[[installation]] == Installation === On Unix Erlang.mk requires GNU Make to be installed. While it will currently work with GNU Make 3.81, support for this version is deprecated and will be removed in 2017. We recommend GNU Make 4.1 or later. Git and Erlang/OTP must also be installed. Some functionality requires that Autoconf 2.59 or later be installed, in order to compile Erlang/OTP. Erlang/OTP may have further requirements depending on your needs. Some packages may require additional libraries. ==== Linux The commands to install packages vary between distributions: .Arch Linux [source,bash] $ pacman -Sy erlang git make ==== FreeBSD FreeBSD comes with binary and source packages: .Install binary packages [source,bash] $ pkg install erl git gmake ==== OS X and macOS While Apple distributes their own GNU Make, their version is very old and plagued with numerous bugs. It is recommended to install a more recent version from either Homebrew or MacPorts: .Homebrew [source,bash] $ brew install erlang git homebrew/dupes/make .MacPorts [source,bash] $ sudo port install erlang git gmake === On Windows Erlang.mk can be used on Windows inside an MSYS2 environment. Cygwin, MSYS (the original) and native Windows (both Batch and PowerShell) are currently not supported. The rest of this section details how to setup Erlang/OTP and MSYS2 in order to use Erlang.mk. ==== Installing Erlang/OTP Erlang.mk requires Erlang/OTP to be installed. The OTP team provides binaries of Erlang/OTP for all major and minor releases, available from the http://www.erlang.org/download.html[official download page]. It is recommended that you use the 64-bit installer unless technically impossible. Please follow the instructions from the installer to complete the installation. The OTP team also provides a short guide to http://www.erlang.org/download.html[installing Erlang/OTP on Windows] if you need additional references. You can install Erlang/OTP silently using the `/S` switch on the command line: ---- C:\Users\essen\Downloads> otp_win64_18.0.exe /S ---- ==== Installing MSYS2 The only supported environment on Windows is MSYS2. MSYS2 is a lightweight Unix-like environment for Windows that comes with the Arch Linux package manager, `pacman`. The MSYS2 project provides a http://msys2.github.io[one click installer] and instructions to set things up post-installation. It is currently not possible to use the installer silently. Thankfully, the MSYS2 project provides an archive that can be used in lieu of the installer. The archive however requires _7zip_ to decompress it. First, download the http://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/Base/x86_64/msys2-base-x86_64-20150512.tar.xz/download[MSYS2 base archive] and extract it under 'C:\'. Assuming you downloaded the archive as 'msys2.tar.xz' and put it in 'C:\', you can use the following commands to extract it: ---- C:\> 7z x msys2.tar.xz C:\> 7z x msys2.tar > NUL ---- Then you can run the two commands needed to perform the post-installation setup: ---- C:\> C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --needed --noconfirm -Sy bash pacman pacman-mirrors msys2-runtime" C:\> C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm -Syu" ---- ==== Installing the required MSYS2 packages After following these instructions, you can install GNU Make, Git and any other required softwares. From an MSYS2 shell, you can call `pacman` directly: [source,bash] $ pacman -S git make You can use `pacman -Ss` to search packages. For example, to find all packages related to GCC: [source,bash] $ pacman -Ss gcc If you are going to compile C/C++ code, you will need to install this package, as Erlang.mk cannot use the normal "gcc" package: [source,bash] $ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc You can also run commands under the MSYS2 environment from the Windows command line or batch files. This command will install GNU Make and Git: ---- C:\> C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm -S git make" ---- You can use similar `bash` commands if you need to run programs inside the MSYS2 environment from a batch file. ==== Gotchas While most of the basic functionality will just work, there are still some issues. Erlang.mk needs to be fixed to pass the right paths when running Erlang scripts. We are working on it. Erlang.mk is fully tested on both Linux and Windows, but is lacking tests in the areas not yet covered by this guide, so expect bugs to be fixed as more tests are added.