%% Copyright (c) 2019, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. %% This is a full level 4 implementation of URI Templates %% as defined by RFC6570. -module(cow_uri_template). -export([parse/1]). -export([expand/2]). -type op() :: simple_string_expansion | reserved_expansion | fragment_expansion | label_expansion_with_dot_prefix | path_segment_expansion | path_style_parameter_expansion | form_style_query_expansion | form_style_query_continuation. -type var_list() :: [ {no_modifier, binary()} | {{prefix_modifier, pos_integer()}, binary()} | {explode_modifier, binary()} ]. -type uri_template() :: [ binary() | {expr, op(), var_list()} ]. -export_type([uri_template/0]). -type variables() :: #{ binary() => binary() | integer() | float() | [binary()] | #{binary() => binary()} }. -include("cow_inline.hrl"). -include("cow_parse.hrl"). %% Parse a URI template. -spec parse(binary()) -> uri_template(). parse(URITemplate) -> parse(URITemplate, <<>>). parse(<<>>, <<>>) -> []; parse(<<>>, Acc) -> [Acc]; parse(<<${,R/bits>>, <<>>) -> parse_expr(R); parse(<<${,R/bits>>, Acc) -> [Acc|parse_expr(R)]; %% @todo Probably should reject unallowed characters so that %% we don't produce invalid URIs. parse(<>, Acc) when C =/= $} -> parse(R, <>). parse_expr(<<$+,R/bits>>) -> parse_var_list(R, reserved_expansion, []); parse_expr(<<$#,R/bits>>) -> parse_var_list(R, fragment_expansion, []); parse_expr(<<$.,R/bits>>) -> parse_var_list(R, label_expansion_with_dot_prefix, []); parse_expr(<<$/,R/bits>>) -> parse_var_list(R, path_segment_expansion, []); parse_expr(<<$;,R/bits>>) -> parse_var_list(R, path_style_parameter_expansion, []); parse_expr(<<$?,R/bits>>) -> parse_var_list(R, form_style_query_expansion, []); parse_expr(<<$&,R/bits>>) -> parse_var_list(R, form_style_query_continuation, []); parse_expr(R) -> parse_var_list(R, simple_string_expansion, []). parse_var_list(<>, Op, List) when ?IS_ALPHANUM(C) or (C =:= $_) -> parse_varname(R, Op, List, <>). parse_varname(<>, Op, List, Name) when ?IS_ALPHANUM(C) or (C =:= $_) or (C =:= $.) or (C =:= $%) -> parse_varname(R, Op, List, <>); parse_varname(<<$:,C,R/bits>>, Op, List, Name) when (C =:= $1) or (C =:= $2) or (C =:= $3) or (C =:= $4) or (C =:= $5) or (C =:= $6) or (C =:= $7) or (C =:= $8) or (C =:= $9) -> parse_prefix_modifier(R, Op, List, Name, <>); parse_varname(<<$*,$,,R/bits>>, Op, List, Name) -> parse_var_list(R, Op, [{explode_modifier, Name}|List]); parse_varname(<<$*,$},R/bits>>, Op, List, Name) -> [{expr, Op, lists:reverse([{explode_modifier, Name}|List])}|parse(R, <<>>)]; parse_varname(<<$,,R/bits>>, Op, List, Name) -> parse_var_list(R, Op, [{no_modifier, Name}|List]); parse_varname(<<$},R/bits>>, Op, List, Name) -> [{expr, Op, lists:reverse([{no_modifier, Name}|List])}|parse(R, <<>>)]. parse_prefix_modifier(<>, Op, List, Name, Acc) when ?IS_DIGIT(C), byte_size(Acc) < 4 -> parse_prefix_modifier(R, Op, List, Name, <>); parse_prefix_modifier(<<$,,R/bits>>, Op, List, Name, Acc) -> parse_var_list(R, Op, [{{prefix_modifier, binary_to_integer(Acc)}, Name}|List]); parse_prefix_modifier(<<$},R/bits>>, Op, List, Name, Acc) -> [{expr, Op, lists:reverse([{{prefix_modifier, binary_to_integer(Acc)}, Name}|List])}|parse(R, <<>>)]. %% Expand a URI template (after parsing it if necessary). -spec expand(binary() | uri_template(), variables()) -> iodata(). expand(URITemplate, Vars) when is_binary(URITemplate) -> expand(parse(URITemplate), Vars); expand(URITemplate, Vars) -> expand1(URITemplate, Vars). expand1([], _) -> []; expand1([Literal|Tail], Vars) when is_binary(Literal) -> [Literal|expand1(Tail, Vars)]; expand1([{expr, simple_string_expansion, VarList}|Tail], Vars) -> [simple_string_expansion(VarList, Vars)|expand1(Tail, Vars)]; expand1([{expr, reserved_expansion, VarList}|Tail], Vars) -> [reserved_expansion(VarList, Vars)|expand1(Tail, Vars)]; expand1([{expr, fragment_expansion, VarList}|Tail], Vars) -> [fragment_expansion(VarList, Vars)|expand1(Tail, Vars)]; expand1([{expr, label_expansion_with_dot_prefix, VarList}|Tail], Vars) -> [label_expansion_with_dot_prefix(VarList, Vars)|expand1(Tail, Vars)]; expand1([{expr, path_segment_expansion, VarList}|Tail], Vars) -> [path_segment_expansion(VarList, Vars)|expand1(Tail, Vars)]; expand1([{expr, path_style_parameter_expansion, VarList}|Tail], Vars) -> [path_style_parameter_expansion(VarList, Vars)|expand1(Tail, Vars)]; expand1([{expr, form_style_query_expansion, VarList}|Tail], Vars) -> [form_style_query_expansion(VarList, Vars)|expand1(Tail, Vars)]; expand1([{expr, form_style_query_continuation, VarList}|Tail], Vars) -> [form_style_query_continuation(VarList, Vars)|expand1(Tail, Vars)]. simple_string_expansion(VarList, Vars) -> lists:join($,, [ apply_modifier(Modifier, unreserved, $,, Value) || {Modifier, _Name, Value} <- lookup_variables(VarList, Vars)]). reserved_expansion(VarList, Vars) -> lists:join($,, [ apply_modifier(Modifier, reserved, $,, Value) || {Modifier, _Name, Value} <- lookup_variables(VarList, Vars)]). fragment_expansion(VarList, Vars) -> case reserved_expansion(VarList, Vars) of [] -> []; Expanded -> [$#, Expanded] end. label_expansion_with_dot_prefix(VarList, Vars) -> segment_expansion(VarList, Vars, $.). path_segment_expansion(VarList, Vars) -> segment_expansion(VarList, Vars, $/). segment_expansion(VarList, Vars, Sep) -> Expanded = lists:join(Sep, [ apply_modifier(Modifier, unreserved, Sep, Value) || {Modifier, _Name, Value} <- lookup_variables(VarList, Vars)]), case Expanded of [] -> []; [[]] -> []; _ -> [Sep, Expanded] end. path_style_parameter_expansion(VarList, Vars) -> parameter_expansion(VarList, Vars, $;, $;, trim). form_style_query_expansion(VarList, Vars) -> parameter_expansion(VarList, Vars, $?, $&, no_trim). form_style_query_continuation(VarList, Vars) -> parameter_expansion(VarList, Vars, $&, $&, no_trim). parameter_expansion(VarList, Vars, LeadingSep, Sep, Trim) -> Expanded = lists:join(Sep, [ apply_parameter_modifier(Modifier, unreserved, Sep, Trim, Name, Value) || {Modifier, Name, Value} <- lookup_variables(VarList, Vars)]), case Expanded of [] -> []; [[]] -> []; _ -> [LeadingSep, Expanded] end. lookup_variables([], _) -> []; lookup_variables([{Modifier, Name}|Tail], Vars) -> case Vars of #{Name := Value} -> [{Modifier, Name, Value}|lookup_variables(Tail, Vars)]; _ -> lookup_variables(Tail, Vars) end. apply_modifier(no_modifier, AllowedChars, _, List) when is_list(List) -> lists:join($,, [urlencode(Value, AllowedChars) || Value <- List]); apply_modifier(explode_modifier, AllowedChars, ExplodeSep, List) when is_list(List) -> lists:join(ExplodeSep, [urlencode(Value, AllowedChars) || Value <- List]); apply_modifier(Modifier, AllowedChars, ExplodeSep, Map) when is_map(Map) -> {JoinSep, KVSep} = case Modifier of no_modifier -> {$,, $,}; explode_modifier -> {ExplodeSep, $=} end, lists:reverse(lists:join(JoinSep, maps:fold(fun(Key, Value, Acc) -> [[ urlencode(Key, AllowedChars), KVSep, urlencode(Value, AllowedChars) ]|Acc] end, [], Map) )); apply_modifier({prefix_modifier, MaxLen}, AllowedChars, _, Value) -> urlencode(string:slice(binarize(Value), 0, MaxLen), AllowedChars); apply_modifier(_, AllowedChars, _, Value) -> urlencode(binarize(Value), AllowedChars). apply_parameter_modifier(_, _, _, _, _, []) -> []; apply_parameter_modifier(_, _, _, _, _, Map) when Map =:= #{} -> []; apply_parameter_modifier(no_modifier, AllowedChars, _, _, Name, List) when is_list(List) -> [ Name, $=, lists:join($,, [urlencode(Value, AllowedChars) || Value <- List]) ]; apply_parameter_modifier(explode_modifier, AllowedChars, ExplodeSep, _, Name, List) when is_list(List) -> lists:join(ExplodeSep, [[ Name, $=, urlencode(Value, AllowedChars) ] || Value <- List]); apply_parameter_modifier(Modifier, AllowedChars, ExplodeSep, _, Name, Map) when is_map(Map) -> {JoinSep, KVSep} = case Modifier of no_modifier -> {$,, $,}; explode_modifier -> {ExplodeSep, $=} end, [ case Modifier of no_modifier -> [ Name, $= ]; explode_modifier -> [] end, lists:reverse(lists:join(JoinSep, maps:fold(fun(Key, Value, Acc) -> [[ urlencode(Key, AllowedChars), KVSep, urlencode(Value, AllowedChars) ]|Acc] end, [], Map) )) ]; apply_parameter_modifier(Modifier, AllowedChars, _, Trim, Name, Value0) -> Value1 = binarize(Value0), Value = case Modifier of {prefix_modifier, MaxLen} -> string:slice(Value1, 0, MaxLen); no_modifier -> Value1 end, [ Name, case Value of <<>> when Trim =:= trim -> []; <<>> when Trim =:= no_trim -> $=; _ -> [ $=, urlencode(Value, AllowedChars) ] end ]. binarize(Value) when is_integer(Value) -> integer_to_binary(Value); binarize(Value) when is_float(Value) -> float_to_binary(Value, [{decimals, 10}, compact]); binarize(Value) -> Value. urlencode(Value, unreserved) -> urlencode_unreserved(Value, <<>>); urlencode(Value, reserved) -> urlencode_reserved(Value, <<>>). urlencode_unreserved(<>, Acc) when ?IS_URI_UNRESERVED(C) -> urlencode_unreserved(R, <>); urlencode_unreserved(<>, Acc) -> urlencode_unreserved(R, <>); urlencode_unreserved(<<>>, Acc) -> Acc. urlencode_reserved(<<$%,H,L,R/bits>>, Acc) when ?IS_HEX(H), ?IS_HEX(L) -> urlencode_reserved(R, <>); urlencode_reserved(<>, Acc) when ?IS_URI_UNRESERVED(C) or ?IS_URI_GEN_DELIMS(C) or ?IS_URI_SUB_DELIMS(C) -> urlencode_reserved(R, <>); urlencode_reserved(<>, Acc) -> urlencode_reserved(R, <>); urlencode_reserved(<<>>, Acc) -> Acc. -ifdef(TEST). expand_uritemplate_test_() -> Files = filelib:wildcard("deps/uritemplate-tests/*.json"), lists:flatten([begin {ok, JSON} = file:read_file(File), Tests = jsx:decode(JSON, [return_maps]), [begin %% Erlang doesn't have a NULL value. Vars = maps:remove(<<"undef">>, Vars0), [ {iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format("~s - ~s: ~s => ~s", [filename:basename(File), Section, URITemplate, if is_list(Expected) -> lists:join(<<" OR ">>, Expected); true -> Expected end ])), fun() -> io:format("expected: ~0p", [Expected]), case Expected of false -> {'EXIT', _} = (catch expand(URITemplate, Vars)); [_|_] -> Result = iolist_to_binary(expand(URITemplate, Vars)), io:format("~p", [Result]), true = lists:member(Result, Expected); _ -> Expected = iolist_to_binary(expand(URITemplate, Vars)) end end} || [URITemplate, Expected] <- Cases] end || {Section, #{ <<"variables">> := Vars0, <<"testcases">> := Cases }} <- maps:to_list(Tests)] end || File <- Files]). -endif.