%% Feel free to use, reuse and abuse the code in this file. -module(http_stream_body). -export([init/2]). init(Req, Opts) -> Body = proplists:get_value(body, Opts, "http_handler_stream_body"), Reply = proplists:get_value(reply, Opts), SFun = fun () -> cowboy_req:send_body(Body, nofin, Req) end, Req2 = case Reply of set_resp -> SLen = iolist_size(Body), cowboy_req:set_resp_body({stream, SLen, SFun}, Req); %% @todo Hmm that one will be sent as chunked now. %% We need an option to disable chunked. set_resp_close -> cowboy_req:set_resp_body({stream, undefined, SFun}, Req); set_resp_chunked -> %% Here Body should be a list of chunks, not a binary. SFun2 = fun () -> lists:foreach(fun (Data) -> cowboy_req:send_body(Data, nofin, Req) end, Body) end, cowboy_req:set_resp_body({stream, undefined, SFun2}, Req) end, {ok, cowboy_req:reply(200, Req2), Opts}.