%% Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. %% @doc Routing middleware. %% %% Resolve the handler to be used for the request based on the %% routing information found in the dispatch environment value. %% When found, the handler module and associated data are added to %% the environment as the handler and handler_opts values %% respectively. %% %% If the route cannot be found, processing stops with either %% a 400 or a 404 reply. -module(cowboy_router). -behaviour(cowboy_middleware). -export([compile/1]). -export([execute/2]). -type bindings() :: [{atom(), binary()}]. -type tokens() :: [binary()]. -export_type([bindings/0]). -export_type([tokens/0]). -type constraints() :: [{atom(), int} | {atom(), function, fun ((binary()) -> true | {true, any()} | false)}]. -export_type([constraints/0]). -type route_match() :: '_' | iodata(). -type route_path() :: {Path::route_match(), Handler::module(), Opts::any()} | {Path::route_match(), constraints(), Handler::module(), Opts::any()}. -type route_rule() :: {Host::route_match(), Paths::[route_path()]} | {Host::route_match(), constraints(), Paths::[route_path()]}. -type routes() :: [route_rule()]. -export_type([routes/0]). -type dispatch_match() :: '_' | <<_:8>> | [binary() | '_' | '...' | atom()]. -type dispatch_path() :: {dispatch_match(), module(), any()}. -type dispatch_rule() :: {Host::dispatch_match(), Paths::[dispatch_path()]}. -opaque dispatch_rules() :: [dispatch_rule()]. -export_type([dispatch_rules/0]). %% @doc Compile a list of routes into the dispatch format used %% by Cowboy's routing. -spec compile(routes()) -> dispatch_rules(). compile(Routes) -> compile(Routes, []). compile([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); compile([{Host, Paths}|Tail], Acc) -> compile([{Host, [], Paths}|Tail], Acc); compile([{HostMatch, Constraints, Paths}|Tail], Acc) -> HostRules = case HostMatch of '_' -> '_'; _ -> compile_host(HostMatch) end, PathRules = compile_paths(Paths, []), Hosts = case HostRules of '_' -> [{'_', Constraints, PathRules}]; _ -> [{R, Constraints, PathRules} || R <- HostRules] end, compile(Tail, Hosts ++ Acc). compile_host(HostMatch) when is_list(HostMatch) -> compile_host(list_to_binary(HostMatch)); compile_host(HostMatch) when is_binary(HostMatch) -> compile_rules(HostMatch, $., [], [], <<>>). compile_paths([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); compile_paths([{PathMatch, Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc) -> compile_paths([{PathMatch, [], Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc); compile_paths([{PathMatch, Constraints, Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc) when is_list(PathMatch) -> compile_paths([{iolist_to_binary(PathMatch), Constraints, Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc); compile_paths([{'_', Constraints, Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc) -> compile_paths(Tail, [{'_', Constraints, Handler, Opts}] ++ Acc); compile_paths([{<< $/, PathMatch/binary >>, Constraints, Handler, Opts}|Tail], Acc) -> PathRules = compile_rules(PathMatch, $/, [], [], <<>>), Paths = [{lists:reverse(R), Constraints, Handler, Opts} || R <- PathRules], compile_paths(Tail, Paths ++ Acc); compile_paths([{PathMatch, _, _, _}|_], _) -> error({badarg, "The following route MUST begin with a slash: " ++ binary_to_list(PathMatch)}). compile_rules(<<>>, _, Segments, Rules, <<>>) -> [Segments|Rules]; compile_rules(<<>>, _, Segments, Rules, Acc) -> [[Acc|Segments]|Rules]; compile_rules(<< S, Rest/binary >>, S, Segments, Rules, <<>>) -> compile_rules(Rest, S, Segments, Rules, <<>>); compile_rules(<< S, Rest/binary >>, S, Segments, Rules, Acc) -> compile_rules(Rest, S, [Acc|Segments], Rules, <<>>); compile_rules(<< $:, Rest/binary >>, S, Segments, Rules, <<>>) -> {NameBin, Rest2} = compile_binding(Rest, S, <<>>), Name = binary_to_atom(NameBin, utf8), compile_rules(Rest2, S, Segments, Rules, Name); compile_rules(<< $:, _/binary >>, _, _, _, _) -> erlang:error(badarg); compile_rules(<< $[, $., $., $., $], Rest/binary >>, S, Segments, Rules, Acc) when Acc =:= <<>> -> compile_rules(Rest, S, ['...'|Segments], Rules, Acc); compile_rules(<< $[, $., $., $., $], Rest/binary >>, S, Segments, Rules, Acc) -> compile_rules(Rest, S, ['...', Acc|Segments], Rules, Acc); compile_rules(<< $[, S, Rest/binary >>, S, Segments, Rules, Acc) -> compile_brackets(Rest, S, [Acc|Segments], Rules); compile_rules(<< $[, Rest/binary >>, S, Segments, Rules, <<>>) -> compile_brackets(Rest, S, Segments, Rules); %% Open bracket in the middle of a segment. compile_rules(<< $[, _/binary >>, _, _, _, _) -> erlang:error(badarg); %% Missing an open bracket. compile_rules(<< $], _/binary >>, _, _, _, _) -> erlang:error(badarg); compile_rules(<< C, Rest/binary >>, S, Segments, Rules, Acc) -> compile_rules(Rest, S, Segments, Rules, << Acc/binary, C >>). %% Everything past $: until the segment separator ($. for hosts, %% $/ for paths) or $[ or $] or end of binary is the binding name. compile_binding(<<>>, _, <<>>) -> erlang:error(badarg); compile_binding(Rest = <<>>, _, Acc) -> {Acc, Rest}; compile_binding(Rest = << C, _/binary >>, S, Acc) when C =:= S; C =:= $[; C =:= $] -> {Acc, Rest}; compile_binding(<< C, Rest/binary >>, S, Acc) -> compile_binding(Rest, S, << Acc/binary, C >>). compile_brackets(Rest, S, Segments, Rules) -> {Bracket, Rest2} = compile_brackets_split(Rest, <<>>, 0), Rules1 = compile_rules(Rest2, S, Segments, [], <<>>), Rules2 = compile_rules(<< Bracket/binary, Rest2/binary >>, S, Segments, [], <<>>), Rules ++ Rules2 ++ Rules1. %% Missing a close bracket. compile_brackets_split(<<>>, _, _) -> erlang:error(badarg); %% Make sure we don't confuse the closing bracket we're looking for. compile_brackets_split(<< C, Rest/binary >>, Acc, N) when C =:= $[ -> compile_brackets_split(Rest, << Acc/binary, C >>, N + 1); compile_brackets_split(<< C, Rest/binary >>, Acc, N) when C =:= $], N > 0 -> compile_brackets_split(Rest, << Acc/binary, C >>, N - 1); %% That's the right one. compile_brackets_split(<< $], Rest/binary >>, Acc, 0) -> {Acc, Rest}; compile_brackets_split(<< C, Rest/binary >>, Acc, N) -> compile_brackets_split(Rest, << Acc/binary, C >>, N). %% @private -spec execute(Req, Env) -> {ok, Req, Env} | {error, 400 | 404, Req} when Req::cowboy_req:req(), Env::cowboy_middleware:env(). execute(Req, Env) -> {_, Dispatch} = lists:keyfind(dispatch, 1, Env), [Host, Path] = cowboy_req:get([host, path], Req), case match(Dispatch, Host, Path) of {ok, Handler, HandlerOpts, Bindings, HostInfo, PathInfo} -> Req2 = cowboy_req:set_bindings(HostInfo, PathInfo, Bindings, Req), {ok, Req2, [{handler, Handler}, {handler_opts, HandlerOpts}|Env]}; {error, notfound, host} -> {error, 400, Req}; {error, badrequest, path} -> {error, 400, Req}; {error, notfound, path} -> {error, 404, Req} end. %% Internal. %% @doc Match hostname tokens and path tokens against dispatch rules. %% %% It is typically used for matching tokens for the hostname and path of %% the request against a global dispatch rule for your listener. %% %% Dispatch rules are a list of {Hostname, PathRules} tuples, with %% PathRules being a list of {Path, HandlerMod, HandlerOpts}. %% %% Hostname and Path are match rules and can be either the %% atom '_', which matches everything, `<<"*">>', which match the %% wildcard path, or a list of tokens. %% %% Each token can be either a binary, the atom '_', %% the atom '...' or a named atom. A binary token must match exactly, %% '_' matches everything for a single token, '...' matches %% everything for the rest of the tokens and a named atom will bind the %% corresponding token value and return it. %% %% The list of hostname tokens is reversed before matching. For example, if %% we were to match "www.ninenines.eu", we would first match "eu", then %% "ninenines", then "www". This means that in the context of hostnames, %% the '...' atom matches properly the lower levels of the domain %% as would be expected. %% %% When a result is found, this function will return the handler module and %% options found in the dispatch list, a key-value list of bindings and %% the tokens that were matched by the '...' atom for both the %% hostname and path. -spec match(dispatch_rules(), Host::binary() | tokens(), Path::binary()) -> {ok, module(), any(), bindings(), HostInfo::undefined | tokens(), PathInfo::undefined | tokens()} | {error, notfound, host} | {error, notfound, path} | {error, badrequest, path}. match([], _, _) -> {error, notfound, host}; %% If the host is '_' then there can be no constraints. match([{'_', [], PathMatchs}|_Tail], _, Path) -> match_path(PathMatchs, undefined, Path, []); match([{HostMatch, Constraints, PathMatchs}|Tail], Tokens, Path) when is_list(Tokens) -> case list_match(Tokens, HostMatch, []) of false -> match(Tail, Tokens, Path); {true, Bindings, HostInfo} -> HostInfo2 = case HostInfo of undefined -> undefined; _ -> lists:reverse(HostInfo) end, case check_constraints(Constraints, Bindings) of {ok, Bindings2} -> match_path(PathMatchs, HostInfo2, Path, Bindings2); nomatch -> match(Tail, Tokens, Path) end end; match(Dispatch, Host, Path) -> match(Dispatch, split_host(Host), Path). -spec match_path([dispatch_path()], HostInfo::undefined | tokens(), binary() | tokens(), bindings()) -> {ok, module(), any(), bindings(), HostInfo::undefined | tokens(), PathInfo::undefined | tokens()} | {error, notfound, path} | {error, badrequest, path}. match_path([], _, _, _) -> {error, notfound, path}; %% If the path is '_' then there can be no constraints. match_path([{'_', [], Handler, Opts}|_Tail], HostInfo, _, Bindings) -> {ok, Handler, Opts, Bindings, HostInfo, undefined}; match_path([{<<"*">>, _Constraints, Handler, Opts}|_Tail], HostInfo, <<"*">>, Bindings) -> {ok, Handler, Opts, Bindings, HostInfo, undefined}; match_path([{PathMatch, Constraints, Handler, Opts}|Tail], HostInfo, Tokens, Bindings) when is_list(Tokens) -> case list_match(Tokens, PathMatch, Bindings) of false -> match_path(Tail, HostInfo, Tokens, Bindings); {true, PathBinds, PathInfo} -> case check_constraints(Constraints, PathBinds) of {ok, PathBinds2} -> {ok, Handler, Opts, PathBinds2, HostInfo, PathInfo}; nomatch -> match_path(Tail, HostInfo, Tokens, Bindings) end end; match_path(_Dispatch, _HostInfo, badrequest, _Bindings) -> {error, badrequest, path}; match_path(Dispatch, HostInfo, Path, Bindings) -> match_path(Dispatch, HostInfo, split_path(Path), Bindings). check_constraints([], Bindings) -> {ok, Bindings}; check_constraints([Constraint|Tail], Bindings) -> Name = element(1, Constraint), case lists:keyfind(Name, 1, Bindings) of false -> check_constraints(Tail, Bindings); {_, Value} -> case check_constraint(Constraint, Value) of true -> check_constraints(Tail, Bindings); {true, Value2} -> Bindings2 = lists:keyreplace(Name, 1, Bindings, {Name, Value2}), check_constraints(Tail, Bindings2); false -> nomatch end end. check_constraint({_, int}, Value) -> try {true, list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Value))} catch _:_ -> false end; check_constraint({_, function, Fun}, Value) -> Fun(Value). %% @doc Split a hostname into a list of tokens. -spec split_host(binary()) -> tokens(). split_host(Host) -> split_host(Host, []). split_host(Host, Acc) -> case binary:match(Host, <<".">>) of nomatch when Host =:= <<>> -> Acc; nomatch -> [Host|Acc]; {Pos, _} -> << Segment:Pos/binary, _:8, Rest/bits >> = Host, false = byte_size(Segment) == 0, split_host(Rest, [Segment|Acc]) end. %% @doc Split a path into a list of path segments. %% %% Following RFC2396, this function may return path segments containing any %% character, including / if, and only if, a / was escaped %% and part of a path segment. -spec split_path(binary()) -> tokens(). split_path(<< $/, Path/bits >>) -> split_path(Path, []); split_path(_) -> badrequest. split_path(Path, Acc) -> try case binary:match(Path, <<"/">>) of nomatch when Path =:= <<>> -> lists:reverse([cowboy_http:urldecode(S) || S <- Acc]); nomatch -> lists:reverse([cowboy_http:urldecode(S) || S <- [Path|Acc]]); {Pos, _} -> << Segment:Pos/binary, _:8, Rest/bits >> = Path, split_path(Rest, [Segment|Acc]) end catch error:badarg -> badrequest end. -spec list_match(tokens(), dispatch_match(), bindings()) -> {true, bindings(), undefined | tokens()} | false. %% Atom '...' matches any trailing path, stop right now. list_match(List, ['...'], Binds) -> {true, Binds, List}; %% Atom '_' matches anything, continue. list_match([_E|Tail], ['_'|TailMatch], Binds) -> list_match(Tail, TailMatch, Binds); %% Both values match, continue. list_match([E|Tail], [E|TailMatch], Binds) -> list_match(Tail, TailMatch, Binds); %% Bind E to the variable name V and continue, %% unless V was already defined and E isn't identical to the previous value. list_match([E|Tail], [V|TailMatch], Binds) when is_atom(V) -> case lists:keyfind(V, 1, Binds) of {_, E} -> list_match(Tail, TailMatch, Binds); {_, _} -> false; false -> list_match(Tail, TailMatch, [{V, E}|Binds]) end; %% Match complete. list_match([], [], Binds) -> {true, Binds, undefined}; %% Values don't match, stop. list_match(_List, _Match, _Binds) -> false. %% Tests. -ifdef(TEST). compile_test_() -> %% {Routes, Result} Tests = [ %% Match any host and path. {[{'_', [{'_', h, o}]}], [{'_', [], [{'_', [], h, o}]}]}, {[{"cowboy.example.org", [{"/", ha, oa}, {"/path/to/resource", hb, ob}]}], [{[<<"org">>, <<"example">>, <<"cowboy">>], [], [ {[], [], ha, oa}, {[<<"path">>, <<"to">>, <<"resource">>], [], hb, ob}]}]}, {[{'_', [{"/path/to/resource/", h, o}]}], [{'_', [], [{[<<"path">>, <<"to">>, <<"resource">>], [], h, o}]}]}, {[{'_', [{"/путь/к/ресурсу/", h, o}]}], [{'_', [], [{[<<"путь">>, <<"к">>, <<"ресурсу">>], [], h, o}]}]}, {[{"cowboy.example.org.", [{'_', h, o}]}], [{[<<"org">>, <<"example">>, <<"cowboy">>], [], [{'_', [], h, o}]}]}, {[{".cowboy.example.org", [{'_', h, o}]}], [{[<<"org">>, <<"example">>, <<"cowboy">>], [], [{'_', [], h, o}]}]}, {[{"некий.сайт.рф.", [{'_', h, o}]}], [{[<<"рф">>, <<"сайт">>, <<"некий">>], [], [{'_', [], h, o}]}]}, {[{":subdomain.example.org", [{"/hats/:name/prices", h, o}]}], [{[<<"org">>, <<"example">>, subdomain], [], [ {[<<"hats">>, name, <<"prices">>], [], h, o}]}]}, {[{"ninenines.:_", [{"/hats/:_", h, o}]}], [{['_', <<"ninenines">>], [], [{[<<"hats">>, '_'], [], h, o}]}]}, {[{"[www.]ninenines.eu", [{"/horses", h, o}, {"/hats/[page/:number]", h, o}]}], [ {[<<"eu">>, <<"ninenines">>], [], [ {[<<"horses">>], [], h, o}, {[<<"hats">>], [], h, o}, {[<<"hats">>, <<"page">>, number], [], h, o}]}, {[<<"eu">>, <<"ninenines">>, <<"www">>], [], [ {[<<"horses">>], [], h, o}, {[<<"hats">>], [], h, o}, {[<<"hats">>, <<"page">>, number], [], h, o}]}]}, {[{'_', [{"/hats/[page/[:number]]", h, o}]}], [{'_', [], [ {[<<"hats">>], [], h, o}, {[<<"hats">>, <<"page">>], [], h, o}, {[<<"hats">>, <<"page">>, number], [], h, o}]}]}, {[{"[...]ninenines.eu", [{"/hats/[...]", h, o}]}], [{[<<"eu">>, <<"ninenines">>, '...'], [], [ {[<<"hats">>, '...'], [], h, o}]}]} ], [{lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Rt])), fun() -> Rs = compile(Rt) end} || {Rt, Rs} <- Tests]. split_host_test_() -> %% {Host, Result} Tests = [ {<<"">>, []}, {<<"*">>, [<<"*">>]}, {<<"cowboy.ninenines.eu">>, [<<"eu">>, <<"ninenines">>, <<"cowboy">>]}, {<<"ninenines.eu">>, [<<"eu">>, <<"ninenines">>]}, {<<"a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t.u.v.w.x.y.z">>, [<<"z">>, <<"y">>, <<"x">>, <<"w">>, <<"v">>, <<"u">>, <<"t">>, <<"s">>, <<"r">>, <<"q">>, <<"p">>, <<"o">>, <<"n">>, <<"m">>, <<"l">>, <<"k">>, <<"j">>, <<"i">>, <<"h">>, <<"g">>, <<"f">>, <<"e">>, <<"d">>, <<"c">>, <<"b">>, <<"a">>]} ], [{H, fun() -> R = split_host(H) end} || {H, R} <- Tests]. split_path_test_() -> %% {Path, Result, QueryString} Tests = [ {<<"/">>, []}, {<<"/extend//cowboy">>, [<<"extend">>, <<>>, <<"cowboy">>]}, {<<"/users">>, [<<"users">>]}, {<<"/users/42/friends">>, [<<"users">>, <<"42">>, <<"friends">>]}, {<<"/users/a+b/c%21d">>, [<<"users">>, <<"a b">>, <<"c!d">>]} ], [{P, fun() -> R = split_path(P) end} || {P, R} <- Tests]. match_test_() -> Dispatch = [ {[<<"eu">>, <<"ninenines">>, '_', <<"www">>], [], [ {[<<"users">>, '_', <<"mails">>], [], match_any_subdomain_users, []} ]}, {[<<"eu">>, <<"ninenines">>], [], [ {[<<"users">>, id, <<"friends">>], [], match_extend_users_friends, []}, {'_', [], match_extend, []} ]}, {[var, <<"ninenines">>], [], [ {[<<"threads">>, var], [], match_duplicate_vars, [we, {expect, two}, var, here]} ]}, {[ext, <<"erlang">>], [], [ {'_', [], match_erlang_ext, []} ]}, {'_', [], [ {[<<"users">>, id, <<"friends">>], [], match_users_friends, []}, {'_', [], match_any, []} ]} ], %% {Host, Path, Result} Tests = [ {<<"any">>, <<"/">>, {ok, match_any, [], []}}, {<<"www.any.ninenines.eu">>, <<"/users/42/mails">>, {ok, match_any_subdomain_users, [], []}}, {<<"www.ninenines.eu">>, <<"/users/42/mails">>, {ok, match_any, [], []}}, {<<"www.ninenines.eu">>, <<"/">>, {ok, match_any, [], []}}, {<<"www.any.ninenines.eu">>, <<"/not_users/42/mails">>, {error, notfound, path}}, {<<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/">>, {ok, match_extend, [], []}}, {<<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/users/42/friends">>, {ok, match_extend_users_friends, [], [{id, <<"42">>}]}}, {<<"erlang.fr">>, '_', {ok, match_erlang_ext, [], [{ext, <<"fr">>}]}}, {<<"any">>, <<"/users/444/friends">>, {ok, match_users_friends, [], [{id, <<"444">>}]}} ], [{lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p, ~p", [H, P])), fun() -> {ok, Handler, Opts, Binds, undefined, undefined} = match(Dispatch, H, P) end} || {H, P, {ok, Handler, Opts, Binds}} <- Tests]. match_info_test_() -> Dispatch = [ {[<<"eu">>, <<"ninenines">>, <<"www">>], [], [ {[<<"pathinfo">>, <<"is">>, <<"next">>, '...'], [], match_path, []} ]}, {[<<"eu">>, <<"ninenines">>, '...'], [], [ {'_', [], match_any, []} ]}, {[<<"рф">>, <<"сайт">>], [], [ {[<<"путь">>, '...'], [], match_path, []} ]} ], Tests = [ {<<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/">>, {ok, match_any, [], [], [], undefined}}, {<<"bugs.ninenines.eu">>, <<"/">>, {ok, match_any, [], [], [<<"bugs">>], undefined}}, {<<"cowboy.bugs.ninenines.eu">>, <<"/">>, {ok, match_any, [], [], [<<"cowboy">>, <<"bugs">>], undefined}}, {<<"www.ninenines.eu">>, <<"/pathinfo/is/next">>, {ok, match_path, [], [], undefined, []}}, {<<"www.ninenines.eu">>, <<"/pathinfo/is/next/path_info">>, {ok, match_path, [], [], undefined, [<<"path_info">>]}}, {<<"www.ninenines.eu">>, <<"/pathinfo/is/next/foo/bar">>, {ok, match_path, [], [], undefined, [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>]}}, {<<"сайт.рф">>, <<"/путь/домой">>, {ok, match_path, [], [], undefined, [<<"домой">>]}} ], [{lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p, ~p", [H, P])), fun() -> R = match(Dispatch, H, P) end} || {H, P, R} <- Tests]. match_constraints_test() -> Dispatch = [{'_', [], [{[<<"path">>, value], [{value, int}], match, []}]}], {ok, _, [], [{value, 123}], _, _} = match(Dispatch, <<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/path/123">>), {ok, _, [], [{value, 123}], _, _} = match(Dispatch, <<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/path/123/">>), {error, notfound, path} = match(Dispatch, <<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/path/NaN/">>), Dispatch2 = [{'_', [], [{[<<"path">>, username], [{username, function, fun(Value) -> Value =:= cowboy_bstr:to_lower(Value) end}], match, []}]}], {ok, _, [], [{username, <<"essen">>}], _, _} = match(Dispatch2, <<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/path/essen">>), {error, notfound, path} = match(Dispatch2, <<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/path/ESSEN">>), ok. match_same_bindings_test() -> Dispatch = [{[same, same], [], [{'_', [], match, []}]}], {ok, _, [], [{same, <<"eu">>}], _, _} = match(Dispatch, <<"eu.eu">>, <<"/">>), {error, notfound, host} = match(Dispatch, <<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/">>), Dispatch2 = [{[<<"eu">>, <<"ninenines">>, user], [], [{[<<"path">>, user], [], match, []}]}], {ok, _, [], [{user, <<"essen">>}], _, _} = match(Dispatch2, <<"essen.ninenines.eu">>, <<"/path/essen">>), {ok, _, [], [{user, <<"essen">>}], _, _} = match(Dispatch2, <<"essen.ninenines.eu">>, <<"/path/essen/">>), {error, notfound, path} = match(Dispatch2, <<"essen.ninenines.eu">>, <<"/path/notessen">>), Dispatch3 = [{'_', [], [{[same, same], [], match, []}]}], {ok, _, [], [{same, <<"path">>}], _, _} = match(Dispatch3, <<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/path/path">>), {error, notfound, path} = match(Dispatch3, <<"ninenines.eu">>, <<"/path/to">>), ok. -endif.