== Common Test Common Test is Erlang's functional testing framework. Erlang.mk automates the discovery and running of Common Test suites. === Writing tests The http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/common_test/write_test_chapter.html[Common Test user guide] is the best place to learn how to write tests. Erlang.mk requires that file names for test suites end with '_SUITE.erl' and that the files be located in the '$(TEST_DIR)' directory. This defaults to 'test/'. === Configuration The `CT_OPTS` variable allows you to set extra Common Test options. Options are documented in the http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/common_test/run_test_chapter.html[Common Test user guide]. You can use it to set Common Test hooks, for example: [source,make] CT_OPTS = -ct_hooks cowboy_ct_hook The `CT_SUITES` variable can be used to override what Common Test suites Erlang.mk will be aware of. It does not normally need to be set as Erlang.mk will find the test suites automatically. The name of the suite is the part before `_SUITE.erl`. If the file is named 'http_SUITE.erl', the test suite is `http`: [source,make] CT_SUITES = http ws === Usage To run all tests (including Common Test): [source,bash] $ make tests To run all tests and static checks (including Common Test): [source,bash] $ make check You can also run Common Test separately: [source,bash] $ make ct Erlang.mk will create targets for all test suites it finds. If you have a file named 'test/http_SUITE.erl', then the target `ct-http` will run that specific test suite: [source,bash] $ make ct-http Erlang.mk provides a convenient way to run a specific group or a specific test case within a specific group, using the variable `t`. Note that this only applies to suite-specific targets, like the `ct-http` example above. To run all tests from the `http_compress` group in the `http_SUITE` test suite, write: [source,bash] $ make ct-http t=http_compress Similarly, to run a specific test case in that group: [source,bash] $ make ct-http t=http_compress:headers_dupe To do the same against a multi-application repository, you can use the `-C` option: [source,bash] $ make -C apps/my_app ct-http t=my_group:my_case Note that this also applies to dependencies. When using Cowboy as a dependency, you can run the following directly: [source,bash] $ make -C deps/cowboy ct-http t=http_compress Finally, link:coverage.asciidoc[code coverage] is available, but covered in its own chapter.