%% This module is used to test the flushing of messages when %% switch_protocol is executed by cowboy_http. -module(switch_protocol_flush_h). -export([init/3]). -export([info/3]). -export([terminate/3]). -export([takeover/7]). -export([validate/1]). init(StreamID, Req, _) -> Pid = list_to_pid(binary_to_list(cowboy_req:header(<<"x-test-pid">>, Req))), %% Send ourselves a few messages that may or may not be flushed. self() ! good, self() ! {'EXIT', Pid, normal}, self() ! {system, a, b}, self() ! {{self(), StreamID}, hello}, self() ! {'$gen_call', a, b}, self() ! {timeout, make_ref(), ?MODULE}, self() ! {ranch_tcp, socket, <<"123">>}, {[{switch_protocol, #{}, ?MODULE, Pid}], undefined}. info(_, _, State) -> {[], State}. terminate(_, _, _) -> ok. takeover(_, _, _, _, _, _, Pid) -> Msgs = receive_all([]), Pid ! {Pid, Msgs}, exit(normal). receive_all(Acc) -> receive Msg -> receive_all([Msg|Acc]) after 0 -> Acc end. validate(Msgs) -> [ {ranch_tcp, socket, <<"123">>}, {'$gen_call', a, b}, {system, a, b}, good ] = Msgs, ok.