= gun_error(3) == Name gun_error - Stream or connection-wide error == Description [source,erlang] ---- {gun_error, ConnPid, StreamRef, Reason} {gun_error, ConnPid, Reason} ConnPid :: pid() StreamRef :: reference() Reason :: any() ---- Stream or connection-wide error. These messages inform the relevant process that an error occurred. A reference is given when the error pertains to a specific stream. Connection-wide errors do not imply that the connection is no longer usable, they are used for all errors that are not specific to a stream. == Elements ConnPid:: The pid of the Gun connection process. StreamRef:: Identifier of the stream that resulted in an error. Reason:: The reason for the error. + It is present for debugging purposes only. You should not rely on this value to perform operations programmatically. == Changelog * *1.0*: Message introduced. == Examples .Receive a gun_error message in a gen_server [source,erlang] ---- handle_info({gun_error, ConnPid, _Reason}, State=#state{conn_pid=ConnPid}) -> %% Do something. {noreply, State}; handle_info({gun_error, ConnPid, _StreamRef, _Reason}, State=#state{conn_pid=ConnPid}) -> %% Do something. {noreply, State}. ---- == See also link:man:gun(3)[gun(3)], link:man:gun_up(3)[gun_up(3)], link:man:gun_down(3)[gun_down(3)]