%% Copyright (c) 2013, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(cow_http). -export([parse_fullhost/1]). -export([parse_fullpath/1]). -export([parse_version/1]). %% @doc Extract host and port from a binary. %% %% Because the hostname is case insensitive it is converted %% to lowercase. -spec parse_fullhost(binary()) -> {binary(), undefined | non_neg_integer()}. parse_fullhost(Fullhost) -> parse_fullhost(Fullhost, false, <<>>). parse_fullhost(<< $[, Rest/bits >>, false, <<>>) -> parse_fullhost(Rest, true, << $[ >>); parse_fullhost(<<>>, false, Acc) -> {Acc, undefined}; parse_fullhost(<< $:, Rest/bits >>, false, Acc) -> {Acc, list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Rest))}; parse_fullhost(<< $], Rest/bits >>, true, Acc) -> parse_fullhost(Rest, false, << Acc/binary, $] >>); parse_fullhost(<< C, Rest/bits >>, E, Acc) -> case C of $A -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $a >>); $B -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $b >>); $C -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $c >>); $D -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $d >>); $E -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $e >>); $F -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $f >>); $G -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $g >>); $H -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $h >>); $I -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $i >>); $J -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $j >>); $K -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $k >>); $L -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $l >>); $M -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $m >>); $N -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $n >>); $O -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $o >>); $P -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $p >>); $Q -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $q >>); $R -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $r >>); $S -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $s >>); $T -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $t >>); $U -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $u >>); $V -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $v >>); $W -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $w >>); $X -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $x >>); $Y -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $y >>); $Z -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, $z >>); _ -> parse_fullhost(Rest, E, << Acc/binary, C >>) end. -ifdef(TEST). parse_fullhost_test() -> {<<"example.org">>, 8080} = parse_fullhost(<<"example.org:8080">>), {<<"example.org">>, undefined} = parse_fullhost(<<"example.org">>), {<<"">>, 8080} = parse_fullhost(<<"">>), {<<"">>, undefined} = parse_fullhost(<<"">>), {<<"[2001:db8::1]">>, 8080} = parse_fullhost(<<"[2001:db8::1]:8080">>), {<<"[2001:db8::1]">>, undefined} = parse_fullhost(<<"[2001:db8::1]">>), {<<"[::ffff:]">>, 8080} = parse_fullhost(<<"[::ffff:]:8080">>), {<<"[::ffff:]">>, undefined} = parse_fullhost(<<"[::ffff:]">>), ok. -endif. %% @doc Extract path and query string from a binary. -spec parse_fullpath(binary()) -> {binary(), binary()}. parse_fullpath(Fullpath) -> parse_fullpath(Fullpath, <<>>). parse_fullpath(<<>>, Path) -> {Path, <<>>}; parse_fullpath(<< $?, Rest/binary >>, Path) -> parse_fullpath_qs(Rest, Path, <<>>); parse_fullpath(<< C, Rest/binary >>, SoFar) -> parse_fullpath(Rest, << SoFar/binary, C >>). parse_fullpath_qs(<<>>, Path, Qs) -> {Path, Qs}; parse_fullpath_qs(<< C, Rest/binary >>, Path, SoFar) -> parse_fullpath_qs(Rest, Path, << SoFar/binary, C >>). -ifdef(TEST). parse_fullpath_test() -> {<<"*">>, <<>>} = parse_fullpath(<<"*">>), {<<"/">>, <<>>} = parse_fullpath(<<"/">>), {<<"/path/to/resource">>, <<>>} = parse_fullpath(<<"/path/to/resource">>), {<<"/">>, <<>>} = parse_fullpath(<<"/?">>), {<<"/">>, <<"q=cowboy">>} = parse_fullpath(<<"/?q=cowboy">>), {<<"/path/to/resource">>, <<"q=cowboy">>} = parse_fullpath(<<"/path/to/resource?q=cowboy">>), ok. -endif. %% @doc Convert an HTTP version to atom. -spec parse_version(binary()) -> 'HTTP/1.1' | 'HTTP/1.0'. parse_version(<<"HTTP/1.1">>) -> 'HTTP/1.1'; parse_version(<<"HTTP/1.0">>) -> 'HTTP/1.0'. -ifdef(TEST). parse_version_test() -> 'HTTP/1.1' = parse_version(<<"HTTP/1.1">>), 'HTTP/1.0' = parse_version(<<"HTTP/1.0">>), {'EXIT', _} = (catch parse_version(<<"HTTP/1.2">>)), ok. -endif.