path: root/examples/bullet_engine/bullet_engine.erl
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authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2014-04-02 14:09:18 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2014-04-02 14:09:18 +0200
commit77d0e9d9ca8ed451a40f9b54f20365727ad76f5e (patch)
tree018650dcdf59e7976a1ae018754fd04d4a583ee0 /examples/bullet_engine/bullet_engine.erl
parent608acbb03f976b0fbf23877d8b4b6ad7529e1d53 (diff)
Add a bullet engine example
A function sdl_renderer:set_logical_size/3 has been added. All the functions relative to the window, the renderer, textures and events now run in a separate thread inside the NIF. A few helper functions and macros have been added in order to abstract this out. The code reads like it is doing call or cast to the main thread. In the case of call, the result is then sent back to the calling process as a message (Erlang side catches it directly before returning). The functions relative to SDL init and surfaces have not been threaded yet. It may still be needed from the point of view of SDL or Erlang, but it seems to work fine as it is so they were left alone for now. The bullet example originally came from my submission to Spawnfest 2011, and has been reactualized to work with a modern Erlang, and SDL2.
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/bullet_engine/bullet_engine.erl')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/bullet_engine/bullet_engine.erl b/examples/bullet_engine/bullet_engine.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0006bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/bullet_engine/bullet_engine.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+%% This is an example. Feel free to copy and reuse as you wish.
+run() ->
+ spawn(fun init/0).
+init() ->
+ ok = sdl:start([video]),
+ ok = sdl:stop_on_exit(),
+ {ok, Window} = sdl_window:create("Hello SDL", 10, 10, 500, 600, []),
+ {ok, Renderer} = sdl_renderer:create(Window, -1, [accelerated, present_vsync]),
+ ok = sdl_renderer:set_logical_size(Renderer, 500 bsl 16, 600 bsl 16),
+ {ok, Texture} = sdl_texture:create_from_file(Renderer, "bullet.png"),
+ loop(#{window=>Window, renderer=>Renderer, texture=>Texture,
+ scene=>init_scene()}).
+loop(State=#{scene:=Scene}) ->
+ events_loop(),
+ Scene2 = update_scene(Scene, []),
+ State2 = State#{scene:=Scene2},
+ render(State2),
+ loop(State2).
+events_loop() ->
+ case sdl_events:poll() of
+ false -> ok;
+ #{type:=quit} -> terminate();
+ _ -> events_loop()
+ end.
+render(#{renderer:=Renderer, texture:=Texture, scene:=Scene}) ->
+ ok = sdl_renderer:clear(Renderer),
+ _ = [sdl_renderer:copy(Renderer, Texture, undefined, Bullet)
+ || Bullet = #{t:=Type} <- Scene, Type =/= invisible],
+ ok = sdl_renderer:present(Renderer).
+terminate() ->
+ init:stop(),
+ exit(normal).
+%% Demo scene.
+init_scene() ->
+ [new_invisible(#{x=>250 bsl 16, y=>300 bsl 16, w=>0, h=>0, actions=>[
+ %% Part 1.
+ {var, w, 31},
+ {var, x, 0},
+ {loop, 30, [
+ {loop, 18, [
+ {fire, [
+ {set, speed, 2 bsl 16},
+ {set, dir, x}
+ ]},
+ {var, x, '+=', 30}
+ ]},
+ {wait, w},
+ {var, w, '+=', -1}
+ ]},
+ %% Part 2.
+ {var, y, 31},
+ {var, z, -3},
+ {loop, 2, [
+ {loop, 21, [
+ {loop, 18, [
+ {fire, [
+ {set, speed, 2 bsl 16},
+ {set, dir, x}
+ ]},
+ {var, x, '+=', y},
+ {wait, 1}
+ ]},
+ {var, y, '+=', z}
+ ]},
+ {var, z, '*=', -1}
+ ]},
+ %% Part 3.
+ {var, i, 45},
+ {var, n, 4},
+ {loop, 4, [
+ {wait, 60},
+ {fire, [
+ {set, w, 64 bsl 16},
+ {set, h, 64 bsl 16},
+ {set, dir, i},
+ {set, speed, 2 bsl 16},
+ {loop, 10, [
+ {fire, [
+ {var, j, 180},
+ {var, j, '+=', i},
+ {set, dir, j},
+ {set, speed, 10 bsl 16}
+ ]},
+ {wait, 6}
+ ]},
+ {set, speed, 0},
+ {var, w, 60},
+ {var, w, '*=', n},
+ {wait, w},
+ {var, d, 90},
+ {var, n, '+=', -4},
+ {var, n, '*=', -1},
+ {var, d, '*=', n},
+ {var, d, '+=', -225},
+ {set, dir, d},
+ {set, speed, 3 bsl 16},
+ {loop, 120, [
+ {var, d, '+=', 3},
+ {set, dir, d},
+ {wait, 1}
+ ]},
+ {loop, 120, [
+ {fire, []},
+ {loop, 3, [
+ {var, d, '+=', 3},
+ {set, dir, d},
+ {wait, 1}
+ ]}
+ ]},
+ {loop, 120, [
+ {fire, []},
+ {var, d2, 180},
+ {var, d2, '+=', d},
+ {fire, [
+ {set, dir, d2}
+ ]},
+ {loop, 3, [
+ {var, d, '+=', 3},
+ {set, dir, d},
+ {wait, 1}
+ ]}
+ ]},
+ {loop, 120, [
+ {fire, []},
+ {var, d2, 180},
+ {var, d2, '+=', d},
+ {fire, [
+ {set, dir, d2}
+ ]},
+ {loop, 2, [
+ {var, d, '+=', 3},
+ {set, dir, d},
+ {wait, 1}
+ ]}
+ ]},
+ {loop, 120, [
+ {fire, []},
+ {var, d2, 180},
+ {var, d2, '+=', d},
+ {fire, [
+ {set, dir, d2}
+ ]},
+ {var, d, '+=', 3},
+ {set, dir, d},
+ {wait, 1}
+ ]},
+ {wait, 240}
+ ]},
+ {var, i, '+=', 90},
+ {var, n, '+=', -1}
+ ]},
+ %% Wait for the scene to finish, then stop the VM.
+ {wait, 2640},
+ init_stop
+ ]})].
+update_scene([], Acc) ->
+ lists:flatten(Acc);
+%% We avoid float arithmetic where possible.
+%% For Pi we use the approximate fraction 103993/33102.
+%% We may also want to do an integer cosine and sine.
+update_scene([Bullet = #{x:=X, y:=Y, w:=W, h:=H, dir:=Dir, speed:=Speed,
+ wait:=Wait, actions:=Actions}|Tail], Acc) ->
+ A = (103993 * (Dir - 90)) / (33102 * 180),
+ X2 = X + round(Speed * math:cos(A)),
+ Y2 = Y + round(Speed * math:sin(A)),
+ if
+ Wait > 0 ->
+ update_scene(Tail, [Bullet#{x:=X2, y:=Y2, wait:=Wait - 1}|Acc]);
+ X2 > 500 bsl 16; X2 < -W; Y2 > 600 bsl 16; Y2 < -H ->
+ update_scene(Tail, Acc);
+ true ->
+ New = update_bullet(Bullet#{x:=X2, y:=Y2}, Actions, []),
+ update_scene(Tail, [New|Acc])
+ end.
+%% Bullet engine.
+%% The scene is (500 bsl 16)x(600 bsl 16) rendered as 500x600. We avoid floats for
+%% performance reasons so everything only goes up to 3 decimals, which is perfectly
+%% fine anyway.
+%% Execution is done frame by frame for simplicity, relying on vsync. Another
+%% advantage of doing this is that we can very easy record a replay based on user
+%% input, although we don't have any in this small demo.
+new_invisible(Parent) ->
+ Parent#{t=>invisible, w=>0, h=>0, dir=>0, speed=>0,
+ wait=>0, vars=>#{}}.
+new_bullet(Parent=#{x:=X, y:=Y, w:=W, h:=H}, Actions) ->
+ Parent#{t=>bullet, x=>X + (W div 2) - (8 bsl 16), y=>Y + (H div 2) - (8 bsl 16),
+ w=>16 bsl 16, h=>16 bsl 16, wait=>0, actions=>Actions}.
+update_bullet(Bullet, [], Acc) ->
+ [Bullet#{actions:=[]}|Acc];
+%% Stop the VM.
+update_bullet(Bullet, [init_stop|_], Acc) ->
+ init:stop(),
+ update_bullet(Bullet, [], Acc);
+%% Manipulate variables.
+update_bullet(Bullet=#{vars:=Vars}, [{var, V, Value}|Tail], Acc) ->
+ update_bullet(Bullet#{vars:=maps:put(V, Value, Vars)}, Tail, Acc);
+update_bullet(Bullet=#{vars:=Vars}, [{var, V, '+=', W}|Tail], Acc) when is_atom(W) ->
+ update_bullet(Bullet#{vars:=maps:put(V, maps:get(V, Vars) + maps:get(W, Vars), Vars)}, Tail, Acc);
+update_bullet(Bullet=#{vars:=Vars}, [{var, V, '+=', W}|Tail], Acc) ->
+ update_bullet(Bullet#{vars:=maps:put(V, maps:get(V, Vars) + W, Vars)}, Tail, Acc);
+update_bullet(Bullet=#{vars:=Vars}, [{var, V, '*=', W}|Tail], Acc) when is_atom(W) ->
+ update_bullet(Bullet#{vars:=maps:put(V, maps:get(V, Vars) * maps:get(W, Vars), Vars)}, Tail, Acc);
+update_bullet(Bullet=#{vars:=Vars}, [{var, V, '*=', W}|Tail], Acc) ->
+ update_bullet(Bullet#{vars:=maps:put(V, maps:get(V, Vars) * W, Vars)}, Tail, Acc);
+%% Loop actions.
+%% We only unroll one iteration at a time to avoid wasting resources.
+update_bullet(Bullet, [{loop, 1, Actions}|Tail], Acc) ->
+ update_bullet(Bullet, Actions ++ Tail, Acc);
+update_bullet(Bullet, [{loop, N, Actions}|Tail], Acc) ->
+ update_bullet(Bullet, Actions ++ [{loop, N - 1, Actions}|Tail], Acc);
+%% Wait a few frames.
+update_bullet(Bullet=#{vars:=Vars}, [{wait, V}|Tail], Acc) when is_atom(V) ->
+ [Bullet#{wait:=maps:get(V, Vars), actions:=Tail}|Acc];
+update_bullet(Bullet, [{wait, N}|Tail], Acc) ->
+ [Bullet#{wait:=N, actions:=Tail}|Acc];
+%% Fire a new bullet.
+update_bullet(Bullet, [{fire, Actions}|Tail], Acc) ->
+ update_bullet(Bullet, Tail, [new_bullet(Bullet, Actions)|Acc]);
+%% Set bullet values directly.
+update_bullet(Bullet=#{vars:=Vars}, [{set, Key, V}|Tail], Acc) when is_atom(V) ->
+ update_bullet(maps:put(Key, maps:get(V, Vars), Bullet), Tail, Acc);
+update_bullet(Bullet=#{x:=X, y:=Y, w:=W, h:=H}, [{set, Key, Value}|Tail], Acc) ->
+ %% We need to reposition the bullet if the size changes,
+ %% are the bullet position is its top left corner.
+ case Key of
+ w -> update_bullet(maps:put(Key, Value, Bullet#{x:=X + ((W - Value) div 2)}), Tail, Acc);
+ h -> update_bullet(maps:put(Key, Value, Bullet#{y:=Y + ((H - Value) div 2)}), Tail, Acc);
+ _ -> update_bullet(maps:put(Key, Value, Bullet), Tail, Acc)
+ end.