# Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Loïc Hoguin # This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. ifeq ($(filter proper,$(DEPS) $(TEST_DEPS)),proper) .PHONY: proper # Targets. tests:: proper define proper_check.erl code:add_pathsa(["$(call core_native_path,$(CURDIR)/ebin)", "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/*/ebin)"]), Module = fun(M) -> [true] =:= lists:usort([ case atom_to_list(F) of "prop_" ++ _ -> io:format("Testing ~p:~p/0~n", [M, F]), proper:quickcheck(M:F(), nocolors); _ -> true end || {F, 0} <- M:module_info(exports)]) end, try case $(1) of all -> [true] =:= lists:usort([Module(M) || M <- [$(call comma_list,$(3))]]); module -> Module($(2)); function -> proper:quickcheck($(2), nocolors) end of true -> halt(0); _ -> halt(1) catch error:undef -> io:format("Undefined property or module?~n~p~n", [erlang:get_stacktrace()]), halt(0) end. endef ifdef t ifeq (,$(findstring :,$(t))) proper: test-build $(verbose) $(call erlang,$(call proper_check.erl,module,$(t))) else proper: test-build $(verbose) echo Testing $(t)/0 $(verbose) $(call erlang,$(call proper_check.erl,function,$(t)())) endif else proper: test-build $(eval MODULES := $(patsubst %,'%',$(sort $(notdir $(basename $(wildcard ebin/*.beam)))))) $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call proper_check.erl,all,undefined,$(MODULES))) endif endif