= gun:info(3) == Name gun:info - Obtain information about the connection == Description [source,erlang] ---- info(ConnPid) -> Info ConnPid :: pid() Info :: #{ sock_ip => inet:ip_address(), sock_port => inet:port_number() } ---- Obtain information about the connection. == Arguments ConnPid:: The pid of the Gun connection process. == Return value A map is returned containing various informations about the connection. == Changelog * *1.0*: Function introduced. == Examples .Obtain information about the connection [source,erlang] ---- Info = gun:info(ConnPid). ---- == See also link:man:gun(3)[gun(3)], link:man:gun:open(3)[gun:open(3)], link:man:gun:open_unix(3)[gun:open_unix(3)]