2020/06/18: Concuerror integration has been added. It is currently minimal but usable. Experimentation and feedback is welcome. 2020/11/30: Support for publishing Hex releases and docs has been added. It is currently experimental. Feedback is more than welcome. 2022/03/25: The -Wrace_conditions Dialyzer flag was removed as it is no longer available starting from OTP 25. 2022/05/20: Relx has been updated to v4. Relx v4 is no longer an escript, therefore breaking changes were introduced. The `RELX`, `RELX_URL` and `RELX_OPTS` variables were removed. The `relx` project must be added as a `DEPS`, `BUILD_DEPS` or `REL_DEPS` dependency to enable building releases. For example: `REL_DEPS = relx`. Relx itself has had some additional changes: the `start` command has been replaced by `daemon`, and configuration defaults have changed so that you may need to add the following to your relx.config file: ``` erlang {dev_mode, false}. {include_erts, true}. ```