%% Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. %% The current implementation is not suitable for use in %% intermediaries as the information about headers that %% should never be indexed is currently lost. -module(cow_hpack). -export([init/0]). -export([init/1]). -export([set_max_size/2]). -export([decode/1]). -export([decode/2]). -export([encode/1]). -export([encode/2]). -export([encode/3]). -record(state, { size = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), max_size = 4096 :: non_neg_integer(), configured_max_size = 4096 :: non_neg_integer(), dyn_table = [] :: [{pos_integer(), {binary(), binary()}}] }). -opaque state() :: #state{}. -export_type([state/0]). -type opts() :: map(). -export_type([opts/0]). -ifdef(TEST). -include_lib("proper/include/proper.hrl"). -endif. %% State initialization. -spec init() -> state(). init() -> #state{}. -spec init(non_neg_integer()) -> state(). init(MaxSize) -> #state{max_size=MaxSize, configured_max_size=MaxSize}. %% Update the configured max size. %% %% When decoding, the local endpoint also needs to send a SETTINGS %% frame with this value and it is then up to the remote endpoint %% to decide what actual limit it will use. The actual limit is %% signaled via dynamic table size updates in the encoded data. %% %% When encoding, the local endpoint will call this function after %% receiving a SETTINGS frame with this value. The encoder will %% then use this value as the new max after signaling via a dynamic %% table size update. The value given as argument may be lower %% than the one received in the SETTINGS. -spec set_max_size(non_neg_integer(), State) -> State when State::state(). set_max_size(MaxSize, State) -> State#state{configured_max_size=MaxSize}. %% Decoding. -spec decode(binary()) -> {cow_http:headers(), state()}. decode(Data) -> decode(Data, init()). -spec decode(binary(), State) -> {cow_http:headers(), State} when State::state(). %% Dynamic table size update is only allowed at the beginning of a HEADERS block. decode(<< 0:2, 1:1, Rest/bits >>, State=#state{configured_max_size=ConfigMaxSize}) -> {MaxSize, Rest2} = dec_int5(Rest), if MaxSize =< ConfigMaxSize -> State2 = table_update_size(MaxSize, State), decode(Rest2, State2) end; decode(Data, State) -> decode(Data, State, []). decode(<<>>, State, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), State}; %% Indexed header field representation. decode(<< 1:1, Rest/bits >>, State, Acc) -> dec_indexed(Rest, State, Acc); %% Literal header field with incremental indexing: new name. decode(<< 0:1, 1:1, 0:6, Rest/bits >>, State, Acc) -> dec_lit_index_new_name(Rest, State, Acc); %% Literal header field with incremental indexing: indexed name. decode(<< 0:1, 1:1, Rest/bits >>, State, Acc) -> dec_lit_index_indexed_name(Rest, State, Acc); %% Literal header field without indexing: new name. decode(<< 0:8, Rest/bits >>, State, Acc) -> dec_lit_no_index_new_name(Rest, State, Acc); %% Literal header field without indexing: indexed name. decode(<< 0:4, Rest/bits >>, State, Acc) -> dec_lit_no_index_indexed_name(Rest, State, Acc); %% Literal header field never indexed: new name. %% @todo Keep track of "never indexed" headers. decode(<< 0:3, 1:1, 0:4, Rest/bits >>, State, Acc) -> dec_lit_no_index_new_name(Rest, State, Acc); %% Literal header field never indexed: indexed name. %% @todo Keep track of "never indexed" headers. decode(<< 0:3, 1:1, Rest/bits >>, State, Acc) -> dec_lit_no_index_indexed_name(Rest, State, Acc). %% Indexed header field representation. dec_indexed(Rest, State, Acc) -> {Index, Rest2} = dec_int7(Rest), {Name, Value} = table_get(Index, State), decode(Rest2, State, [{Name, Value}|Acc]). %% Literal header field with incremental indexing. dec_lit_index_new_name(Rest, State, Acc) -> {Name, Rest2} = dec_str(Rest), dec_lit_index(Rest2, State, Acc, Name). dec_lit_index_indexed_name(Rest, State, Acc) -> {Index, Rest2} = dec_int6(Rest), Name = table_get_name(Index, State), dec_lit_index(Rest2, State, Acc, Name). dec_lit_index(Rest, State, Acc, Name) -> {Value, Rest2} = dec_str(Rest), State2 = table_insert({Name, Value}, State), decode(Rest2, State2, [{Name, Value}|Acc]). %% Literal header field without indexing. dec_lit_no_index_new_name(Rest, State, Acc) -> {Name, Rest2} = dec_str(Rest), dec_lit_no_index(Rest2, State, Acc, Name). dec_lit_no_index_indexed_name(Rest, State, Acc) -> {Index, Rest2} = dec_int4(Rest), Name = table_get_name(Index, State), dec_lit_no_index(Rest2, State, Acc, Name). dec_lit_no_index(Rest, State, Acc, Name) -> {Value, Rest2} = dec_str(Rest), decode(Rest2, State, [{Name, Value}|Acc]). %% @todo Literal header field never indexed. %% Decode an integer. %% The HPACK format has 4 different integer prefixes length (from 4 to 7) %% and each can be used to create an indefinite length integer if all bits %% of the prefix are set to 1. dec_int4(<< 2#1111:4, Rest/bits >>) -> dec_big_int(Rest, 15, 0); dec_int4(<< Int:4, Rest/bits >>) -> {Int, Rest}. dec_int5(<< 2#11111:5, Rest/bits >>) -> dec_big_int(Rest, 31, 0); dec_int5(<< Int:5, Rest/bits >>) -> {Int, Rest}. dec_int6(<< 2#111111:6, Rest/bits >>) -> dec_big_int(Rest, 63, 0); dec_int6(<< Int:6, Rest/bits >>) -> {Int, Rest}. dec_int7(<< 2#1111111:7, Rest/bits >>) -> dec_big_int(Rest, 127, 0); dec_int7(<< Int:7, Rest/bits >>) -> {Int, Rest}. dec_big_int(<< 0:1, Value:7, Rest/bits >>, Int, M) -> {Int + (Value bsl M), Rest}; dec_big_int(<< 1:1, Value:7, Rest/bits >>, Int, M) -> dec_big_int(Rest, Int + (Value bsl M), M + 7). %% Decode a string. dec_str(<< 0:1, Rest/bits >>) -> {Length, Rest2} = dec_int7(Rest), << Str:Length/binary, Rest3/bits >> = Rest2, {Str, Rest3}; dec_str(<< 1:1, Rest/bits >>) -> {Length, Rest2} = dec_int7(Rest), dec_huffman(Rest2, Length, 0, ok, <<>>). %% We use a lookup table that allows us to benefit from %% the binary match context optimization. A more naive %% implementation using bit pattern matching cannot reuse %% a match context because it wouldn't always match on %% byte boundaries. %% %% See cow_hpack_dec_huffman_lookup.hrl for more details. dec_huffman(<>, Len, Huff0, _, Acc) when Len > 0 -> {_, CharA, Huff1} = dec_huffman_lookup(Huff0, A), {Result, CharB, Huff} = dec_huffman_lookup(Huff1, B), case {CharA, CharB} of {undefined, undefined} -> dec_huffman(R, Len - 1, Huff, Result, Acc); {CharA, undefined} -> dec_huffman(R, Len - 1, Huff, Result, <>); {undefined, CharB} -> dec_huffman(R, Len - 1, Huff, Result, <>); {CharA, CharB} -> dec_huffman(R, Len - 1, Huff, Result, <>) end; dec_huffman(Rest, 0, _, ok, Acc) -> {Acc, Rest}. -include("cow_hpack_dec_huffman_lookup.hrl"). -ifdef(TEST). req_decode_test() -> %% First request (raw then huffman). {Headers1, State1} = decode(<< 16#828684410f7777772e6578616d706c652e636f6d:160 >>), {Headers1, State1} = decode(<< 16#828684418cf1e3c2e5f23a6ba0ab90f4ff:136 >>), Headers1 = [ {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>}, {<<":path">>, <<"/">>}, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>} ], #state{size=57, dyn_table=[{57,{<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}]} = State1, %% Second request (raw then huffman). {Headers2, State2} = decode(<< 16#828684be58086e6f2d6361636865:112 >>, State1), {Headers2, State2} = decode(<< 16#828684be5886a8eb10649cbf:96 >>, State1), Headers2 = [ {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>}, {<<":path">>, <<"/">>}, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"no-cache">>} ], #state{size=110, dyn_table=[ {53,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"no-cache">>}}, {57,{<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}]} = State2, %% Third request (raw then huffman). {Headers3, State3} = decode(<< 16#828785bf400a637573746f6d2d6b65790c637573746f6d2d76616c7565:232 >>, State2), {Headers3, State3} = decode(<< 16#828785bf408825a849e95ba97d7f8925a849e95bb8e8b4bf:192 >>, State2), Headers3 = [ {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, {<<":scheme">>, <<"https">>}, {<<":path">>, <<"/index.html">>}, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>} ], #state{size=164, dyn_table=[ {54,{<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>}}, {53,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"no-cache">>}}, {57,{<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}]} = State3, ok. resp_decode_test() -> %% Use a max_size of 256 to trigger header evictions. State0 = init(256), %% First response (raw then huffman). {Headers1, State1} = decode(<< 16#4803333032580770726976617465611d4d6f6e2c203231204f637420323031332032303a31333a323120474d546e1768747470733a2f2f7777772e6578616d706c652e636f6d:560 >>, State0), {Headers1, State1} = decode(<< 16#488264025885aec3771a4b6196d07abe941054d444a8200595040b8166e082a62d1bff6e919d29ad171863c78f0b97c8e9ae82ae43d3:432 >>, State0), Headers1 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"302">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>} ], #state{size=222, dyn_table=[ {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}, {42,{<<":status">>, <<"302">>}}]} = State1, %% Second response (raw then huffman). {Headers2, State2} = decode(<< 16#4803333037c1c0bf:64 >>, State1), {Headers2, State2} = decode(<< 16#4883640effc1c0bf:64 >>, State1), Headers2 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"307">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>} ], #state{size=222, dyn_table=[ {42,{<<":status">>, <<"307">>}}, {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}]} = State2, %% Third response (raw then huffman). {Headers3, State3} = decode(<< 16#88c1611d4d6f6e2c203231204f637420323031332032303a31333a323220474d54c05a04677a69707738666f6f3d4153444a4b48514b425a584f5157454f50495541585157454f49553b206d61782d6167653d333630303b2076657273696f6e3d31:784 >>, State2), {Headers3, State3} = decode(<< 16#88c16196d07abe941054d444a8200595040b8166e084a62d1bffc05a839bd9ab77ad94e7821dd7f2e6c7b335dfdfcd5b3960d5af27087f3672c1ab270fb5291f9587316065c003ed4ee5b1063d5007:632 >>, State2), Headers3 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"200">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:22 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}, {<<"content-encoding">>, <<"gzip">>}, {<<"set-cookie">>, <<"foo=ASDJKHQKBZXOQWEOPIUAXQWEOIU; max-age=3600; version=1">>} ], #state{size=215, dyn_table=[ {98,{<<"set-cookie">>, <<"foo=ASDJKHQKBZXOQWEOPIUAXQWEOIU; max-age=3600; version=1">>}}, {52,{<<"content-encoding">>, <<"gzip">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:22 GMT">>}}]} = State3, ok. table_update_decode_test() -> %% Use a max_size of 256 to trigger header evictions %% when the code is not updating the max size. State0 = init(256), %% First response (raw then huffman). {Headers1, State1} = decode(<< 16#4803333032580770726976617465611d4d6f6e2c203231204f637420323031332032303a31333a323120474d546e1768747470733a2f2f7777772e6578616d706c652e636f6d:560 >>, State0), {Headers1, State1} = decode(<< 16#488264025885aec3771a4b6196d07abe941054d444a8200595040b8166e082a62d1bff6e919d29ad171863c78f0b97c8e9ae82ae43d3:432 >>, State0), Headers1 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"302">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>} ], #state{size=222, configured_max_size=256, dyn_table=[ {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}, {42,{<<":status">>, <<"302">>}}]} = State1, %% Set a new configured max_size to avoid header evictions. State2 = set_max_size(512, State1), %% Second response with the table size update (raw then huffman). MaxSize = enc_big_int(512 - 31, []), {Headers2, State3} = decode( iolist_to_binary([<< 2#00111111>>, MaxSize, <<16#4803333037c1c0bf:64>>]), State2), {Headers2, State3} = decode( iolist_to_binary([<< 2#00111111>>, MaxSize, <<16#4883640effc1c0bf:64>>]), State2), Headers2 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"307">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>} ], #state{size=264, configured_max_size=512, dyn_table=[ {42,{<<":status">>, <<"307">>}}, {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}, {42,{<<":status">>, <<"302">>}}]} = State3, ok. table_update_decode_smaller_test() -> %% Use a max_size of 256 to trigger header evictions %% when the code is not updating the max size. State0 = init(256), %% First response (raw then huffman). {Headers1, State1} = decode(<< 16#4803333032580770726976617465611d4d6f6e2c203231204f637420323031332032303a31333a323120474d546e1768747470733a2f2f7777772e6578616d706c652e636f6d:560 >>, State0), {Headers1, State1} = decode(<< 16#488264025885aec3771a4b6196d07abe941054d444a8200595040b8166e082a62d1bff6e919d29ad171863c78f0b97c8e9ae82ae43d3:432 >>, State0), Headers1 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"302">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>} ], #state{size=222, configured_max_size=256, dyn_table=[ {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}, {42,{<<":status">>, <<"302">>}}]} = State1, %% Set a new configured max_size to avoid header evictions. State2 = set_max_size(512, State1), %% Second response with the table size update smaller than the limit (raw then huffman). MaxSize = enc_big_int(400 - 31, []), {Headers2, State3} = decode( iolist_to_binary([<< 2#00111111>>, MaxSize, <<16#4803333037c1c0bf:64>>]), State2), {Headers2, State3} = decode( iolist_to_binary([<< 2#00111111>>, MaxSize, <<16#4883640effc1c0bf:64>>]), State2), Headers2 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"307">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>} ], #state{size=264, configured_max_size=512, dyn_table=[ {42,{<<":status">>, <<"307">>}}, {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}, {42,{<<":status">>, <<"302">>}}]} = State3, ok. table_update_decode_too_large_test() -> %% Use a max_size of 256 to trigger header evictions %% when the code is not updating the max size. State0 = init(256), %% First response (raw then huffman). {Headers1, State1} = decode(<< 16#4803333032580770726976617465611d4d6f6e2c203231204f637420323031332032303a31333a323120474d546e1768747470733a2f2f7777772e6578616d706c652e636f6d:560 >>, State0), {Headers1, State1} = decode(<< 16#488264025885aec3771a4b6196d07abe941054d444a8200595040b8166e082a62d1bff6e919d29ad171863c78f0b97c8e9ae82ae43d3:432 >>, State0), Headers1 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"302">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>} ], #state{size=222, configured_max_size=256, dyn_table=[ {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}, {42,{<<":status">>, <<"302">>}}]} = State1, %% Set a new configured max_size to avoid header evictions. State2 = set_max_size(512, State1), %% Second response with the table size update (raw then huffman). MaxSize = enc_big_int(1024 - 31, []), {'EXIT', _} = (catch decode( iolist_to_binary([<< 2#00111111>>, MaxSize, <<16#4803333037c1c0bf:64>>]), State2)), {'EXIT', _} = (catch decode( iolist_to_binary([<< 2#00111111>>, MaxSize, <<16#4883640effc1c0bf:64>>]), State2)), ok. table_update_decode_zero_test() -> State0 = init(256), %% First response (raw then huffman). {Headers1, State1} = decode(<< 16#4803333032580770726976617465611d4d6f6e2c203231204f637420323031332032303a31333a323120474d546e1768747470733a2f2f7777772e6578616d706c652e636f6d:560 >>, State0), {Headers1, State1} = decode(<< 16#488264025885aec3771a4b6196d07abe941054d444a8200595040b8166e082a62d1bff6e919d29ad171863c78f0b97c8e9ae82ae43d3:432 >>, State0), Headers1 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"302">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>} ], #state{size=222, configured_max_size=256, dyn_table=[ {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}, {42,{<<":status">>, <<"302">>}}]} = State1, %% Set a new configured max_size to avoid header evictions. State2 = set_max_size(512, State1), %% Second response with the table size update (raw then huffman). %% We set the table size to 0 to evict all values before setting %% it to 512 so we only get the second request indexed. MaxSize = enc_big_int(512 - 31, []), {Headers1, State3} = decode(iolist_to_binary([ <<2#00100000, 2#00111111>>, MaxSize, <<16#4803333032580770726976617465611d4d6f6e2c203231204f637420323031332032303a31333a323120474d546e1768747470733a2f2f7777772e6578616d706c652e636f6d:560>>]), State2), {Headers1, State3} = decode(iolist_to_binary([ <<2#00100000, 2#00111111>>, MaxSize, <<16#488264025885aec3771a4b6196d07abe941054d444a8200595040b8166e082a62d1bff6e919d29ad171863c78f0b97c8e9ae82ae43d3:432>>]), State2), #state{size=222, configured_max_size=512, dyn_table=[ {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}, {42,{<<":status">>, <<"302">>}}]} = State3, ok. horse_decode_raw() -> horse:repeat(20000, do_horse_decode_raw() ). do_horse_decode_raw() -> {_, State1} = decode(<<16#828684410f7777772e6578616d706c652e636f6d:160>>), {_, State2} = decode(<<16#828684be58086e6f2d6361636865:112>>, State1), {_, _} = decode(<<16#828785bf400a637573746f6d2d6b65790c637573746f6d2d76616c7565:232>>, State2), ok. horse_decode_huffman() -> horse:repeat(20000, do_horse_decode_huffman() ). do_horse_decode_huffman() -> {_, State1} = decode(<<16#828684418cf1e3c2e5f23a6ba0ab90f4ff:136>>), {_, State2} = decode(<<16#828684be5886a8eb10649cbf:96>>, State1), {_, _} = decode(<<16#828785bf408825a849e95ba97d7f8925a849e95bb8e8b4bf:192>>, State2), ok. -endif. %% Encoding. -spec encode(cow_http:headers()) -> {iodata(), state()}. encode(Headers) -> encode(Headers, init(), #{}, []). -spec encode(cow_http:headers(), State) -> {iodata(), State} when State::state(). encode(Headers, State=#state{max_size=MaxSize, configured_max_size=MaxSize}) -> encode(Headers, State, #{}, []); encode(Headers, State0=#state{configured_max_size=MaxSize}) -> {Data, State} = encode(Headers, State0#state{max_size=MaxSize}, #{}, []), {[enc_int5(MaxSize, 2#001), Data], State}. -spec encode(cow_http:headers(), State, opts()) -> {iodata(), State} when State::state(). encode(Headers, State=#state{max_size=MaxSize, configured_max_size=MaxSize}, Opts) -> encode(Headers, State, Opts, []); encode(Headers, State0=#state{configured_max_size=MaxSize}, Opts) -> {Data, State} = encode(Headers, State0#state{max_size=MaxSize}, Opts, []), {[enc_int5(MaxSize, 2#001), Data], State}. %% @todo Handle cases where no/never indexing is expected. encode([], State, _, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), State}; encode([{Name, Value0}|Tail], State, Opts, Acc) -> %% We conditionally call iolist_to_binary/1 because a small %% but noticeable speed improvement happens when we do this. Value = if is_binary(Value0) -> Value0; true -> iolist_to_binary(Value0) end, Header = {Name, Value}, case table_find(Header, State) of %% Indexed header field representation. {field, Index} -> encode(Tail, State, Opts, [enc_int7(Index, 2#1)|Acc]); %% Literal header field representation: indexed name. {name, Index} -> State2 = table_insert(Header, State), encode(Tail, State2, Opts, [[enc_int6(Index, 2#01), enc_str(Value, Opts)]|Acc]); %% Literal header field representation: new name. not_found -> State2 = table_insert(Header, State), encode(Tail, State2, Opts, [[<< 0:1, 1:1, 0:6 >>, enc_str(Name, Opts), enc_str(Value, Opts)]|Acc]) end. %% Encode an integer. enc_int5(Int, Prefix) when Int < 31 -> << Prefix:3, Int:5 >>; enc_int5(Int, Prefix) -> [<< Prefix:3, 2#11111:5 >>|enc_big_int(Int - 31, [])]. enc_int6(Int, Prefix) when Int < 63 -> << Prefix:2, Int:6 >>; enc_int6(Int, Prefix) -> [<< Prefix:2, 2#111111:6 >>|enc_big_int(Int - 63, [])]. enc_int7(Int, Prefix) when Int < 127 -> << Prefix:1, Int:7 >>; enc_int7(Int, Prefix) -> [<< Prefix:1, 2#1111111:7 >>|enc_big_int(Int - 127, [])]. enc_big_int(Int, Acc) when Int < 128 -> lists:reverse([<< Int:8 >>|Acc]); enc_big_int(Int, Acc) -> enc_big_int(Int bsr 7, [<< 1:1, Int:7 >>|Acc]). %% Encode a string. enc_str(Str, Opts) -> case maps:get(huffman, Opts, true) of true -> Str2 = enc_huffman(Str, <<>>), [enc_int7(byte_size(Str2), 2#1), Str2]; false -> [enc_int7(byte_size(Str), 2#0), Str] end. enc_huffman(<<>>, Acc) -> case bit_size(Acc) rem 8 of 1 -> << Acc/bits, 2#1111111:7 >>; 2 -> << Acc/bits, 2#111111:6 >>; 3 -> << Acc/bits, 2#11111:5 >>; 4 -> << Acc/bits, 2#1111:4 >>; 5 -> << Acc/bits, 2#111:3 >>; 6 -> << Acc/bits, 2#11:2 >>; 7 -> << Acc/bits, 2#1:1 >>; 0 -> Acc end; enc_huffman(<< 0, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111000:13 >>); enc_huffman(<< 1, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111011000:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 2, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111100010:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 3, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111100011:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 4, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111100100:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 5, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111100101:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 6, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111100110:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 7, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111100111:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 8, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111101000:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 9, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111101010:24 >>); enc_huffman(<< 10, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111111111100:30 >>); enc_huffman(<< 11, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111101001:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 12, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111101010:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 13, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111111111101:30 >>); enc_huffman(<< 14, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111101011:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 15, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111101100:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 16, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111101101:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 17, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111101110:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 18, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111101111:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 19, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111110000:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 20, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111110001:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 21, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111110010:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 22, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111111111110:30 >>); enc_huffman(<< 23, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111110011:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 24, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111110100:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 25, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111110101:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 26, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111110110:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 27, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111110111:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 28, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111111000:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 29, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111111001:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 30, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111111010:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 31, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111111011:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 32, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#010100:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 33, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111000:10 >>); enc_huffman(<< 34, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111001:10 >>); enc_huffman(<< 35, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111010:12 >>); enc_huffman(<< 36, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111001:13 >>); enc_huffman(<< 37, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#010101:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 38, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111000:8 >>); enc_huffman(<< 39, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111010:11 >>); enc_huffman(<< 40, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111010:10 >>); enc_huffman(<< 41, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111011:10 >>); enc_huffman(<< 42, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111001:8 >>); enc_huffman(<< 43, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111011:11 >>); enc_huffman(<< 44, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111010:8 >>); enc_huffman(<< 45, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#010110:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 46, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#010111:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 47, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#011000:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 48, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#00000:5 >>); enc_huffman(<< 49, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#00001:5 >>); enc_huffman(<< 50, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#00010:5 >>); enc_huffman(<< 51, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#011001:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 52, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#011010:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 53, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#011011:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 54, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#011100:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 55, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#011101:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 56, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#011110:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 57, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#011111:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 58, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1011100:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 59, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111011:8 >>); enc_huffman(<< 60, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111100:15 >>); enc_huffman(<< 61, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#100000:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 62, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111011:12 >>); enc_huffman(<< 63, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111100:10 >>); enc_huffman(<< 64, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111010:13 >>); enc_huffman(<< 65, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#100001:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 66, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1011101:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 67, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1011110:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 68, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1011111:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 69, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1100000:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 70, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1100001:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 71, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1100010:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 72, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1100011:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 73, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1100100:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 74, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1100101:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 75, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1100110:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 76, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1100111:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 77, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1101000:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 78, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1101001:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 79, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1101010:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 80, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1101011:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 81, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1101100:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 82, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1101101:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 83, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1101110:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 84, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1101111:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 85, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1110000:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 86, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1110001:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 87, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1110010:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 88, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111100:8 >>); enc_huffman(<< 89, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1110011:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 90, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111101:8 >>); enc_huffman(<< 91, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111011:13 >>); enc_huffman(<< 92, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111110000:19 >>); enc_huffman(<< 93, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111100:13 >>); enc_huffman(<< 94, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111100:14 >>); enc_huffman(<< 95, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#100010:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 96, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111101:15 >>); enc_huffman(<< 97, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#00011:5 >>); enc_huffman(<< 98, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#100011:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 99, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#00100:5 >>); enc_huffman(<< 100, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#100100:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 101, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#00101:5 >>); enc_huffman(<< 102, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#100101:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 103, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#100110:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 104, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#100111:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 105, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#00110:5 >>); enc_huffman(<< 106, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1110100:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 107, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1110101:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 108, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#101000:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 109, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#101001:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 110, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#101010:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 111, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#00111:5 >>); enc_huffman(<< 112, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#101011:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 113, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1110110:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 114, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#101100:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 115, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#01000:5 >>); enc_huffman(<< 116, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#01001:5 >>); enc_huffman(<< 117, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#101101:6 >>); enc_huffman(<< 118, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1110111:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 119, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111000:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 120, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111001:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 121, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111010:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 122, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111011:7 >>); enc_huffman(<< 123, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111110:15 >>); enc_huffman(<< 124, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111100:11 >>); enc_huffman(<< 125, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111101:14 >>); enc_huffman(<< 126, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111101:13 >>); enc_huffman(<< 127, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111111100:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 128, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111100110:20 >>); enc_huffman(<< 129, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111010010:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 130, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111100111:20 >>); enc_huffman(<< 131, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111101000:20 >>); enc_huffman(<< 132, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111010011:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 133, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111010100:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 134, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111010101:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 135, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111011001:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 136, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111010110:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 137, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111011010:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 138, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111011011:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 139, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111011100:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 140, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111011101:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 141, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111011110:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 142, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111101011:24 >>); enc_huffman(<< 143, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111011111:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 144, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111101100:24 >>); enc_huffman(<< 145, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111101101:24 >>); enc_huffman(<< 146, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111010111:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 147, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111100000:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 148, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111101110:24 >>); enc_huffman(<< 149, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111100001:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 150, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111100010:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 151, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111100011:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 152, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111100100:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 153, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111011100:21 >>); enc_huffman(<< 154, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111011000:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 155, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111100101:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 156, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111011001:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 157, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111100110:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 158, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111100111:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 159, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111101111:24 >>); enc_huffman(<< 160, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111011010:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 161, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111011101:21 >>); enc_huffman(<< 162, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111101001:20 >>); enc_huffman(<< 163, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111011011:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 164, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111011100:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 165, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111101000:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 166, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111101001:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 167, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111011110:21 >>); enc_huffman(<< 168, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111101010:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 169, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111011101:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 170, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111011110:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 171, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111110000:24 >>); enc_huffman(<< 172, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111011111:21 >>); enc_huffman(<< 173, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111011111:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 174, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111101011:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 175, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111101100:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 176, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111100000:21 >>); enc_huffman(<< 177, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111100001:21 >>); enc_huffman(<< 178, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111100000:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 179, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111100010:21 >>); enc_huffman(<< 180, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111101101:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 181, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111100001:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 182, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111101110:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 183, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111101111:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 184, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111101010:20 >>); enc_huffman(<< 185, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111100010:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 186, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111100011:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 187, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111100100:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 188, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111110000:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 189, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111100101:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 190, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111100110:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 191, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111110001:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 192, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111100000:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 193, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111100001:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 194, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111101011:20 >>); enc_huffman(<< 195, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111110001:19 >>); enc_huffman(<< 196, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111100111:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 197, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111110010:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 198, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111101000:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 199, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111101100:25 >>); enc_huffman(<< 200, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111100010:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 201, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111100011:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 202, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111100100:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 203, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111011110:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 204, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111011111:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 205, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111100101:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 206, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111110001:24 >>); enc_huffman(<< 207, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111101101:25 >>); enc_huffman(<< 208, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111110010:19 >>); enc_huffman(<< 209, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111100011:21 >>); enc_huffman(<< 210, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111100110:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 211, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111100000:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 212, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111100001:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 213, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111100111:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 214, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111100010:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 215, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111110010:24 >>); enc_huffman(<< 216, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111100100:21 >>); enc_huffman(<< 217, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111100101:21 >>); enc_huffman(<< 218, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111101000:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 219, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111101001:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 220, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111111101:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 221, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111100011:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 222, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111100100:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 223, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111100101:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 224, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111101100:20 >>); enc_huffman(<< 225, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111110011:24 >>); enc_huffman(<< 226, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111101101:20 >>); enc_huffman(<< 227, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111100110:21 >>); enc_huffman(<< 228, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111101001:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 229, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111100111:21 >>); enc_huffman(<< 230, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111101000:21 >>); enc_huffman(<< 231, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111110011:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 232, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111101010:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 233, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111101011:22 >>); enc_huffman(<< 234, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111101110:25 >>); enc_huffman(<< 235, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111101111:25 >>); enc_huffman(<< 236, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111110100:24 >>); enc_huffman(<< 237, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111110101:24 >>); enc_huffman(<< 238, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111101010:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 239, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111110100:23 >>); enc_huffman(<< 240, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111101011:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 241, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111100110:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 242, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111101100:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 243, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111101101:26 >>); enc_huffman(<< 244, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111100111:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 245, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111101000:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 246, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111101001:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 247, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111101010:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 248, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111101011:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 249, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#1111111111111111111111111110:28 >>); enc_huffman(<< 250, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111101100:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 251, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111101101:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 252, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111101110:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 253, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111101111:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 254, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#111111111111111111111110000:27 >>); enc_huffman(<< 255, R/bits >>, A) -> enc_huffman(R, << A/bits, 2#11111111111111111111101110:26 >>). -ifdef(TEST). req_encode_test() -> %% First request (raw then huffman). Headers1 = [ {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>}, {<<":path">>, <<"/">>}, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>} ], {Raw1, State1} = encode(Headers1, init(), #{huffman => false}), << 16#828684410f7777772e6578616d706c652e636f6d:160 >> = iolist_to_binary(Raw1), {Huff1, State1} = encode(Headers1), << 16#828684418cf1e3c2e5f23a6ba0ab90f4ff:136 >> = iolist_to_binary(Huff1), #state{size=57, dyn_table=[{57,{<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}]} = State1, %% Second request (raw then huffman). Headers2 = [ {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>}, {<<":path">>, <<"/">>}, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"no-cache">>} ], {Raw2, State2} = encode(Headers2, State1, #{huffman => false}), << 16#828684be58086e6f2d6361636865:112 >> = iolist_to_binary(Raw2), {Huff2, State2} = encode(Headers2, State1), << 16#828684be5886a8eb10649cbf:96 >> = iolist_to_binary(Huff2), #state{size=110, dyn_table=[ {53,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"no-cache">>}}, {57,{<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}]} = State2, %% Third request (raw then huffman). Headers3 = [ {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, {<<":scheme">>, <<"https">>}, {<<":path">>, <<"/index.html">>}, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>} ], {Raw3, State3} = encode(Headers3, State2, #{huffman => false}), << 16#828785bf400a637573746f6d2d6b65790c637573746f6d2d76616c7565:232 >> = iolist_to_binary(Raw3), {Huff3, State3} = encode(Headers3, State2), << 16#828785bf408825a849e95ba97d7f8925a849e95bb8e8b4bf:192 >> = iolist_to_binary(Huff3), #state{size=164, dyn_table=[ {54,{<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>}}, {53,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"no-cache">>}}, {57,{<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}}]} = State3, ok. resp_encode_test() -> %% Use a max_size of 256 to trigger header evictions. State0 = init(256), %% First response (raw then huffman). Headers1 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"302">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>} ], {Raw1, State1} = encode(Headers1, State0, #{huffman => false}), << 16#4803333032580770726976617465611d4d6f6e2c203231204f637420323031332032303a31333a323120474d546e1768747470733a2f2f7777772e6578616d706c652e636f6d:560 >> = iolist_to_binary(Raw1), {Huff1, State1} = encode(Headers1, State0), << 16#488264025885aec3771a4b6196d07abe941054d444a8200595040b8166e082a62d1bff6e919d29ad171863c78f0b97c8e9ae82ae43d3:432 >> = iolist_to_binary(Huff1), #state{size=222, dyn_table=[ {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}, {42,{<<":status">>, <<"302">>}}]} = State1, %% Second response (raw then huffman). Headers2 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"307">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>} ], {Raw2, State2} = encode(Headers2, State1, #{huffman => false}), << 16#4803333037c1c0bf:64 >> = iolist_to_binary(Raw2), {Huff2, State2} = encode(Headers2, State1), << 16#4883640effc1c0bf:64 >> = iolist_to_binary(Huff2), #state{size=222, dyn_table=[ {42,{<<":status">>, <<"307">>}}, {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}]} = State2, %% Third response (raw then huffman). Headers3 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"200">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:22 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}, {<<"content-encoding">>, <<"gzip">>}, {<<"set-cookie">>, <<"foo=ASDJKHQKBZXOQWEOPIUAXQWEOIU; max-age=3600; version=1">>} ], {Raw3, State3} = encode(Headers3, State2, #{huffman => false}), << 16#88c1611d4d6f6e2c203231204f637420323031332032303a31333a323220474d54c05a04677a69707738666f6f3d4153444a4b48514b425a584f5157454f50495541585157454f49553b206d61782d6167653d333630303b2076657273696f6e3d31:784 >> = iolist_to_binary(Raw3), {Huff3, State3} = encode(Headers3, State2), << 16#88c16196d07abe941054d444a8200595040b8166e084a62d1bffc05a839bd9ab77ad94e7821dd7f2e6c7b335dfdfcd5b3960d5af27087f3672c1ab270fb5291f9587316065c003ed4ee5b1063d5007:632 >> = iolist_to_binary(Huff3), #state{size=215, dyn_table=[ {98,{<<"set-cookie">>, <<"foo=ASDJKHQKBZXOQWEOPIUAXQWEOIU; max-age=3600; version=1">>}}, {52,{<<"content-encoding">>, <<"gzip">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:22 GMT">>}}]} = State3, ok. %% This test assumes that table updates work correctly when decoding. table_update_encode_test() -> %% Use a max_size of 256 to trigger header evictions %% when the code is not updating the max size. DecState0 = EncState0 = init(256), %% First response. Headers1 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"302">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>} ], {Encoded1, EncState1} = encode(Headers1, EncState0), {Headers1, DecState1} = decode(iolist_to_binary(Encoded1), DecState0), #state{size=222, configured_max_size=256, dyn_table=[ {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}, {42,{<<":status">>, <<"302">>}}]} = DecState1, #state{size=222, configured_max_size=256, dyn_table=[ {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}, {42,{<<":status">>, <<"302">>}}]} = EncState1, %% Set a new configured max_size to avoid header evictions. DecState2 = set_max_size(512, DecState1), EncState2 = set_max_size(512, EncState1), %% Second response. Headers2 = [ {<<":status">>, <<"307">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}, {<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}, {<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>} ], {Encoded2, EncState3} = encode(Headers2, EncState2), {Headers2, DecState3} = decode(iolist_to_binary(Encoded2), DecState2), #state{size=264, max_size=512, dyn_table=[ {42,{<<":status">>, <<"307">>}}, {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}, {42,{<<":status">>, <<"302">>}}]} = DecState3, #state{size=264, max_size=512, dyn_table=[ {42,{<<":status">>, <<"307">>}}, {63,{<<"location">>, <<"https://www.example.com">>}}, {65,{<<"date">>, <<"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT">>}}, {52,{<<"cache-control">>, <<"private">>}}, {42,{<<":status">>, <<"302">>}}]} = EncState3, ok. encode_iolist_test() -> Headers = [ {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>}, {<<":path">>, <<"/">>}, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}, {<<"content-type">>, [<<"image">>,<<"/">>,<<"png">>,<<>>]} ], {_, _} = encode(Headers), ok. horse_encode_raw() -> horse:repeat(20000, do_horse_encode_raw() ). do_horse_encode_raw() -> Headers1 = [ {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>}, {<<":path">>, <<"/">>}, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>} ], {_, State1} = encode(Headers1, init(), #{huffman => false}), Headers2 = [ {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>}, {<<":path">>, <<"/">>}, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"no-cache">>} ], {_, State2} = encode(Headers2, State1, #{huffman => false}), Headers3 = [ {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, {<<":scheme">>, <<"https">>}, {<<":path">>, <<"/index.html">>}, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>} ], {_, _} = encode(Headers3, State2, #{huffman => false}), ok. horse_encode_huffman() -> horse:repeat(20000, do_horse_encode_huffman() ). do_horse_encode_huffman() -> Headers1 = [ {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>}, {<<":path">>, <<"/">>}, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>} ], {_, State1} = encode(Headers1), Headers2 = [ {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>}, {<<":path">>, <<"/">>}, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}, {<<"cache-control">>, <<"no-cache">>} ], {_, State2} = encode(Headers2, State1), Headers3 = [ {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, {<<":scheme">>, <<"https">>}, {<<":path">>, <<"/index.html">>}, {<<":authority">>, <<"www.example.com">>}, {<<"custom-key">>, <<"custom-value">>} ], {_, _} = encode(Headers3, State2), ok. -endif. %% Static and dynamic tables. %% @todo There must be a more efficient way. table_find(Header = {Name, _}, State) -> case table_find_field(Header, State) of not_found -> case table_find_name(Name, State) of NotFound = not_found -> NotFound; Found -> {name, Found} end; Found -> {field, Found} end. table_find_field({<<":authority">>, <<>>}, _) -> 1; table_find_field({<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}, _) -> 2; table_find_field({<<":method">>, <<"POST">>}, _) -> 3; table_find_field({<<":path">>, <<"/">>}, _) -> 4; table_find_field({<<":path">>, <<"/index.html">>}, _) -> 5; table_find_field({<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>}, _) -> 6; table_find_field({<<":scheme">>, <<"https">>}, _) -> 7; table_find_field({<<":status">>, <<"200">>}, _) -> 8; table_find_field({<<":status">>, <<"204">>}, _) -> 9; table_find_field({<<":status">>, <<"206">>}, _) -> 10; table_find_field({<<":status">>, <<"304">>}, _) -> 11; table_find_field({<<":status">>, <<"400">>}, _) -> 12; table_find_field({<<":status">>, <<"404">>}, _) -> 13; table_find_field({<<":status">>, <<"500">>}, _) -> 14; table_find_field({<<"accept-charset">>, <<>>}, _) -> 15; table_find_field({<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip, deflate">>}, _) -> 16; table_find_field({<<"accept-language">>, <<>>}, _) -> 17; table_find_field({<<"accept-ranges">>, <<>>}, _) -> 18; table_find_field({<<"accept">>, <<>>}, _) -> 19; table_find_field({<<"access-control-allow-origin">>, <<>>}, _) -> 20; table_find_field({<<"age">>, <<>>}, _) -> 21; table_find_field({<<"allow">>, <<>>}, _) -> 22; table_find_field({<<"authorization">>, <<>>}, _) -> 23; table_find_field({<<"cache-control">>, <<>>}, _) -> 24; table_find_field({<<"content-disposition">>, <<>>}, _) -> 25; table_find_field({<<"content-encoding">>, <<>>}, _) -> 26; table_find_field({<<"content-language">>, <<>>}, _) -> 27; table_find_field({<<"content-length">>, <<>>}, _) -> 28; table_find_field({<<"content-location">>, <<>>}, _) -> 29; table_find_field({<<"content-range">>, <<>>}, _) -> 30; table_find_field({<<"content-type">>, <<>>}, _) -> 31; table_find_field({<<"cookie">>, <<>>}, _) -> 32; table_find_field({<<"date">>, <<>>}, _) -> 33; table_find_field({<<"etag">>, <<>>}, _) -> 34; table_find_field({<<"expect">>, <<>>}, _) -> 35; table_find_field({<<"expires">>, <<>>}, _) -> 36; table_find_field({<<"from">>, <<>>}, _) -> 37; table_find_field({<<"host">>, <<>>}, _) -> 38; table_find_field({<<"if-match">>, <<>>}, _) -> 39; table_find_field({<<"if-modified-since">>, <<>>}, _) -> 40; table_find_field({<<"if-none-match">>, <<>>}, _) -> 41; table_find_field({<<"if-range">>, <<>>}, _) -> 42; table_find_field({<<"if-unmodified-since">>, <<>>}, _) -> 43; table_find_field({<<"last-modified">>, <<>>}, _) -> 44; table_find_field({<<"link">>, <<>>}, _) -> 45; table_find_field({<<"location">>, <<>>}, _) -> 46; table_find_field({<<"max-forwards">>, <<>>}, _) -> 47; table_find_field({<<"proxy-authenticate">>, <<>>}, _) -> 48; table_find_field({<<"proxy-authorization">>, <<>>}, _) -> 49; table_find_field({<<"range">>, <<>>}, _) -> 50; table_find_field({<<"referer">>, <<>>}, _) -> 51; table_find_field({<<"refresh">>, <<>>}, _) -> 52; table_find_field({<<"retry-after">>, <<>>}, _) -> 53; table_find_field({<<"server">>, <<>>}, _) -> 54; table_find_field({<<"set-cookie">>, <<>>}, _) -> 55; table_find_field({<<"strict-transport-security">>, <<>>}, _) -> 56; table_find_field({<<"transfer-encoding">>, <<>>}, _) -> 57; table_find_field({<<"user-agent">>, <<>>}, _) -> 58; table_find_field({<<"vary">>, <<>>}, _) -> 59; table_find_field({<<"via">>, <<>>}, _) -> 60; table_find_field({<<"www-authenticate">>, <<>>}, _) -> 61; table_find_field(Header, #state{dyn_table=DynamicTable}) -> table_find_field_dyn(Header, DynamicTable, 62). table_find_field_dyn(_, [], _) -> not_found; table_find_field_dyn(Header, [{_, Header}|_], Index) -> Index; table_find_field_dyn(Header, [_|Tail], Index) -> table_find_field_dyn(Header, Tail, Index + 1). table_find_name(<<":authority">>, _) -> 1; table_find_name(<<":method">>, _) -> 2; table_find_name(<<":path">>, _) -> 4; table_find_name(<<":scheme">>, _) -> 6; table_find_name(<<":status">>, _) -> 8; table_find_name(<<"accept-charset">>, _) -> 15; table_find_name(<<"accept-encoding">>, _) -> 16; table_find_name(<<"accept-language">>, _) -> 17; table_find_name(<<"accept-ranges">>, _) -> 18; table_find_name(<<"accept">>, _) -> 19; table_find_name(<<"access-control-allow-origin">>, _) -> 20; table_find_name(<<"age">>, _) -> 21; table_find_name(<<"allow">>, _) -> 22; table_find_name(<<"authorization">>, _) -> 23; table_find_name(<<"cache-control">>, _) -> 24; table_find_name(<<"content-disposition">>, _) -> 25; table_find_name(<<"content-encoding">>, _) -> 26; table_find_name(<<"content-language">>, _) -> 27; table_find_name(<<"content-length">>, _) -> 28; table_find_name(<<"content-location">>, _) -> 29; table_find_name(<<"content-range">>, _) -> 30; table_find_name(<<"content-type">>, _) -> 31; table_find_name(<<"cookie">>, _) -> 32; table_find_name(<<"date">>, _) -> 33; table_find_name(<<"etag">>, _) -> 34; table_find_name(<<"expect">>, _) -> 35; table_find_name(<<"expires">>, _) -> 36; table_find_name(<<"from">>, _) -> 37; table_find_name(<<"host">>, _) -> 38; table_find_name(<<"if-match">>, _) -> 39; table_find_name(<<"if-modified-since">>, _) -> 40; table_find_name(<<"if-none-match">>, _) -> 41; table_find_name(<<"if-range">>, _) -> 42; table_find_name(<<"if-unmodified-since">>, _) -> 43; table_find_name(<<"last-modified">>, _) -> 44; table_find_name(<<"link">>, _) -> 45; table_find_name(<<"location">>, _) -> 46; table_find_name(<<"max-forwards">>, _) -> 47; table_find_name(<<"proxy-authenticate">>, _) -> 48; table_find_name(<<"proxy-authorization">>, _) -> 49; table_find_name(<<"range">>, _) -> 50; table_find_name(<<"referer">>, _) -> 51; table_find_name(<<"refresh">>, _) -> 52; table_find_name(<<"retry-after">>, _) -> 53; table_find_name(<<"server">>, _) -> 54; table_find_name(<<"set-cookie">>, _) -> 55; table_find_name(<<"strict-transport-security">>, _) -> 56; table_find_name(<<"transfer-encoding">>, _) -> 57; table_find_name(<<"user-agent">>, _) -> 58; table_find_name(<<"vary">>, _) -> 59; table_find_name(<<"via">>, _) -> 60; table_find_name(<<"www-authenticate">>, _) -> 61; table_find_name(Name, #state{dyn_table=DynamicTable}) -> table_find_name_dyn(Name, DynamicTable, 62). table_find_name_dyn(_, [], _) -> not_found; table_find_name_dyn(Name, [{Name, _}|_], Index) -> Index; table_find_name_dyn(Name, [_|Tail], Index) -> table_find_name_dyn(Name, Tail, Index + 1). table_get(1, _) -> {<<":authority">>, <<>>}; table_get(2, _) -> {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>}; table_get(3, _) -> {<<":method">>, <<"POST">>}; table_get(4, _) -> {<<":path">>, <<"/">>}; table_get(5, _) -> {<<":path">>, <<"/index.html">>}; table_get(6, _) -> {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>}; table_get(7, _) -> {<<":scheme">>, <<"https">>}; table_get(8, _) -> {<<":status">>, <<"200">>}; table_get(9, _) -> {<<":status">>, <<"204">>}; table_get(10, _) -> {<<":status">>, <<"206">>}; table_get(11, _) -> {<<":status">>, <<"304">>}; table_get(12, _) -> {<<":status">>, <<"400">>}; table_get(13, _) -> {<<":status">>, <<"404">>}; table_get(14, _) -> {<<":status">>, <<"500">>}; table_get(15, _) -> {<<"accept-charset">>, <<>>}; table_get(16, _) -> {<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip, deflate">>}; table_get(17, _) -> {<<"accept-language">>, <<>>}; table_get(18, _) -> {<<"accept-ranges">>, <<>>}; table_get(19, _) -> {<<"accept">>, <<>>}; table_get(20, _) -> {<<"access-control-allow-origin">>, <<>>}; table_get(21, _) -> {<<"age">>, <<>>}; table_get(22, _) -> {<<"allow">>, <<>>}; table_get(23, _) -> {<<"authorization">>, <<>>}; table_get(24, _) -> {<<"cache-control">>, <<>>}; table_get(25, _) -> {<<"content-disposition">>, <<>>}; table_get(26, _) -> {<<"content-encoding">>, <<>>}; table_get(27, _) -> {<<"content-language">>, <<>>}; table_get(28, _) -> {<<"content-length">>, <<>>}; table_get(29, _) -> {<<"content-location">>, <<>>}; table_get(30, _) -> {<<"content-range">>, <<>>}; table_get(31, _) -> {<<"content-type">>, <<>>}; table_get(32, _) -> {<<"cookie">>, <<>>}; table_get(33, _) -> {<<"date">>, <<>>}; table_get(34, _) -> {<<"etag">>, <<>>}; table_get(35, _) -> {<<"expect">>, <<>>}; table_get(36, _) -> {<<"expires">>, <<>>}; table_get(37, _) -> {<<"from">>, <<>>}; table_get(38, _) -> {<<"host">>, <<>>}; table_get(39, _) -> {<<"if-match">>, <<>>}; table_get(40, _) -> {<<"if-modified-since">>, <<>>}; table_get(41, _) -> {<<"if-none-match">>, <<>>}; table_get(42, _) -> {<<"if-range">>, <<>>}; table_get(43, _) -> {<<"if-unmodified-since">>, <<>>}; table_get(44, _) -> {<<"last-modified">>, <<>>}; table_get(45, _) -> {<<"link">>, <<>>}; table_get(46, _) -> {<<"location">>, <<>>}; table_get(47, _) -> {<<"max-forwards">>, <<>>}; table_get(48, _) -> {<<"proxy-authenticate">>, <<>>}; table_get(49, _) -> {<<"proxy-authorization">>, <<>>}; table_get(50, _) -> {<<"range">>, <<>>}; table_get(51, _) -> {<<"referer">>, <<>>}; table_get(52, _) -> {<<"refresh">>, <<>>}; table_get(53, _) -> {<<"retry-after">>, <<>>}; table_get(54, _) -> {<<"server">>, <<>>}; table_get(55, _) -> {<<"set-cookie">>, <<>>}; table_get(56, _) -> {<<"strict-transport-security">>, <<>>}; table_get(57, _) -> {<<"transfer-encoding">>, <<>>}; table_get(58, _) -> {<<"user-agent">>, <<>>}; table_get(59, _) -> {<<"vary">>, <<>>}; table_get(60, _) -> {<<"via">>, <<>>}; table_get(61, _) -> {<<"www-authenticate">>, <<>>}; table_get(Index, #state{dyn_table=DynamicTable}) -> {_, Header} = lists:nth(Index - 61, DynamicTable), Header. table_get_name(1, _) -> <<":authority">>; table_get_name(2, _) -> <<":method">>; table_get_name(3, _) -> <<":method">>; table_get_name(4, _) -> <<":path">>; table_get_name(5, _) -> <<":path">>; table_get_name(6, _) -> <<":scheme">>; table_get_name(7, _) -> <<":scheme">>; table_get_name(8, _) -> <<":status">>; table_get_name(9, _) -> <<":status">>; table_get_name(10, _) -> <<":status">>; table_get_name(11, _) -> <<":status">>; table_get_name(12, _) -> <<":status">>; table_get_name(13, _) -> <<":status">>; table_get_name(14, _) -> <<":status">>; table_get_name(15, _) -> <<"accept-charset">>; table_get_name(16, _) -> <<"accept-encoding">>; table_get_name(17, _) -> <<"accept-language">>; table_get_name(18, _) -> <<"accept-ranges">>; table_get_name(19, _) -> <<"accept">>; table_get_name(20, _) -> <<"access-control-allow-origin">>; table_get_name(21, _) -> <<"age">>; table_get_name(22, _) -> <<"allow">>; table_get_name(23, _) -> <<"authorization">>; table_get_name(24, _) -> <<"cache-control">>; table_get_name(25, _) -> <<"content-disposition">>; table_get_name(26, _) -> <<"content-encoding">>; table_get_name(27, _) -> <<"content-language">>; table_get_name(28, _) -> <<"content-length">>; table_get_name(29, _) -> <<"content-location">>; table_get_name(30, _) -> <<"content-range">>; table_get_name(31, _) -> <<"content-type">>; table_get_name(32, _) -> <<"cookie">>; table_get_name(33, _) -> <<"date">>; table_get_name(34, _) -> <<"etag">>; table_get_name(35, _) -> <<"expect">>; table_get_name(36, _) -> <<"expires">>; table_get_name(37, _) -> <<"from">>; table_get_name(38, _) -> <<"host">>; table_get_name(39, _) -> <<"if-match">>; table_get_name(40, _) -> <<"if-modified-since">>; table_get_name(41, _) -> <<"if-none-match">>; table_get_name(42, _) -> <<"if-range">>; table_get_name(43, _) -> <<"if-unmodified-since">>; table_get_name(44, _) -> <<"last-modified">>; table_get_name(45, _) -> <<"link">>; table_get_name(46, _) -> <<"location">>; table_get_name(47, _) -> <<"max-forwards">>; table_get_name(48, _) -> <<"proxy-authenticate">>; table_get_name(49, _) -> <<"proxy-authorization">>; table_get_name(50, _) -> <<"range">>; table_get_name(51, _) -> <<"referer">>; table_get_name(52, _) -> <<"refresh">>; table_get_name(53, _) -> <<"retry-after">>; table_get_name(54, _) -> <<"server">>; table_get_name(55, _) -> <<"set-cookie">>; table_get_name(56, _) -> <<"strict-transport-security">>; table_get_name(57, _) -> <<"transfer-encoding">>; table_get_name(58, _) -> <<"user-agent">>; table_get_name(59, _) -> <<"vary">>; table_get_name(60, _) -> <<"via">>; table_get_name(61, _) -> <<"www-authenticate">>; table_get_name(Index, #state{dyn_table=DynamicTable}) -> {_, {Name, _}} = lists:nth(Index - 61, DynamicTable), Name. table_insert(Entry = {Name, Value}, State=#state{size=Size, max_size=MaxSize, dyn_table=DynamicTable}) -> EntrySize = byte_size(Name) + byte_size(Value) + 32, {DynamicTable2, Size2} = if Size + EntrySize > MaxSize -> table_resize(DynamicTable, MaxSize - EntrySize, 0, []); true -> {DynamicTable, Size} end, State#state{size=Size2 + EntrySize, dyn_table=[{EntrySize, Entry}|DynamicTable2]}. table_resize([], _, Size, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Size}; table_resize([{EntrySize, _}|_], MaxSize, Size, Acc) when Size + EntrySize > MaxSize -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Size}; table_resize([Entry = {EntrySize, _}|Tail], MaxSize, Size, Acc) -> table_resize(Tail, MaxSize, Size + EntrySize, [Entry|Acc]). table_update_size(0, State) -> State#state{size=0, max_size=0, dyn_table=[]}; table_update_size(MaxSize, State=#state{max_size=MaxSize}) -> State; table_update_size(MaxSize, State=#state{dyn_table=DynTable}) -> {DynTable2, Size} = table_resize(DynTable, MaxSize, 0, []), State#state{size=Size, max_size=MaxSize, dyn_table=DynTable2}. -ifdef(TEST). prop_str_raw() -> ?FORALL(Str, binary(), begin {Str, <<>>} =:= dec_str(iolist_to_binary(enc_str(Str, #{huffman => false}))) end). prop_str_huffman() -> ?FORALL(Str, binary(), begin {Str, <<>>} =:= dec_str(iolist_to_binary(enc_str(Str, #{huffman => true}))) end). -endif.