%% Feel free to use, reuse and abuse the code in this file. -module(websocket_echo_handler). -behaviour(cowboy_http_handler). -behaviour(cowboy_websocket_handler). -export([init/3, handle/2, terminate/2]). -export([websocket_init/3, websocket_handle/3, websocket_info/3, websocket_terminate/3]). init(_Any, _Req, _Opts) -> {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket}. handle(_Req, _State) -> exit(badarg). terminate(_Req, _State) -> exit(badarg). websocket_init(_TransportName, Req, _Opts) -> Req2 = cowboy_req:compact(Req), {ok, Req2, undefined}. websocket_handle({text, Data}, Req, State) -> {reply, {text, Data}, Req, State}; websocket_handle({binary, Data}, Req, State) -> {reply, {binary, Data}, Req, State}; websocket_handle(_Frame, Req, State) -> {ok, Req, State}. websocket_info(_Info, Req, State) -> {ok, Req, State}. websocket_terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) -> ok.