -export([set_resp_body/2]). -export([set_resp_body_fun/2]). -export([set_resp_body_fun/3]). -export([has_resp_header/2]). -export([has_resp_body/1]). -export([delete_resp_header/2]). -export([reply/2]). -export([reply/3]). -export([reply/4]). -export([chunked_reply/2]). -export([chunked_reply/3]). -export([chunk/2]). -export([upgrade_reply/3]). -export([ensure_response/2]). %% Private setter/getter API. -export([get/2]). -export([set/2]). -export([set_bindings/4]). %% Misc API. -export([compact/1]). -export([lock/1]). -export([to_list/1]). -ifdef(TEST). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -endif. -type cookie_option() :: {max_age, non_neg_integer()} | {domain, binary()} | {path, binary()} | {secure, boolean()} | {http_only, boolean()}. -type cookie_opts() :: [cookie_option()]. -export_type([cookie_opts/0]). -type resp_body_fun() :: fun((inet:socket(), module()) -> ok). -record(http_req, { %% Transport. socket = undefined :: undefined | inet:socket(), transport = undefined :: undefined | module(), connection = keepalive :: keepalive | close, %% Request. pid = undefined :: pid(), method = <<"GET">> :: binary(), version = {1, 1} :: cowboy_http:version(), peer = undefined :: undefined | {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}, host = undefined :: undefined | binary(), host_info = undefined :: undefined | cowboy_router:tokens(), port = undefined :: undefined | inet:port_number(), path = undefined :: binary(), path_info = undefined :: undefined | cowboy_router:tokens(), qs = undefined :: binary(), qs_vals = undefined :: undefined | list({binary(), binary() | true}), fragment = undefined :: binary(), bindings = undefined :: undefined | cowboy_router:bindings(), headers = [] :: cowboy_http:headers(), p_headers = [] :: [any()], %% @todo Improve those specs. cookies = undefined :: undefined | [{binary(), binary()}], meta = [] :: [{atom(), any()}], %% Request body. body_state = waiting :: waiting | done | {stream, fun(), any(), fun()}, multipart = undefined :: undefined | {non_neg_integer(), fun()}, buffer = <<>> :: binary(), %% Response. resp_compress = false :: boolean(), resp_state = waiting :: locked | waiting | chunks | done, resp_headers = [] :: cowboy_http:headers(), resp_body = <<>> :: iodata() | resp_body_fun() | {non_neg_integer(), resp_body_fun()}, %% Functions. onresponse = undefined :: undefined | already_called | cowboy_protocol:onresponse_fun() }). -opaque req() :: #http_req{}. -export_type([req/0]). %% Request API. %% @doc Create a new HTTP Req object. %% %% This function takes care of setting the owner's pid to self(). %% @private %% %% Since we always need to parse the Connection header, we do it %% in an optimized way and add the parsed value to p_headers' cache. -spec new(inet:socket(), module(), binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(), cowboy_http:version(), cowboy_http:headers(), binary(), inet:port_number() | undefined, binary(), boolean(), boolean(), undefined | cowboy_protocol:onresponse_fun()) -> req(). new(Socket, Transport, Method, Path, Query, Fragment, Version, Headers, Host, Port, Buffer, CanKeepalive, Compress, OnResponse) -> Req = #http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, pid=self(), method=Method, path=Path, qs=Query, fragment=Fragment, version=Version, headers=Headers, host=Host, port=Port, buffer=Buffer, resp_compress=Compress, onresponse=OnResponse}, case CanKeepalive and (Version =:= {1, 1}) of false -> Req#http_req{connection=close}; true -> case lists:keyfind(<<"connection">>, 1, Headers) of false -> Req; %% keepalive {_, ConnectionHeader} -> Tokens = parse_connection_before(ConnectionHeader, []), Connection = connection_to_atom(Tokens), Req#http_req{connection=Connection, p_headers=[{<<"connection">>, Tokens}]} end end. %% @doc Return the HTTP method of the request. -spec method(Req) -> {binary(), Req} when Req::req(). method(Req) -> {Req#http_req.method, Req}. %% @doc Return the HTTP version used for the request. -spec version(Req) -> {cowboy_http:version(), Req} when Req::req(). version(Req) -> {Req#http_req.version, Req}. %% @doc Return the peer address and port number of the remote host. -spec peer(Req) -> {{inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}, Req} when Req::req(). peer(Req=#http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, peer=undefined}) -> {ok, Peer} = Transport:peername(Socket), {Peer, Req#http_req{peer=Peer}}; peer(Req) -> {Req#http_req.peer, Req}. %% @doc Returns the peer address calculated from headers. -spec peer_addr(Req) -> {inet:ip_address(), Req} when Req::req(). peer_addr(Req = #http_req{}) -> {RealIp, Req1} = header(<<"x-real-ip">>, Req), {ForwardedForRaw, Req2} = header(<<"x-forwarded-for">>, Req1), {{PeerIp, _PeerPort}, Req3} = peer(Req2), ForwardedFor = case ForwardedForRaw of undefined -> undefined; ForwardedForRaw -> case re:run(ForwardedForRaw, "^(?[^\\,]+)", [{capture, [first_ip], binary}]) of {match, [FirstIp]} -> FirstIp; _Any -> undefined end end, {ok, PeerAddr} = if is_binary(RealIp) -> inet_parse:address(binary_to_list(RealIp)); is_binary(ForwardedFor) -> inet_parse:address(binary_to_list(ForwardedFor)); true -> {ok, PeerIp} end, {PeerAddr, Req3}. %% @doc Return the host binary string. -spec host(Req) -> {binary(), Req} when Req::req(). host(Req) -> {Req#http_req.host, Req}. %% @doc Return the extra host information obtained from partially matching %% the hostname using '...'. -spec host_info(Req) -> {cowboy_router:tokens() | undefined, Req} when Req::req(). host_info(Req) -> {Req#http_req.host_info, Req}. %% @doc Return the port used for this request. -spec port(Req) -> {inet:port_number(), Req} when Req::req(). port(Req) -> {Req#http_req.port, Req}. %% @doc Return the path binary string. -spec path(Req) -> {binary(), Req} when Req::req(). path(Req) -> {Req#http_req.path, Req}. %% @doc Return the extra path information obtained from partially matching %% the patch using '...'. -spec path_info(Req) -> {cowboy_router:tokens() | undefined, Req} when Req::req(). path_info(Req) -> {Req#http_req.path_info, Req}. %% @doc Return the raw query string directly taken from the request. -spec qs(Req) -> {binary(), Req} when Req::req(). qs(Req) -> {Req#http_req.qs, Req}. %% @equiv qs_val(Name, Req, undefined) -spec qs_val(binary(), Req) -> {binary() | true | undefined, Req} when Req::req(). qs_val(Name, Req) when is_binary(Name) -> qs_val(Name, Req, undefined). %% @doc Return the query string value for the given key, or a default if %% missing. -spec qs_val(binary(), Req, Default) -> {binary() | true | Default, Req} when Req::req(), Default::any(). qs_val(Name, Req=#http_req{qs=RawQs, qs_vals=undefined}, Default) when is_binary(Name) -> QsVals = cowboy_http:x_www_form_urlencoded(RawQs), qs_val(Name, Req#http_req{qs_vals=QsVals}, Default); qs_val(Name, Req, Default) -> case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Req#http_req.qs_vals) of {Name, Value} -> {Value, Req}; false -> {Default, Req} end. %% @doc Return the full list of query string values. -spec qs_vals(Req) -> {list({binary(), binary() | true}), Req} when Req::req(). qs_vals(Req=#http_req{qs=RawQs, qs_vals=undefined}) -> QsVals = cowboy_http:x_www_form_urlencoded(RawQs), qs_vals(Req#http_req{qs_vals=QsVals}); qs_vals(Req=#http_req{qs_vals=QsVals}) -> {QsVals, Req}. %% @doc Return the raw fragment directly taken from the request. -spec fragment(Req) -> {binary(), Req} when Req::req(). fragment(Req) -> {Req#http_req.fragment, Req}. %% @doc Return the request URL as a binary without the path and query string. %% %% The URL includes the scheme, host and port only. %% @see cowboy_req:url/1 -spec host_url(Req) -> {undefined | binary(), Req} when Req::req(). host_url(Req=#http_req{port=undefined}) -> {undefined, Req}; host_url(Req=#http_req{transport=Transport, host=Host, port=Port}) -> TransportName = Transport:name(), Secure = case TransportName of ssl -> <<"s">>; _ -> <<>> end, PortBin = case {TransportName, Port} of {ssl, 443} -> <<>>; {tcp, 80} -> <<>>; _ -> << ":", (list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Port)))/binary >> end, {<< "http", Secure/binary, "://", Host/binary, PortBin/binary >>, Req}. %% @doc Return the full request URL as a binary. %% %% The URL includes the scheme, host, port, path, query string and fragment. -spec url(Req) -> {undefined | binary(), Req} when Req::req(). url(Req=#http_req{}) -> {HostURL, Req2} = host_url(Req), url(HostURL, Req2). url(undefined, Req=#http_req{}) -> {undefined, Req}; url(HostURL, Req=#http_req{path=Path, qs=QS, fragment=Fragment}) -> QS2 = case QS of <<>> -> <<>>; _ -> << "?", QS/binary >> end, Fragment2 = case Fragment of <<>> -> <<>>; _ -> << "#", Fragment/binary >> end, {<< HostURL/binary, Path/binary, QS2/binary, Fragment2/binary >>, Req}. %% @equiv binding(Name, Req, undefined) -spec binding(atom(), Req) -> {binary() | undefined, Req} when Req::req(). binding(Name, Req) when is_atom(Name) -> binding(Name, Req, undefined). %% @doc Return the binding value for the given key obtained when matching %% the host and path against the dispatch list, or a default if missing. -spec binding(atom(), Req, Default) -> {binary() | Default, Req} when Req::req(), Default::any(). binding(Name, Req, Default) when is_atom(Name) -> case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Req#http_req.bindings) of {Name, Value} -> {Value, Req}; false -> {Default, Req} end. %% @doc Return the full list of binding values. -spec bindings(Req) -> {list({atom(), binary()}), Req} when Req::req(). bindings(Req) -> {Req#http_req.bindings, Req}. %% @equiv header(Name, Req, undefined) -spec header(binary(), Req) -> {binary() | undefined, Req} when Req::req(). header(Name, Req) -> header(Name, Req, undefined). %% @doc Return the header value for the given key, or a default if missing. -spec header(binary(), Req, Default) -> {binary() | Default, Req} when Req::req(), Default::any(). header(Name, Req, Default) -> case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Req#http_req.headers) of {Name, Value} -> {Value, Req}; false -> {Default, Req} end. %% @doc Return the full list of headers. -spec headers(Req) -> {cowboy_http:headers(), Req} when Req::req(). headers(Req) -> {Req#http_req.headers, Req}. %% @doc Semantically parse headers. %% %% When the value isn't found, a proper default value for the type %% returned is used as a return value. %% @see parse_header/3 -spec parse_header(binary(), Req) -> {ok, any(), Req} | {undefined, binary(), Req} | {error, badarg} when Req::req(). parse_header(Name, Req=#http_req{p_headers=PHeaders}) -> case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, PHeaders) of false -> parse_header(Name, Req, parse_header_default(Name)); {Name, Value} -> {ok, Value, Req} end. %% @doc Default values for semantic header parsing. -spec parse_header_default(binary()) -> any(). parse_header_default(<<"transfer-encoding">>) -> [<<"identity">>]; parse_header_default(_Name) -> undefined. %% @doc Semantically parse headers. %% %% When the header is unknown, the value is returned directly without parsing. -spec parse_header(binary(), Req, any()) -> {ok, any(), Req} | {undefined, binary(), Req} | {error, badarg} when Req::req(). parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"accept">> -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun (Value) -> cowboy_http:list(Value, fun cowboy_http:media_range/2) end); parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"accept-charset">> -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun (Value) -> cowboy_http:nonempty_list(Value, fun cowboy_http:conneg/2) end); parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"accept-encoding">> -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun (Value) -> cowboy_http:list(Value, fun cowboy_http:conneg/2) end); parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"accept-language">> -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun (Value) -> cowboy_http:nonempty_list(Value, fun cowboy_http:language_range/2) end); parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"authorization">> -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun (Value) -> cowboy_http:token_ci(Value, fun cowboy_http:authorization/2) end); parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"content-length">> -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun cowboy_http:digits/1); parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"content-type">> -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun cowboy_http:content_type/1); parse_header(Name = <<"cookie">>, Req, Default) -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun cowboy_http:cookie_list/1); parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"expect">> -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun (Value) -> cowboy_http:nonempty_list(Value, fun cowboy_http:expectation/2) end); parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"if-match">>; Name =:= <<"if-none-match">> -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun cowboy_http:entity_tag_match/1); parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"if-modified-since">>; Name =:= <<"if-unmodified-since">> -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun cowboy_http:http_date/1); parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"sec-websocket-protocol">> -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun (Value) -> cowboy_http:nonempty_list(Value, fun cowboy_http:token/2) end); %% @todo Extension parameters. parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"transfer-encoding">> -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun (Value) -> cowboy_http:nonempty_list(Value, fun cowboy_http:token_ci/2) end); parse_header(Name, Req, Default) when Name =:= <<"upgrade">> -> parse_header(Name, Req, Default, fun (Value) -> cowboy_http:nonempty_list(Value, fun cowboy_http:token_ci/2) end); parse_header(Name, Req, Default) -> {Value, Req2} = header(Name, Req, Default), {undefined, Value, Req2}. parse_header(Name, Req=#http_req{p_headers=PHeaders}, Default, Fun) -> case header(Name, Req) of {undefined, Req2} -> {ok, Default, Req2#http_req{p_headers=[{Name, Default}|PHeaders]}}; {Value, Req2} -> case Fun(Value) of {error, badarg} -> {error, badarg}; P -> {ok, P, Req2#http_req{p_headers=[{Name, P}|PHeaders]}} end end. %% @equiv cookie(Name, Req, undefined) -spec cookie(binary(), Req) -> {binary() | true | undefined, Req} when Req::req(). cookie(Name, Req) when is_binary(Name) -> cookie(Name, Req, undefined). %% @doc Return the cookie value for the given key, or a default if %% missing. -spec cookie(binary(), Req, Default) -> {binary() | true | Default, Req} when Req::req(), Default::any(). cookie(Name, Req=#http_req{cookies=undefined}, Default) when is_binary(Name) -> case parse_header(<<"cookie">>, Req) of {ok, undefined, Req2} -> {Default, Req2#http_req{cookies=[]}}; {ok, Cookies, Req2} -> cookie(Name, Req2#http_req{cookies=Cookies}, Default) end; cookie(Name, Req, Default) -> case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Req#http_req.cookies) of {Name, Value} -> {Value, Req}; false -> {Default, Req} end. %% @doc Return the full list of cookie values. -spec cookies(Req) -> {list({binary(), binary() | true}), Req} when Req::req(). cookies(Req=#http_req{cookies=undefined}) -> case parse_header(<<"cookie">>, Req) of {ok, undefined, Req2} -> {[], Req2#http_req{cookies=[]}}; {ok, Cookies, Req2} -> cookies(Req2#http_req{cookies=Cookies}) end; cookies(Req=#http_req{cookies=Cookies}) -> {Cookies, Req}. %% @equiv meta(Name, Req, undefined) -spec meta(atom(), Req) -> {any() | undefined, Req} when Req::req(). meta(Name, Req) -> meta(Name, Req, undefined). %% @doc Return metadata information about the request. %% %% Metadata information varies from one protocol to another. Websockets %% would define the protocol version here, while REST would use it to %% indicate which media type, language and charset were retained. -spec meta(atom(), Req, any()) -> {any(), Req} when Req::req(). meta(Name, Req, Default) -> case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Req#http_req.meta) of {Name, Value} -> {Value, Req}; false -> {Default, Req} end. %% @doc Set metadata information. %% %% You can use this function to attach information about the request. %% %% If the value already exists it will be overwritten. -spec set_meta(atom(), any(), Req) -> Req when Req::req(). set_meta(Name, Value, Req=#http_req{meta=Meta}) -> Req#http_req{meta=[{Name, Value}|lists:keydelete(Name, 1, Meta)]}. %% Request Body API. %% @doc Return whether the request message has a body. -spec has_body(cowboy_req:req()) -> boolean(). has_body(Req) -> lists:keymember(<<"content-length">>, 1, Req#http_req.headers) orelse lists:keymember(<<"transfer-encoding">>, 1, Req#http_req.headers). %% @doc Return the request message body length, if known. %% %% The length may not be known if Transfer-Encoding is not identity, %% and the body hasn't been read at the time of the call. -spec body_length(Req) -> {undefined | non_neg_integer(), Req} when Req::req(). body_length(Req) -> case lists:keymember(<<"transfer-encoding">>, 1, Req#http_req.headers) of true -> {undefined, Req}; false -> {ok, Length, Req2} = parse_header(<<"content-length">>, Req, 0), {Length, Req2} end. %% @doc Initialize body streaming and set custom decoding functions. %% %% Calling this function is optional. It should only be used if you %% need to override the default behavior of Cowboy. Otherwise you %% should call stream_body/1 directly. %% %% Two decodings happen. First a decoding function is applied to the %% transferred data, and then another is applied to the actual content. %% %% Transfer encoding is generally used for chunked bodies. The decoding %% function uses a state to keep track of how much it has read, which is %% also initialized through this function. %% %% Content encoding is generally used for compression. %% %% Standard encodings can be found in cowboy_http. -spec init_stream(fun(), any(), fun(), Req) -> {ok, Req} when Req::req(). init_stream(TransferDecode, TransferState, ContentDecode, Req) -> {ok, Req#http_req{body_state= {stream, TransferDecode, TransferState, ContentDecode}}}. %% @doc Stream the request's body. %% %% This is the most low level function to read the request body. %% %% In most cases, if they weren't defined before using stream_body/4, %% this function will guess which transfer and content encodings were %% used for building the request body, and configure the decoding %% functions that will be used when streaming. %% %% It then starts streaming the body, returning {ok, Data, Req} %% for each streamed part, and {done, Req} when it's finished streaming. -spec stream_body(Req) -> {ok, binary(), Req} | {done, Req} | {error, atom()} when Req::req(). stream_body(Req=#http_req{body_state=waiting, version=Version, transport=Transport, socket=Socket}) -> case parse_header(<<"expect">>, Req) of {ok, [<<"100-continue">>], Req1} -> HTTPVer = cowboy_http:version_to_binary(Version), Transport:send(Socket, << HTTPVer/binary, " ", (status(100))/binary, "\r\n\r\n" >>); {ok, undefined, Req1} -> ok end, case parse_header(<<"transfer-encoding">>, Req1) of {ok, [<<"chunked">>], Req2} -> stream_body(Req2#http_req{body_state= {stream, fun cowboy_http:te_chunked/2, {0, 0}, fun cowboy_http:ce_identity/1}}); {ok, [<<"identity">>], Req2} -> {Length, Req3} = body_length(Req2), case Length of 0 -> {done, Req3#http_req{body_state=done}}; Length -> stream_body(Req3#http_req{body_state= {stream, fun cowboy_http:te_identity/2, {0, Length}, fun cowboy_http:ce_identity/1}}) end end; stream_body(Req=#http_req{buffer=Buffer, body_state={stream, _, _, _}}) when Buffer =/= <<>> -> transfer_decode(Buffer, Req#http_req{buffer= <<>>}); stream_body(Req=#http_req{body_state={stream, _, _, _}}) -> stream_body_recv(0, Req); stream_body(Req=#http_req{body_state=done}) -> {done, Req}. -spec stream_body_recv(non_neg_integer(), Req) -> {ok, binary(), Req} | {error, atom()} when Req::req(). stream_body_recv(Length, Req=#http_req{ transport=Transport, socket=Socket, buffer=Buffer}) -> %% @todo Allow configuring the timeout. case Transport:recv(Socket, Length, 5000) of {ok, Data} -> transfer_decode(<< Buffer/binary, Data/binary >>, Req#http_req{buffer= <<>>}); {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. -spec transfer_decode(binary(), Req) -> {ok, binary(), Req} | {error, atom()} when Req::req(). transfer_decode(Data, Req=#http_req{ body_state={stream, TransferDecode, TransferState, ContentDecode}}) -> case TransferDecode(Data, TransferState) of {ok, Data2, TransferState2} -> content_decode(ContentDecode, Data2, Req#http_req{body_state= {stream, TransferDecode, TransferState2, ContentDecode}}); {ok, Data2, Rest, TransferState2} -> content_decode(ContentDecode, Data2, Req#http_req{ buffer=Rest, body_state= {stream, TransferDecode, TransferState2, ContentDecode}}); %% @todo {header(s) for chunked more -> stream_body_recv(0, Req#http_req{buffer=Data}); {more, Length, Rest, TransferState2} -> stream_body_recv(Length, Req#http_req{buffer=Rest, body_state= {stream, TransferDecode, TransferState2, ContentDecode}}); {done, Length, Rest} -> Req2 = transfer_decode_done(Length, Rest, Req), {done, Req2}; {done, Data2, Length, Rest} -> Req2 = transfer_decode_done(Length, Rest, Req), content_decode(ContentDecode, Data2, Req2); {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. -spec transfer_decode_done(non_neg_integer(), binary(), Req) -> Req when Req::req(). transfer_decode_done(Length, Rest, Req=#http_req{ headers=Headers, p_headers=PHeaders}) -> Headers2 = lists:keystore(<<"content-length">>, 1, Headers, {<<"content-length">>, list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Length))}), %% At this point we just assume TEs were all decoded. Headers3 = lists:keydelete(<<"transfer-encoding">>, 1, Headers2), PHeaders2 = lists:keystore(<<"content-length">>, 1, PHeaders, {<<"content-length">>, Length}), PHeaders3 = lists:keydelete(<<"transfer-encoding">>, 1, PHeaders2), Req#http_req{buffer=Rest, body_state=done, headers=Headers3, p_headers=PHeaders3}. %% @todo Probably needs a Rest. -spec content_decode(fun(), binary(), Req) -> {ok, binary(), Req} | {error, atom()} when Req::req(). content_decode(ContentDecode, Data, Req) -> case ContentDecode(Data) of {ok, Data2} -> {ok, Data2, Req}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. %% @doc Return the full body sent with the request. -spec body(Req) -> {ok, binary(), Req} | {error, atom()} when Req::req(). body(Req) -> body(Req, <<>>). -spec body(Req, binary()) -> {ok, binary(), Req} | {error, atom()} when Req::req(). body(Req, Acc) -> case stream_body(Req) of {ok, Data, Req2} -> body(Req2, << Acc/binary, Data/binary >>); {done, Req2} -> {ok, Acc, Req2}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. -spec skip_body(Req) -> {ok, Req} | {error, atom()} when Req::req(). skip_body(Req) -> case stream_body(Req) of {ok, _, Req2} -> skip_body(Req2); {done, Req2} -> {ok, Req2}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. %% @doc Return the full body sent with the request, parsed as an %% application/x-www-form-urlencoded string. Essentially a POST query string. -spec body_qs(Req) -> {ok, [{binary(), binary() | true}], Req} | {error, atom()} when Req::req(). body_qs(Req) -> case body(Req) of {ok, Body, Req2} -> {ok, cowboy_http:x_www_form_urlencoded(Body), Req2}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. %% Multipart Request API. %% @doc Return data from the multipart parser. %% %% Use this function for multipart streaming. For each part in the request, %% this function returns {headers, Headers} followed by a sequence of %% {body, Data} tuples and finally end_of_part. When there %% is no part to parse anymore, eof is returned. %% %% If the request Content-Type is not a multipart one, {error, badarg} %% is returned. -spec multipart_data(Req) -> {headers, cowboy_http:headers(), Req} | {body, binary(), Req} | {end_of_part | eof, Req} when Req::req(). multipart_data(Req=#http_req{body_state=waiting}) -> {ok, {<<"multipart">>, _SubType, Params}, Req2} = parse_header(<<"content-type">>, Req), {_, Boundary} = lists:keyfind(<<"boundary">>, 1, Params), {ok, Length, Req3} = parse_header(<<"content-length">>, Req2), multipart_data(Req3, Length, {more, cowboy_multipart:parser(Boundary)}); multipart_data(Req=#http_req{multipart={Length, Cont}}) -> multipart_data(Req, Length, Cont()); multipart_data(Req=#http_req{body_state=done}) -> {eof, Req}. multipart_data(Req, Length, {headers, Headers, Cont}) -> {headers, Headers, Req#http_req{multipart={Length, Cont}}}; multipart_data(Req, Length, {body, Data, Cont}) -> {body, Data, Req#http_req{multipart={Length, Cont}}}; multipart_data(Req, Length, {end_of_part, Cont}) -> {end_of_part, Req#http_req{multipart={Length, Cont}}}; multipart_data(Req, 0, eof) -> {eof, Req#http_req{body_state=done, multipart=undefined}}; multipart_data(Req=#http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, Length, eof) -> %% We just want to skip so no need to stream data here. {ok, _Data} = Transport:recv(Socket, Length, 5000), {eof, Req#http_req{body_state=done, multipart=undefined}}; multipart_data(Req, Length, {more, Parser}) when Length > 0 -> case stream_body(Req) of {ok, << Data:Length/binary, Buffer/binary >>, Req2} -> multipart_data(Req2#http_req{buffer=Buffer}, 0, Parser(Data)); {ok, Data, Req2} -> multipart_data(Req2, Length - byte_size(Data), Parser(Data)) end. %% @doc Skip a part returned by the multipart parser. %% %% This function repeatedly calls multipart_data/1 until %% end_of_part or eof is parsed. -spec multipart_skip(Req) -> {ok, Req} when Req::req(). multipart_skip(Req) -> case multipart_data(Req) of {end_of_part, Req2} -> {ok, Req2}; {eof, Req2} -> {ok, Req2}; {_, _, Req2} -> multipart_skip(Req2) end. %% Response API. %% @doc Add a cookie header to the response. %% %% The cookie name cannot contain any of the following characters: %% =,;\s\t\r\n\013\014 %% %% The cookie value cannot contain any of the following characters: %% ,; \t\r\n\013\014 -spec set_resp_cookie(iodata(), iodata(), cookie_opts(), Req) -> Req when Req::req(). set_resp_cookie(Name, Value, Opts, Req) -> Cookie = cowboy_http:cookie_to_iodata(Name, Value, Opts), set_resp_header(<<"set-cookie">>, Cookie, Req). %% @doc Add a header to the response. -spec set_resp_header(binary(), iodata(), Req) -> Req when Req::req(). set_resp_header(Name, Value, Req=#http_req{resp_headers=RespHeaders}) -> Req#http_req{resp_headers=[{Name, Value}|RespHeaders]}. %% @doc Add a body to the response. %% %% The body set here is ignored if the response is later sent using %% anything other than reply/2 or reply/3. The response body is expected %% to be a binary or an iolist. -spec set_resp_body(iodata(), Req) -> Req when Req::req(). set_resp_body(Body, Req) -> Req#http_req{resp_body=Body}. %% @doc Add a body stream function to the response. %% %% The body set here is ignored if the response is later sent using %% anything other than reply/2 or reply/3. %% %% Setting a response stream function without a length means that the %% body will be sent until the connection is closed. Cowboy will make %% sure that the connection is closed with no extra step required. %% %% To inform the client that a body has been sent with this request, %% Cowboy will add a "Transfer-Encoding: identity" header to the %% response. -spec set_resp_body_fun(resp_body_fun(), Req) -> Req when Req::req(). set_resp_body_fun(StreamFun, Req) -> Req#http_req{resp_body=StreamFun}. %% @doc Add a body function to the response. %% %% The body set here is ignored if the response is later sent using %% anything other than reply/2 or reply/3. %% %% Cowboy will call the given response stream function after sending the %% headers. This function must send the specified number of bytes to the %% socket it will receive as argument. %% %% If the body function crashes while writing the response body or writes %% fewer bytes than declared the behaviour is undefined. -spec set_resp_body_fun(non_neg_integer(), resp_body_fun(), Req) -> Req when Req::req(). set_resp_body_fun(StreamLen, StreamFun, Req) -> Req#http_req{resp_body={StreamLen, StreamFun}}. %% @doc Return whether the given header has been set for the response. -spec has_resp_header(binary(), req()) -> boolean(). has_resp_header(Name, #http_req{resp_headers=RespHeaders}) -> lists:keymember(Name, 1, RespHeaders). %% @doc Return whether a body has been set for the response. -spec has_resp_body(req()) -> boolean(). has_resp_body(#http_req{resp_body=RespBody}) when is_function(RespBody) -> true; has_resp_body(#http_req{resp_body={Length, _}}) -> Length > 0; has_resp_body(#http_req{resp_body=RespBody}) -> iolist_size(RespBody) > 0. %% Remove a header previously set for the response. -spec delete_resp_header(binary(), Req) -> Req when Req::req(). delete_resp_header(Name, Req=#http_req{resp_headers=RespHeaders}) -> RespHeaders2 = lists:keydelete(Name, 1, RespHeaders), Req#http_req{resp_headers=RespHeaders2}. %% @equiv reply(Status, [], [], Req) -spec reply(cowboy_http:status(), Req) -> {ok, Req} when Req::req(). reply(Status, Req=#http_req{resp_body=Body}) -> reply(Status, [], Body, Req). %% @equiv reply(Status, Headers, [], Req) -spec reply(cowboy_http:status(), cowboy_http:headers(), Req) -> {ok, Req} when Req::req(). reply(Status, Headers, Req=#http_req{resp_body=Body}) -> reply(Status, Headers, Body, Req). %% @doc Send a reply to the client. -spec reply(cowboy_http:status(), cowboy_http:headers(), iodata() | {non_neg_integer() | resp_body_fun()}, Req) -> {ok, Req} when Req::req(). reply(Status, Headers, Body, Req=#http_req{ socket=Socket, transport=Transport, version=Version, connection=Connection, method=Method, resp_compress=Compress, resp_state=waiting, resp_headers=RespHeaders}) -> RespConn = response_connection(Headers, Connection), HTTP11Headers = case Version of {1, 1} -> [{<<"connection">>, atom_to_connection(Connection)}]; _ -> [] end, case Body of BodyFun when is_function(BodyFun) -> %% We stream the response body until we close the connection. {RespType, Req2} = response(Status, Headers, RespHeaders, [ {<<"connection">>, <<"close">>}, {<<"date">>, cowboy_clock:rfc1123()}, {<<"server">>, <<"Cowboy">>}, {<<"transfer-encoding">>, <<"identity">>} ], <<>>, Req#http_req{connection=close}), if RespType =/= hook, Method =/= <<"HEAD">> -> BodyFun(Socket, Transport); true -> ok end; {ContentLength, BodyFun} -> %% We stream the response body for ContentLength bytes. {RespType, Req2} = response(Status, Headers, RespHeaders, [ {<<"content-length">>, integer_to_list(ContentLength)}, {<<"date">>, cowboy_clock:rfc1123()}, {<<"server">>, <<"Cowboy">>} |HTTP11Headers], <<>>, Req), if RespType =/= hook, Method =/= <<"HEAD">> -> BodyFun(Socket, Transport); true -> ok end; _ when Compress -> Req2 = reply_may_compress(Status, Headers, Body, Req, RespHeaders, HTTP11Headers, Method); _ -> Req2 = reply_no_compress(Status, Headers, Body, Req, RespHeaders, HTTP11Headers, Method, iolist_size(Body)) end, {ok, Req2#http_req{connection=RespConn, resp_state=done, resp_headers=[], resp_body= <<>>}}. reply_may_compress(Status, Headers, Body, Req, RespHeaders, HTTP11Headers, Method) -> BodySize = iolist_size(Body), {ok, Encodings, Req2} = cowboy_req:parse_header(<<"accept-encoding">>, Req), CanGzip = (BodySize > 300) andalso (false =:= lists:keyfind(<<"content-encoding">>, 1, Headers)) andalso (false =:= lists:keyfind(<<"content-encoding">>, 1, RespHeaders)) andalso (false =:= lists:keyfind(<<"transfer-encoding">>, 1, Headers)) andalso (false =:= lists:keyfind(<<"transfer-encoding">>, 1, RespHeaders)) andalso (Encodings =/= undefined) andalso (false =/= lists:keyfind(<<"gzip">>, 1, Encodings)), case CanGzip of true -> GzBody = zlib:gzip(Body), {_, Req3} = response(Status, Headers, RespHeaders, [ {<<"content-length">>, integer_to_list(byte_size(GzBody))}, {<<"content-encoding">>, <<"gzip">>}, {<<"date">>, cowboy_clock:rfc1123()}, {<<"server">>, <<"Cowboy">>} |HTTP11Headers], case Method of <<"HEAD">> -> <<>>; _ -> GzBody end, Req2), Req3; false -> reply_no_compress(Status, Headers, Body, Req, RespHeaders, HTTP11Headers, Method, BodySize) end. reply_no_compress(Status, Headers, Body, Req, RespHeaders, HTTP11Headers, Method, BodySize) -> {_, Req2} = response(Status, Headers, RespHeaders, [ {<<"content-length">>, integer_to_list(BodySize)}, {<<"date">>, cowboy_clock:rfc1123()}, {<<"server">>, <<"Cowboy">>} |HTTP11Headers], case Method of <<"HEAD">> -> <<>>; _ -> Body end, Req), Req2. %% @equiv chunked_reply(Status, [], Req) -spec chunked_reply(cowboy_http:status(), Req) -> {ok, Req} when Req::req(). chunked_reply(Status, Req) -> chunked_reply(Status, [], Req). %% @doc Initiate the sending of a chunked reply to the client. %% @see cowboy_req:chunk/2 -spec chunked_reply(cowboy_http:status(), cowboy_http:headers(), Req) -> {ok, Req} when Req::req(). chunked_reply(Status, Headers, Req=#http_req{ version=Version, connection=Connection, resp_state=waiting, resp_headers=RespHeaders}) -> RespConn = response_connection(Headers, Connection), HTTP11Headers = case Version of {1, 1} -> [ {<<"connection">>, atom_to_connection(Connection)}, {<<"transfer-encoding">>, <<"chunked">>}]; _ -> [] end, {_, Req2} = response(Status, Headers, RespHeaders, [ {<<"date">>, cowboy_clock:rfc1123()}, {<<"server">>, <<"Cowboy">>} |HTTP11Headers], <<>>, Req), {ok, Req2#http_req{connection=RespConn, resp_state=chunks, resp_headers=[], resp_body= <<>>}}. %% @doc Send a chunk of data. %% %% A chunked reply must have been initiated before calling this function. -spec chunk(iodata(), req()) -> ok | {error, atom()}. chunk(_Data, #http_req{method= <<"HEAD">>}) -> ok; chunk(Data, #http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, version={1, 0}}) -> Transport:send(Socket, Data); chunk(Data, #http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, resp_state=chunks}) -> Transport:send(Socket, [integer_to_list(iolist_size(Data), 16), <<"\r\n">>, Data, <<"\r\n">>]). %% @doc Send an upgrade reply. %% @private -spec upgrade_reply(cowboy_http:status(), cowboy_http:headers(), Req) -> {ok, Req} when Req::req(). upgrade_reply(Status, Headers, Req=#http_req{ resp_state=waiting, resp_headers=RespHeaders}) -> {_, Req2} = response(Status, Headers, RespHeaders, [ {<<"connection">>, <<"Upgrade">>} ], <<>>, Req), {ok, Req2#http_req{resp_state=done, resp_headers=[], resp_body= <<>>}}. %% @doc Ensure the response has been sent fully. %% @private -spec ensure_response(req(), cowboy_http:status()) -> ok. %% The response has already been fully sent to the client. ensure_response(#http_req{resp_state=done}, _) -> ok; %% No response has been sent but everything apparently went fine. %% Reply with the status code found in the second argument. ensure_response(Req=#http_req{resp_state=waiting}, Status) -> _ = reply(Status, [], [], Req), ok; %% Terminate the chunked body for HTTP/1.1 only. ensure_response(#http_req{method= <<"HEAD">>, resp_state=chunks}, _) -> ok; ensure_response(#http_req{version={1, 0}, resp_state=chunks}, _) -> ok; ensure_response(#http_req{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, resp_state=chunks}, _) -> Transport:send(Socket, <<"0\r\n\r\n">>), ok. %% Private setter/getter API. %% @private -spec get(atom(), req()) -> any(); ([atom()], req()) -> any(). get(List, Req) when is_list(List) -> [g(Atom, Req) || Atom <- List]; get(Atom, Req) when is_atom(Atom) -> g(Atom, Req). g(bindings, #http_req{bindings=Ret}) -> Ret; g(body_state, #http_req{body_state=Ret}) -> Ret; g(buffer, #http_req{buffer=Ret}) -> Ret; g(connection, #http_req{connection=Ret}) -> Ret; g(cookies, #http_req{cookies=Ret}) -> Ret; g(fragment, #http_req{fragment=Ret}) -> Ret; g(headers, #http_req{headers=Ret}) -> Ret; g(host, #http_req{host=Ret}) -> Ret; g(host_info, #http_req{host_info=Ret}) -> Ret; g(meta, #http_req{meta=Ret}) -> Ret; g(method, #http_req{method=Ret}) -> Ret; g(multipart, #http_req{multipart=Ret}) -> Ret; g(onresponse, #http_req{onresponse=Ret}) -> Ret; g(p_headers, #http_req{p_headers=Ret}) -> Ret; g(path, #http_req{path=Ret}) -> Ret; g(path_info, #http_req{path_info=Ret}) -> Ret; g(peer, #http_req{peer=Ret}) -> Ret; g(pid, #http_req{pid=Ret}) -> Ret; g(port, #http_req{port=Ret}) -> Ret; g(qs, #http_req{qs=Ret}) -> Ret; g(qs_vals, #http_req{qs_vals=Ret}) -> Ret; g(resp_body, #http_req{resp_body=Ret}) -> Ret; g(resp_headers, #http_req{resp_headers=Ret}) -> Ret; g(resp_state, #http_req{resp_state=Ret}) -> Ret; g(socket, #http_req{socket=Ret}) -> Ret; g(transport, #http_req{transport=Ret}) -> Ret; g(version, #http_req{version=Ret}) -> Ret. %% @private -spec set([{atom(), any()}], Req) -> Req when Req::req(). set([], Req) -> Req; set([{bindings, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{bindings=Val}); set([{body_state, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{body_state=Val}); set([{buffer, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{buffer=Val}); set([{connection, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{connection=Val}); set([{cookies, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{cookies=Val}); set([{fragment, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{fragment=Val}); set([{headers, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{headers=Val}); set([{host, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{host=Val}); set([{host_info, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{host_info=Val}); set([{meta, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{meta=Val}); set([{method, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{method=Val}); set([{multipart, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{multipart=Val}); set([{onresponse, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{onresponse=Val}); set([{p_headers, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{p_headers=Val}); set([{path, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{path=Val}); set([{path_info, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{path_info=Val}); set([{peer, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{peer=Val}); set([{pid, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{pid=Val}); set([{port, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{port=Val}); set([{qs, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{qs=Val}); set([{qs_vals, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{qs_vals=Val}); set([{resp_body, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{resp_body=Val}); set([{resp_headers, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{resp_headers=Val}); set([{resp_state, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{resp_state=Val}); set([{socket, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{socket=Val}); set([{transport, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{transport=Val}); set([{version, Val}|Tail], Req) -> set(Tail, Req#http_req{version=Val}). %% @private -spec set_bindings(cowboy_router:tokens(), cowboy_router:tokens(), cowboy_router:bindings(), Req) -> Req when Req::req(). set_bindings(HostInfo, PathInfo, Bindings, Req) -> Req#http_req{host_info=HostInfo, path_info=PathInfo, bindings=Bindings}. %% Misc API. %% @doc Compact the request data by removing all non-system information. %% %% This essentially removes the host and path info, query string, bindings, %% headers and cookies. %% %% Use it when you really need to save up memory, for example when having %% many concurrent long-running connections. -spec compact(Req) -> Req when Req::req(). compact(Req) -> Req#http_req{host_info=undefined, path_info=undefined, qs_vals=undefined, bindings=undefined, headers=[], p_headers=[], cookies=[]}. %% @doc Prevent any further responses. %% @private -spec lock(Req) -> Req when Req::req(). lock(Req) -> Req#http_req{resp_state=locked}. %% @doc Convert the Req object to a list of key/values. -spec to_list(req()) -> [{atom(), any()}]. to_list(Req) -> lists:zip(record_info(fields, http_req), tl(tuple_to_list(Req))). %% Internal. -spec response(cowboy_http:status(), cowboy_http:headers(), cowboy_http:headers(), cowboy_http:headers(), iodata(), Req) -> {normal | hook, Req} when Req::req(). response(Status, Headers, RespHeaders, DefaultHeaders, Body, Req=#http_req{ socket=Socket, transport=Transport, version=Version, pid=ReqPid, onresponse=OnResponse}) -> FullHeaders = case OnResponse of already_called -> Headers; _ -> response_merge_headers(Headers, RespHeaders, DefaultHeaders) end, Req2 = case OnResponse of already_called -> Req; undefined -> Req; OnResponse -> OnResponse(Status, FullHeaders, Body, %% Don't call 'onresponse' from the hook itself. Req#http_req{resp_headers=[], resp_body= <<>>, onresponse=already_called}) end, ReplyType = case Req2#http_req.resp_state of waiting -> HTTPVer = cowboy_http:version_to_binary(Version), StatusLine = << HTTPVer/binary, " ", (status(Status))/binary, "\r\n" >>, HeaderLines = [[Key, <<": ">>, Value, <<"\r\n">>] || {Key, Value} <- FullHeaders], Transport:send(Socket, [StatusLine, HeaderLines, <<"\r\n">>, Body]), ReqPid ! {?MODULE, resp_sent}, normal; _ -> hook end, {ReplyType, Req2}. -spec response_connection(cowboy_http:headers(), keepalive | close) -> keepalive | close. response_connection([], Connection) -> Connection; response_connection([{Name, Value}|Tail], Connection) -> case Name of <<"connection">> -> Tokens = parse_connection_before(Value, []), connection_to_atom(Tokens); _ -> response_connection(Tail, Connection) end. -spec response_merge_headers(cowboy_http:headers(), cowboy_http:headers(), cowboy_http:headers()) -> cowboy_http:headers(). response_merge_headers(Headers, RespHeaders, DefaultHeaders) -> Headers2 = [{Key, Value} || {Key, Value} <- Headers], merge_headers( merge_headers(Headers2, RespHeaders), DefaultHeaders). -spec merge_headers(cowboy_http:headers(), cowboy_http:headers()) -> cowboy_http:headers(). %% Merge headers by prepending the tuples in the second list to the %% first list. It also handles Set-Cookie properly, which supports %% duplicated entries. Notice that, while the RFC2109 does allow more %% than one cookie to be set per Set-Cookie header, we are following %% the implementation of common web servers and applications which %% return many distinct headers per each Set-Cookie entry to avoid %% issues with clients/browser which may not support it. merge_headers(Headers, []) -> Headers; merge_headers(Headers, [{<<"set-cookie">>, Value}|Tail]) -> merge_headers([{<<"set-cookie">>, Value}|Headers], Tail); merge_headers(Headers, [{Name, Value}|Tail]) -> Headers2 = case lists:keymember(Name, 1, Headers) of true -> Headers; false -> [{Name, Value}|Headers] end, merge_headers(Headers2, Tail). -spec atom_to_connection(keepalive) -> <<_:80>>; (close) -> <<_:40>>. atom_to_connection(keepalive) -> <<"keep-alive">>; atom_to_connection(close) -> <<"close">>. %% Optimized parsing functions for the Connection header. parse_connection_before(<<>>, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); parse_connection_before(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Acc) when C =:= $,; C =:= $\s; C =:= $\t -> parse_connection_before(Rest, Acc); parse_connection_before(Buffer, Acc) -> parse_connection(Buffer, Acc, <<>>). %% An evil block of code appeared! parse_connection(<<>>, Acc, <<>>) -> lists:reverse(Acc); parse_connection(<<>>, Acc, Token) -> lists:reverse([Token|Acc]); parse_connection(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Acc, Token) when C =:= $,; C =:= $\s; C =:= $\t -> parse_connection_before(Rest, [Token|Acc]); parse_connection(<< C, Rest/bits >>, Acc, Token) -> case C of $A -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $a >>); $B -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $b >>); $C -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $c >>); $D -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $d >>); $E -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $e >>); $F -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $f >>); $G -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $g >>); $H -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $h >>); $I -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $i >>); $J -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $j >>); $K -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $k >>); $L -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $l >>); $M -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $m >>); $N -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $n >>); $O -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $o >>); $P -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $p >>); $Q -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $q >>); $R -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $r >>); $S -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $s >>); $T -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $t >>); $U -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $u >>); $V -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $v >>); $W -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $w >>); $X -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $x >>); $Y -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $y >>); $Z -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, $z >>); C -> parse_connection(Rest, Acc, << Token/binary, C >>) end. %% @doc Walk through a tokens list and return whether %% the connection is keepalive or closed. %% %% We don't match on "keep-alive" since it is the default value. -spec connection_to_atom([binary()]) -> keepalive | close. connection_to_atom([]) -> keepalive; connection_to_atom([<<"close">>|_]) -> close; connection_to_atom([_|Tail]) -> connection_to_atom(Tail). -spec status(cowboy_http:status()) -> binary(). status(100) -> <<"100 Continue">>; status(101) -> <<"101 Switching Protocols">>; status(102) -> <<"102 Processing">>; status(200) -> <<"200 OK">>; status(201) -> <<"201 Created">>; status(202) -> <<"202 Accepted">>; status(203) -> <<"203 Non-Authoritative Information">>; status(204) -> <<"204 No Content">>; status(205) -> <<"205 Reset Content">>; status(206) -> <<"206 Partial Content">>; status(207) -> <<"207 Multi-Status">>; status(226) -> <<"226 IM Used">>; status(300) -> <<"300 Multiple Choices">>; status(301) -> <<"301 Moved Permanently">>; status(302) -> <<"302 Found">>; status(303) -> <<"303 See Other">>; status(304) -> <<"304 Not Modified">>; status(305) -> <<"305 Use Proxy">>; status(306) -> <<"306 Switch Proxy">>; status(307) -> <<"307 Temporary Redirect">>; status(400) -> <<"400 Bad Request">>; status(401) -> <<"401 Unauthorized">>; status(402) -> <<"402 Payment Required">>; status(403) -> <<"403 Forbidden">>; status(404) -> <<"404 Not Found">>; status(405) -> <<"405 Method Not Allowed">>; status(406) -> <<"406 Not Acceptable">>; status(407) -> <<"407 Proxy Authentication Required">>; status(408) -> <<"408 Request Timeout">>; status(409) -> <<"409 Conflict">>; status(410) -> <<"410 Gone">>; status(411) -> <<"411 Length Required">>; status(412) -> <<"412 Precondition Failed">>; status(413) -> <<"413 Request Entity Too Large">>; status(414) -> <<"414 Request-URI Too Long">>; status(415) -> <<"415 Unsupported Media Type">>; status(416) -> <<"416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable">>; status(417) -> <<"417 Expectation Failed">>; status(418) -> <<"418 I'm a teapot">>; status(422) -> <<"422 Unprocessable Entity">>; status(423) -> <<"423 Locked">>; status(424) -> <<"424 Failed Dependency">>; status(425) -> <<"425 Unordered Collection">>; status(426) -> <<"426 Upgrade Required">>; status(428) -> <<"428 Precondition Required">>; status(429) -> <<"429 Too Many Requests">>; status(431) -> <<"431 Request Header Fields Too Large">>; status(500) -> <<"500 Internal Server Error">>; status(501) -> <<"501 Not Implemented">>; status(502) -> <<"502 Bad Gateway">>; status(503) -> <<"503 Service Unavailable">>; status(504) -> <<"504 Gateway Timeout">>; status(505) -> <<"505 HTTP Version Not Supported">>; status(506) -> <<"506 Variant Also Negotiates">>; status(507) -> <<"507 Insufficient Storage">>; status(510) -> <<"510 Not Extended">>; status(511) -> <<"511 Network Authentication Required">>; status(B) when is_binary(B) -> B. %% Tests. -ifdef(TEST). url_test() -> {undefined, _} = url(#http_req{transport=ranch_tcp, host= <<>>, port= undefined, path= <<>>, qs= <<>>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}), {<<"http://localhost/path">>, _ } = url(#http_req{transport=ranch_tcp, host= <<"localhost">>, port=80, path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}), {<<"http://localhost:443/path">>, _} = url(#http_req{transport=ranch_tcp, host= <<"localhost">>, port=443, path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}), {<<"http://localhost:8080/path">>, _} = url(#http_req{transport=ranch_tcp, host= <<"localhost">>, port=8080, path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}), {<<"http://localhost:8080/path?dummy=2785">>, _} = url(#http_req{transport=ranch_tcp, host= <<"localhost">>, port=8080, path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<"dummy=2785">>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}), {<<"http://localhost:8080/path?dummy=2785#fragment">>, _} = url(#http_req{transport=ranch_tcp, host= <<"localhost">>, port=8080, path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<"dummy=2785">>, fragment= <<"fragment">>, pid=self()}), {<<"https://localhost/path">>, _} = url(#http_req{transport=ranch_ssl, host= <<"localhost">>, port=443, path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}), {<<"https://localhost:8443/path">>, _} = url(#http_req{transport=ranch_ssl, host= <<"localhost">>, port=8443, path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<>>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}), {<<"https://localhost:8443/path?dummy=2785">>, _} = url(#http_req{transport=ranch_ssl, host= <<"localhost">>, port=8443, path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<"dummy=2785">>, fragment= <<>>, pid=self()}), {<<"https://localhost:8443/path?dummy=2785#fragment">>, _} = url(#http_req{transport=ranch_ssl, host= <<"localhost">>, port=8443, path= <<"/path">>, qs= <<"dummy=2785">>, fragment= <<"fragment">>, pid=self()}), ok. parse_connection_test_() -> %% {Binary, Result} Tests = [ {<<"close">>, [<<"close">>]}, {<<"ClOsE">>, [<<"close">>]}, {<<"Keep-Alive">>, [<<"keep-alive">>]}, {<<"keep-alive, Upgrade">>, [<<"keep-alive">>, <<"upgrade">>]} ], [{B, fun() -> R = parse_connection_before(B, []) end} || {B, R} <- Tests]. connection_to_atom_test_() -> %% {Tokens, Result} Tests = [ {[<<"close">>], close}, {[<<"keep-alive">>], keepalive}, {[<<"keep-alive">>, <<"upgrade">>], keepalive} ], [{lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [T])), fun() -> R = connection_to_atom(T) end} || {T, R} <- Tests]. merge_headers_test() -> Left0 = [{<<"content-length">>,<<"13">>},{<<"server">>,<<"Cowboy">>}], Right0 = [{<<"set-cookie">>,<<"foo=bar">>},{<<"content-length">>,<<"11">>}], ?assertMatch( [{<<"set-cookie">>,<<"foo=bar">>}, {<<"content-length">>,<<"13">>}, {<<"server">>,<<"Cowboy">>}], merge_headers(Left0, Right0)), Left1 = [{<<"content-length">>,<<"13">>},{<<"server">>,<<"Cowboy">>}], Right1 = [{<<"set-cookie">>,<<"foo=bar">>},{<<"set-cookie">>,<<"bar=baz">>}], ?assertMatch( [{<<"set-cookie">>,<<"bar=baz">>}, {<<"set-cookie">>,<<"foo=bar">>}, {<<"content-length">>,<<"13">>}, {<<"server">>,<<"Cowboy">>}], merge_headers(Left1, Right1)), ok. -endif.