%% This module behaves differently depending on a specific header. -module(stream_handler_h). -behavior(cowboy_stream). -export([init/3]). -export([data/4]). -export([info/3]). -export([terminate/3]). -export([early_error/5]). %% For switch_protocol. -export([takeover/7]). -record(state, { pid, test }). init(StreamID, Req, Opts) -> Pid = list_to_pid(binary_to_list(cowboy_req:header(<<"x-test-pid">>, Req))), Test = binary_to_atom(cowboy_req:header(<<"x-test-case">>, Req), latin1), State = #state{pid=Pid, test=Test}, Pid ! {Pid, self(), init, StreamID, Req, Opts}, {init_commands(StreamID, Req, State), State}. init_commands(_, _, #state{test=crash_in_init}) -> error(crash); init_commands(_, _, #state{test=crash_in_data}) -> []; init_commands(_, _, #state{test=crash_in_info}) -> []; init_commands(_, _, #state{test=crash_in_terminate}) -> [{response, 200, #{<<"content-length">> => <<"12">>}, <<"Hello world!">>}, stop]; init_commands(_, _, #state{test=crash_in_early_error}) -> error(crash); init_commands(_, _, #state{test=flow_after_body_fully_read}) -> []; init_commands(_, _, #state{test=set_options_ignore_unknown}) -> [ {set_options, #{unknown_options => true}}, {response, 200, #{<<"content-length">> => <<"12">>}, <<"Hello world!">>}, stop ]; init_commands(_, _, State=#state{test=shutdown_on_stream_stop}) -> Spawn = init_process(false, State), [{spawn, Spawn, 5000}, {headers, 200, #{}}, stop]; init_commands(_, _, State=#state{test=shutdown_on_socket_close}) -> Spawn = init_process(false, State), [{spawn, Spawn, 5000}, {headers, 200, #{}}]; init_commands(_, _, State=#state{test=shutdown_timeout_on_stream_stop}) -> Spawn = init_process(true, State), [{spawn, Spawn, 2000}, {headers, 200, #{}}, stop]; init_commands(_, _, State=#state{test=shutdown_timeout_on_socket_close}) -> Spawn = init_process(true, State), [{spawn, Spawn, 2000}, {headers, 200, #{}}]; init_commands(_, _, State=#state{test=switch_protocol_after_headers}) -> [{headers, 200, #{}}, {switch_protocol, #{}, ?MODULE, State}]; init_commands(_, _, State=#state{test=switch_protocol_after_headers_data}) -> [{headers, 200, #{}}, {data, fin, <<"{}">>}, {switch_protocol, #{}, ?MODULE, State}]; init_commands(_, _, State=#state{test=switch_protocol_after_response}) -> [{response, 200, #{}, <<"{}">>}, {switch_protocol, #{}, ?MODULE, State}]; init_commands(_, _, State=#state{test=terminate_on_switch_protocol}) -> [{switch_protocol, #{}, ?MODULE, State}]; init_commands(_, _, #state{test=terminate_on_stop}) -> [{response, 204, #{}, <<>>}]; init_commands(_, _, _) -> [{headers, 200, #{}}]. init_process(TrapExit, #state{pid=Pid}) -> Self = self(), Spawn = spawn_link(fun() -> process_flag(trap_exit, TrapExit), Pid ! {Pid, Self, spawned, self()}, receive {Pid, ready} -> ok after 1000 -> error(timeout) end, Self ! {self(), ready}, receive after 5000 -> Pid ! {Pid, Self, still_alive, self()} end end), receive {Spawn, ready} -> ok after 1000 -> error(timeout) end, Spawn. data(_, _, _, #state{test=crash_in_data}) -> error(crash); data(_, fin, <<"Hello world!">>, State=#state{test=flow_after_body_fully_read}) -> {[{flow, 12}, {response, 200, #{}, <<"{}">>}], State}; data(StreamID, IsFin, Data, State=#state{pid=Pid}) -> Pid ! {Pid, self(), data, StreamID, IsFin, Data, State}, {[], State}. info(_, Resp={response, _, _, _}, State) -> {[Resp], State}; info(_, crash, #state{test=crash_in_info}) -> error(crash); info(StreamID, Info, State=#state{pid=Pid}) -> Pid ! {Pid, self(), info, StreamID, Info, State}, case Info of please_stop -> {[stop], State}; _ -> {[Info], State} end. terminate(StreamID, Reason, State=#state{pid=Pid, test=crash_in_terminate}) -> Pid ! {Pid, self(), terminate, StreamID, Reason, State}, error(crash); terminate(StreamID, Reason, State=#state{pid=Pid}) -> Pid ! {Pid, self(), terminate, StreamID, Reason, State}, ok. %% This clause can only test for early errors that reached the required headers. early_error(StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts) -> Pid = list_to_pid(binary_to_list(cowboy_req:header(<<"x-test-pid">>, PartialReq))), Pid ! {Pid, self(), early_error, StreamID, Reason, PartialReq, Resp, Opts}, case cowboy_req:header(<<"x-test-case">>, PartialReq) of <<"crash_in_early_error",_/bits>> -> error(crash); _ -> Resp end. %% @todo It would be good if we could allow this function to return normally. -spec takeover(_, _, _, _, _, _, _) -> no_return(). takeover(Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Buffer, State=#state{pid=Pid}) -> Pid ! {Pid, self(), takeover, Parent, Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts, Buffer, State}, exit(normal).