== External plugins It is often convenient to be able to keep the build files used by all your projects in one place. Those files could be Makefiles, configuration files, templates and more. Erlang.mk allows you to automatically load plugins from dependencies. Plugins can do anything, including defining new variables, defining file templates, hooking themselves inside the normal Erlang.mk processing or even adding new rules. You can load plugins using one of two methods. You can either load all plugins from a dependency, or just one. We will also cover conventions about writing external plugins. === Loading all plugins from a dependency To load plugins from a dependency, all you need to do is add the dependency name to `DEP_PLUGINS` in addition to the list of dependencies. For example, if you have `cowboy` in `DEPS`, add `cowboy` in `DEP_PLUGINS` also: [source,make] DEPS = cowboy DEP_PLUGINS = cowboy This will load the file 'plugins.mk' in the root folder of the Cowboy repository. === Loading one plugin from a dependency Now that we know how to load all plugins, let's take a look at how to load one specific plugin from a dependency. To do this, instead of writing only the name of the dependency, we will write its name and the path to the plugin file. This means that writing `DEP_PLUGINS = cowboy` is equivalent to writing `DEP_PLUGINS = cowboy/plugins.mk`. Knowing this, if we were to load the plugin 'mk/dist.mk' from Cowboy and no other, we would write the following in our Makefile: [source,make] DEPS = cowboy DEP_PLUGINS = cowboy/mk/dist.mk === Writing external plugins The 'plugins.mk' file is a convention. It is meant to load all the plugins from the dependency. The code for the plugin can be written directly in 'plugins.mk' or be separate. If you are providing more than one plugin with your repository, the recommended way is to create one file per plugin in the 'mk/' folder in your repository, and then include those individual plugins in 'plugins.mk'. For example, if you have two plugins 'mk/dist.mk' and 'mk/templates.mk', you could write the following 'plugins.mk' file: [source,make] THIS := $(dir $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) include $(THIS)/mk/dist.mk include $(THIS)/mk/templates.mk The `THIS` variable is required to relatively include files. This allows users to not only be able to select individual plugins, but also select all plugins from the dependency in one go if they wish to do so.