%% Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. %% @doc SPDY protocol handler. %% %% Note that there is no need to monitor these processes when using Cowboy as %% an application as it already supervises them under the listener supervisor. -module(cowboy_spdy). %% API. -export([start_link/4]). %% Internal. -export([init/5]). -export([system_continue/3]). -export([system_terminate/4]). -export([system_code_change/4]). %% Internal request process. -export([request_init/11]). -export([resume/5]). -export([reply/4]). -export([stream_reply/3]). -export([stream_data/2]). -export([stream_close/1]). %% Internal transport functions. -export([name/0]). -export([recv/3]). -export([send/2]). -export([sendfile/2]). -record(child, { streamid :: non_neg_integer(), pid :: pid(), input = nofin :: fin | nofin, in_buffer = <<>> :: binary(), is_recv = false :: {true, {non_neg_integer(), pid()}, pid(), non_neg_integer(), reference()} | false, output = nofin :: fin | nofin }). -record(state, { parent = undefined :: pid(), socket, transport, buffer = <<>> :: binary(), middlewares, env, onrequest, onresponse, peer, zdef, zinf, last_streamid = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), children = [] :: [#child{}] }). -type opts() :: [{env, cowboy_middleware:env()} | {middlewares, [module()]} | {onrequest, cowboy:onrequest_fun()} | {onresponse, cowboy:onresponse_fun()}]. -export_type([opts/0]). %% API. %% @doc Start a SPDY protocol process. -spec start_link(any(), inet:socket(), module(), any()) -> {ok, pid()}. start_link(Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) -> proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init, [self(), Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts]). %% Internal. %% @doc Faster alternative to proplists:get_value/3. %% @private get_value(Key, Opts, Default) -> case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Opts) of {_, Value} -> Value; _ -> Default end. %% @private -spec init(pid(), ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(), opts()) -> ok. init(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), ok = proc_lib:init_ack(Parent, {ok, self()}), {ok, Peer} = Transport:peername(Socket), Middlewares = get_value(middlewares, Opts, [cowboy_router, cowboy_handler]), Env = [{listener, Ref}|get_value(env, Opts, [])], OnRequest = get_value(onrequest, Opts, undefined), OnResponse = get_value(onresponse, Opts, undefined), Zdef = cow_spdy:deflate_init(), Zinf = cow_spdy:inflate_init(), ok = ranch:accept_ack(Ref), loop(#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transport, middlewares=Middlewares, env=Env, onrequest=OnRequest, onresponse=OnResponse, peer=Peer, zdef=Zdef, zinf=Zinf}). loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, socket=Socket, transport=Transport, buffer=Buffer, zinf=Zinf, children=Children}) -> {OK, Closed, Error} = Transport:messages(), Transport:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]), receive {OK, Socket, Data} -> Data2 = << Buffer/binary, Data/binary >>, case cow_spdy:split(Data2) of {true, Frame, Rest} -> P = cow_spdy:parse(Frame, Zinf), handle_frame(State#state{buffer=Rest}, P); false -> loop(State#state{buffer=Data2}) end; {Closed, Socket} -> terminate(State); {Error, Socket, _Reason} -> terminate(State); {recv, FromSocket = {Pid, StreamID}, FromPid, Length, Timeout} when Pid =:= self() -> Child = #child{in_buffer=InBuffer, is_recv=false} = get_child(StreamID, State), if Length =:= 0, InBuffer =/= <<>> -> FromPid ! {recv, FromSocket, {ok, InBuffer}}, loop(replace_child(Child#child{in_buffer= <<>>}, State)); byte_size(InBuffer) >= Length -> << Data:Length/binary, Rest/binary >> = InBuffer, FromPid ! {recv, FromSocket, {ok, Data}}, loop(replace_child(Child#child{in_buffer=Rest}, State)); true -> TRef = erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {recv_timeout, FromSocket}), loop(replace_child(Child#child{ is_recv={true, FromSocket, FromPid, Length, TRef}}, State)) end; {recv_timeout, {Pid, StreamID}} when Pid =:= self() -> Child = #child{is_recv={true, FromSocket, FromPid, _, _}} = get_child(StreamID, State), FromPid ! {recv, FromSocket, {error, timeout}}, loop(replace_child(Child#child{is_recv=false}, State)); {reply, {Pid, StreamID}, Status, Headers} when Pid =:= self() -> Child = #child{output=nofin} = get_child(StreamID, State), syn_reply(State, StreamID, true, Status, Headers), loop(replace_child(Child#child{output=fin}, State)); {reply, {Pid, StreamID}, Status, Headers, Body} when Pid =:= self() -> Child = #child{output=nofin} = get_child(StreamID, State), syn_reply(State, StreamID, false, Status, Headers), data(State, StreamID, true, Body), loop(replace_child(Child#child{output=fin}, State)); {stream_reply, {Pid, StreamID}, Status, Headers} when Pid =:= self() -> #child{output=nofin} = get_child(StreamID, State), syn_reply(State, StreamID, false, Status, Headers), loop(State); {stream_data, {Pid, StreamID}, Data} when Pid =:= self() -> #child{output=nofin} = get_child(StreamID, State), data(State, StreamID, false, Data), loop(State); {stream_close, {Pid, StreamID}} when Pid =:= self() -> Child = #child{output=nofin} = get_child(StreamID, State), data(State, StreamID, true, <<>>), loop(replace_child(Child#child{output=fin}, State)); {sendfile, {Pid, StreamID}, Filepath} when Pid =:= self() -> Child = #child{output=nofin} = get_child(StreamID, State), data_from_file(State, StreamID, Filepath), loop(replace_child(Child#child{output=fin}, State)); {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} -> exit(Reason); {'EXIT', Pid, _} -> %% @todo Report the error if any. loop(delete_child(Pid, State)); {system, From, Request} -> sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, Parent, ?MODULE, [], State); %% Calls from the supervisor module. {'$gen_call', {To, Tag}, which_children} -> Workers = [{?MODULE, Pid, worker, [?MODULE]} || #child{pid=Pid} <- Children], To ! {Tag, Workers}, loop(State); {'$gen_call', {To, Tag}, count_children} -> NbChildren = length(Children), Counts = [{specs, 1}, {active, NbChildren}, {supervisors, 0}, {workers, NbChildren}], To ! {Tag, Counts}, loop(State); {'$gen_call', {To, Tag}, _} -> To ! {Tag, {error, ?MODULE}}, loop(State) after 60000 -> goaway(State, ok), terminate(State) end. system_continue(_, _, State) -> loop(State). -spec system_terminate(any(), _, _, _) -> no_return(). system_terminate(Reason, _, _, _) -> exit(Reason). system_code_change(Misc, _, _, _) -> {ok, Misc}. %% FLAG_UNIDIRECTIONAL can only be set by the server. handle_frame(State, {syn_stream, StreamID, _, _, true, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) -> rst_stream(State, StreamID, protocol_error), loop(State); %% We do not support Associated-To-Stream-ID. handle_frame(State, {syn_stream, StreamID, AssocToStreamID, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) when AssocToStreamID =/= 0 -> rst_stream(State, StreamID, internal_error), loop(State); %% SYN_STREAM. %% %% Erlang does not allow us to control the priority of processes %% so we ignore that value entirely. handle_frame(State=#state{middlewares=Middlewares, env=Env, onrequest=OnRequest, onresponse=OnResponse, peer=Peer}, {syn_stream, StreamID, _, IsFin, _, _, Method, _, Host, Path, Version, Headers}) -> Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, request_init, [ {self(), StreamID}, Peer, OnRequest, OnResponse, Env, Middlewares, Method, Host, Path, Version, Headers ]), loop(new_child(State, StreamID, Pid, IsFin)); %% RST_STREAM. handle_frame(State, {rst_stream, StreamID, Status}) -> error_logger:error_msg("Received RST_STREAM frame ~p ~p", [StreamID, Status]), %% @todo Stop StreamID. loop(State); %% PING initiated by the server; ignore, we don't send any. handle_frame(State, {ping, PingID}) when PingID rem 2 =:= 0 -> error_logger:error_msg("Ignored PING control frame: ~p~n", [PingID]), loop(State); %% PING initiated by the client; send it back. handle_frame(State=#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, {ping, PingID}) -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_spdy:ping(PingID)), loop(State); %% Data received for a stream. handle_frame(State, {data, StreamID, IsFin, Data}) -> Child = #child{input=nofin, in_buffer=Buffer, is_recv=IsRecv} = get_child(StreamID, State), Data2 = << Buffer/binary, Data/binary >>, IsFin2 = if IsFin -> fin; true -> nofin end, Child2 = case IsRecv of {true, FromSocket, FromPid, 0, TRef} -> FromPid ! {recv, FromSocket, {ok, Data2}}, cancel_recv_timeout(StreamID, TRef), Child#child{input=IsFin2, in_buffer= <<>>, is_recv=false}; {true, FromSocket, FromPid, Length, TRef} when byte_size(Data2) >= Length -> << Data3:Length/binary, Rest/binary >> = Data2, FromPid ! {recv, FromSocket, {ok, Data3}}, cancel_recv_timeout(StreamID, TRef), Child#child{input=IsFin2, in_buffer=Rest, is_recv=false}; _ -> Child#child{input=IsFin2, in_buffer=Data2} end, loop(replace_child(Child2, State)); %% General error, can't recover. handle_frame(State, {error, badprotocol}) -> goaway(State, protocol_error), terminate(State); %% Ignore all other frames for now. handle_frame(State, Frame) -> error_logger:error_msg("Ignored frame ~p", [Frame]), loop(State). cancel_recv_timeout(StreamID, TRef) -> _ = erlang:cancel_timer(TRef), receive {recv_timeout, {Pid, StreamID}} when Pid =:= self() -> ok after 0 -> ok end. %% @todo We must wait for the children to finish here, %% but only up to N milliseconds. Then we shutdown. terminate(_State) -> ok. syn_reply(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, zdef=Zdef}, StreamID, IsFin, Status, Headers) -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_spdy:syn_reply(Zdef, StreamID, IsFin, Status, <<"HTTP/1.1">>, Headers)). rst_stream(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, StreamID, Status) -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_spdy:rst_stream(StreamID, Status)). goaway(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, last_streamid=LastStreamID}, Status) -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_spdy:goaway(LastStreamID, Status)). data(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, StreamID, IsFin, Data) -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_spdy:data(StreamID, IsFin, Data)). data_from_file(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, StreamID, Filepath) -> {ok, IoDevice} = file:open(Filepath, [read, binary, raw]), data_from_file(Socket, Transport, StreamID, IoDevice). data_from_file(Socket, Transport, StreamID, IoDevice) -> case file:read(IoDevice, 16#1fff) of eof -> _ = Transport:send(Socket, cow_spdy:data(StreamID, true, <<>>)), ok; {ok, Data} -> case Transport:send(Socket, cow_spdy:data(StreamID, false, Data)) of ok -> data_from_file(Socket, Transport, StreamID, IoDevice); {error, _} -> ok end end. %% Children. new_child(State=#state{children=Children}, StreamID, Pid, IsFin) -> IsFin2 = if IsFin -> fin; true -> nofin end, State#state{last_streamid=StreamID, children=[#child{streamid=StreamID, pid=Pid, input=IsFin2}|Children]}. get_child(StreamID, #state{children=Children}) -> lists:keyfind(StreamID, #child.streamid, Children). replace_child(Child=#child{streamid=StreamID}, State=#state{children=Children}) -> Children2 = lists:keyreplace(StreamID, #child.streamid, Children, Child), State#state{children=Children2}. delete_child(Pid, State=#state{children=Children}) -> Children2 = lists:keydelete(Pid, #child.pid, Children), State#state{children=Children2}. %% Request process. request_init(FakeSocket, Peer, OnRequest, OnResponse, Env, Middlewares, Method, Host, Path, Version, Headers) -> {Host2, Port} = cow_http:parse_fullhost(Host), {Path2, Qs} = cow_http:parse_fullpath(Path), Version2 = cow_http:parse_version(Version), Req = cowboy_req:new(FakeSocket, ?MODULE, Peer, Method, Path2, Qs, Version2, Headers, Host2, Port, <<>>, true, false, OnResponse), case OnRequest of undefined -> execute(Req, Env, Middlewares); _ -> Req2 = OnRequest(Req), case cowboy_req:get(resp_state, Req2) of waiting -> execute(Req2, Env, Middlewares); _ -> ok end end. -spec execute(cowboy_req:req(), cowboy_middleware:env(), [module()]) -> ok. execute(Req, _, []) -> cowboy_req:ensure_response(Req, 204); execute(Req, Env, [Middleware|Tail]) -> case Middleware:execute(Req, Env) of {ok, Req2, Env2} -> execute(Req2, Env2, Tail); {suspend, Module, Function, Args} -> erlang:hibernate(?MODULE, resume, [Env, Tail, Module, Function, Args]); {halt, Req2} -> cowboy_req:ensure_response(Req2, 204); {error, Status, Req2} -> cowboy_req:maybe_reply(Status, Req2) end. %% @private -spec resume(cowboy_middleware:env(), [module()], module(), module(), [any()]) -> ok. resume(Env, Tail, Module, Function, Args) -> case apply(Module, Function, Args) of {ok, Req2, Env2} -> execute(Req2, Env2, Tail); {suspend, Module2, Function2, Args2} -> erlang:hibernate(?MODULE, resume, [Env, Tail, Module2, Function2, Args2]); {halt, Req2} -> cowboy_req:ensure_response(Req2, 204); {error, Status, Req2} -> cowboy_req:maybe_reply(Status, Req2) end. %% Reply functions used by cowboy_req. reply(Socket = {Pid, _}, Status, Headers, Body) -> _ = case iolist_size(Body) of 0 -> Pid ! {reply, Socket, Status, Headers}; _ -> Pid ! {reply, Socket, Status, Headers, Body} end, ok. stream_reply(Socket = {Pid, _}, Status, Headers) -> _ = Pid ! {stream_reply, Socket, Status, Headers}, ok. stream_data(Socket = {Pid, _}, Data) -> _ = Pid ! {stream_data, Socket, Data}, ok. stream_close(Socket = {Pid, _}) -> _ = Pid ! {stream_close, Socket}, ok. %% Internal transport functions. name() -> spdy. recv(Socket = {Pid, _}, Length, Timeout) -> _ = Pid ! {recv, Socket, self(), Length, Timeout}, receive {recv, Socket, Ret} -> Ret end. send(Socket, Data) -> stream_data(Socket, Data). %% We don't wait for the result of the actual sendfile call, %% therefore we can't know how much was actually sent. %% This isn't a problem as we don't use this value in Cowboy. sendfile(Socket = {Pid, _}, Filepath) -> _ = Pid ! {sendfile, Socket, Filepath}, {ok, undefined}.