%% Copyright (c) 2016, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(examples_SUITE). -compile(export_all). -import(ct_helper, [config/2]). -import(ct_helper, [doc/1]). -import(cowboy_test, [gun_open/1]). %% ct. all() -> ct_helper:all(?MODULE). %% Remove environment variables inherited from Erlang.mk. init_per_suite(Config) -> os:unsetenv("ERLANG_MK_TMP"), os:unsetenv("APPS_DIR"), os:unsetenv("DEPS_DIR"), os:unsetenv("ERL_LIBS"), Config. end_per_suite(_) -> ok. %% Compile, start and stop releases. do_get_paths(Example0) -> Example = atom_to_list(Example0), {ok, CWD} = file:get_cwd(), Dir = CWD ++ "/../../examples/" ++ Example, Rel = Dir ++ "/_rel/" ++ Example ++ "_example/bin/" ++ Example ++ "_example", Log = Dir ++ "/_rel/" ++ Example ++ "_example/log/erlang.log.1", {Dir, Rel, Log}. do_compile_and_start(Example) -> {Dir, Rel, _} = do_get_paths(Example), %% TERM=dumb disables relx coloring. ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd("cd " ++ Dir ++ " && make distclean && TERM=dumb make all")]), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Rel ++ " stop")]), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Rel ++ " start")]), timer:sleep(2000), ok. do_stop(Example) -> {_, Rel, Log} = do_get_paths(Example), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Rel ++ " stop")]), ct:log("~s~n", [element(2, file:read_file(Log))]), ok. %% Fetch a response. do_get(Transport, Protocol, Path, Config) -> do_get(Transport, Protocol, Path, [], Config). do_get(Transport, Protocol, Path, ReqHeaders, Config) -> Port = case Transport of tcp -> 8080; ssl -> 8443 end, ConnPid = gun_open([{port, Port}, {type, Transport}, {protocol, Protocol}|Config]), Ref = gun:get(ConnPid, Path, ReqHeaders), case gun:await(ConnPid, Ref) of {response, nofin, Status, RespHeaders} -> {ok, Body} = gun:await_body(ConnPid, Ref), {Status, RespHeaders, Body}; {response, fin, Status, RespHeaders} -> {Status, RespHeaders, <<>>} end. %% TCP and SSL Hello World. hello_world(Config) -> doc("Hello World example."), try do_compile_and_start(hello_world), do_hello_world(tcp, http, Config), do_hello_world(tcp, http2, Config) after do_stop(hello_world) end. ssl_hello_world(Config) -> doc("SSL Hello World example."), try do_compile_and_start(ssl_hello_world), do_hello_world(ssl, http, Config), do_hello_world(ssl, http2, Config) after do_stop(ssl_hello_world) end. do_hello_world(Transport, Protocol, Config) -> {200, _, <<"Hello world!">>} = do_get(Transport, Protocol, "/", Config), ok. %% Chunked Hello World. chunked_hello_world(Config) -> doc("Chunked Hello World example."), try do_compile_and_start(chunked_hello_world), do_chunked_hello_world(tcp, http, Config), do_chunked_hello_world(tcp, http2, Config) after do_stop(chunked_hello_world) end. do_chunked_hello_world(Transport, Protocol, Config) -> ConnPid = gun_open([{port, 8080}, {type, Transport}, {protocol, Protocol}|Config]), Ref = gun:get(ConnPid, "/"), {response, nofin, 200, _} = gun:await(ConnPid, Ref), %% We expect to receive a chunk every second, three total. {data, nofin, <<"Hello\r\n">>} = gun:await(ConnPid, Ref, 2000), {data, nofin, <<"World\r\n">>} = gun:await(ConnPid, Ref, 2000), {data, IsFin, <<"Chunked!\r\n">>} = gun:await(ConnPid, Ref, 2000), %% We may get an extra empty chunk (last chunk for HTTP/1.1, %% empty DATA frame with the FIN bit set for HTTP/2). case IsFin of fin -> ok; nofin -> {data, fin, <<>>} = gun:await(ConnPid, Ref, 500), ok end. %% Echo GET. echo_get(Config) -> doc("GET parameter echo example."), try do_compile_and_start(echo_get), do_echo_get(tcp, http, Config), do_echo_get(tcp, http2, Config) after do_stop(echo_get) end. do_echo_get(Transport, Protocol, Config) -> {200, _, <<"this is fun">>} = do_get(Transport, Protocol, "/?echo=this+is+fun", Config), ok. %% Echo POST. echo_post(Config) -> doc("POST parameter echo example."), try do_compile_and_start(echo_post), do_echo_post(tcp, http, Config), do_echo_post(tcp, http2, Config) after do_stop(echo_post) end. do_echo_post(Transport, Protocol, Config) -> ConnPid = gun_open([{port, 8080}, {type, Transport}, {protocol, Protocol}|Config]), Ref = gun:post(ConnPid, "/", [ {<<"content-type">>, <<"application/octet-stream">>} ], <<"echo=this+is+fun">>), {response, nofin, 200, _} = gun:await(ConnPid, Ref), {ok, <<"this is fun">>} = gun:await_body(ConnPid, Ref), ok. %% REST Hello World. rest_hello_world(Config) -> doc("REST Hello World example."), try do_compile_and_start(rest_hello_world), do_rest_hello_world(tcp, http, Config), do_rest_hello_world(tcp, http2, Config) after do_stop(rest_hello_world) end. do_rest_hello_world(Transport, Protocol, Config) -> << "", _/bits >> = do_rest_get(Transport, Protocol, "/", undefined, undefined, Config), << "REST Hello World as text!" >> = do_rest_get(Transport, Protocol, "/", <<"text/plain">>, undefined, Config), << "{\"rest\": \"Hello World!\"}" >> = do_rest_get(Transport, Protocol, "/", <<"application/json">>, undefined, Config), not_acceptable = do_rest_get(Transport, Protocol, "/", <<"text/css">>, undefined, Config), ok. do_rest_get(Transport, Protocol, Path, Accept, Auth, Config) -> ReqHeaders0 = case Accept of undefined -> []; _ -> [{<<"accept">>, Accept}] end, ReqHeaders = case Auth of undefined -> ReqHeaders0; _ -> [{<<"authorization">>, [<<"Basic ">>, base64:encode(Auth)]}|ReqHeaders0] end, case do_get(Transport, Protocol, Path, ReqHeaders, Config) of {200, RespHeaders, Body} -> Accept = case Accept of undefined -> undefined; _ -> {_, ContentType} = lists:keyfind(<<"content-type">>, 1, RespHeaders), ContentType end, Body; {401, _, _} -> unauthorized; {406, _, _} -> not_acceptable end. %% REST basic auth. rest_basic_auth(Config) -> doc("REST basic authorization example."), try do_compile_and_start(rest_basic_auth), do_rest_basic_auth(tcp, http, Config), do_rest_basic_auth(tcp, http2, Config) after do_stop(rest_basic_auth) end. do_rest_basic_auth(Transport, Protocol, Config) -> unauthorized = do_rest_get(Transport, Protocol, "/", undefined, undefined, Config), <<"Hello, Alladin!\n">> = do_rest_get(Transport, Protocol, "/", undefined, "Alladin:open sesame", Config), ok. %% File server. file_server(Config) -> doc("File server example with directory listing."), try do_compile_and_start(file_server), do_file_server(tcp, http, Config), do_file_server(tcp, http2, Config) after do_stop(file_server) end. do_file_server(Transport, Protocol, Config) -> %% Directory. {200, DirHeaders, <<"", _/bits >>} = do_get(Transport, Protocol, "/", Config), {_, <<"text/html">>} = lists:keyfind(<<"content-type">>, 1, DirHeaders), _ = do_rest_get(Transport, Protocol, "/", <<"application/json">>, undefined, Config), %% Files. {200, _, _} = do_get(Transport, Protocol, "/small.mp4", Config), {200, _, _} = do_get(Transport, Protocol, "/small.ogv", Config), {200, _, _} = do_get(Transport, Protocol, "/test.txt", Config), {200, _, _} = do_get(Transport, Protocol, "/video.html", Config), ok. %% Markdown middleware. markdown_middleware(Config) -> doc("Markdown middleware example."), try do_compile_and_start(markdown_middleware), do_markdown_middleware(tcp, http, Config), do_markdown_middleware(tcp, http2, Config) after do_stop(markdown_middleware) end. do_markdown_middleware(Transport, Protocol, Config) -> {200, Headers, <<"

", _/bits >>} = do_get(Transport, Protocol, "/video.html", Config), {_, <<"text/html">>} = lists:keyfind(<<"content-type">>, 1, Headers), ok. %% Websocket. websocket(_) -> doc("Websocket example."), try do_compile_and_start(websocket), %% We can only initiate a Websocket connection from HTTP/1.1. {ok, Pid} = gun:open("", 8080, #{protocols => [http], retry => 0}), {ok, http} = gun:await_up(Pid), _ = monitor(process, Pid), gun:ws_upgrade(Pid, "/websocket", [], #{compress => true}), receive {gun_ws_upgrade, Pid, ok, _} -> ok; Msg1 -> exit({connection_failed, Msg1}) end, gun:ws_send(Pid, {text, <<"hello">>}), receive {gun_ws, Pid, {text, <<"That's what she said! hello">>}} -> ok; Msg2 -> exit({receive_failed, Msg2}) end, gun:ws_send(Pid, close) after do_stop(websocket) end.