%% Copyright (c) 2018, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(ws_handler_SUITE). -compile(export_all). -compile(nowarn_export_all). -import(ct_helper, [config/2]). -import(ct_helper, [doc/1]). -import(cowboy_test, [gun_open/1]). -import(cowboy_test, [gun_down/1]). %% ct. all() -> [{group, ws}, {group, ws_hibernate}]. %% @todo Test against HTTP/2 too. groups() -> AllTests = ct_helper:all(?MODULE), [{ws, [parallel], AllTests}, {ws_hibernate, [parallel], AllTests}]. init_per_group(Name, Config) -> cowboy_test:init_http(Name, #{ env => #{dispatch => init_dispatch(Name)} }, Config). end_per_group(Name, _) -> cowboy:stop_listener(Name). %% Dispatch configuration. init_dispatch(Name) -> RunOrHibernate = case Name of ws -> run; ws_hibernate -> hibernate end, cowboy_router:compile([{'_', [ {"/init", ws_init_commands_h, RunOrHibernate}, {"/handle", ws_handle_commands_h, RunOrHibernate}, {"/info", ws_info_commands_h, RunOrHibernate}, {"/trap_exit", ws_init_h, RunOrHibernate}, {"/active", ws_active_commands_h, RunOrHibernate}, {"/deflate", ws_deflate_commands_h, RunOrHibernate}, {"/set_options", ws_set_options_commands_h, RunOrHibernate}, {"/shutdown_reason", ws_shutdown_reason_commands_h, RunOrHibernate} ]}]). %% Support functions for testing using Gun. gun_open_ws(Config, Path, Commands) -> ConnPid = gun_open(Config), StreamRef = gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, Path, [ {<<"x-commands">>, base64:encode(term_to_binary(Commands))} ]), receive {gun_upgrade, ConnPid, StreamRef, [<<"websocket">>], _} -> {ok, ConnPid, StreamRef}; {gun_response, ConnPid, _, _, Status, Headers} -> exit({ws_upgrade_failed, Status, Headers}); {gun_error, ConnPid, StreamRef, Reason} -> exit({ws_upgrade_failed, Reason}) after 1000 -> error(timeout) end. receive_ws(ConnPid, StreamRef) -> receive {gun_ws, ConnPid, StreamRef, Frame} -> {ok, Frame} after 1000 -> {error, timeout} end. ensure_handle_is_called(ConnPid, StreamRef, "/handle") -> gun:ws_send(ConnPid, StreamRef, {text, <<"Necessary to trigger websocket_handle/2.">>}); ensure_handle_is_called(_, _, _) -> ok. %% Tests. websocket_init_nothing(Config) -> doc("Nothing happens when websocket_init/1 returns no commands."), do_nothing(Config, "/init"). websocket_handle_nothing(Config) -> doc("Nothing happens when websocket_handle/2 returns no commands."), do_nothing(Config, "/handle"). websocket_info_nothing(Config) -> doc("Nothing happens when websocket_info/2 returns no commands."), do_nothing(Config, "/info"). do_nothing(Config, Path) -> {ok, ConnPid, StreamRef} = gun_open_ws(Config, Path, []), ensure_handle_is_called(ConnPid, StreamRef, Path), {error, timeout} = receive_ws(ConnPid, StreamRef), ok. websocket_init_invalid(Config) -> doc("The connection must be closed when websocket_init/1 returns an invalid command."), do_invalid(Config, "/init"). websocket_handle_invalid(Config) -> doc("The connection must be closed when websocket_handle/2 returns an invalid command."), do_invalid(Config, "/init"). websocket_info_invalid(Config) -> doc("The connection must be closed when websocket_info/2 returns an invalid command."), do_invalid(Config, "/info"). do_invalid(Config, Path) -> {ok, ConnPid, StreamRef} = gun_open_ws(Config, Path, bad), ensure_handle_is_called(ConnPid, StreamRef, Path), gun_down(ConnPid). websocket_init_one_frame(Config) -> doc("A single frame is received when websocket_init/1 returns it as a command."), do_one_frame(Config, "/init"). websocket_handle_one_frame(Config) -> doc("A single frame is received when websocket_handle/2 returns it as a command."), do_one_frame(Config, "/handle"). websocket_info_one_frame(Config) -> doc("A single frame is received when websocket_info/2 returns it as a command."), do_one_frame(Config, "/info"). do_one_frame(Config, Path) -> {ok, ConnPid, StreamRef} = gun_open_ws(Config, Path, [ {text, <<"One frame!">>} ]), ensure_handle_is_called(ConnPid, StreamRef, Path), {ok, {text, <<"One frame!">>}} = receive_ws(ConnPid, StreamRef), ok. websocket_init_many_frames(Config) -> doc("Multiple frames are received when websocket_init/1 returns them as commands."), do_many_frames(Config, "/init"). websocket_handle_many_frames(Config) -> doc("Multiple frames are received when websocket_handle/2 returns them as commands."), do_many_frames(Config, "/handle"). websocket_info_many_frames(Config) -> doc("Multiple frames are received when websocket_info/2 returns them as commands."), do_many_frames(Config, "/info"). do_many_frames(Config, Path) -> {ok, ConnPid, StreamRef} = gun_open_ws(Config, Path, [ {text, <<"One frame!">>}, {binary, <<"Two frames!">>} ]), ensure_handle_is_called(ConnPid, StreamRef, Path), {ok, {text, <<"One frame!">>}} = receive_ws(ConnPid, StreamRef), {ok, {binary, <<"Two frames!">>}} = receive_ws(ConnPid, StreamRef), ok. websocket_init_close_frame(Config) -> doc("A single close frame is received when websocket_init/1 returns it as a command."), do_close_frame(Config, "/init"). websocket_handle_close_frame(Config) -> doc("A single close frame is received when websocket_handle/2 returns it as a command."), do_close_frame(Config, "/handle"). websocket_info_close_frame(Config) -> doc("A single close frame is received when websocket_info/2 returns it as a command."), do_close_frame(Config, "/info"). do_close_frame(Config, Path) -> {ok, ConnPid, StreamRef} = gun_open_ws(Config, Path, [close]), ensure_handle_is_called(ConnPid, StreamRef, Path), {ok, close} = receive_ws(ConnPid, StreamRef), gun_down(ConnPid). websocket_init_many_frames_then_close_frame(Config) -> doc("Multiple frames are received followed by a close frame " "when websocket_init/1 returns them as commands."), do_many_frames_then_close_frame(Config, "/init"). websocket_handle_many_frames_then_close_frame(Config) -> doc("Multiple frames are received followed by a close frame " "when websocket_handle/2 returns them as commands."), do_many_frames_then_close_frame(Config, "/handle"). websocket_info_many_frames_then_close_frame(Config) -> doc("Multiple frames are received followed by a close frame " "when websocket_info/2 returns them as commands."), do_many_frames_then_close_frame(Config, "/info"). do_many_frames_then_close_frame(Config, Path) -> {ok, ConnPid, StreamRef} = gun_open_ws(Config, Path, [ {text, <<"One frame!">>}, {binary, <<"Two frames!">>}, close ]), ensure_handle_is_called(ConnPid, StreamRef, Path), {ok, {text, <<"One frame!">>}} = receive_ws(ConnPid, StreamRef), {ok, {binary, <<"Two frames!">>}} = receive_ws(ConnPid, StreamRef), {ok, close} = receive_ws(ConnPid, StreamRef), gun_down(ConnPid). websocket_init_trap_exit_false(Config) -> doc("The trap_exit process flag must be set back to false before " "the connection is taken over by Websocket."), {ok, ConnPid, StreamRef} = gun_open_ws(Config, "/trap_exit?reply_trap_exit", []), {ok, {text, <<"trap_exit: false">>}} = receive_ws(ConnPid, StreamRef), ok. websocket_active_false(Config) -> doc("The {active, false} command stops receiving data from the socket. " "The {active, true} command reenables it."), {ok, ConnPid, StreamRef} = gun_open_ws(Config, "/active", []), gun:ws_send(ConnPid, StreamRef, {text, <<"Not received until the handler enables active again.">>}), {error, timeout} = receive_ws(ConnPid, StreamRef), {ok, {text, <<"Not received until the handler enables active again.">>}} = receive_ws(ConnPid, StreamRef), ok. websocket_deflate_false(Config) -> doc("The {deflate, false} command temporarily disables compression. " "The {deflate, true} command reenables it."), %% We disable context takeover so that the compressed data %% does not change across all frames. {ok, Socket, Headers} = ws_SUITE:do_handshake("/deflate", "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; server_no_context_takeover\r\n", Config), {_, "permessage-deflate; server_no_context_takeover"} = lists:keyfind("sec-websocket-extensions", 1, Headers), %% The handler receives a compressed "Hello" frame and %% sends back a compressed or uncompressed echo intermittently. Mask = 16#11223344, CompressedHello = <<242, 72, 205, 201, 201, 7, 0>>, MaskedHello = ws_SUITE:do_mask(CompressedHello, Mask, <<>>), %% First echo is compressed. ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, <<1:1, 1:1, 0:2, 1:4, 1:1, 7:7, Mask:32, MaskedHello/binary>>), {ok, <<1:1, 1:1, 0:2, 1:4, 0:1, 7:7, CompressedHello/binary>>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0, 6000), %% Second echo is not compressed when it is received back. ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, <<1:1, 1:1, 0:2, 1:4, 1:1, 7:7, Mask:32, MaskedHello/binary>>), {ok, <<1:1, 0:3, 1:4, 0:1, 5:7, "Hello">>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0, 6000), %% Third echo is compressed again. ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, <<1:1, 1:1, 0:2, 1:4, 1:1, 7:7, Mask:32, MaskedHello/binary>>), {ok, <<1:1, 1:1, 0:2, 1:4, 0:1, 7:7, CompressedHello/binary>>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0, 6000), %% Client-initiated close. ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, << 1:1, 0:3, 8:4, 1:1, 0:7, 0:32 >>), {ok, << 1:1, 0:3, 8:4, 0:8 >>} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0, 6000), {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0, 6000), ok. websocket_deflate_ignore_if_not_negotiated(Config) -> doc("The {deflate, boolean()} commands are ignored " "when compression was not negotiated."), {ok, ConnPid, StreamRef} = gun_open_ws(Config, "/deflate", []), _ = [begin gun:ws_send(ConnPid, StreamRef, {text, <<"Hello.">>}), {ok, {text, <<"Hello.">>}} = receive_ws(ConnPid, StreamRef) end || _ <- lists:seq(1, 10)], ok. websocket_set_options_idle_timeout(Config) -> doc("The idle_timeout option can be modified using the " "command {set_options, Opts} at runtime."), ConnPid = gun_open(Config), StreamRef = gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, "/set_options"), receive {gun_upgrade, ConnPid, StreamRef, [<<"websocket">>], _} -> ok; {gun_response, ConnPid, _, _, Status, Headers} -> exit({ws_upgrade_failed, Status, Headers}); {gun_error, ConnPid, StreamRef, Reason} -> exit({ws_upgrade_failed, Reason}) after 1000 -> error(timeout) end, %% We don't send anything for a short while and confirm %% that idle_timeout does not trigger. {error, timeout} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef, 2000), %% Trigger the change in idle_timeout and confirm that %% the connection gets closed soon after. gun:ws_send(ConnPid, StreamRef, {text, <<"idle_timeout_short">>}), receive {gun_down, ConnPid, _, _, _} -> ok after 2000 -> error(timeout) end. websocket_shutdown_reason(Config) -> doc("The command {shutdown_reason, any()} can be used to " "change the shutdown reason of a Websocket connection."), ConnPid = gun_open(Config), StreamRef = gun:ws_upgrade(ConnPid, "/shutdown_reason", [ {<<"x-test-pid">>, pid_to_list(self())} ]), {upgrade, [<<"websocket">>], _} = gun:await(ConnPid, StreamRef), WsPid = receive {ws_pid, P} -> P after 1000 -> error(timeout) end, MRef = monitor(process, WsPid), WsPid ! {self(), {?MODULE, ?FUNCTION_NAME}}, receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, WsPid, {shutdown, {?MODULE, ?FUNCTION_NAME}}} -> ok after 1000 -> error(timeout) end.