# Sphinx plugin. # Disable this test suite when sphinx is not installed. ifeq ($(shell which sphinx-build),) sphinx_TARGETS = else sphinx_TARGETS = $(call list_targets,sphinx) endif .PHONY: sphinx $(sphinx_TARGETS) sphinx: $(sphinx_TARGETS) sphinx-build: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP application named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap $v $i "Generate Sphinx config" $(call sphinx-generate-doc-skeleton) $i "Run Sphinx" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) sphinx $v $i "Check that documentation was generated" $t test -f $(APP)/html/index.html $t test -f $(APP)/html/manpage.html $i "Distclean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) distclean $v $i "Check that the generated documentation was removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/html/index.html $t test ! -e $(APP)/html/manpage.html $i "Set 'today' macro with command-line options" $t echo "SPHINX_OPTS = -D 'today=erlang_mk_sphinx_today'" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Run Sphinx" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) sphinx $v $i "Check that the 'today' macro was defined" $t grep -q erlang_mk_sphinx_today $(APP)/html/manpage.html sphinx-source-dir: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP application named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap $v $i "Change documentation source directory" $t echo "SPHINX_SOURCE = documentation" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Generate Sphinx config" $(call sphinx-generate-doc-skeleton,documentation) $i "Run Sphinx (html)" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) sphinx $v $i "Check that documentation was generated" $t test -f $(APP)/html/index.html $t test -f $(APP)/html/manpage.html sphinx-formats: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP application named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap $v $i "Define formats generated by Sphinx" $t echo "SPHINX_FORMATS = html man" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Generate Sphinx config" $(call sphinx-generate-doc-skeleton) $i "Run Sphinx (html + man)" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) sphinx $v $i "Check that documentation was generated" $t test -f $(APP)/man/sphinx_$(APP).1 $t test -f $(APP)/html/index.html $t test -f $(APP)/html/manpage.html $i "Distclean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) distclean $v $i "Check that the generated documentation was removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/man/sphinx_$(APP).1 $t test ! -e $(APP)/html/index.html $t test ! -e $(APP)/html/manpage.html $i "Change documentation output directories" $t echo "sphinx_html_output = sphinx/html_output" >> $(APP)/Makefile $t echo "sphinx_man_output = sphinx/man_output" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Run Sphinx (html + man)" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) sphinx $v $i "Check that documentation was generated" $t test -f $(APP)/sphinx/man_output/sphinx_$(APP).1 $t test -f $(APP)/sphinx/html_output/index.html $t test -f $(APP)/sphinx/html_output/manpage.html $i "Distclean the application" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) distclean $v $i "Check that the generated documentation was removed" $t test ! -e $(APP)/sphinx/man_output/sphinx_$(APP).1 $t test ! -e $(APP)/sphinx/html_output/index.html $t test ! -e $(APP)/sphinx/html_output/manpage.html sphinx-format-opts: init $i "Bootstrap a new OTP application named $(APP)" $t mkdir $(APP)/ $t cp ../erlang.mk $(APP)/ $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) -f erlang.mk bootstrap $v $i "Define formats generated by Sphinx" $t echo "SPHINX_FORMATS = html man" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Change format-specific options" $t echo "sphinx_html_opts = -D 'today=erlang_mk_sphinx_html_today'" >> $(APP)/Makefile $t echo "sphinx_man_opts = -D 'today=erlang_mk_sphinx_man_today'" >> $(APP)/Makefile $i "Generate Sphinx config" $(call sphinx-generate-doc-skeleton) $i "Run Sphinx (html + man)" $t $(MAKE) -C $(APP) sphinx $v $i "Check that the 'today' macro was defined correctly" $t grep -q erlang_mk_sphinx_html_today $(APP)/html/manpage.html $t grep -q erlang_mk_sphinx_man_today $(APP)/man/sphinx_$(APP).1 define sphinx-generate-doc-skeleton $t mkdir $(APP)/$(if $1,$1,doc)/ $t printf "%s\n" \ "project = '$(APP)'" \ "master_doc = 'index'" \ "source_suffix = '.rst'" \ "man_pages = [('manpage', 'sphinx_$(APP)', 'Man Page', [], 1)]" \ "" > $(APP)/$(if $1,$1,doc)/conf.py $t printf "%s\n" \ "***********" \ "Sphinx Docs" \ "***********" \ "" \ "ToC" \ "===" \ "" \ ".. toctree::" \ "" \ " manpage" \ "" \ "Indices" \ "=======" \ "" \ '* :ref:`genindex`' \ '* :ref:`modindex`' \ '* :ref:`search`' \ "" > $(APP)/$(if $1,$1,doc)/index.rst $t printf "%s\n" \ "********" \ "Man Page" \ "********" \ "" \ "Synopsis" \ "========" \ "" \ ".. code-block:: none" \ "" \ " erlang-sphinx-mk-man [--help]" \ "" \ "today = |today|" \ "" > $(APP)/$(if $1,$1,doc)/manpage.rst endef