%% Feel free to use, reuse and abuse the code in this file. -module(http_multipart_stream). -export([init/2]). -export([handle/2]). init(Req, Opts) -> {http, Req, Opts}. handle(Req, State) -> Req2 = multipart(Req), {ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, Req2), State}. multipart(Req) -> case cowboy_req:part(Req) of {ok, [{<<"content-length">>, BinLength}], Req2} -> Length = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(BinLength)), {Length, Req3} = stream_body(Req2, 0), multipart(Req3); {done, Req2} -> Req2 end. stream_body(Req, N) -> case cowboy_req:part_body(Req) of {ok, Data, Req2} -> {N + byte_size(Data), Req2}; {more, Data, Req2} -> stream_body(Req2, N + byte_size(Data)) end.