%% Copyright (c) 2013, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(ct_helper). -export([all/1]). -export([config/2]). -export([create_static_dir/1]). -export([delete_static_dir/1]). -export([doc/1]). -export([get_certs_from_ets/0]). -export([get_loopback_mtu/0]). -export([get_parent_pid/1]). -export([get_remote_pid_tcp/1]). -export([get_remote_pid_tls/1]). -export([ignore/3]). -export([is_process_down/1]). -export([is_process_down/2]). -export([make_certs/0]). -export([make_certs_in_ets/0]). -export([make_certs_in_dir/1]). -export([name/0]). -export([start/1]). -type der_encoded() :: binary(). -type key() :: {'RSAPrivateKey' | 'DSAPrivateKey' | 'PrivateKeyInfo', der_encoded()}. -include_lib("ssl/src/ssl_connection.hrl"). %% @doc List all test cases in the suite. %% %% Functions test and do_* are considered internal and are ignored. all(Suite) -> lists:usort([F || {F, 1} <- Suite:module_info(exports), F =/= module_info, F =/= test, %% This is leftover from the eunit parse_transform... F =/= all, F =/= groups, string:substr(atom_to_list(F), 1, 5) =/= "init_", string:substr(atom_to_list(F), 1, 4) =/= "end_", string:substr(atom_to_list(F), 1, 3) =/= "do_" ]). %% @doc Quick configuration value retrieval. config(Key, Config) -> {_, Value} = lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Config), Value. %% @doc Create a directory with various useful files for testing. create_static_dir(Path) -> ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Path ++ "/file"), ok = file:make_dir(Path ++ "/directory"), ok = file:write_file(Path ++ "/unknown", "File with no extension.\n"), ok = file:write_file(Path ++ "/file.cowboy", "File with custom extension.\n"), ok = file:write_file(Path ++ "/empty.txt", ""), ok = file:write_file(Path ++ "/plain.txt", "Timeless space.\n"), ok = file:write_file(Path ++ "/UPPER.TXT", "Uppercase file name.\n"), ok = file:write_file(Path ++ "/style.css", "body{color:red}\n"), ok = file:write_file(Path ++ "/index.html", "Hello!\n"), ok = file:write_file(Path ++ "/unreadable", "unreadable\n"), ok = file:change_mode(Path ++ "/unreadable", 8#0333), ok. %% @doc Delete the directory created with create_static_dir/1 delete_static_dir(Path) -> ok = file:delete(Path ++ "/unreadable"), ok = file:delete(Path ++ "/index.html"), ok = file:delete(Path ++ "/style.css"), ok = file:delete(Path ++ "/plain.txt"), ok = file:delete(Path ++ "/UPPER.TXT"), ok = file:delete(Path ++ "/empty.txt"), ok = file:delete(Path ++ "/file.cowboy"), ok = file:delete(Path ++ "/unknown"), ok = file:del_dir(Path ++ "/directory"), ok = file:del_dir(Path), ok. %% @doc Test case description. doc(String) -> ct:comment(String), ct:log(String). %% @doc Retrieve previously created certificates from the ets table. get_certs_from_ets() -> ets:lookup_element(?MODULE, cert_opts, 2). %% @doc Return the MTU for the loopback interface. get_loopback_mtu() -> {ok, Interfaces} = inet:getiflist(), [LocalInterface | _ ] = lists:filter(fun(Interface) -> {ok, [{flags, Flags}]} = inet:ifget(Interface, [flags]), lists:member(loopback, Flags) end, Interfaces), {ok, [{mtu, MTU}]} = inet:ifget(LocalInterface, [mtu]), MTU. %% @doc Get the parent pid of a proc_lib process. get_parent_pid(Pid) -> {_, ProcDict} = process_info(Pid, dictionary), {_, [Parent|_]} = lists:keyfind('$ancestors', 1, ProcDict), Parent. %% @doc Find the pid of the remote end of a TCP socket. %% %% This function must be run on the same node as the pid we want. get_remote_pid_tcp(Socket) when is_port(Socket) -> get_remote_pid_tcp(inet:sockname(Socket)); get_remote_pid_tcp(SockName) -> AllPorts = [{P, erlang:port_info(P)} || P <- erlang:ports()], [Pid] = [ proplists:get_value(connected, I) || {P, I} <- AllPorts, I =/= undefined, proplists:get_value(name, I) =:= "tcp_inet", inet:peername(P) =:= SockName], Pid. %% @doc Find the pid of the remote end of a TLS socket. %% %% This function must be run on the same node as the pid we want. get_remote_pid_tls(Socket) -> %% This gives us the pid of the sslsocket process. %% We must introspect this process in order to retrieve the connection pid. TLSPid = get_remote_pid_tcp(ssl:sockname(Socket)), get_tls_state(TLSPid). -ifdef(OTP_RELEASE). -if(?OTP_RELEASE >= 22). get_tls_state(TLSPid) -> {_, #state{connection_env=ConnEnv}} = sys:get_state(TLSPid), {_, UserPid} = element(2, ConnEnv), %% #connection_env.user_application UserPid. -else. %% This is defined in ssl_record.hrl starting from OTP-21.3. -ifdef(KNOWN_RECORD_TYPE). get_tls_state(TLSPid) -> {_, #state{connection_env=#connection_env{user_application={_, UserPid}}}} = sys:get_state(TLSPid), UserPid. -else. get_tls_state(TLSPid) -> {_, #state{user_application={_, UserPid}}} = sys:get_state(TLSPid), UserPid. -endif. -endif. -else. get_tls_state(TLSPid) -> {_, #state{user_application={_, UserPid}}} = sys:get_state(TLSPid), UserPid. -endif. %% @doc Ignore crashes from Pid occuring in M:F/A. ignore(M, F, A) -> ct_helper_error_h:ignore(M, F, A). %% @doco Similar to erlang:is_process_alive/1 except %% it uses monitors and waits up to a timeout. %% %% The return value is also the opposite of alive (down). is_process_down(Pid) -> is_process_down(Pid, 1000). is_process_down(Pid, Timeout) -> MRef = monitor(process, Pid), receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, _} -> true after Timeout -> false end. %% @doc Create a set of certificates. -spec make_certs() -> {[CaCert::der_encoded()], Cert::der_encoded(), Key::key()}. make_certs() -> Opts = public_key:pkix_test_data(#{ root => [{digest, sha256}, {key, {rsa, 2048, 17}}], peer => [{digest, sha256}, {key, {rsa, 2048, 17}}] }), { proplists:get_value(cacerts, Opts), proplists:get_value(cert, Opts), proplists:get_value(key, Opts) }. %% @doc Create a set of certificates and store them in a directory. make_certs_in_dir(Dir) -> {CaCerts, Cert, Key} = make_certs(), CertFile = filename:join(Dir, "cert.pem"), CaCertsFile = filename:join(Dir, "cacerts.pem"), KeyFile = filename:join(Dir, "key.pem"), CertPem = public_key:pem_encode([{'Certificate', Cert, not_encrypted}]), CaCertsPem = public_key:pem_encode( [{'Certificate', CaCert, not_encrypted} || CaCert <- CaCerts]), {KeyAsn1Type, KeyDer} = Key, KeyPem = public_key:pem_encode([{KeyAsn1Type, KeyDer, not_encrypted}]), ok = file:write_file(CertFile, CertPem), ok = file:write_file(CaCertsFile, CaCertsPem), ok = file:write_file(KeyFile, KeyPem), {CaCertsFile, CertFile, KeyFile}. %% @doc Create a set of certificates and store them in an ets table. %% %% The verify options are there so that: %% %% - We retrieve client certificates when they are provided. %% - We accept self-signed certificates. %% %% They have no effect otherwise. make_certs_in_ets() -> {CaCerts, Cert, Key} = make_certs(), VerifyFun = fun (_, {bad_cert, _}, UserState) -> {valid, UserState}; (_, {extension, #'Extension'{critical=true}}, UserState) -> {valid, UserState}; (_, {extension, _}, UserState) -> {unknown, UserState}; (_, valid, UserState) -> {valid, UserState}; (_, valid_peer, UserState) -> {valid, UserState} end, CertOpts = [ {cert, Cert}, {key, Key}, {cacerts, CaCerts}, {verify, verify_peer}, {verify_fun, {VerifyFun, []}}, %% We stick to TLS 1.2 because our certificates are not %% secure enough for use with TLS 1.3. {versions, ['tlsv1.2']} ], Pid = spawn(fun() -> receive shutdown -> ok after infinity -> ok end end), ?MODULE = ets:new(?MODULE, [ordered_set, public, named_table, {heir, Pid, undefined}]), ets:insert(?MODULE, {cert_opts, CertOpts}), ok. %% @doc Return the name of the calling function. %% %% DEPRECATED: Use ?FUNCTION_NAME instead. name() -> element(2, hd(tl(element(2, process_info(self(), current_stacktrace))))). %% @doc Start and stop applications and their dependencies. start(Apps) -> _ = [do_start(App) || App <- Apps], ok. do_start(App) -> case application:start(App) of ok -> ok; {error, {not_started, Dep}} -> do_start(Dep), do_start(App) end.