# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Loïc Hoguin # This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. .PHONY: test-deps test-dir test-build clean-test-dir # Configuration. TEST_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/test ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DEPS_DIR)/,$(TEST_DEPS)) TEST_ERLC_OPTS ?= +debug_info +warn_export_vars +warn_shadow_vars +warn_obsolete_guard TEST_ERLC_OPTS += -DTEST=1 # Targets. $(foreach dep,$(TEST_DEPS),$(eval $(call dep_target,$(dep)))) ifneq ($(SKIP_DEPS),) test-deps: else test-deps: $(ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS) $(verbose) set -e; for dep in $(ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS) ; do \ if [ -z "$(strip $(FULL))" ] && [ ! -L $$dep ] && [ -f $$dep/ebin/dep_built ]; then \ :; \ else \ $(MAKE) -C $$dep IS_DEP=1; \ if [ ! -L $$dep ] && [ -d $$dep/ebin ]; then touch $$dep/ebin/dep_built; fi; \ fi \ done endif ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)),) test-dir: $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/$(PROJECT).last-testdir-build @: test_erlc_verbose_0 = @echo " ERLC " $(filter-out $(patsubst %,%.erl,$(ERLC_EXCLUDE)),\ $(filter %.erl %.core,$(notdir $(FILES_TO_COMPILE)))); test_erlc_verbose_2 = set -x; test_erlc_verbose = $(test_erlc_verbose_$(V)) define compile_test_erl $(test_erlc_verbose) erlc -v $(TEST_ERLC_OPTS) -o $(TEST_DIR) \ -pa ebin/ -I include/ $1 endef ERL_TEST_FILES = $(call core_find,$(TEST_DIR)/,*.erl) $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/$(PROJECT).last-testdir-build: $(ERL_TEST_FILES) $(MAKEFILE_LIST) # When we have to recompile files in src/ the .d file always gets rebuilt. # Therefore we want to ignore it when rebuilding test files. $(eval FILES_TO_COMPILE := $(if $(filter $(filter-out $(PROJECT).d,$(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$?),$(filter $(ERL_TEST_FILES),$^),$(filter $(ERL_TEST_FILES),$?))) $(if $(strip $(FILES_TO_COMPILE)),$(call compile_test_erl,$(FILES_TO_COMPILE)) && touch $@) endif test-build:: IS_TEST=1 test-build:: ERLC_OPTS=$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS) test-build:: $(if $(wildcard src),$(if $(wildcard ebin/test),,beam-cache-restore-test)) $(if $(IS_APP),,deps test-deps) # We already compiled everything when IS_APP=1. ifndef IS_APP ifneq ($(wildcard src),) $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory $(PROJECT).d ERLC_OPTS="$(call escape_dquotes,$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS))" $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory app-build ERLC_OPTS="$(call escape_dquotes,$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS))" $(gen_verbose) touch ebin/test endif ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)),) $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory test-dir ERLC_OPTS="$(call escape_dquotes,$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS))" endif endif # Roughly the same as test-build, but when IS_APP=1. # We only care about compiling the current application. ifdef IS_APP test-build-app:: ERLC_OPTS=$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS) test-build-app:: deps test-deps ifneq ($(wildcard src),) $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory $(PROJECT).d ERLC_OPTS="$(call escape_dquotes,$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS))" $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory app-build ERLC_OPTS="$(call escape_dquotes,$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS))" $(gen_verbose) touch ebin/test endif ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)),) $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory test-dir ERLC_OPTS="$(call escape_dquotes,$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS))" endif endif clean:: clean-test-dir clean-test-dir: ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)/*.beam),) $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(TEST_DIR)/*.beam $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/$(PROJECT).last-testdir-build endif