# See LICENSE for licensing information. PROJECT = gun PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and Websocket client for Erlang/OTP. PROJECT_VERSION = 1.3.0 # Options. # ERLC_OPTS = -DDEBUG_PROXY=1 CT_OPTS += -ct_hooks gun_ct_hook [] # -boot start_sasl # Dependencies. LOCAL_DEPS = ssl DEPS = cowlib dep_cowlib = git https://github.com/ninenines/cowlib master DOC_DEPS = asciideck TEST_DEPS = $(if $(CI_ERLANG_MK),ci.erlang.mk) ct_helper cowboy dep_ct_helper = git https://github.com/extend/ct_helper.git master dep_cowboy_commit = master # CI configuration. dep_ci.erlang.mk = git https://github.com/ninenines/ci.erlang.mk master DEP_EARLY_PLUGINS = ci.erlang.mk AUTO_CI_OTP ?= OTP-20+ AUTO_CI_HIPE ?= OTP-LATEST # AUTO_CI_ERLLVM ?= OTP-LATEST AUTO_CI_WINDOWS ?= OTP-20+ # Standard targets. include erlang.mk # Enable eunit. TEST_ERLC_OPTS += +'{parse_transform, eunit_autoexport}' # Generate rebar.config on build. app:: rebar.config # h2specd setup. GOPATH := $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/gopath export GOPATH H2SPECD := $(GOPATH)/src/github.com/summerwind/h2spec/h2specd export H2SPECD # @todo It would be better to allow these dependencies to be specified # on a per-target basis instead of for all targets. test-build:: $(H2SPECD) $(H2SPECD): $(gen_verbose) mkdir -p $(GOPATH)/src/github.com/summerwind -$(verbose) git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/summerwind/h2spec $(dir $(H2SPECD)) -$(verbose) $(MAKE) -C $(dir $(H2SPECD)) build MAKEFLAGS= -$(verbose) go build -o $(H2SPECD) $(dir $(H2SPECD))/cmd/h2spec/h2specd.go