[[asciidoc]] == AsciiDoc documentation Erlang.mk provides rules for generating documentation from AsciiDoc files. It can automatically build a user guide PDF, chunked HTML documentation and Unix manual pages. === Requirements It is necessary to have http://asciidoc.org/[AsciiDoc], http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/xsltproc2.html[xsltproc] and http://dblatex.sourceforge.net/[dblatex] installed on your system for erlang.mk to generate documentation from AsciiDoc sources. === Writing AsciiDoc documentation http://asciidoc.org/[AsciiDoc] is a text document format for writing notes, documentation, articles, books, ebooks, slideshows, web pages, man pages and blogs. AsciiDoc files can be translated to many formats including HTML, PDF, EPUB, man page. The http://asciidoc.org/userguide.html[AsciiDoc user guide] describes the AsciiDoc syntax. The https://github.com/ninenines/erlang.mk/tree/master/doc/src/guide[Erlang.mk user guide] is written in AsciiDoc and can be used as an example. The entry file is https://github.com/ninenines/erlang.mk/blob/master/doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc[book.asciidoc]. Erlang.mk expects you to put your documentation in a specific location. This is 'doc/src/guide/' for the user guide, and 'doc/src/manual/' for the function reference. In the case of the user guide, the entry point is always 'doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc'. For manual pages, it is good practice to use section 3 for modules, and section 7 for the application itself. === Configuration All of the AsciiDoc related configuration can be done directly inside the files themselves. === Usage To build all documentation: [source,bash] $ make docs To build only the AsciiDoc documentation: [source,bash] $ make asciidoc To build only the user guide: [source,bash] $ make asciidoc-guide To build only the manual: [source,bash] $ make asciidoc-manual To install man pages on Unix: [source,bash] $ make install-docs Erlang.mk allows customizing the installation path and sections of the man pages to be installed. The `MAN_INSTALL_PATH` variable defines where man pages will be installed. It defaults to '/usr/local/share/man'. The `MAN_SECTIONS` variable defines which manual sections are to be installed. It defaults to `3 7`. To install man pages to a custom location: [source,bash] $ make install-docs MAN_INSTALL_PATH=/opt/share/man Note that you may need to run the install commands using `sudo` or equivalent if the location is not writeable by your user.