# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Loïc Hoguin # This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. # Configuration. DTL_FULL_PATH ?= DTL_PATH ?= templates/ DTL_SUFFIX ?= _dtl DTL_OPTS ?= # Verbosity. dtl_verbose_0 = @echo " DTL " $(filter %.dtl,$(?F)); dtl_verbose = $(dtl_verbose_$(V)) # Core targets. DTL_PATH := $(abspath $(DTL_PATH)) DTL_FILES = $(call core_find,$(DTL_PATH),*.dtl) ifneq ($(DTL_FILES),) DTL_NAMES = $(addsuffix $(DTL_SUFFIX),$(DTL_FILES:$(DTL_PATH)/%.dtl=%)) DTL_MODULES = $(if $(DTL_FULL_PATH),$(subst /,_,$(DTL_NAMES)),$(notdir $(DTL_NAMES))) BEAM_FILES += $(addsuffix .beam,$(addprefix ebin/,$(DTL_MODULES))) # Rebuild templates when the Makefile changes. $(DTL_FILES): $(MAKEFILE_LIST) @touch $@ define erlydtl_compile.erl [begin Module0 = case "$(strip $(DTL_FULL_PATH))" of "" -> filename:basename(F, ".dtl"); _ -> "$(DTL_PATH)/" ++ F2 = filename:rootname(F, ".dtl"), re:replace(F2, "/", "_", [{return, list}, global]) end, Module = list_to_atom(string:to_lower(Module0) ++ "$(DTL_SUFFIX)"), case erlydtl:compile(F, Module, [$(DTL_OPTS)] ++ [{out_dir, "ebin/"}, return_errors]) of ok -> ok; {ok, _} -> ok end end || F <- string:tokens("$(1)", " ")], halt(). endef ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: $(DTL_FILES) | ebin/ $(if $(strip $?),\ $(dtl_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call erlydtl_compile.erl,$?),-pa ebin/ $(DEPS_DIR)/erlydtl/ebin/)) endif