%% Copyright (c) 2017-2024, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(tracer_SUITE). -compile(export_all). -compile(nowarn_export_all). -import(ct_helper, [config/2]). -import(ct_helper, [doc/1]). -import(cowboy_test, [gun_open/1]). -import(cowboy_test, [gun_down/1]). %% ct. suite() -> [{timetrap, 30000}]. %% We initialize trace patterns here. Appropriate would be in %% init_per_suite/1, but this works just as well. all() -> %% @todo Implement these tests for HTTP/3. cowboy_test:common_all() -- [{group, h3}, {group, h3_compress}]. init_per_suite(Config) -> cowboy_tracer_h:set_trace_patterns(), Config. end_per_suite(_) -> ok. %% We want tests for each group to execute sequentially %% because we need to modify the protocol options. Groups %% can run in parallel however. groups() -> Tests = ct_helper:all(?MODULE), [ {http, [], Tests}, {https, [], Tests}, {h2, [], Tests}, {h2c, [], Tests}, {http_compress, [], Tests}, {https_compress, [], Tests}, {h2_compress, [], Tests}, {h2c_compress, [], Tests} ]. init_per_group(Name = http, Config) -> cowboy_test:init_http(Name, init_plain_opts(Config), Config); init_per_group(Name = https, Config) -> cowboy_test:init_http(Name, init_plain_opts(Config), Config); init_per_group(Name = h2, Config) -> cowboy_test:init_http2(Name, init_plain_opts(Config), Config); init_per_group(Name = h2c, Config) -> Config1 = cowboy_test:init_http(Name, init_plain_opts(Config), Config), lists:keyreplace(protocol, 1, Config1, {protocol, http2}); init_per_group(Name = http_compress, Config) -> cowboy_test:init_http(Name, init_compress_opts(Config), Config); init_per_group(Name = https_compress, Config) -> cowboy_test:init_http(Name, init_compress_opts(Config), Config); init_per_group(Name = h2_compress, Config) -> cowboy_test:init_http2(Name, init_compress_opts(Config), Config); init_per_group(Name = h2c_compress, Config) -> Config1 = cowboy_test:init_http(Name, init_compress_opts(Config), Config), lists:keyreplace(protocol, 1, Config1, {protocol, http2}). end_per_group(Name, _) -> cowboy:stop_listener(Name). init_plain_opts(Config) -> #{ env => #{dispatch => cowboy_router:compile(init_routes(Config))}, stream_handlers => [cowboy_tracer_h, cowboy_stream_h] }. init_compress_opts(Config) -> #{ env => #{dispatch => cowboy_router:compile(init_routes(Config))}, stream_handlers => [cowboy_tracer_h, cowboy_compress_h, cowboy_stream_h] }. init_routes(_) -> [ {"localhost", [ {"/", hello_h, []}, {"/longer/hello/path", hello_h, []} ]} ]. do_get(Path, Config) -> %% Perform a GET request. ConnPid = gun_open(Config), Ref = gun:get(ConnPid, Path, [ {<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip">>}, {<<"x-test-pid">>, pid_to_list(self())} ]), {response, nofin, 200, _Headers} = gun:await(ConnPid, Ref), {ok, _Body} = gun:await_body(ConnPid, Ref), gun:close(ConnPid). %% We only care about cowboy_req:reply/4 calls and init/terminate events. do_tracer_callback(Pid) -> fun (Event, _) when Event =:= init; Event =:= terminate -> Pid ! Event, 0; (Event={trace_ts, _, call, {cowboy_req, reply, _}, _}, State) -> Pid ! Event, Pid ! {state, State}, State + 1; (_, State) -> State + 1 end. %% Tests. init(Config) -> doc("Ensure the init event is triggered."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [fun(_,_,_) -> true end] }), do_get("/", Config), receive init -> ok end. terminate(Config) -> doc("Ensure the terminate event is triggered."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [fun(_,_,_) -> true end] }), do_get("/", Config), receive terminate -> ok end. state(Config) -> doc("Ensure the returned state is used."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [fun(_,_,_) -> true end] }), do_get("/", Config), receive {state, St} -> true = St > 0, ok end. empty(Config) -> doc("Empty match specs unconditionally enable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [] }), do_get("/", Config), receive {trace_ts, _, call, {cowboy_req, reply, [200, _, _, _]}, _} -> ok end. predicate_true(Config) -> doc("Predicate function returns true, unconditionally enable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [fun(_,_,_) -> true end] }), do_get("/", Config), receive {trace_ts, _, call, {cowboy_req, reply, [200, _, _, _]}, _} -> ok end. predicate_false(Config) -> doc("Predicate function returns false, unconditionally disable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [fun(_,_,_) -> false end] }), do_get("/", Config), receive Msg when element(1, Msg) =:= trace_ts -> error(Msg) after 100 -> ok end. method(Config) -> doc("Method is the same as the request's, enable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{method, <<"GET">>}] }), do_get("/", Config), receive {trace_ts, _, call, {cowboy_req, reply, [200, _, _, _]}, _} -> ok end. method_no_match(Config) -> doc("Method is different from the request's, disable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{method, <<"POST">>}] }), do_get("/", Config), receive Msg when element(1, Msg) =:= trace_ts -> error(Msg) after 100 -> ok end. host(Config) -> doc("Host is the same as the request's, enable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{host, <<"localhost">>}] }), do_get("/", Config), receive {trace_ts, _, call, {cowboy_req, reply, [200, _, _, _]}, _} -> ok end. host_no_match(Config) -> doc("Host is different from the request's, disable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{host, <<"ninenines.eu">>}] }), do_get("/", Config), receive Msg when element(1, Msg) =:= trace_ts -> error(Msg) after 100 -> ok end. path(Config) -> doc("Path is the same as the request's, enable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{path, <<"/longer/hello/path">>}] }), do_get("/longer/hello/path", Config), receive {trace_ts, _, call, {cowboy_req, reply, [200, _, _, _]}, _} -> ok end. path_no_match(Config) -> doc("Path is different from the request's, disable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{path, <<"/some/other/path">>}] }), do_get("/longer/hello/path", Config), receive Msg when element(1, Msg) =:= trace_ts -> error(Msg) after 100 -> ok end. path_start(Config) -> doc("Start of path is the same as request's, enable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{path_start, <<"/longer/hello">>}] }), do_get("/longer/hello/path", Config), receive {trace_ts, _, call, {cowboy_req, reply, [200, _, _, _]}, _} -> ok end. path_start_no_match(Config) -> doc("Start of path is different from the request's, disable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{path_start, <<"/shorter/hello">>}] }), do_get("/longer/hello/path", Config), receive Msg when element(1, Msg) =:= trace_ts -> error(Msg) after 100 -> ok end. header_defined(Config) -> doc("Header is defined in the request, enable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{header, <<"accept-encoding">>}] }), do_get("/", Config), receive {trace_ts, _, call, {cowboy_req, reply, [200, _, _, _]}, _} -> ok end. header_defined_no_match(Config) -> doc("Header is not defined in the request, disable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{header, <<"accept-language">>}] }), do_get("/", Config), receive Msg when element(1, Msg) =:= trace_ts -> error(Msg) after 100 -> ok end. header_value(Config) -> doc("Header value is the same as the request's, enable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{header, <<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip">>}] }), do_get("/", Config), receive {trace_ts, _, call, {cowboy_req, reply, [200, _, _, _]}, _} -> ok end. header_value_no_match(Config) -> doc("Header value is different from the request's, disable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{header, <<"accept-encoding">>, <<"nope">>}] }), do_get("/", Config), receive Msg when element(1, Msg) =:= trace_ts -> error(Msg) after 100 -> ok end. peer_ip(Config) -> doc("Peer IP is the same as the request's, enable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{peer_ip, {127, 0, 0, 1}}] }), do_get("/", Config), receive {trace_ts, _, call, {cowboy_req, reply, [200, _, _, _]}, _} -> ok end. peer_ip_no_match(Config) -> doc("Peer IP is different from the request's, disable tracing."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [{peer_ip, {8, 8, 8, 8}}] }), do_get("/", Config), receive Msg when element(1, Msg) =:= trace_ts -> error(Msg) after 100 -> ok end. missing_callback(Config) -> doc("Ensure the request is still processed if the callback is not provided."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts0 = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), Opts = maps:remove(tracer_callback, Opts0), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_match_specs => [{method, <<"GET">>}] }), do_get("/", Config), receive Msg when element(1, Msg) =:= trace_ts -> error(Msg) after 100 -> ok end. missing_match_specs(Config) -> doc("Ensure the request is still processed if match specs are not provided."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts0 = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), Opts = maps:remove(tracer_match_specs, Opts0), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()) }), do_get("/", Config), receive Msg when element(1, Msg) =:= trace_ts -> error(Msg) after 100 -> ok end. two_matching_requests(Config) -> doc("Perform two requests that enable tracing on the same connection."), Ref = config(ref, Config), Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(Ref), ranch:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts#{ tracer_callback => do_tracer_callback(self()), tracer_match_specs => [fun(_,_,_) -> true end] }), %% Perform a GET request. ConnPid = gun_open(Config), Ref1 = gun:get(ConnPid, "/", []), {response, nofin, 200, _} = gun:await(ConnPid, Ref1), {ok, _} = gun:await_body(ConnPid, Ref1), receive {trace_ts, _, call, {cowboy_req, reply, [200, _, _, _]}, _} -> ok end, %% Perform a second GET request on the same connection. Ref2 = gun:get(ConnPid, "/", []), {response, nofin, 200, _} = gun:await(ConnPid, Ref2), {ok, _} = gun:await_body(ConnPid, Ref2), receive {trace_ts, _, call, {cowboy_req, reply, [200, _, _, _]}, _} -> ok end, gun:close(ConnPid).