#!/usr/bin/sh # This script will scrape packages from hex.pm that are believed to be # Erlang packages. We do this by first walking through all packages and # then getting the most recent release of each package. If the build tools # listed contain "rebar3" we keep them and write the package # name and version to a file. # # This script should only be run occasionally to refresh the file # containing the list of packages. # # @todo Some of the projects fetched are Elixir despite indicating # "rebar3" or "make". We should ignore them here once identified # so they don't make it to the output. NUM=1 while true; do echo "# Packages page $NUM" PAGE=$(curl -s "https://hex.pm/api/packages?sort=name&page=$NUM") if [ "$PAGE" = "[]" ]; then exit 0; fi PACKAGES=$(echo $PAGE | jq -r "map({name: .name, url: .releases[0].url})") echo $PACKAGES | jq -r '.[] | [.name, .url] | join(" ")' | while read -r NAMEURL; do NAME=$(echo $NAMEURL | awk '{print $1;}') URL=$(echo $NAMEURL | awk '{print $2;}') VERSION=$(curl -s "$URL" | jq 'select(.meta.build_tools | index("rebar3")) | .version | tostring') VERSION=$(echo $VERSION | tr -d '"') if [ -n "$VERSION" ]; then echo "$NAME $VERSION" fi done NUM=$(expr $NUM + 1) sleep 10 done