%% Copyright (c) 2011-2024, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(ws_autobahn_SUITE). -compile(export_all). -compile(nowarn_export_all). -import(ct_helper, [config/2]). -import(ct_helper, [doc/1]). %% ct. all() -> [{group, autobahn}]. groups() -> [{autobahn, [], [autobahn_fuzzingclient]}]. init_per_group(Name, Config) -> %% Some systems have it named pip2. Out = os:cmd("pip show autobahntestsuite ; pip2 show autobahntestsuite"), case string:str(Out, "autobahntestsuite") of 0 -> ct:print("Skipping the autobahn group because the " "Autobahn Test Suite is not installed.~nTo install it, " "please follow the instructions on this page:~n~n " "http://autobahn.ws/testsuite/installation.html"), {skip, "Autobahn Test Suite not installed."}; _ -> {ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(Name, [{port, 33080}], #{ env => #{dispatch => init_dispatch()} }), Config end. end_per_group(Listener, _Config) -> cowboy:stop_listener(Listener). %% Dispatch configuration. init_dispatch() -> cowboy_router:compile([ {"host.docker.internal", [ {"/ws_echo", ws_echo, []} ]} ]). %% Tests. autobahn_fuzzingclient(Config) -> doc("Autobahn test suite for the Websocket protocol."), Self = self(), spawn_link(fun() -> do_start_port(Config, Self) end), receive autobahn_exit -> ok end, ct:log("<h2><a href=\"log_private/reports/servers/index.html\">Full report</a></h2>~n"), Report = config(priv_dir, Config) ++ "reports/servers/index.html", ct:print("Autobahn Test Suite report: file://~s~n", [Report]), {ok, HTML} = file:read_file(Report), case length(binary:matches(HTML, <<"case_failed">>)) > 2 of true -> error(failed); false -> ok end. do_start_port(Config, Pid) -> % Cmd = "wstest -m fuzzingclient -s " ++ config(data_dir, Config) ++ "client.json", Cmd = "sudo docker run --rm " "-v " ++ config(data_dir, Config) ++ "/client.json:/client.json " "-v " ++ config(priv_dir, Config) ++ "/reports:/reports " "--add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway " "--name fuzzingclient " "crossbario/autobahn-testsuite " "wstest -m fuzzingclient -s client.json", Port = open_port({spawn, Cmd}, [{line, 10000}, {cd, config(priv_dir, Config)}, binary, eof]), do_receive_infinity(Port, Pid). do_receive_infinity(Port, Pid) -> receive {Port, {data, {eol, Line}}} -> io:format(user, "~s~n", [Line]), do_receive_infinity(Port, Pid); {Port, eof} -> Pid ! autobahn_exit end.