# Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Loïc Hoguin # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. .PHONY: all deps app rel docs tests clean distclean help ERLANG_MK_VERSION = 1 # Core configuration. PROJECT ?= $(notdir $(CURDIR)) PROJECT := $(strip $(PROJECT)) # Verbosity. V ?= 0 gen_verbose_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; gen_verbose = $(gen_verbose_$(V)) # Core targets. all:: deps app rel clean:: $(gen_verbose) rm -f erl_crash.dump distclean:: clean help:: @printf "%s\n" \ "erlang.mk (version $(ERLANG_MK_VERSION)) is distributed under the terms of the ISC License." \ "Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Loïc Hoguin " \ "" \ "Usage: [V=1] make [target]" \ "" \ "Core targets:" \ " all Run deps, app and rel targets in that order" \ " deps Fetch dependencies (if needed) and compile them" \ " app Compile the project" \ " rel Build a release for this project, if applicable" \ " docs Build the documentation for this project" \ " tests Run the tests for this project" \ " clean Delete temporary and output files from most targets" \ " distclean Delete all temporary and output files" \ " help Display this help and exit" \ "" \ "The target clean only removes files that are commonly removed." \ "Dependencies and releases are left untouched." \ "" \ "Setting V=1 when calling make enables verbose mode." # Core functions. define core_http_get wget --no-check-certificate -O $(1) $(2)|| rm $(1) endef # Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Loïc Hoguin # This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. .PHONY: distclean-deps distclean-pkg pkg-list pkg-search # Configuration. DEPS_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/deps export DEPS_DIR REBAR_DEPS_DIR = $(DEPS_DIR) export REBAR_DEPS_DIR ALL_DEPS_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DEPS_DIR)/,$(DEPS)) ifeq ($(filter $(DEPS_DIR),$(subst :, ,$(ERL_LIBS))),) ifeq ($(ERL_LIBS),) ERL_LIBS = $(DEPS_DIR) else ERL_LIBS := $(ERL_LIBS):$(DEPS_DIR) endif endif export ERL_LIBS PKG_FILE2 ?= $(CURDIR)/.erlang.mk.packages.v2 export PKG_FILE2 PKG_FILE_URL ?= https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ninenines/erlang.mk/master/packages.v2.tsv # Core targets. deps:: $(ALL_DEPS_DIRS) @for dep in $(ALL_DEPS_DIRS) ; do \ if [ -f $$dep/GNUmakefile ] || [ -f $$dep/makefile ] || [ -f $$dep/Makefile ] ; then \ $(MAKE) -C $$dep ; \ else \ echo "include $(CURDIR)/erlang.mk" | $(MAKE) -f - -C $$dep ; \ fi ; \ done distclean:: distclean-deps distclean-pkg # Deps related targets. define dep_fetch if [ "$$$$VS" = "git" ]; then \ git clone -n -- $$$$REPO $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1); \ cd $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1) && git checkout -q $$$$COMMIT; \ elif [ "$$$$VS" = "hg" ]; then \ hg clone -U $$$$REPO $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1); \ cd $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1) && hg update -q $$$$COMMIT; \ else \ echo "Unknown or invalid dependency: $(1). Please consult the erlang.mk README for instructions." >&2; \ exit 78; \ fi endef define dep_target $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1): @mkdir -p $(DEPS_DIR) @if [ ! -f $(PKG_FILE2) ]; then $(call core_http_get,$(PKG_FILE2),$(PKG_FILE_URL)); fi ifeq (,$(dep_$(1))) DEPPKG=$$$$(awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\t" }; $$$$1 == "$(1)" { print $$$$2 " " $$$$3 " " $$$$4 }' $(PKG_FILE2);); \ VS=$$$$(echo $$$$DEPPKG | cut -d " " -f1); \ REPO=$$$$(echo $$$$DEPPKG | cut -d " " -f2); \ COMMIT=$$$$(echo $$$$DEPPKG | cut -d " " -f3); \ $(call dep_fetch,$(1)) else VS=$(word 1,$(dep_$(1))); \ REPO=$(word 2,$(dep_$(1))); \ COMMIT=$(word 3,$(dep_$(1))); \ $(call dep_fetch,$(1)) endif endef $(foreach dep,$(DEPS),$(eval $(call dep_target,$(dep)))) distclean-deps: $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(DEPS_DIR) # Packages related targets. $(PKG_FILE2): $(call core_http_get,$(PKG_FILE2),$(PKG_FILE_URL)) pkg-list: $(PKG_FILE2) @cat $(PKG_FILE2) | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\t" }; { print \ "Name:\t\t" $$1 "\n" \ "Repository:\t" $$3 "\n" \ "Website:\t" $$5 "\n" \ "Description:\t" $$6 "\n" }' ifdef q pkg-search: $(PKG_FILE2) @cat $(PKG_FILE2) | grep -i ${q} | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\t" }; { print \ "Name:\t\t" $$1 "\n" \ "Repository:\t" $$3 "\n" \ "Website:\t" $$5 "\n" \ "Description:\t" $$6 "\n" }' else pkg-search: $(error Usage: make pkg-search q=STRING) endif distclean-pkg: $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(PKG_FILE2) help:: @printf "%s\n" "" \ "Package-related targets:" \ " pkg-list List all known packages" \ " pkg-search q=STRING Search for STRING in the package index" # Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Loïc Hoguin # This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. .PHONY: clean-app # Configuration. ERLC_OPTS ?= -Werror +debug_info +warn_export_all +warn_export_vars \ +warn_shadow_vars +warn_obsolete_guard # +bin_opt_info +warn_missing_spec COMPILE_FIRST ?= COMPILE_FIRST_PATHS = $(addprefix src/,$(addsuffix .erl,$(COMPILE_FIRST))) # Verbosity. appsrc_verbose_0 = @echo " APP " $(PROJECT).app.src; appsrc_verbose = $(appsrc_verbose_$(V)) erlc_verbose_0 = @echo " ERLC " $(filter %.erl %.core,$(?F)); erlc_verbose = $(erlc_verbose_$(V)) xyrl_verbose_0 = @echo " XYRL " $(filter %.xrl %.yrl,$(?F)); xyrl_verbose = $(xyrl_verbose_$(V)) # Core targets. app:: erlc-include ebin/$(PROJECT).app $(eval MODULES := $(shell find ebin -type f -name \*.beam \ | sed "s/ebin\//'/;s/\.beam/',/" | sed '$$s/.$$//')) @if [ -z "$$(grep -E '^[^%]*{modules,' src/$(PROJECT).app.src)" ]; then \ echo "Empty modules entry not found in $(PROJECT).app.src. Please consult the erlang.mk README for instructions." >&2; \ exit 1; \ fi $(appsrc_verbose) cat src/$(PROJECT).app.src \ | sed "s/{modules,[[:space:]]*\[\]}/{modules, \[$(MODULES)\]}/" \ > ebin/$(PROJECT).app define compile_erl $(erlc_verbose) erlc -v $(ERLC_OPTS) -o ebin/ \ -pa ebin/ -I include/ $(COMPILE_FIRST_PATHS) $(1) endef define compile_xyrl $(xyrl_verbose) erlc -v -o ebin/ $(1) $(xyrl_verbose) erlc $(ERLC_OPTS) -o ebin/ ebin/*.erl @rm ebin/*.erl endef ifneq ($(wildcard src/),) ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: @mkdir -p ebin/ ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: $(shell find src -type f -name \*.erl) \ $(shell find src -type f -name \*.core) $(if $(strip $?),$(call compile_erl,$?)) ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: $(shell find src -type f -name \*.xrl) \ $(shell find src -type f -name \*.yrl) $(if $(strip $?),$(call compile_xyrl,$?)) endif clean:: clean-app # Extra targets. erlc-include: -@if [ -d ebin/ ]; then \ find include/ src/ -type f -name \*.hrl -newer ebin -exec touch $(shell find src/ -type f -name "*.erl") \; 2>/dev/null || printf ''; \ fi clean-app: $(gen_verbose) rm -rf ebin/ # Copyright (c) 2014, Loïc Hoguin # This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. .PHONY: bootstrap bootstrap-lib bootstrap-rel new list-templates # Core targets. help:: @printf "%s\n" "" \ "Bootstrap targets:" \ " bootstrap Generate a skeleton of an OTP application" \ " bootstrap-lib Generate a skeleton of an OTP library" \ " bootstrap-rel Generate the files needed to build a release" \ " new t=TPL n=NAME Generate a module NAME based on the template TPL" \ " list-templates List available templates" # Bootstrap templates. bs_appsrc = "{application, $(PROJECT), [" \ " {description, \"\"}," \ " {vsn, \"0.1.0\"}," \ " {modules, []}," \ " {registered, []}," \ " {applications, [" \ " kernel," \ " stdlib" \ " ]}," \ " {mod, {$(PROJECT)_app, []}}," \ " {env, []}" \ "]}." bs_appsrc_lib = "{application, $(PROJECT), [" \ " {description, \"\"}," \ " {vsn, \"0.1.0\"}," \ " {modules, []}," \ " {registered, []}," \ " {applications, [" \ " kernel," \ " stdlib" \ " ]}" \ "]}." bs_Makefile = "PROJECT = $(PROJECT)" \ "include erlang.mk" bs_app = "-module($(PROJECT)_app)." \ "-behaviour(application)." \ "" \ "-export([start/2])." \ "-export([stop/1])." \ "" \ "start(_Type, _Args) ->" \ " $(PROJECT)_sup:start_link()." \ "" \ "stop(_State) ->" \ " ok." bs_relx_config = "{release, {$(PROJECT)_release, \"1\"}, [$(PROJECT)]}." \ "{extended_start_script, true}." \ "{sys_config, \"rel/sys.config\"}." \ "{vm_args, \"rel/vm.args\"}." bs_sys_config = "[" \ "]." bs_vm_args = "-name $(PROJECT)@" \ "-setcookie $(PROJECT)" \ "-heart" # Normal templates. tpl_supervisor = "-module($(n))." \ "-behaviour(supervisor)." \ "" \ "-export([start_link/0])." \ "-export([init/1])." \ "" \ "start_link() ->" \ " supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [])." \ "" \ "init([]) ->" \ " Procs = []," \ " {ok, {{one_for_one, 1, 5}, Procs}}." tpl_gen_server = "-module($(n))." \ "-behaviour(gen_server)." \ "" \ "%% API." \ "-export([start_link/0])." \ "" \ "%% gen_server." \ "-export([init/1])." \ "-export([handle_call/3])." \ "-export([handle_cast/2])." \ "-export([handle_info/2])." \ "-export([terminate/2])." \ "-export([code_change/3])." \ "" \ "-record(state, {" \ "})." \ "" \ "%% API." \ "" \ "-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}." \ "start_link() ->" \ " gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [], [])." \ "" \ "%% gen_server." \ "" \ "init([]) ->" \ " {ok, \#state{}}." \ "" \ "handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->" \ " {reply, ignored, State}." \ "" \ "handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->" \ " {noreply, State}." \ "" \ "handle_info(_Info, State) ->" \ " {noreply, State}." \ "" \ "terminate(_Reason, _State) ->" \ " ok." \ "" \ "code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->" \ " {ok, State}." tpl_cowboy_http = "-module($(n))." \ "-behaviour(cowboy_http_handler)." \ "" \ "-export([init/3])." \ "-export([handle/2])." \ "-export([terminate/3])." \ "" \ "-record(state, {" \ "})." \ "" \ "init(_, Req, _Opts) ->" \ " {ok, Req, \#state{}}." \ "" \ "handle(Req, State=\#state{}) ->" \ " {ok, Req2} = cowboy_req:reply(200, Req)," \ " {ok, Req2, State}." \ "" \ "terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) ->" \ " ok." tpl_cowboy_loop = "-module($(n))." \ "-behaviour(cowboy_loop_handler)." \ "" \ "-export([init/3])." \ "-export([info/3])." \ "-export([terminate/3])." \ "" \ "-record(state, {" \ "})." \ "" \ "init(_, Req, _Opts) ->" \ " {loop, Req, \#state{}, 5000, hibernate}." \ "" \ "info(_Info, Req, State) ->" \ " {loop, Req, State, hibernate}." \ "" \ "terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) ->" \ " ok." tpl_cowboy_rest = "-module($(n))." \ "" \ "-export([init/3])." \ "-export([content_types_provided/2])." \ "-export([get_html/2])." \ "" \ "init(_, _Req, _Opts) ->" \ " {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_rest}." \ "" \ "content_types_provided(Req, State) ->" \ " {[{{<<\"text\">>, <<\"html\">>, '_'}, get_html}], Req, State}." \ "" \ "get_html(Req, State) ->" \ " {<<\"This is REST!\">>, Req, State}." tpl_cowboy_ws = "-module($(n))." \ "-behaviour(cowboy_websocket_handler)." \ "" \ "-export([init/3])." \ "-export([websocket_init/3])." \ "-export([websocket_handle/3])." \ "-export([websocket_info/3])." \ "-export([websocket_terminate/3])." \ "" \ "-record(state, {" \ "})." \ "" \ "init(_, _, _) ->" \ " {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket}." \ "" \ "websocket_init(_, Req, _Opts) ->" \ " Req2 = cowboy_req:compact(Req)," \ " {ok, Req2, \#state{}}." \ "" \ "websocket_handle({text, Data}, Req, State) ->" \ " {reply, {text, Data}, Req, State};" \ "websocket_handle({binary, Data}, Req, State) ->" \ " {reply, {binary, Data}, Req, State};" \ "websocket_handle(_Frame, Req, State) ->" \ " {ok, Req, State}." \ "" \ "websocket_info(_Info, Req, State) ->" \ " {ok, Req, State}." \ "" \ "websocket_terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) ->" \ " ok." tpl_ranch_protocol = "-module($(n))." \ "-behaviour(ranch_protocol)." \ "" \ "-export([start_link/4])." \ "-export([init/4])." \ "" \ "-type opts() :: []." \ "-export_type([opts/0])." \ "" \ "-record(state, {" \ " socket :: inet:socket()," \ " transport :: module()" \ "})." \ "" \ "start_link(Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) ->" \ " Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts])," \ " {ok, Pid}." \ "" \ "-spec init(ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(), opts()) -> ok." \ "init(Ref, Socket, Transport, _Opts) ->" \ " ok = ranch:accept_ack(Ref)," \ " loop(\#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport})." \ "" \ "loop(State) ->" \ " loop(State)." # Plugin-specific targets. bootstrap: ifneq ($(wildcard src/),) $(error Error: src/ directory already exists) endif @printf "%s\n" $(bs_Makefile) > Makefile @mkdir src/ @printf "%s\n" $(bs_appsrc) > src/$(PROJECT).app.src @printf "%s\n" $(bs_app) > src/$(PROJECT)_app.erl $(eval n := $(PROJECT)_sup) @printf "%s\n" $(tpl_supervisor) > src/$(PROJECT)_sup.erl bootstrap-lib: ifneq ($(wildcard src/),) $(error Error: src/ directory already exists) endif @printf "%s\n" $(bs_Makefile) > Makefile @mkdir src/ @printf "%s\n" $(bs_appsrc_lib) > src/$(PROJECT).app.src bootstrap-rel: ifneq ($(wildcard relx.config),) $(error Error: relx.config already exists) endif ifneq ($(wildcard rel/),) $(error Error: rel/ directory already exists) endif @printf "%s\n" $(bs_relx_config) > relx.config @mkdir rel/ @printf "%s\n" $(bs_sys_config) > rel/sys.config @printf "%s\n" $(bs_vm_args) > rel/vm.args new: ifeq ($(wildcard src/),) $(error Error: src/ directory does not exist) endif ifndef t $(error Usage: make new t=TEMPLATE n=NAME) endif ifndef tpl_$(t) $(error Unknown template) endif ifndef n $(error Usage: make new t=TEMPLATE n=NAME) endif @printf "%s\n" $(tpl_$(t)) > src/$(n).erl list-templates: @echo Available templates: $(sort $(patsubst tpl_%,%,$(filter tpl_%,$(.VARIABLES)))) # Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Loïc Hoguin # This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. .PHONY: build-ct-deps build-ct-suites tests-ct clean-ct distclean-ct # Configuration. CT_OPTS ?= ifneq ($(wildcard test/),) CT_SUITES ?= $(sort $(subst _SUITE.erl,,$(shell find test -type f -name \*_SUITE.erl -exec basename {} \;))) else CT_SUITES ?= endif TEST_ERLC_OPTS ?= +debug_info +warn_export_vars +warn_shadow_vars +warn_obsolete_guard TEST_ERLC_OPTS += -DTEST=1 -DEXTRA=1 +'{parse_transform, eunit_autoexport}' # Core targets. tests:: tests-ct clean:: clean-ct distclean:: distclean-ct help:: @printf "%s\n" "" \ "All your common_test suites have their associated targets." \ "A suite named http_SUITE can be ran using the ct-http target." # Plugin-specific targets. ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DEPS_DIR)/,$(TEST_DEPS)) CT_RUN = ct_run \ -no_auto_compile \ -noshell \ -pa $(realpath ebin) $(DEPS_DIR)/*/ebin \ -dir test \ -logdir logs $(foreach dep,$(TEST_DEPS),$(eval $(call dep_target,$(dep)))) build-ct-deps: $(ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS) @for dep in $(ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS) ; do $(MAKE) -C $$dep; done build-ct-suites: build-ct-deps $(gen_verbose) erlc -v $(TEST_ERLC_OPTS) -o test/ \ $(wildcard test/*.erl test/*/*.erl) -pa ebin/ tests-ct: ERLC_OPTS = $(TEST_ERLC_OPTS) tests-ct: clean deps app build-ct-suites @if [ -d "test" ] ; \ then \ mkdir -p logs/ ; \ $(CT_RUN) -suite $(addsuffix _SUITE,$(CT_SUITES)) $(CT_OPTS) ; \ fi $(gen_verbose) rm -f test/*.beam define ct_suite_target ct-$(1): ERLC_OPTS = $(TEST_ERLC_OPTS) ct-$(1): clean deps app build-ct-suites @if [ -d "test" ] ; \ then \ mkdir -p logs/ ; \ $(CT_RUN) -suite $(addsuffix _SUITE,$(1)) $(CT_OPTS) ; \ fi $(gen_verbose) rm -f test/*.beam endef $(foreach test,$(CT_SUITES),$(eval $(call ct_suite_target,$(test)))) clean-ct: $(gen_verbose) rm -rf test/*.beam distclean-ct: $(gen_verbose) rm -rf logs/ # Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Loïc Hoguin # This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. .PHONY: plt distclean-plt dialyze # Configuration. DIALYZER_PLT ?= $(CURDIR)/.$(PROJECT).plt export DIALYZER_PLT PLT_APPS ?= DIALYZER_OPTS ?= -Werror_handling -Wrace_conditions \ -Wunmatched_returns # -Wunderspecs # Core targets. distclean:: distclean-plt help:: @printf "%s\n" "" \ "Dialyzer targets:" \ " plt Build a PLT file for this project" \ " dialyze Analyze the project using Dialyzer" # Plugin-specific targets. $(DIALYZER_PLT): deps app @dialyzer --build_plt --apps erts kernel stdlib $(PLT_APPS) $(ALL_DEPS_DIRS) plt: $(DIALYZER_PLT) distclean-plt: $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(DIALYZER_PLT) ifneq ($(wildcard $(DIALYZER_PLT)),) dialyze: else dialyze: $(DIALYZER_PLT) endif @dialyzer --no_native --src -r src $(DIALYZER_OPTS) # Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Loïc Hoguin # This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. # Verbosity. dtl_verbose_0 = @echo " DTL " $(filter %.dtl,$(?F)); dtl_verbose = $(dtl_verbose_$(V)) # Core targets. define compile_erlydtl $(dtl_verbose) erl -noshell -pa ebin/ $(DEPS_DIR)/erlydtl/ebin/ -eval ' \ Compile = fun(F) -> \ Module = list_to_atom( \ string:to_lower(filename:basename(F, ".dtl")) ++ "_dtl"), \ erlydtl:compile(F, Module, [{out_dir, "ebin/"}]) \ end, \ _ = [Compile(F) || F <- string:tokens("$(1)", " ")], \ init:stop()' endef ifneq ($(wildcard src/),) ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: $(shell find templates -type f -name \*.dtl 2>/dev/null) $(if $(strip $?),$(call compile_erlydtl,$?)) endif # Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Loïc Hoguin # This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. .PHONY: distclean-edoc # Configuration. EDOC_OPTS ?= # Core targets. docs:: distclean-edoc $(gen_verbose) erl -noshell \ -eval 'edoc:application($(PROJECT), ".", [$(EDOC_OPTS)]), init:stop().' distclean:: distclean-edoc # Plugin-specific targets. distclean-edoc: $(gen_verbose) rm -f doc/*.css doc/*.html doc/*.png doc/edoc-info # Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Loïc Hoguin # This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. .PHONY: relx-rel distclean-relx-rel distclean-relx # Configuration. RELX_CONFIG ?= $(CURDIR)/relx.config RELX ?= $(CURDIR)/relx export RELX RELX_URL ?= https://github.com/erlware/relx/releases/download/v1.0.2/relx RELX_OPTS ?= RELX_OUTPUT_DIR ?= _rel ifeq ($(firstword $(RELX_OPTS)),-o) RELX_OUTPUT_DIR = $(word 2,$(RELX_OPTS)) else RELX_OPTS += -o $(RELX_OUTPUT_DIR) endif # Core targets. ifneq ($(wildcard $(RELX_CONFIG)),) rel:: distclean-relx-rel relx-rel endif distclean:: distclean-relx-rel distclean-relx # Plugin-specific targets. define relx_fetch $(call core_http_get,$(RELX),$(RELX_URL)) chmod +x $(RELX) endef $(RELX): @$(call relx_fetch) relx-rel: $(RELX) @$(RELX) -c $(RELX_CONFIG) $(RELX_OPTS) distclean-relx-rel: $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(RELX_OUTPUT_DIR) distclean-relx: $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(RELX)