# Core: Building applications. core_app_TARGETS = $(call list_targets,core-app) .PHONY: core-app $(core_app_TARGETS) core-app: $(core_app_TARGETS) ifdef LEGACY core-app-appsrc-change: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP application named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap $v $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Touch the .app.src file; check that only the .app file gets rebuilt" $t printf "%s\n" $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT endif core-app-appup: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate a .appup file" $t touch $(APP)/src/$(APP).appup $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that the appup file was copied into ebin/" $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).appup $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that the source file still exists" $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).appup $i "Check that the file copied into ebin/ was removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).appup core-app-asn1: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Download .asn1 files from Erlang/OTP" $t mkdir $(APP)/asn1/ $t curl -s -o $(APP)/asn1/CAP.asn1 $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/CAP.asn1 $t curl -s -o $(APP)/asn1/Def.asn1 $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/Def.asn1 $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers generated by .asn1 files" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_cap)." "-include(\"CAP.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_cap.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_def)." "-include(\"Def.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_def.erl $i "Generate an unrelated .hrl file" $t mkdir $(APP)/include/ $t touch $(APP)/include/unrelated.hrl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/CAP.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/Def.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_cap.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_def.beam $t test -f $(APP)/include/CAP.asn1db $t test -f $(APP)/include/CAP.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/include/Def.asn1db $t test -f $(APP)/include/Def.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/CAP.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/Def.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = ['CAP', 'Def', use_cap, use_def]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch one .asn1 file; check that only required files are rebuilt" # The use_cap.erl gets touched because of its dependency to CAP.hrl. $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/CAP.beam \ $(APP)/ebin/use_cap.beam \ $(APP)/include/CAP.asn1db \ $(APP)/include/CAP.hrl \ $(APP)/src/CAP.erl \ $(APP)/src/use_cap.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/asn1/CAP.asn1 $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/asn1/CAP.asn1 | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = ['CAP', 'Def', use_cap, use_def]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/asn1/CAP.asn1 $t test -f $(APP)/asn1/Def.asn1 $t test -f $(APP)/include/unrelated.hrl ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_cap.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_def.erl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed, including intermediates" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $t test ! -e $(APP)/include/CAP.asn1db $t test ! -e $(APP)/include/CAP.hrl $t test ! -e $(APP)/include/Def.asn1db $t test ! -e $(APP)/include/Def.hrl $t test ! -e $(APP)/src/CAP.erl $t test ! -e $(APP)/src/Def.erl $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/CAP.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/Def.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_cap.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_def.beam $t test -f $(APP)/include/CAP.asn1db $t test -f $(APP)/include/CAP.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/include/Def.asn1db $t test -f $(APP)/include/Def.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/CAP.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/Def.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = ['CAP', 'Def', use_cap, use_def]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Build the application with ERLC_ASN1_OPTS set" $t echo "ERLC_ASN1_OPTS += +'{record_name_prefix,\"FOO-\"}'" >> $(APP)/Makefile $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that the application was built with ERLC_ASN1_OPTS set" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ Attrs = 'Def':module_info(attributes), \ Asn1Info = proplists:get_value(asn1_info, Attrs), \ Opts = proplists:get_value(options, Asn1Info), \ true = lists:member({record_name_prefix, \"FOO-\"}, Opts), \ halt()" core-app-asn1-maps: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Set ERLC_ASN1_OPTS = +maps in the Makefile" $t perl -ni.bak -e 'print;if ($$.==1) {print "ERLC_ASN1_OPTS = +maps\n"}' $(APP)/Makefile $i "Download .asn1 files from Erlang/OTP" $t mkdir $(APP)/asn1/ $t curl -s -o $(APP)/asn1/CAP.asn1 $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/CAP.asn1 $t curl -s -o $(APP)/asn1/Def.asn1 $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/Def.asn1 $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/CAP.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/Def.beam $t test -f $(APP)/include/CAP.asn1db $t ! test -e $(APP)/include/CAP.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/include/Def.asn1db $t ! test -e $(APP)/include/Def.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/CAP.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/Def.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = ['CAP', 'Def']} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-auto-git-id: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Make it a git repository" $t cd $(APP) && \ git init -q && \ git config user.email "testsuite@erlang.mk" && \ git config user.name "test suite" && \ git add . && \ git commit -q --no-gpg-sign -m "Tests" $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v ifdef LEGACY # Legacy replaces {id, "git"} always regardless of built as a dependency. $i "Check that the generated .app file has an id key" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, ID} = application:get_key($(APP), id), \ true = ID =/= [], \ halt()" else # If there is no .app.src though, only fill in id when built as a dependency. $i "Check that the generated .app file has no id key" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, []} = application:get_key($(APP), id), \ halt()" endif $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Build the application with IS_DEP=1" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) IS_DEP=1 $v $i "Check that the generated .app file has an id key" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, ID} = application:get_key($(APP), id), \ true = ID =/= [], \ halt()" core-app-compile-first: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $t echo "-module(first)." > $(APP)/src/first.erl $i "Define COMPILE_FIRST" $t echo "COMPILE_FIRST = first" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, first, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-compile-first-sub-directory: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $t mkdir $(APP)/src/sub/ $t echo "-module(first)." > $(APP)/src/sub/first.erl $i "Define COMPILE_FIRST with a module in a sub-directory" $t echo "COMPILE_FIRST = sub/first" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, first, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" ifndef LEGACY core-app-env: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Define PROJECT_ENV" $t echo "PROJECT_ENV = [{test_key, test_value}]" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:load($(APP)), \ {ok, test_value} = application:get_env($(APP), test_key), \ halt()" $i "Define PROJECT_ENV with escape in string, special char" $t echo "PROJECT_ENV = [{test_atom, '\\\$$\$$test'}, {test_key, \"\\\"test_\\tvalue\\\"\"}]" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:load($(APP)), \ {ok, \"\\\"test_\\tvalue\\\"\"} = application:get_env($(APP), test_key), \ {ok, '\\\$$test'} = application:get_env($(APP), test_atom), \ halt()" core-app-env-invalid: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Define an invalid PROJECT_ENV" $t echo "PROJECT_ENV = [{test_key, test_value" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Build the application" $t ! $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v endif core-app-erlc-exclude: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Exclude boy.erl from the compilation" $t echo "ERLC_EXCLUDE = boy" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that boy.erl was not compiled" $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly (without boy.erl)" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-erlc-opts: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Define an empty ERLC_OPTS (without debug_info)" $t echo "ERLC_OPTS =" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Generate .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly (without debug_info)" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ false = proplists:is_defined(debug_info, proplists:get_value(options, boy:module_info(compile))), \ false = proplists:is_defined(debug_info, proplists:get_value(options, girl:module_info(compile))), \ halt()" core-app-erlc-opts-filter: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Define ERLC_OPTS filtering out debug_info" $t echo "ERLC_OPTS := \$$(filter-out +debug_info,\$$(ERLC_OPTS))" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Generate .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly (without debug_info)" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ false = proplists:is_defined(debug_info, proplists:get_value(options, boy:module_info(compile))), \ false = proplists:is_defined(debug_info, proplists:get_value(options, girl:module_info(compile))), \ halt()" core-app-erlc-symlink: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/girl.erl $i "Symlink .erl file" $t ln -s ../girl.erl $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-error: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate a bad .erl files" $t touch $(APP)/src/breaking.erl $i "Generate unrelated .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Check that trying to build returns non-zero" $t ! $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v ifndef LEGACY core-app-extra-keys: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Define PROJECT_APP_EXTRA_KEYS" $t printf "define PROJECT_APP_EXTRA_KEYS\n\t{maxT, 10000},\n\t{non_standard_key, test_value}\nendef\n" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:load($(APP)), \ {ok, 10000} = application:get_key($(APP), maxT), \ AppFile = filename:join(code:lib_dir($(APP), ebin), atom_to_list($(APP)) ++ \".app\"), \ {ok, [App]} = file:consult(AppFile), \ {application, $(APP), Props} = App, \ test_value = proplists:get_value(non_standard_key, Props),\ halt()" $i "Define PROJECT_APP_EXTRA_KEYS with escape in string, special char" $t echo "PROJECT_APP_EXTRA_KEYS = {non_standard_atom, '\\\$$\$$my_app'}, {non_standard_string, \"\\\"test_\\tvalue\\\"\"}" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:load($(APP)), \ AppFile = filename:join(code:lib_dir($(APP), ebin), atom_to_list($(APP)) ++ \".app\"), \ {ok, [App]} = file:consult(AppFile), \ {application, $(APP), Props} = App, \ '\\\$$my_app' = proplists:get_value(non_standard_atom, Props),\ \"\\\"test_\\tvalue\\\"\" = proplists:get_value(non_standard_string, Props),\ halt()" endif core-app-generate-erl: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Create a fake script file to be used as dependency" $t touch $(APP)/script.sh $i "Append rules to the Makefile to generate a .erl module" $t echo "\$$(PROJECT).d:: src/generated.erl" >> $(APP)/Makefile $t echo "src/generated.erl:: script.sh; echo \"-module(generated).\" > \$$@" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Generate unrelated .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/generated.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch the script file; check that only required files are rebuilt" $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/generated.beam \ $(APP)/src/generated.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/script.sh $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/script.sh | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/script.sh ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Check that the generated .erl file still exists" $t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $i "Add a rule to remove the generated .erl file on clean" $t echo "clean:: ; rm src/generated.erl" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Clean the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that the generated .erl file was removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/src/generated.erl $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/generated.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-generate-erl-include: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Create a fake script file to be used as dependency" $t touch $(APP)/script.sh $i "Append rules to the Makefile to generate a .erl module" $t echo "\$$(PROJECT).d:: src/generated.erl" >> $(APP)/Makefile $t echo "src/generated.erl:: script.sh; echo \"-module(generated).\" > \$$@; echo \"-include(\\\"included.hrl\\\").\" >> \$$@" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Generate the .hrl file" $t mkdir $(APP)/include/ $t touch $(APP)/include/included.hrl $i "Generate unrelated .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/generated.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch the .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/generated.beam \ $(APP)/src/generated.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/include/included.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/include/included.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-generate-erl-prepend: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Create a fake script file to be used as dependency" $t touch $(APP)/script.sh $i "Generate a Makefile and prepend rules that generate a .erl module" $t echo "PROJECT = $(APP)" > $(APP)/Makefile $t echo ".DEFAULT_GOAL = all" >> $(APP)/Makefile $t echo "\$$(PROJECT).d:: src/generated.erl" >> $(APP)/Makefile $t echo "src/generated.erl:: script.sh; echo \"-module(generated).\" > \$$@" >> $(APP)/Makefile $t echo "include erlang.mk" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Generate unrelated .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/generated.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch the script file; check that only required files are rebuilt" $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/generated.beam \ $(APP)/src/generated.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/script.sh $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/script.sh | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/script.sh ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Check that the generated .erl file still exists" $t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $i "Add a rule to remove the generated .erl file on clean" $t echo "clean:: ; rm src/generated.erl" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Clean the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that the generated .erl file was removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/src/generated.erl $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/generated.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/generated.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, generated, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-hrl: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .hrl files" $t mkdir $(APP)/include/ $t touch $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $(APP)/include/red.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch one .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" # The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl. $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam \ $(APP)/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/include/red.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/include/red.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/include/red.hrl ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-hrl-recursive: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .hrl files" $t mkdir $(APP)/include/ $t touch $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $(APP)/include/pill.hrl $t echo "-include(\"pill.hrl\")." > $(APP)/include/red.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch the deepest .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" # The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl and pill.hrl. $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam \ $(APP)/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/include/pill.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/include/pill.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/include/pill.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/include/red.hrl ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-makefile-change: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP application named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap $v $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Touch the Makefile; check that all files get rebuilt" $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP)_app.beam \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP)_sup.beam \ $(APP)/src/$(APP)_app.erl \ $(APP)/src/$(APP)_sup.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/Makefile $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/Makefile -not -path "$(APP)/.erlang.mk/*" | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT core-app-mib: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Download .mib files from Erlang/OTP" $t mkdir $(APP)/mibs/ $t curl -s -o $(APP)/mibs/EX1-MIB.mib $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/snmp/examples/ex1/EX1-MIB.mib $t curl -s -o $(APP)/mibs/OTP-REG.mib $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/snmp/mibs/OTP-REG.mib $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers generated by .mib files" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_v1)." "-include(\"EX1-MIB.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_v1.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_v2)." "-include(\"OTP-REG.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_v2.erl $i "Generate an unrelated .hrl file" $t mkdir $(APP)/include/ $t touch $(APP)/include/unrelated.hrl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_v1.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_v2.beam $t test -f $(APP)/include/EX1-MIB.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/include/OTP-REG.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/priv/mibs/EX1-MIB.bin $t test -f $(APP)/priv/mibs/OTP-REG.bin $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_v1, use_v2]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch one .mib file; check that only required files are rebuilt" # The use_v1.erl gets touched because of its dependency to EX1-MIB.hrl. $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/use_v1.beam \ $(APP)/include/EX1-MIB.hrl \ $(APP)/priv/mibs/EX1-MIB.bin \ $(APP)/src/use_v1.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/mibs/EX1-MIB.mib $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/mibs/EX1-MIB.mib | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_v1, use_v2]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/include/unrelated.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/mibs/EX1-MIB.mib $t test -f $(APP)/mibs/OTP-REG.mib ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_v1.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_v2.erl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed, including intermediates" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $t test ! -e $(APP)/include/EX1-MIB.hrl $t test ! -e $(APP)/include/OTP-REG.hrl $t test ! -e $(APP)/priv/mibs/ $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_v1.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_v2.beam $t test -f $(APP)/include/EX1-MIB.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/include/OTP-REG.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/priv/mibs/EX1-MIB.bin $t test -f $(APP)/priv/mibs/OTP-REG.bin $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_v1, use_v2]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" ifndef LEGACY core-app-name-special-char: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Set PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = test % in the Makefile" $t echo "PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = test %" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:load($(APP)), \ {ok,\"test %\"} = application:get_key($(APP), description), \ halt()" endif core-app-no-app: init $i "Bootstrap a project without an OTP library" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $t rm -rf $(APP)/src $i "Build the project" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v core-app-no-makedep: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Set NO_MAKEDEP ?= 1 in the Makefile" $t perl -ni.bak -e 'print;if ($$.==1) {print "NO_MAKEDEP ?= 1\n"}' $(APP)/Makefile $i "Generate .hrl files" $t mkdir $(APP)/include/ $t touch $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $(APP)/include/red.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch one .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" # The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl. $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam \ $(APP)/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/include/red.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/include/red.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch one .hrl file; disable NO_MAKEDEP and check that only required files are rebuilt" # The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl. $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam \ $(APP)/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/include/red.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t NO_MAKEDEP= $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/include/red.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/include/red.hrl ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-project-mod: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate an application module" $t printf "%s\n" \ "-module(app_mod)." \ "-export([start/2, stop/1])." \ "start(_StartType, _StartArgs) -> {ok, self()}." \ "stop(_State) -> ok." > $(APP)/src/app_mod.erl $i "Build the application with PROJECT_MOD" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) PROJECT_MOD=app_mod $v $i "Check that the application starts correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval "ok = application:start($(APP)), halt()" core-app-pt: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate a parse_transform module" $t printf "%s\n" \ "-module(my_pt)." \ "-export([parse_transform/2])." \ "parse_transform(Forms, _) ->" \ " io:format(\"# Running my_pt parse_transform.~n\")," \ " Forms." > $(APP)/src/my_pt.erl $i "Generate a .erl file that uses the my_pt parse_transform" $t printf "%s\n" \ "-module(my_user)." \ "-compile({parse_transform, my_pt})." > $(APP)/src/my_user.erl $i "Build the application; confirm the parse_transform is used" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) | grep "Running my_pt parse_transform." $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [my_pt, my_user]} = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-pt-erlc-opts: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library in $(APP)/deps/my_pt_dep" $t mkdir -p $(APP)/deps/my_pt_dep/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/deps/my_pt_dep/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP)/deps/my_pt_dep/ -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate a parse_transform module in my_pt_dep" $t printf "%s\n" \ "-module(my_pt)." \ "-export([parse_transform/2])." \ "parse_transform(Forms, _) ->" \ " io:format(\"# Running my_pt parse_transform.~n\")," \ " Forms." > $(APP)/deps/my_pt_dep/src/my_pt.erl $i "Add my_pt_dep to the list of dependencies" $t perl -ni.bak -e 'print;if ($$.==1) {print "BUILD_DEPS = my_pt_dep\n"}' $(APP)/Makefile $i "Generate .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Add the my_pt parse_transform to ERLC_OPTS" $t echo "ERLC_OPTS += +'{parse_transform, my_pt}'" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Build the application; confirm the parse_transform is used" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) | grep "Running my_pt parse_transform." $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl]} = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-xrl: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Download .xrl files from Robert" $t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.xrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rvirding/leex/master/examples/erlang_scan.xrl $t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/lfe_scan.xrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rvirding/leex/master/examples/lfe_scan.xrl $i "Generate unrelated .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Disable warnings; our test .xrl files aren't perfect" $t echo "ERLC_OPTS=+debug_info" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/erlang_scan.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/lfe_scan.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/lfe_scan.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, erlang_scan, girl, lfe_scan]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch one .xrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/erlang_scan.beam \ $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.xrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.xrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, erlang_scan, girl, lfe_scan]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.xrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/girl.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/lfe_scan.xrl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed, including intermediates" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $t test ! -e $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.erl $t test ! -e $(APP)/src/lfe_scan.erl $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/erlang_scan.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/lfe_scan.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/lfe_scan.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, erlang_scan, girl, lfe_scan]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-xrl-help: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Download an .xrl file from Robert" $t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.xrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rvirding/leex/master/examples/erlang_scan.xrl $i "Disable warnings; our test .xrl files aren't perfect" $t echo "ERLC_OPTS=+debug_info" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Run 'make help'" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) help $v $i "Check that no files were compiled" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/erlang_scan.beam $t test ! -e $(APP)/src/erlang_scan.erl core-app-xrl-include: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Download a .xrl file with numerous includes from Gordon" $t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.xrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypernumbers/hypernumbers/master/lib/formula_engine-1.0/priv/xfl_lexer.xrl $t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/errvals.hrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypernumbers/hypernumbers/master/lib/hypernumbers-1.0/include/errvals.hrl $t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/muin_proc_dict.hrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypernumbers/hypernumbers/master/lib/hypernumbers-1.0/include/muin_proc_dict.hrl $t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/muin_records.hrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypernumbers/hypernumbers/master/lib/hypernumbers-1.0/include/muin_records.hrl $t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/typechecks.hrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypernumbers/hypernumbers/master/lib/hypernumbers-1.0/include/typechecks.hrl $i "Generate unrelated .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Disable warnings; our test .xrl files aren't perfect" $t echo "ERLC_OPTS=+debug_info" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/xfl_lexer.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xfl_lexer]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch the .xrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/xfl_lexer.beam \ $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.xrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.xrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xfl_lexer]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch a .hrl file included directly; check that only required files are rebuilt" $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/xfl_lexer.beam \ $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/src/typechecks.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/typechecks.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xfl_lexer]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch a .hrl file included indirectly; check that only required files are rebuilt" $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/xfl_lexer.beam \ $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/src/errvals.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/errvals.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xfl_lexer]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/girl.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/errvals.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/muin_proc_dict.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/muin_records.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/typechecks.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.xrl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed, including intermediates" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $t test ! -e $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.erl $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/xfl_lexer.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/xfl_lexer.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xfl_lexer]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-yrl: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Download .yrl files from Erlang/OTP" $t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/xmerl_xpath_parse.yrl $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xpath_parse.yrl $t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/xref_parser.yrl $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/tools/src/xref_parser.yrl $i "Generate unrelated .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/xmerl_xpath_parse.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/xref_parser.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/xmerl_xpath_parse.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/xref_parser.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xmerl_xpath_parse, xref_parser]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch one .yrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/xref_parser.beam \ $(APP)/src/xref_parser.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/src/xref_parser.yrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/xref_parser.yrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xmerl_xpath_parse, xref_parser]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/girl.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/xmerl_xpath_parse.yrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/xref_parser.yrl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed, including intermediates" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $t test ! -e $(APP)/src/xmerl_xpath_parse.erl $t test ! -e $(APP)/src/xref_parser.erl $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/xmerl_xpath_parse.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/xref_parser.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/xmerl_xpath_parse.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/xref_parser.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl, xmerl_xpath_parse, xref_parser]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-yrl-header: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Create a .yrl file" $t echo "Nonterminals E T F." > $(APP)/src/y_parse.yrl $t echo "Terminals '+' '*' '(' ')' number." >> $(APP)/src/y_parse.yrl $t echo "Rootsymbol E." >> $(APP)/src/y_parse.yrl $t echo "E -> E '+' T: {'\$$2', '\$$1', '\$$3'}." >> $(APP)/src/y_parse.yrl $t echo "E -> T : '\$$1'." >> $(APP)/src/y_parse.yrl $t echo "T -> T '*' F: {'\$$2', '\$$1', '\$$3'}." >> $(APP)/src/y_parse.yrl $t echo "T -> F : '\$$1'." >> $(APP)/src/y_parse.yrl $t echo "F -> '(' E ')' : '\$$2'." >> $(APP)/src/y_parse.yrl $t echo "F -> number : '\$$1'. " >> $(APP)/src/y_parse.yrl $i "Create the yrl header file" $t mkdir $(APP)/include $t echo "-export([forty_two/0])." > $(APP)/include/yecc_header.hrl # A bunch of gobbldygook we don't actually care about, they just # need to exist so we don't get errors. $t echo "-export([yeccpars1/5])." >> $(APP)/include/yecc_header.hrl $t echo "-export([yeccerror/1])." >> $(APP)/include/yecc_header.hrl $t echo "yeccpars1(_,_,_,_,_) -> throw(not_implemented)." >> $(APP)/include/yecc_header.hrl $t echo "yeccerror(_) -> throw(not_implemented)." >> $(APP)/include/yecc_header.hrl # Required bits done, now part we'll actually test for. $t echo "forty_two() -> 42." >> $(APP)/include/yecc_header.hrl $i "Generate unrelated .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Build the application" $t YRL_ERLC_OPTS="-I include/yecc_header.hrl" $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/y_parse.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/y_parse.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl, y_parse]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Check the built yecc module used the header" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ {module, y_parse} = code:load_file(y_parse), \ 42 = y_parse:forty_two(), \ halt()" $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, girl, y_parse]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-yrl-include: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Download a .yrl file with includes from Erlang/OTP" $t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/core_parse.yrl $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/compiler/src/core_parse.yrl $t curl -s -o $(APP)/src/core_parse.hrl $(OTP_MASTER)/lib/compiler/src/core_parse.hrl $i "Generate unrelated .erl files" $t echo "-module(boy)." > $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t echo "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/core_parse.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/core_parse.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, core_parse, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch the .yrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/core_parse.beam \ $(APP)/src/core_parse.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/src/core_parse.yrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/core_parse.yrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, core_parse, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch the .hrl file included; check that only required files are rebuilt" $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/core_parse.beam \ $(APP)/src/core_parse.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/src/core_parse.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/core_parse.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, core_parse, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/boy.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/core_parse.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/core_parse.yrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/girl.erl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed, including intermediates" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $t test ! -e $(APP)/src/core_parse.erl $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/core_parse.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/src/core_parse.erl $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [boy, core_parse, girl]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-yrl-test-build-then-normal-build: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Create the parser .yrl file" $t printf "%s\n" \ "Nonterminals top." \ "Terminals plus num." \ "Rootsymbol top." \ "top -> num plus num : {'$1', '$3'}." > $(APP)/src/$(APP)_parser.yrl $i "Create the test suite" $t mkdir $(APP)/test $t printf "%s\n" \ "-module(test_SUITE)." \ "-export([all/0, test/1])." \ "all() -> [test]." \ "test(_) -> 0=0." > $(APP)/test/test_SUITE.erl $i "Build the application in test mode" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) ct $v $i "Build the application in normal mode" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v core-app-hrl-include-lib: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .hrl files" $t mkdir $(APP)/include/ $t touch $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $(APP)/include/red.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include_lib(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include_lib(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch one .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" # The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl. $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam \ $(APP)/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/include/red.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/include/red.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/include/red.hrl ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-hrl-include-lib-recursive: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .hrl files" $t mkdir $(APP)/include/ $t touch $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $(APP)/include/pill.hrl $t echo "-include_lib(\"pill.hrl\")." > $(APP)/include/red.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include_lib(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include_lib(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch the deepest .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" # The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl and pill.hrl. $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam \ $(APP)/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/include/pill.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/include/pill.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/include/pill.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/include/red.hrl ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-hrl-multiapps-include-lib: init $i "Create a multi application repository with no root application" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t echo "include erlang.mk" > $(APP)/Makefile $i "Create a new application named my_app" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) new-lib in=my_app $v $i "Create a new library named my_lib" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) new-lib in=my_lib $v $i "Add my_lib as LOCAL_DEPS of my_app" $t echo "LOCAL_DEPS = my_lib" >> $(APP)/apps/my_app/Makefile $i "Generate .hrl files" $t mkdir $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/ $t touch $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/blue.hrl $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/red.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include_lib(\"my_lib/include/blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include_lib(\"my_lib/include/red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/my_app.app $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/ $(APP)/apps/my_lib/ebin/ -eval " \ {ok, _Apps } = application:ensure_all_started(my_app), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key(my_app, modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch one .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" # The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl. $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/my_app.app \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_red.beam \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/red.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP)/apps/my_app -type f -newer $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/red.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/ $(APP)/apps/my_lib/ebin/ -eval " \ {ok, _Apps } = application:ensure_all_started(my_app), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key(my_app, modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_lib/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/blue.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/red.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_blue.erl $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_red.erl ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_lib/src/my_lib.app.src $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/my_app.app.src endif $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_lib/my_app.d $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_lib/ebin/ $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/ $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/my_app.app $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/ $(APP)/apps/my_lib/ebin/ -eval " \ {ok, _Apps } = application:ensure_all_started(my_app), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key(my_app, modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-hrl-multiapps-include-lib-recursive: init $i "Create a multi application repository with no root application" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t echo "include erlang.mk" > $(APP)/Makefile $i "Create a new application named my_app" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) new-lib in=my_app $v $i "Create a new library named my_lib" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) new-lib in=my_lib $v $i "Add my_lib as LOCAL_DEPS of my_app" $t echo "LOCAL_DEPS = my_lib" >> $(APP)/apps/my_app/Makefile $i "Generate .hrl files" $t mkdir $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/ $t touch $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/blue.hrl $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/red.hrl $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/pill.hrl $t echo "-include(\"pill.hrl\")." > $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/red.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include_lib(\"my_lib/include/blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include_lib(\"my_lib/include/red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/my_app.app $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/ $(APP)/apps/my_lib/ebin/ -eval " \ {ok, _Apps } = application:ensure_all_started(my_app), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key(my_app, modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch one .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" # The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl. $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/my_app.app \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_red.beam \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/pill.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP)/apps/my_app -type f -newer $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/pill.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/ $(APP)/apps/my_lib/ebin/ -eval " \ {ok, _Apps } = application:ensure_all_started(my_app), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key(my_app, modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_lib/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/blue.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/red.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/pill.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_blue.erl $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_red.erl ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_lib/src/my_lib.app.src $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/my_app.app.src endif $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_lib/my_app.d $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_lib/ebin/ $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/ $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/my_app.app $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/ $(APP)/apps/my_lib/ebin/ -eval " \ {ok, _Apps } = application:ensure_all_started(my_app), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key(my_app, modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-hrl-include-lib-src: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $t touch $(APP)/src/blue.hrl $(APP)/src/red.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include_lib(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include_lib(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch one .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" # The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl. $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam \ $(APP)/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/src/red.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/red.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/src/blue.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/red.hrl ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-hrl-include-lib-src-recursive: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .hrl files" $t touch $(APP)/src/blue.hrl $(APP)/src/pill.hrl $t echo "-include_lib(\"pill.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/red.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include_lib(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include_lib(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch the deepest .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" # The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl and pill.hrl. $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/$(APP).d \ $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app \ $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam \ $(APP)/src/use_red.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/src/pill.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP) -type f -newer $(APP)/src/pill.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/src/blue.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/pill.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/src/red.hrl ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/src/$(APP).app.src endif $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t test -f $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test ! -e $(APP)/ebin/ $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/$(APP).d $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/$(APP).app $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:start($(APP)), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key($(APP), modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-hrl-deps: init $i "Create a multi application repository with no root application" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t echo "include erlang.mk" > $(APP)/Makefile $i "Create a new application named my_app" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) new-lib in=my_app $v $t echo "DEPS = cowlib" > $(APP)/apps/my_app/Makefile $t echo "dep_cowlib_commit = master" >> $(APP)/apps/my_app/Makefile $t echo "include ../../erlang.mk" >> $(APP)/apps/my_app/Makefile $t printf "%s\n" "-module(boy)." "-include_lib(\"cowlib/include/cow_inline.hrl\")." > $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/boy.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(girl)." > $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/girl.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/my_app.app $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/girl.beam $t test -f $(APP)/deps/cowlib/ebin/cowlib.app ifndef LEGACY $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/apps/*/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:load(my_app), \ {ok, MyAppDeps} = application:get_key(my_app, applications), \ true = lists:member(cowlib, MyAppDeps), \ halt()" endif $i "Touch cowlib .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/my_app.app \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/boy.beam \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/boy.erl | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/deps/cowlib/include/cow_inline.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP)/apps/my_app -type f -newer $(APP)/deps/cowlib/include/cow_inline.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Clean Cowlib" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP)/deps/cowlib clean $v $i "Check that Cowlib compiled files were removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/deps/cowlib/ebin/cowlib.app $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that Cowlib compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/deps/cowlib/ebin/cowlib.app $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that Cowlib is still here" $t test -d $(APP)/deps/cowlib $i "Check that all relevant files were removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/my_app.app $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/boy.beam $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/girl.beam $i "Distclean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) distclean $v $i "Check that all relevant files were removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/deps $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/my_app.app $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/boy.beam $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/girl.beam $t test -d $(APP)/deps/cowlib ifndef LEGACY $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/apps/*/ebin/ -eval " \ ok = application:load(my_app), \ {ok, MyAppDeps} = application:get_key(my_app, applications), \ true = lists:member(cowlib, MyAppDeps), \ halt()" endif core-app-hrl-include-loop: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .hrl files with header loop" $t mkdir $(APP)/include/ $t printf "%s\n" "-include(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/include/red.hrl $t printf "%s\n" "-include(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application. Compilation should fail" $t ! $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check .d file" $t grep -q "src/use_blue.erl:: include/blue.hrl include/red.hrl; @touch" $(APP)/$(APP).d $t grep -q "src/use_red.erl:: include/blue.hrl include/red.hrl; @touch" $(APP)/$(APP).d core-app-hrl-include_lib-loop: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .hrl files with heaeder loop" $t mkdir $(APP)/include/ $t printf "%s\n" "-include_lib(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/include/red.hrl $t printf "%s\n" "-include_lib(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include_lib(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include_lib(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application. Compilation should fail" $t ! $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check .d file" $t grep -q "src/use_blue.erl:: include/blue.hrl include/red.hrl; @touch" $(APP)/$(APP).d $t grep -q "src/use_red.erl:: include/blue.hrl include/red.hrl; @touch" $(APP)/$(APP).d core-app-hrl-include-loop-define-protected: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .hrl files with hrl loop protection " $t mkdir $(APP)/include/ $t printf "%s\n" "-ifndef(BLUE_HRL_LOADED)." "-define(BLUE_HRL_LOADED,true)." "-include(\"red.hrl\")." "-endif." > $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $t printf "%s\n" "-ifndef(RED_HRL_LOADED)." "-define(RED_HRL_LOADED,true)." "-include(\"blue.hrl\")." "-endif." > $(APP)/include/red.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application. Compilation should fail" $t ! $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v ; ret=$$? $i "Check .d file" $t grep -q "src/use_blue.erl:: include/blue.hrl include/red.hrl; @touch" $(APP)/$(APP).d $t grep -q "src/use_red.erl:: include/blue.hrl include/red.hrl; @touch" $(APP)/$(APP).d core-app-hrl-include_lib-loop-define-protected: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .hrl files with hrl loop protection " $t mkdir $(APP)/include/ $t printf "%s\n" "-ifndef(BLUE_HRL_LOADED)." "-define(BLUE_HRL_LOADED,true)." "-include_lib(\"red.hrl\")." "-endif." > $(APP)/include/blue.hrl $t printf "%s\n" "-ifndef(RED_HRL_LOADED)." "-define(RED_HRL_LOADED,true)." "-include_lib(\"blue.hrl\")." "-endif." > $(APP)/include/red.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include_lib(\"blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include_lib(\"red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v ; ret=$$? $i "Check .d file" $t grep -q "src/use_blue.erl:: include/blue.hrl include/red.hrl; @touch" $(APP)/$(APP).d $t grep -q "src/use_red.erl:: include/blue.hrl include/red.hrl; @touch" $(APP)/$(APP).d core-app-hrl-multiapps-include-loop-define-protected: init $i "Create a multi application repository with no root application" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t echo "include erlang.mk" > $(APP)/Makefile $i "Create a new application named my_app" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) new-lib in=my_app $v $i "Create a new library named my_lib" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) new-lib in=my_lib $v $i "Add my_lib as LOCAL_DEPS of my_app" $t echo "LOCAL_DEPS = my_lib" >> $(APP)/apps/my_app/Makefile $i "Generate .hrl files" $t mkdir $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/ $t printf "%s\n" "-ifndef(BLUE_HRL_LOADED)." "-define(BLUE_HRL_LOADED,true)." "-include_lib(\"red.hrl\")." "-endif." > $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/blue.hrl $t printf "%s\n" "-ifndef(RED_HRL_LOADED)." "-define(RED_HRL_LOADED,true)." "-include_lib(\"blue.hrl\")." "-endif." > $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/red.hrl $i "Generate .erl files dependent from headers" $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." "-include_lib(\"my_lib/include/blue.hrl\")." > $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." "-include_lib(\"my_lib/include/red.hrl\")." > $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_red.erl $i "Build the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/my_app.app $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/ $(APP)/apps/my_lib/ebin/ -eval " \ {ok, _Apps } = application:ensure_all_started(my_app), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key(my_app, modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Touch one .hrl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" # The use_red.erl gets touched because of its dependency to red.hrl. $t printf "%s\n" \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/my_app.app \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_red.beam \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_red.erl \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_blue.erl \ $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_blue.beam | sort > $(APP)/EXPECT $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/red.hrl $t $(SLEEP) $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $t find $(APP)/apps/my_app -type f -newer $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/red.hrl | sort | diff $(APP)/EXPECT - $t rm $(APP)/EXPECT $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/ $(APP)/apps/my_lib/ebin/ -eval " \ {ok, _Apps } = application:ensure_all_started(my_app), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key(my_app, modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" $i "Clean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) clean $v $i "Check that source files still exist" $t test -f $(APP)/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/erlang.mk $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_lib/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/blue.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_lib/include/red.hrl $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/Makefile $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_blue.erl $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/use_red.erl ifdef LEGACY $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_lib/src/my_lib.app.src $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/src/my_app.app.src endif $i "Check that all build artifacts are removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_lib/my_app.d $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_lib/ebin/ $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d $t test ! -e $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/ $i "Build the application again" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/my_app.d $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/my_app.app $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/use_red.beam $i "Check that the application was compiled correctly" $t $(ERL) -pa $(APP)/apps/my_app/ebin/ $(APP)/apps/my_lib/ebin/ -eval " \ {ok, _Apps } = application:ensure_all_started(my_app), \ {ok, Mods = [use_blue, use_red]} \ = application:get_key(my_app, modules), \ [{module, M} = code:load_file(M) || M <- Mods], \ halt()" core-app-test-build-outofdate-files-only: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP library named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap-lib $v $i "Generate .erl test files" $t mkdir $(APP)/test/ $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_blue)." > $(APP)/test/use_blue.erl $t printf "%s\n" "-module(use_red)." > $(APP)/test/use_red.erl $i "Build the application testsuite" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) test-build $v $i "Check that all compiled files exist" $t test -f $(APP)/test/use_blue.beam $t test -f $(APP)/test/use_red.beam $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/build-1 $i "Re-un the make command; check that nothing is rebuilt" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) test-build $v $t test $(APP)/test/use_blue.beam -ot $(APP)/build-1 $t test $(APP)/test/use_red.beam -ot $(APP)/build-1 $i "Touch one .erl file; check that only required files are rebuilt" $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/test/use_blue.erl $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) test-build $v $t test $(APP)/test/use_blue.beam -nt $(APP)/build-1 $t test $(APP)/test/use_red.beam -ot $(APP)/build-1 $t touch $(APP)/build-2 $i "Touch one Makefile; check that all files are rebuilt" $t $(SLEEP) $t touch $(APP)/Makefile $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) test-build $v $t test $(APP)/test/use_blue.beam -nt $(APP)/build-2 $t test $(APP)/test/use_red.beam -nt $(APP)/build-2 $i "Add a syntax error to the test; check that the build fails" $t $(SLEEP) $t echo "garbage" >> $(APP)/test/use_blue.erl $t ! $(MAKE) -C $(APP) test-build $v $t ! test -f $(APP)/test/use_blue.beam