ct_helper ========= Helper modules for common_test suites. Creating temporary static files ------------------------------- This library includes a function that will generate files tailored for testing web servers. The following snippet will create a directory containing all the files and subsequently delete it all. ``` erlang ct_helper:create_static_dir(Path), %% do things! ct_helper:delete_static_dir(Path). ``` The following files are created. Replace `./` with the `Path` passed as argument to find the real path of the files. * ./ * ./directory/ * ./unknown * ./style.css * ./index.html * ./unreadable (mode 0333) Generating SSL certificates --------------------------- This library includes a function that allows you to generate SSL certificates for testing purposes. The following snippet can be used to generate certificates and a private key. ``` erlang {CaCert, Cert, Key} = ct_helper:make_certs(). ``` The resulting `CaCert`, `Cert` and `Key` can be used directly with Erlang functions like `ssl:connect/3`. ``` erlang ssl:connect("example.com", 443, [binary, {cert, Cert}, {key, Key}]). ``` Support ------- * Official IRC Channel: #ninenines on irc.freenode.net * [Mailing Lists](http://lists.ninenines.eu)