# Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Loïc Hoguin # This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. .PHONY: clean-app # Configuration. ERLC_OPTS ?= -Werror +debug_info +warn_export_vars +warn_shadow_vars \ +warn_obsolete_guard # +bin_opt_info +warn_export_all +warn_missing_spec COMPILE_FIRST ?= COMPILE_FIRST_PATHS = $(addprefix src/,$(addsuffix .erl,$(COMPILE_FIRST))) ERLC_EXCLUDE ?= ERLC_EXCLUDE_PATHS = $(addprefix src/,$(addsuffix .erl,$(ERLC_EXCLUDE))) ERLC_ASN1_OPTS ?= ERLC_MIB_OPTS ?= COMPILE_MIB_FIRST ?= COMPILE_MIB_FIRST_PATHS = $(addprefix mibs/,$(addsuffix .mib,$(COMPILE_MIB_FIRST))) # Verbosity. app_verbose_0 = @echo " APP " $(PROJECT); app_verbose_2 = set -x; app_verbose = $(app_verbose_$(V)) appsrc_verbose_0 = @echo " APP " $(PROJECT).app.src; appsrc_verbose_2 = set -x; appsrc_verbose = $(appsrc_verbose_$(V)) makedep_verbose_0 = @echo " DEPEND" $(PROJECT).d; makedep_verbose_2 = set -x; makedep_verbose = $(makedep_verbose_$(V)) erlc_verbose_0 = @echo " ERLC " $(filter-out $(patsubst %,%.erl,$(ERLC_EXCLUDE)),\ $(filter %.erl %.core,$(?F))); erlc_verbose_2 = set -x; erlc_verbose = $(erlc_verbose_$(V)) xyrl_verbose_0 = @echo " XYRL " $(filter %.xrl %.yrl,$(?F)); xyrl_verbose_2 = set -x; xyrl_verbose = $(xyrl_verbose_$(V)) asn1_verbose_0 = @echo " ASN1 " $(filter %.asn1,$(?F)); asn1_verbose_2 = set -x; asn1_verbose = $(asn1_verbose_$(V)) mib_verbose_0 = @echo " MIB " $(filter %.bin %.mib,$(?F)); mib_verbose_2 = set -x; mib_verbose = $(mib_verbose_$(V)) ifneq ($(wildcard src/),) # Targets. app:: $(if $(wildcard ebin/test),beam-cache-restore-app) deps $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory $(PROJECT).d $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory app-build ifeq ($(wildcard src/$(PROJECT_MOD).erl),) define app_file {application, '$(PROJECT)', [ {description, "$(PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)"}, {vsn, "$(PROJECT_VERSION)"},$(if $(IS_DEP), {id$(comma)$(space)"$1"}$(comma)) {modules, [$(call comma_list,$2)]}, {registered, []}, {applications, [$(call comma_list,kernel stdlib $(OTP_DEPS) $(LOCAL_DEPS) $(OPTIONAL_DEPS) $(foreach dep,$(DEPS),$(call query_name,$(dep))))]}, {optional_applications, [$(call comma_list,$(OPTIONAL_DEPS))]}, {env, $(subst \,\\,$(PROJECT_ENV))}$(if $(findstring {,$(PROJECT_APP_EXTRA_KEYS)),$(comma)$(newline)$(tab)$(subst \,\\,$(PROJECT_APP_EXTRA_KEYS)),) ]}. endef else define app_file {application, '$(PROJECT)', [ {description, "$(PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)"}, {vsn, "$(PROJECT_VERSION)"},$(if $(IS_DEP), {id$(comma)$(space)"$1"}$(comma)) {modules, [$(call comma_list,$2)]}, {registered, [$(call comma_list,$(PROJECT)_sup $(PROJECT_REGISTERED))]}, {applications, [$(call comma_list,kernel stdlib $(OTP_DEPS) $(LOCAL_DEPS) $(OPTIONAL_DEPS) $(foreach dep,$(DEPS),$(call query_name,$(dep))))]}, {optional_applications, [$(call comma_list,$(OPTIONAL_DEPS))]}, {mod, {$(PROJECT_MOD), []}}, {env, $(subst \,\\,$(PROJECT_ENV))}$(if $(findstring {,$(PROJECT_APP_EXTRA_KEYS)),$(comma)$(newline)$(tab)$(subst \,\\,$(PROJECT_APP_EXTRA_KEYS)),) ]}. endef endif app-build: ebin/$(PROJECT).app $(verbose) : # Source files. ALL_SRC_FILES := $(sort $(call core_find,src/,*)) ERL_FILES := $(filter %.erl,$(ALL_SRC_FILES)) CORE_FILES := $(filter %.core,$(ALL_SRC_FILES)) # ASN.1 files. ifneq ($(wildcard asn1/),) ASN1_FILES = $(sort $(call core_find,asn1/,*.asn1)) ERL_FILES += $(addprefix src/,$(patsubst %.asn1,%.erl,$(notdir $(ASN1_FILES)))) define compile_asn1 $(verbose) mkdir -p include/ $(asn1_verbose) erlc -v -I include/ -o asn1/ +noobj $(ERLC_ASN1_OPTS) $1 $(verbose) mv asn1/*.erl src/ -$(verbose) mv asn1/*.hrl include/ $(verbose) mv asn1/*.asn1db include/ endef $(PROJECT).d:: $(ASN1_FILES) $(if $(strip $?),$(call compile_asn1,$?)) endif # SNMP MIB files. ifneq ($(wildcard mibs/),) MIB_FILES = $(sort $(call core_find,mibs/,*.mib)) $(PROJECT).d:: $(COMPILE_MIB_FIRST_PATHS) $(MIB_FILES) $(verbose) mkdir -p include/ priv/mibs/ $(mib_verbose) erlc -v $(ERLC_MIB_OPTS) -o priv/mibs/ -I priv/mibs/ $? $(mib_verbose) erlc -o include/ -- $(addprefix priv/mibs/,$(patsubst %.mib,%.bin,$(notdir $?))) endif # Leex and Yecc files. XRL_FILES := $(filter %.xrl,$(ALL_SRC_FILES)) XRL_ERL_FILES = $(addprefix src/,$(patsubst %.xrl,%.erl,$(notdir $(XRL_FILES)))) ERL_FILES += $(XRL_ERL_FILES) YRL_FILES := $(filter %.yrl,$(ALL_SRC_FILES)) YRL_ERL_FILES = $(addprefix src/,$(patsubst %.yrl,%.erl,$(notdir $(YRL_FILES)))) ERL_FILES += $(YRL_ERL_FILES) $(PROJECT).d:: $(XRL_FILES) $(YRL_FILES) $(if $(strip $?),$(xyrl_verbose) erlc -v -o src/ $(YRL_ERLC_OPTS) $?) # Erlang and Core Erlang files. define makedep.erl E = ets:new(makedep, [bag]), G = digraph:new([acyclic]), ErlFiles = lists:usort(string:tokens("$(ERL_FILES)", " ")), DepsDir = "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR))", AppsDir = "$(call core_native_path,$(APPS_DIR))", DepsDirsSrc = "$(if $(wildcard $(DEPS_DIR)/*/src), $(call core_native_path,$(wildcard $(DEPS_DIR)/*/src)))", DepsDirsInc = "$(if $(wildcard $(DEPS_DIR)/*/include), $(call core_native_path,$(wildcard $(DEPS_DIR)/*/include)))", AppsDirsSrc = "$(if $(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/*/src), $(call core_native_path,$(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/*/src)))", AppsDirsInc = "$(if $(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/*/include), $(call core_native_path,$(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/*/include)))", DepsDirs = lists:usort(string:tokens(DepsDirsSrc++DepsDirsInc, " ")), AppsDirs = lists:usort(string:tokens(AppsDirsSrc++AppsDirsInc, " ")), Modules = [{list_to_atom(filename:basename(F, ".erl")), F} || F <- ErlFiles], Add = fun (Mod, Dep) -> case lists:keyfind(Dep, 1, Modules) of false -> ok; {_, DepFile} -> {_, ModFile} = lists:keyfind(Mod, 1, Modules), ets:insert(E, {ModFile, DepFile}), digraph:add_vertex(G, Mod), digraph:add_vertex(G, Dep), digraph:add_edge(G, Mod, Dep) end end, AddHd = fun (F, Mod, DepFile) -> case file:open(DepFile, [read]) of {error, enoent} -> ok; {ok, Fd} -> {_, ModFile} = lists:keyfind(Mod, 1, Modules), case ets:match(E, {ModFile, DepFile}) of [] -> ets:insert(E, {ModFile, DepFile}), F(F, Fd, Mod,0); _ -> ok end end end, SearchHrl = fun F(_Hrl, []) -> {error,enoent}; F(Hrl, [Dir|Dirs]) -> HrlF = filename:join([Dir,Hrl]), case filelib:is_file(HrlF) of true -> {ok, HrlF}; false -> F(Hrl,Dirs) end end, Attr = fun (_F, Mod, behavior, Dep) -> Add(Mod, Dep); (_F, Mod, behaviour, Dep) -> Add(Mod, Dep); (_F, Mod, compile, {parse_transform, Dep}) -> Add(Mod, Dep); (_F, Mod, compile, Opts) when is_list(Opts) -> case proplists:get_value(parse_transform, Opts) of undefined -> ok; Dep -> Add(Mod, Dep) end; (F, Mod, include, Hrl) -> case SearchHrl(Hrl, ["src", "include",AppsDir,DepsDir]++AppsDirs++DepsDirs) of {ok, FoundHrl} -> AddHd(F, Mod, FoundHrl); {error, _} -> false end; (F, Mod, include_lib, Hrl) -> case SearchHrl(Hrl, ["src", "include",AppsDir,DepsDir]++AppsDirs++DepsDirs) of {ok, FoundHrl} -> AddHd(F, Mod, FoundHrl); {error, _} -> false end; (F, Mod, import, {Imp, _}) -> IsFile = case lists:keyfind(Imp, 1, Modules) of false -> false; {_, FilePath} -> filelib:is_file(FilePath) end, case IsFile of false -> ok; true -> Add(Mod, Imp) end; (_, _, _, _) -> ok end, MakeDepend = fun (F, Fd, Mod, StartLocation) -> case io:parse_erl_form(Fd, undefined, StartLocation) of {ok, AbsData, EndLocation} -> case AbsData of {attribute, _, Key, Value} -> Attr(F, Mod, Key, Value), F(F, Fd, Mod, EndLocation); _ -> F(F, Fd, Mod, EndLocation) end; {eof, _ } -> file:close(Fd); {error, ErrorDescription } -> file:close(Fd); {error, ErrorInfo, ErrorLocation} -> F(F, Fd, Mod, ErrorLocation) end, ok end, [begin Mod = list_to_atom(filename:basename(F, ".erl")), case file:open(F, [read]) of {ok, Fd} -> MakeDepend(MakeDepend, Fd, Mod,0); {error, enoent} -> ok end end || F <- ErlFiles], Depend = sofs:to_external(sofs:relation_to_family(sofs:relation(ets:tab2list(E)))), CompileFirst = [X || X <- lists:reverse(digraph_utils:topsort(G)), [] =/= digraph:in_neighbours(G, X)], TargetPath = fun(Target) -> case lists:keyfind(Target, 1, Modules) of false -> ""; {_, DepFile} -> DirSubname = tl(string:tokens(filename:dirname(DepFile), "/")), string:join(DirSubname ++ [atom_to_list(Target)], "/") end end, Output0 = [ "# Generated by Erlang.mk. Edit at your own risk!\n\n", [[F, "::", [[" ", D] || D <- Deps], "; @touch \$$@\n"] || {F, Deps} <- Depend], "\nCOMPILE_FIRST +=", [[" ", TargetPath(CF)] || CF <- CompileFirst], "\n" ], Output = case "é" of [233] -> unicode:characters_to_binary(Output0); _ -> Output0 end, ok = file:write_file("$1", Output), halt() endef ifeq ($(if $(NO_MAKEDEP),$(wildcard $(PROJECT).d),),) $(PROJECT).d:: $(ERL_FILES) $(call core_find,include/,*.hrl) $(MAKEFILE_LIST) $(makedep_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call makedep.erl,$@)) endif ifeq ($(IS_APP)$(IS_DEP),) ifneq ($(words $(ERL_FILES) $(CORE_FILES) $(ASN1_FILES) $(MIB_FILES) $(XRL_FILES) $(YRL_FILES)),0) # Rebuild everything when the Makefile changes. $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/last-makefile-change: $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) $(verbose) if test -f $@; then \ touch $(ERL_FILES) $(CORE_FILES) $(ASN1_FILES) $(MIB_FILES) $(XRL_FILES) $(YRL_FILES); \ touch -c $(PROJECT).d; \ fi $(verbose) touch $@ $(ERL_FILES) $(CORE_FILES) $(ASN1_FILES) $(MIB_FILES) $(XRL_FILES) $(YRL_FILES):: $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/last-makefile-change ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/last-makefile-change endif endif $(PROJECT).d:: $(verbose) : include $(wildcard $(PROJECT).d) ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: ebin/ ebin/: $(verbose) mkdir -p ebin/ define compile_erl $(erlc_verbose) erlc -v $(if $(IS_DEP),$(filter-out -Werror,$(ERLC_OPTS)),$(ERLC_OPTS)) -o ebin/ \ -pa ebin/ -I include/ $(filter-out $(ERLC_EXCLUDE_PATHS),$(COMPILE_FIRST_PATHS) $1) endef define validate_app_file case file:consult("ebin/$(PROJECT).app") of {ok, _} -> halt(); _ -> halt(1) end endef ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: $(ERL_FILES) $(CORE_FILES) $(wildcard src/$(PROJECT).app.src) $(eval FILES_TO_COMPILE := $(filter-out src/$(PROJECT).app.src,$?)) $(if $(strip $(FILES_TO_COMPILE)),$(call compile_erl,$(FILES_TO_COMPILE))) # Older git versions do not have the --first-parent flag. Do without in that case. $(eval GITDESCRIBE := $(shell git describe --dirty --abbrev=7 --tags --always --first-parent 2>/dev/null \ || git describe --dirty --abbrev=7 --tags --always 2>/dev/null || true)) $(eval MODULES := $(patsubst %,'%',$(sort $(notdir $(basename \ $(filter-out $(ERLC_EXCLUDE_PATHS),$(ERL_FILES) $(CORE_FILES) $(BEAM_FILES))))))) ifeq ($(wildcard src/$(PROJECT).app.src),) $(app_verbose) printf '$(subst %,%%,$(subst $(newline),\n,$(subst ','\'',$(call app_file,$(GITDESCRIBE),$(MODULES)))))' \ > ebin/$(PROJECT).app $(verbose) if ! $(call erlang,$(call validate_app_file)); then \ echo "The .app file produced is invalid. Please verify the value of PROJECT_ENV." >&2; \ exit 1; \ fi else $(verbose) if [ -z "$$(grep -e '^[^%]*{\s*modules\s*,' src/$(PROJECT).app.src)" ]; then \ echo "Empty modules entry not found in $(PROJECT).app.src. Please consult the erlang.mk documentation for instructions." >&2; \ exit 1; \ fi $(appsrc_verbose) cat src/$(PROJECT).app.src \ | sed "s/{[[:space:]]*modules[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*\[\]}/{modules, \[$(call comma_list,$(MODULES))\]}/" \ | sed "s/{id,[[:space:]]*\"git\"}/{id, \"$(subst /,\/,$(GITDESCRIBE))\"}/" \ > ebin/$(PROJECT).app endif ifneq ($(wildcard src/$(PROJECT).appup),) $(verbose) cp src/$(PROJECT).appup ebin/ endif clean:: clean-app clean-app: $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(PROJECT).d ebin/ priv/mibs/ $(XRL_ERL_FILES) $(YRL_ERL_FILES) \ $(addprefix include/,$(patsubst %.mib,%.hrl,$(notdir $(MIB_FILES)))) \ $(addprefix include/,$(patsubst %.asn1,%.hrl,$(notdir $(ASN1_FILES)))) \ $(addprefix include/,$(patsubst %.asn1,%.asn1db,$(notdir $(ASN1_FILES)))) \ $(addprefix src/,$(patsubst %.asn1,%.erl,$(notdir $(ASN1_FILES)))) endif