%% Copyright (c) 2017, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(cowboy_tracer_h). -behavior(cowboy_stream). -export([init/3]). -export([data/4]). -export([info/3]). -export([terminate/3]). -export([early_error/5]). -export([set_trace_patterns/0]). -export([tracer_process/3]). -export([system_continue/3]). -export([system_terminate/4]). -export([system_code_change/4]). -type match_predicate() :: fun((cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_req:req(), cowboy:opts()) -> boolean()). -type tracer_match_specs() :: [match_predicate() | {method, binary()} | {host, binary()} | {path, binary()} | {path_start, binary()} | {header, binary()} | {header, binary(), binary()} | {peer_ip, inet:ip_address()} ]. -export_type([tracer_match_specs/0]). -spec init(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_req:req(), cowboy:opts()) -> {cowboy_stream:commands(), any()}. init(StreamID, Req, Opts) -> init_tracer(StreamID, Req, Opts), cowboy_stream:init(StreamID, Req, Opts). -spec data(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_stream:fin(), cowboy_req:resp_body(), State) -> {cowboy_stream:commands(), State} when State::any(). data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, Next) -> cowboy_stream:data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, Next). -spec info(cowboy_stream:streamid(), any(), State) -> {cowboy_stream:commands(), State} when State::any(). info(StreamID, Info, Next) -> cowboy_stream:info(StreamID, Info, Next). -spec terminate(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_stream:reason(), any()) -> any(). terminate(StreamID, Reason, Next) -> cowboy_stream:terminate(StreamID, Reason, Next). -spec early_error(cowboy_stream:streamid(), cowboy_stream:reason(), cowboy_stream:partial_req(), Resp, cowboy:opts()) -> Resp when Resp::cowboy_stream:resp_command(). early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts) -> cowboy_stream:early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts). %% API. %% These trace patterns are most likely not suitable for production. -spec set_trace_patterns() -> ok. set_trace_patterns() -> erlang:trace_pattern({'_', '_', '_'}, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}], [local]), erlang:trace_pattern(on_load, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}], [local]), ok. %% Internal. init_tracer(StreamID, Req, Opts=#{tracer_match_specs := List, tracer_callback := _}) -> case match(List, StreamID, Req, Opts) of false -> ok; true -> start_tracer(StreamID, Req, Opts) end; %% When the options tracer_match_specs or tracer_callback %% are not provided we do not enable tracing. init_tracer(_, _, _) -> ok. match([], _, _, _) -> true; match([Predicate|Tail], StreamID, Req, Opts) when is_function(Predicate) -> case Predicate(StreamID, Req, Opts) of true -> match(Tail, StreamID, Req, Opts); false -> false end; match([{method, Value}|Tail], StreamID, Req=#{method := Value}, Opts) -> match(Tail, StreamID, Req, Opts); match([{host, Value}|Tail], StreamID, Req=#{host := Value}, Opts) -> match(Tail, StreamID, Req, Opts); match([{path, Value}|Tail], StreamID, Req=#{path := Value}, Opts) -> match(Tail, StreamID, Req, Opts); match([{path_start, PathStart}|Tail], StreamID, Req=#{path := Path}, Opts) -> Len = byte_size(PathStart), case Path of <<PathStart:Len/binary, _/bits>> -> match(Tail, StreamID, Req, Opts); _ -> false end; match([{header, Name}|Tail], StreamID, Req=#{headers := Headers}, Opts) -> case Headers of #{Name := _} -> match(Tail, StreamID, Req, Opts); _ -> false end; match([{header, Name, Value}|Tail], StreamID, Req=#{headers := Headers}, Opts) -> case Headers of #{Name := Value} -> match(Tail, StreamID, Req, Opts); _ -> false end; match([{peer_ip, IP}|Tail], StreamID, Req=#{peer := {IP, _}}, Opts) -> match(Tail, StreamID, Req, Opts); match(_, _, _, _) -> false. %% We only start the tracer if one wasn't started before. start_tracer(StreamID, Req, Opts) -> case erlang:trace_info(self(), tracer) of {tracer, []} -> TracerPid = proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, tracer_process, [StreamID, Req, Opts]), %% The default flags are probably not suitable for production. Flags = maps:get(tracer_flags, Opts, [ send, 'receive', call, return_to, procs, ports, monotonic_timestamp, %% The set_on_spawn flag is necessary to catch events %% from request processes. set_on_spawn ]), erlang:trace(self(), true, [{tracer, TracerPid}|Flags]), ok; _ -> ok end. %% Tracer process. -spec tracer_process(_, _, _) -> no_return(). tracer_process(StreamID, Req=#{pid := Parent}, Opts=#{tracer_callback := Fun}) -> %% This is necessary because otherwise the tracer could stop %% before it has finished processing the events in its queue. process_flag(trap_exit, true), State = Fun(init, {StreamID, Req, Opts}), tracer_loop(Parent, Fun, State). tracer_loop(Parent, Fun, State0) -> receive Msg when element(1, Msg) =:= trace_ts -> State = Fun(Msg, State0), tracer_loop(Parent, Fun, State); {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} -> tracer_terminate(Reason, Fun, State0); {system, From, Request} -> sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, Parent, ?MODULE, [], {Fun, State0}); Msg -> error_logger:error_msg("~p: Tracer process received stray message ~9999p~n", [?MODULE, Msg]), tracer_loop(Parent, Fun, State0) end. -spec tracer_terminate(_, _, _) -> no_return(). tracer_terminate(Reason, Fun, State) -> _ = Fun(terminate, State), exit(Reason). %% System callbacks. -spec system_continue(pid(), _, {fun(), any()}) -> no_return(). system_continue(Parent, _, {Fun, State}) -> tracer_loop(Parent, Fun, State). -spec system_terminate(any(), _, _, _) -> no_return(). system_terminate(Reason, _, _, {Fun, State}) -> tracer_terminate(Reason, Fun, State). -spec system_code_change(Misc, _, _, _) -> {ok, Misc} when Misc::any(). system_code_change(Misc, _, _, _) -> {ok, Misc}.