%% Copyright (c) 2019-2023, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(cow_link). -compile({no_auto_import, [link/1]}). -export([parse_link/1]). -export([resolve_link/2]). -export([resolve_link/3]). -export([link/1]). -include("cow_inline.hrl"). -include("cow_parse.hrl"). -type link() :: #{ target := binary(), rel := binary(), attributes := [{binary(), binary()}] }. -export_type([link/0]). -type resolve_opts() :: #{ allow_anchor => boolean() }. -type uri() :: uri_string:uri_map() | uri_string:uri_string() | undefined. %% Parse a link header. %% This function returns the URI target from the header directly. %% Relative URIs must then be resolved as per RFC3986 5. In some %% cases it might not be possible to resolve URIs, for example when %% the link header is returned with a 404 status code. -spec parse_link(binary()) -> [link()]. parse_link(Link) -> before_target(Link, []). before_target(<<>>, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); before_target(<<$<,R/bits>>, Acc) -> target(R, Acc, <<>>); before_target(<>, Acc) when ?IS_WS(C) -> before_target(R, Acc). target(<<$>,R/bits>>, Acc, T) -> param_sep(R, Acc, T, []); target(<>, Acc, T) -> target(R, Acc, <>). param_sep(<<>>, Acc, T, P) -> lists:reverse(acc_link(Acc, T, P)); param_sep(<<$,,R/bits>>, Acc, T, P) -> before_target(R, acc_link(Acc, T, P)); param_sep(<<$;,R/bits>>, Acc, T, P) -> before_param(R, Acc, T, P); param_sep(<>, Acc, T, P) when ?IS_WS(C) -> param_sep(R, Acc, T, P). before_param(<>, Acc, T, P) when ?IS_WS(C) -> before_param(R, Acc, T, P); before_param(<>, Acc, T, P) when ?IS_TOKEN(C) -> ?LOWER(param, R, Acc, T, P, <<>>). param(<<$=,$",R/bits>>, Acc, T, P, K) -> quoted(R, Acc, T, P, K, <<>>); param(<<$=,C,R/bits>>, Acc, T, P, K) when ?IS_TOKEN(C) -> value(R, Acc, T, P, K, <>); param(<>, Acc, T, P, K) when ?IS_TOKEN(C) -> ?LOWER(param, R, Acc, T, P, K). quoted(<<$",R/bits>>, Acc, T, P, K, V) -> param_sep(R, Acc, T, [{K, V}|P]); quoted(<<$\\,C,R/bits>>, Acc, T, P, K, V) when ?IS_VCHAR_OBS(C) -> quoted(R, Acc, T, P, K, <>); quoted(<>, Acc, T, P, K, V) when ?IS_VCHAR_OBS(C) -> quoted(R, Acc, T, P, K, <>). value(<>, Acc, T, P, K, V) when ?IS_TOKEN(C) -> value(R, Acc, T, P, K, <>); value(R, Acc, T, P, K, V) -> param_sep(R, Acc, T, [{K, V}|P]). acc_link(Acc, Target, Params0) -> Params1 = lists:reverse(Params0), %% The rel parameter MUST be present. (RFC8288 3.3) {value, {_, Rel}, Params2} = lists:keytake(<<"rel">>, 1, Params1), %% Occurrences after the first MUST be ignored by parsers. Params = filter_out_duplicates(Params2, #{}), [#{ target => Target, rel => ?LOWER(Rel), attributes => Params }|Acc]. %% This function removes duplicates for attributes that don't allow them. filter_out_duplicates([], _) -> []; %% The "rel" is mandatory and was already removed from params. filter_out_duplicates([{<<"rel">>, _}|Tail], State) -> filter_out_duplicates(Tail, State); filter_out_duplicates([{<<"anchor">>, _}|Tail], State=#{anchor := true}) -> filter_out_duplicates(Tail, State); filter_out_duplicates([{<<"media">>, _}|Tail], State=#{media := true}) -> filter_out_duplicates(Tail, State); filter_out_duplicates([{<<"title">>, _}|Tail], State=#{title := true}) -> filter_out_duplicates(Tail, State); filter_out_duplicates([{<<"title*">>, _}|Tail], State=#{title_star := true}) -> filter_out_duplicates(Tail, State); filter_out_duplicates([{<<"type">>, _}|Tail], State=#{type := true}) -> filter_out_duplicates(Tail, State); filter_out_duplicates([Tuple={<<"anchor">>, _}|Tail], State) -> [Tuple|filter_out_duplicates(Tail, State#{anchor => true})]; filter_out_duplicates([Tuple={<<"media">>, _}|Tail], State) -> [Tuple|filter_out_duplicates(Tail, State#{media => true})]; filter_out_duplicates([Tuple={<<"title">>, _}|Tail], State) -> [Tuple|filter_out_duplicates(Tail, State#{title => true})]; filter_out_duplicates([Tuple={<<"title*">>, _}|Tail], State) -> [Tuple|filter_out_duplicates(Tail, State#{title_star => true})]; filter_out_duplicates([Tuple={<<"type">>, _}|Tail], State) -> [Tuple|filter_out_duplicates(Tail, State#{type => true})]; filter_out_duplicates([Tuple|Tail], State) -> [Tuple|filter_out_duplicates(Tail, State)]. -ifdef(TEST). parse_link_test_() -> Tests = [ {<<>>, []}, {<<" ">>, []}, %% Examples from the RFC. {<<"; rel=\"previous\"; title=\"previous chapter\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"http://example.com/TheBook/chapter2">>, rel => <<"previous">>, attributes => [ {<<"title">>, <<"previous chapter">>} ] } ]}, {<<"; rel=\"http://example.net/foo\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"/">>, rel => <<"http://example.net/foo">>, attributes => [] } ]}, {<<"; rel=\"copyright\"; anchor=\"#foo\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"/terms">>, rel => <<"copyright">>, attributes => [ {<<"anchor">>, <<"#foo">>} ] } ]}, % {<<"; rel=\"previous\"; title*=UTF-8'de'letztes%20Kapitel, " % "; rel=\"next\"; title*=UTF-8'de'n%c3%a4chstes%20Kapitel">>, [ % %% @todo % ]} {<<"; rel=\"start http://example.net/relation/other\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"http://example.org/">>, rel => <<"start http://example.net/relation/other">>, attributes => [] } ]}, {<<"; rel=\"start\", " "; rel=\"index\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"https://example.org/">>, rel => <<"start">>, attributes => [] }, #{ target => <<"https://example.org/index">>, rel => <<"index">>, attributes => [] } ]}, %% Relation types are case insensitive. {<<"; rel=\"SELF\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"/">>, rel => <<"self">>, attributes => [] } ]}, {<<"; rel=\"HTTP://EXAMPLE.NET/FOO\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"/">>, rel => <<"http://example.net/foo">>, attributes => [] } ]}, %% Attribute names are case insensitive. {<<"; REL=\"copyright\"; ANCHOR=\"#foo\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"/terms">>, rel => <<"copyright">>, attributes => [ {<<"anchor">>, <<"#foo">>} ] } ]} ], [{V, fun() -> R = parse_link(V) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. -endif. %% Resolve a link based on the context URI and options. -spec resolve_link(Link, uri()) -> Link | false when Link::link(). resolve_link(Link, ContextURI) -> resolve_link(Link, ContextURI, #{}). -spec resolve_link(Link, uri(), resolve_opts()) -> Link | false when Link::link(). %% When we do not have a context URI we only succeed when the target URI is absolute. %% The target URI will only be normalized in that case. resolve_link(Link=#{target := TargetURI}, undefined, _) -> case uri_string:parse(TargetURI) of URIMap = #{scheme := _} -> Link#{target => uri_string:normalize(URIMap)}; _ -> false end; resolve_link(Link=#{attributes := Params}, ContextURI, Opts) -> AllowAnchor = maps:get(allow_anchor, Opts, true), case lists:keyfind(<<"anchor">>, 1, Params) of false -> do_resolve_link(Link, ContextURI); {_, Anchor} when AllowAnchor -> do_resolve_link(Link, resolve(Anchor, ContextURI)); _ -> false end. do_resolve_link(Link=#{target := TargetURI}, ContextURI) -> Link#{target => uri_string:recompose(resolve(TargetURI, ContextURI))}. -ifdef(TEST). resolve_link_test_() -> Tests = [ %% No context URI available. {#{target => <<"http://a/b/./c">>}, undefined, #{}, #{target => <<"http://a/b/c">>}}, {#{target => <<"a/b/./c">>}, undefined, #{}, false}, %% Context URI available, allow_anchor => true. {#{target => <<"http://a/b">>, attributes => []}, <<"http://a/c">>, #{}, #{target => <<"http://a/b">>, attributes => []}}, {#{target => <<"b">>, attributes => []}, <<"http://a/c">>, #{}, #{target => <<"http://a/b">>, attributes => []}}, {#{target => <<"b">>, attributes => [{<<"anchor">>, <<"#frag">>}]}, <<"http://a/c">>, #{}, #{target => <<"http://a/b">>, attributes => [{<<"anchor">>, <<"#frag">>}]}}, {#{target => <<"b">>, attributes => [{<<"anchor">>, <<"d/e">>}]}, <<"http://a/c">>, #{}, #{target => <<"http://a/d/b">>, attributes => [{<<"anchor">>, <<"d/e">>}]}}, %% Context URI available, allow_anchor => false. {#{target => <<"http://a/b">>, attributes => []}, <<"http://a/c">>, #{allow_anchor => false}, #{target => <<"http://a/b">>, attributes => []}}, {#{target => <<"b">>, attributes => []}, <<"http://a/c">>, #{allow_anchor => false}, #{target => <<"http://a/b">>, attributes => []}}, {#{target => <<"b">>, attributes => [{<<"anchor">>, <<"#frag">>}]}, <<"http://a/c">>, #{allow_anchor => false}, false}, {#{target => <<"b">>, attributes => [{<<"anchor">>, <<"d/e">>}]}, <<"http://a/c">>, #{allow_anchor => false}, false} ], [{iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format("~0p", [L])), fun() -> R = resolve_link(L, C, O) end} || {L, C, O, R} <- Tests]. -endif. %% @todo This function has been added to Erlang/OTP 22.3 as uri_string:resolve/2,3. resolve(URI, BaseURI) -> case resolve1(ensure_map_uri(URI), BaseURI) of TargetURI = #{path := Path0} -> %% We remove dot segments. Normalizing the entire URI %% will sometimes add an extra slash we don't want. #{path := Path} = uri_string:normalize(#{path => Path0}, [return_map]), TargetURI#{path => Path}; TargetURI -> TargetURI end. resolve1(URI=#{scheme := _}, _) -> URI; resolve1(URI=#{host := _}, BaseURI) -> #{scheme := Scheme} = ensure_map_uri(BaseURI), URI#{scheme => Scheme}; resolve1(URI=#{path := <<>>}, BaseURI0) -> BaseURI = ensure_map_uri(BaseURI0), Keys = case maps:is_key(query, URI) of true -> [scheme, host, port, path]; false -> [scheme, host, port, path, query] end, maps:merge(URI, maps:with(Keys, BaseURI)); resolve1(URI=#{path := <<"/",_/bits>>}, BaseURI0) -> BaseURI = ensure_map_uri(BaseURI0), maps:merge(URI, maps:with([scheme, host, port], BaseURI)); resolve1(URI=#{path := Path}, BaseURI0) -> BaseURI = ensure_map_uri(BaseURI0), maps:merge( URI#{path := merge_paths(Path, BaseURI)}, maps:with([scheme, host, port], BaseURI)). merge_paths(Path, #{host := _, path := <<>>}) -> <<$/, Path/binary>>; merge_paths(Path, #{path := BasePath0}) -> case string:split(BasePath0, <<$/>>, trailing) of [BasePath, _] -> <>; [_] -> <<$/, Path/binary>> end. ensure_map_uri(URI) when is_map(URI) -> URI; ensure_map_uri(URI) -> uri_string:parse(iolist_to_binary(URI)). -ifdef(TEST). resolve_test_() -> Tests = [ %% 5.4.1. Normal Examples {<<"g:h">>, <<"g:h">>}, {<<"g">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g">>}, {<<"./g">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g">>}, {<<"g/">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g/">>}, {<<"/g">>, <<"http://a/g">>}, {<<"//g">>, <<"http://g">>}, {<<"?y">>, <<"http://a/b/c/d;p?y">>}, {<<"g?y">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g?y">>}, {<<"#s">>, <<"http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s">>}, {<<"g#s">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g#s">>}, {<<"g?y#s">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g?y#s">>}, {<<";x">>, <<"http://a/b/c/;x">>}, {<<"g;x">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g;x">>}, {<<"g;x?y#s">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s">>}, {<<"">>, <<"http://a/b/c/d;p?q">>}, {<<".">>, <<"http://a/b/c/">>}, {<<"./">>, <<"http://a/b/c/">>}, {<<"..">>, <<"http://a/b/">>}, {<<"../">>, <<"http://a/b/">>}, {<<"../g">>, <<"http://a/b/g">>}, {<<"../..">>, <<"http://a/">>}, {<<"../../">>, <<"http://a/">>}, {<<"../../g">>, <<"http://a/g">>}, %% 5.4.2. Abnormal Examples {<<"../../../g">>, <<"http://a/g">>}, {<<"../../../../g">>, <<"http://a/g">>}, {<<"/./g">>, <<"http://a/g">>}, {<<"/../g">>, <<"http://a/g">>}, {<<"g.">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g.">>}, {<<".g">>, <<"http://a/b/c/.g">>}, {<<"g..">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g..">>}, {<<"..g">>, <<"http://a/b/c/..g">>}, {<<"./../g">>, <<"http://a/b/g">>}, {<<"./g/.">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g/">>}, {<<"g/./h">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g/h">>}, {<<"g/../h">>, <<"http://a/b/c/h">>}, {<<"g;x=1/./y">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y">>}, {<<"g;x=1/../y">>, <<"http://a/b/c/y">>}, {<<"g?y/./x">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g?y/./x">>}, {<<"g?y/../x">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g?y/../x">>}, {<<"g#s/./x">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g#s/./x">>}, {<<"g#s/../x">>, <<"http://a/b/c/g#s/../x">>}, {<<"http:g">>, <<"http:g">>} %% for strict parsers ], [{V, fun() -> R = uri_string:recompose(resolve(V, <<"http://a/b/c/d;p?q">>)) end} || {V, R} <- Tests]. -endif. %% Build a link header. -spec link([#{ target := binary(), rel := binary(), attributes := [{binary(), binary()}] }]) -> iodata(). link(Links) -> lists:join(<<", ">>, [do_link(Link) || Link <- Links]). do_link(#{target := TargetURI, rel := Rel, attributes := Params}) -> [ $<, TargetURI, <<">" "; rel=\"">>, Rel, $", [[<<"; ">>, Key, <<"=\"">>, escape(iolist_to_binary(Value), <<>>), $"] || {Key, Value} <- Params] ]. escape(<<>>, Acc) -> Acc; escape(<<$\\,R/bits>>, Acc) -> escape(R, <>); escape(<<$\",R/bits>>, Acc) -> escape(R, <>); escape(<>, Acc) -> escape(R, <>). -ifdef(TEST). link_test_() -> Tests = [ {<<>>, []}, %% Examples from the RFC. {<<"; rel=\"previous\"; title=\"previous chapter\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"http://example.com/TheBook/chapter2">>, rel => <<"previous">>, attributes => [ {<<"title">>, <<"previous chapter">>} ] } ]}, {<<"; rel=\"http://example.net/foo\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"/">>, rel => <<"http://example.net/foo">>, attributes => [] } ]}, {<<"; rel=\"copyright\"; anchor=\"#foo\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"/terms">>, rel => <<"copyright">>, attributes => [ {<<"anchor">>, <<"#foo">>} ] } ]}, % {<<"; rel=\"previous\"; title*=UTF-8'de'letztes%20Kapitel, " % "; rel=\"next\"; title*=UTF-8'de'n%c3%a4chstes%20Kapitel">>, [ % %% @todo % ]} {<<"; rel=\"start http://example.net/relation/other\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"http://example.org/">>, rel => <<"start http://example.net/relation/other">>, attributes => [] } ]}, {<<"; rel=\"start\", " "; rel=\"index\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"https://example.org/">>, rel => <<"start">>, attributes => [] }, #{ target => <<"https://example.org/index">>, rel => <<"index">>, attributes => [] } ]}, {<<"; rel=\"previous\"; quoted=\"name=\\\"value\\\"\"">>, [ #{ target => <<"/">>, rel => <<"previous">>, attributes => [ {<<"quoted">>, <<"name=\"value\"">>} ] } ]} ], [{iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format("~0p", [V])), fun() -> R = iolist_to_binary(link(V)) end} || {R, V} <- Tests]. -endif.