From f8224ed56e141013b636e556f24ff00a7724b0d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Lo=C3=AFc=20Hoguin?= <>
Date: Sun, 17 May 2015 10:33:21 +0300
Subject: Find first files from source forms

Some projects use parse transforms but do not put them in
erl_first_files. We need to parse the files directly and
find the compile directives ourselves.
 core/ | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+)

diff --git a/core/ b/core/
index 480f07b..6219f76 100644
--- a/core/
+++ b/core/
@@ -184,6 +184,38 @@ define dep_autopatch_rebar.erl
 			Write(io_lib:format("COMPILE_FIRST +=~s\n", [Names]))
+	FindFirst = fun(F, Fd) ->
+		case io:parse_erl_form(Fd, undefined) of
+			{ok, {attribute, _,compile, {parse_transform, PT}}, _} ->
+				[PT, F(F, Fd)];
+			{ok, {attribute, _, include, Hrl}, _} ->
+				case file:open("$(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/include/" ++ Hrl, [read]) of
+					{ok, HrlFd} -> [F(F, HrlFd), F(F, Fd)];
+					_ ->
+						case file:open("$(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/src/" ++ Hrl, [read]) of
+							{ok, HrlFd} -> [F(F, HrlFd), F(F, Fd)];
+							_ -> [F(F, Fd)]
+						end
+				end;
+			{ok, {attribute, _, include_lib, "$(1)/include/" ++ Hrl}, _} ->
+				{ok, HrlFd} = file:open("$(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/include/" ++ Hrl, [read]),
+				[F(F, HrlFd), F(F, Fd)];
+			{eof, _} ->
+				file:close(Fd),
+				[];
+			_ ->
+				F(F, Fd)
+		end
+	end,
+	fun() ->
+		ErlFiles = filelib:wildcard("$(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/src/*.erl"),
+		First = lists:usort(lists:flatten([begin
+			{ok, Fd} = file:open(F, [read]),
+			FindFirst(FindFirst, Fd)
+		end || F <- ErlFiles])),
+		Write(["COMPILE_FIRST +=", [[" ", atom_to_list(M)] || M <- First,
+			lists:member("$(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/src/" ++ atom_to_list(M) ++ ".erl", ErlFiles)], "\n"])
+	end(),
 	PortSpec = fun(Name, {_, Output, Input, [{env, Env}]}) ->
 		filelib:ensure_dir("$(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/" ++ Output),
 		file:write_file("$(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/c_src/Makefile." ++ Name, [
cgit v1.2.3