%% Copyright (c) 2013, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(gun). %% Connection. -export([open/2]). -export([open/3]). -export([close/1]). -export([shutdown/1]). %% Requests. -export([delete/2]). -export([delete/3]). -export([get/2]). -export([get/3]). -export([head/2]). -export([head/3]). -export([options/2]). -export([options/3]). -export([patch/3]). -export([patch/4]). -export([post/3]). -export([post/4]). -export([put/3]). -export([put/4]). -export([request/4]). -export([request/5]). %% Streaming data. -export([data/4]). %% Cancelling a stream. -export([cancel/2]). %% Websocket. -export([ws_upgrade/2]). -export([ws_upgrade/3]). -export([ws_send/2]). %% Internals. -export([start_link/4]). -export([init/5]). -export([system_continue/3]). -export([system_terminate/4]). -export([system_code_change/4]). -type conn_type() :: ssl | tcp | tcp_spdy. -type headers() :: [{iodata(), iodata()}]. -type ws_close_code() :: 1000..4999. -type ws_frame() :: close | ping | pong | {text | binary | close | ping | pong, iodata()} | {close, ws_close_code(), iodata()}. -type opts() :: [{keepalive, pos_integer()} | {retry, non_neg_integer()} | {retry_timeout, pos_integer()} | {type, conn_type()}]. -export_type([opts/0]). -record(state, { parent :: pid(), owner :: pid(), host :: inet:hostname(), port :: inet:port_number(), keepalive :: pos_integer(), type :: conn_type(), retry :: non_neg_integer(), retry_timeout :: pos_integer(), socket :: inet:socket() | ssl:sslsocket(), transport :: module(), protocol :: module(), protocol_state :: any() }). %% Connection. -spec open(inet:hostname(), inet:port_number()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}. open(Host, Port) -> open(Host, Port, []). -spec open(inet:hostname(), inet:port_number(), opts()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}. open(Host, Port, Opts) -> case open_opts(Opts) of ok -> supervisor:start_child(gun_sup, [self(), Host, Port, Opts]); Error -> Error end. %% @private open_opts([]) -> ok; open_opts([{keepalive, K}|Opts]) when is_integer(K), K > 0 -> open_opts(Opts); open_opts([{retry, R}|Opts]) when is_integer(R), R >= 0 -> open_opts(Opts); open_opts([{retry_timeout, T}|Opts]) when is_integer(T) > 0 -> open_opts(Opts); open_opts([{type, T}|Opts]) when T =:= tcp; T =:= tcp_spdy; T =:= ssl -> open_opts(Opts); open_opts([Opt|_]) -> {error, {options, Opt}}. -spec close(pid()) -> ok. close(ServerPid) -> supervisor:terminate_child(gun_sup, ServerPid). -spec shutdown(pid()) -> ok. shutdown(ServerPid) -> _ = ServerPid ! {shutdown, self()}, ok. %% Requests. -spec delete(pid(), iodata()) -> reference(). delete(ServerPid, Path) -> request(ServerPid, <<"DELETE">>, Path, []). -spec delete(pid(), iodata(), headers()) -> reference(). delete(ServerPid, Path, Headers) -> request(ServerPid, <<"DELETE">>, Path, Headers). -spec get(pid(), iodata()) -> reference(). get(ServerPid, Path) -> request(ServerPid, <<"GET">>, Path, []). -spec get(pid(), iodata(), headers()) -> reference(). get(ServerPid, Path, Headers) -> request(ServerPid, <<"GET">>, Path, Headers). -spec head(pid(), iodata()) -> reference(). head(ServerPid, Path) -> request(ServerPid, <<"HEAD">>, Path, []). -spec head(pid(), iodata(), headers()) -> reference(). head(ServerPid, Path, Headers) -> request(ServerPid, <<"HEAD">>, Path, Headers). -spec options(pid(), iodata()) -> reference(). options(ServerPid, Path) -> request(ServerPid, <<"OPTIONS">>, Path, []). -spec options(pid(), iodata(), headers()) -> reference(). options(ServerPid, Path, Headers) -> request(ServerPid, <<"OPTIONS">>, Path, Headers). -spec patch(pid(), iodata(), headers()) -> reference(). patch(ServerPid, Path, Headers) -> request(ServerPid, <<"PATCH">>, Path, Headers). -spec patch(pid(), iodata(), headers(), iodata()) -> reference(). patch(ServerPid, Path, Headers, Body) -> request(ServerPid, <<"PATCH">>, Path, Headers, Body). -spec post(pid(), iodata(), headers()) -> reference(). post(ServerPid, Path, Headers) -> request(ServerPid, <<"POST">>, Path, Headers). -spec post(pid(), iodata(), headers(), iodata()) -> reference(). post(ServerPid, Path, Headers, Body) -> request(ServerPid, <<"POST">>, Path, Headers, Body). -spec put(pid(), iodata(), headers()) -> reference(). put(ServerPid, Path, Headers) -> request(ServerPid, <<"PUT">>, Path, Headers). -spec put(pid(), iodata(), headers(), iodata()) -> reference(). put(ServerPid, Path, Headers, Body) -> request(ServerPid, <<"PUT">>, Path, Headers, Body). -spec request(pid(), iodata(), iodata(), headers()) -> reference(). request(ServerPid, Method, Path, Headers) -> StreamRef = make_ref(), _ = ServerPid ! {request, self(), StreamRef, Method, Path, Headers}, StreamRef. -spec request(pid(), iodata(), iodata(), headers(), iodata()) -> reference(). request(ServerPid, Method, Path, Headers, Body) -> StreamRef = make_ref(), _ = ServerPid ! {request, self(), StreamRef, Method, Path, Headers, Body}, StreamRef. %% Streaming data. -spec data(pid(), reference(), fin | nofin, iodata()) -> ok. data(ServerPid, StreamRef, IsFin, Data) -> _ = ServerPid ! {data, self(), StreamRef, IsFin, Data}, ok. %% Cancelling a stream. -spec cancel(pid(), reference()) -> ok. cancel(ServerPid, StreamRef) -> _ = ServerPid ! {cancel, self(), StreamRef}, ok. %% Websocket. -spec ws_upgrade(pid(), iodata()) -> ok. ws_upgrade(ServerPid, Path) -> ws_upgrade(ServerPid, Path, []). -spec ws_upgrade(pid(), iodata(), headers()) -> ok. ws_upgrade(ServerPid, Path, Headers) -> _ = ServerPid ! {ws_upgrade, self(), Path, Headers}, ok. -spec ws_send(pid(), ws_frame() | [ws_frame()]) -> ok. ws_send(ServerPid, Frames) -> _ = ServerPid ! {ws_send, self(), Frames}, ok. %% Internals. start_link(Owner, Host, Port, Opts) -> proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init, [self(), Owner, Host, Port, Opts]). %% @doc Faster alternative to proplists:get_value/3. %% @private get_value(Key, Opts, Default) -> case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Opts) of {_, Value} -> Value; _ -> Default end. init(Parent, Owner, Host, Port, Opts) -> try ok = proc_lib:init_ack(Parent, {ok, self()}), Keepalive = get_value(keepalive, Opts, 5000), Retry = get_value(retry, Opts, 5), RetryTimeout = get_value(retry_timeout, Opts, 5000), Type = get_value(type, Opts, ssl), connect(#state{parent=Parent, owner=Owner, host=Host, port=Port, keepalive=Keepalive, type=Type, retry=Retry, retry_timeout=RetryTimeout}, Retry) catch Class:Reason -> Owner ! {gun_error, self(), {{Class, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()}, "An unexpected error occurred."}} end. connect(State=#state{owner=Owner, host=Host, port=Port, type=ssl}, Retries) -> Transport = ranch_ssl, Opts = [binary, {active, false}, {client_preferred_next_protocols, client, [<<"spdy/3">>, <<"http/1.1">>], <<"http/1.1">>}], case Transport:connect(Host, Port, Opts) of {ok, Socket} -> Protocol = gun_spdy, %% @todo For some reasons this function doesn't work? Bug submitted. % Protocol = case ssl:negotiated_next_protocol(Socket) of % {ok, <<"spdy/3">>} -> gun_spdy; % _ -> gun_http % end, ProtoState = Protocol:init(Owner, Socket, Transport), before_loop(State#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState}); {error, _} -> retry_loop(State, Retries - 1) end; connect(State=#state{owner=Owner, host=Host, port=Port, type=Type}, Retries) -> Transport = ranch_tcp, Opts = [binary, {active, false}], case Transport:connect(Host, Port, Opts) of {ok, Socket} -> Protocol = case Type of tcp_spdy -> gun_spdy; tcp -> gun_http end, ProtoState = Protocol:init(Owner, Socket, Transport), before_loop(State#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState}); {error, _} -> retry_loop(State, Retries - 1) end. %% Too many failures, give up. retry_loop(_, 0) -> error(too_many_retries); retry_loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, retry_timeout=RetryTimeout}, Retries) -> _ = erlang:send_after(RetryTimeout, self(), retry), receive retry -> connect(State, Retries); {system, From, Request} -> sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, Parent, ?MODULE, [], {retry_loop, State, Retries}) end. before_loop(State=#state{keepalive=Keepalive}) -> _ = erlang:send_after(Keepalive, self(), keepalive), loop(State). loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, owner=Owner, host=Host, retry=Retry, socket=Socket, transport=Transport, protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState}) -> {OK, Closed, Error} = Transport:messages(), ok = Transport:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]), receive {OK, Socket, Data} -> case Protocol:handle(Data, ProtoState) of error -> Transport:close(Socket), retry_loop(State#state{socket=undefined, transport=undefined, protocol=undefined}, Retry); ProtoState2 -> loop(State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2}) end; {Closed, Socket} -> Transport:close(Socket), retry_loop(State#state{socket=undefined, transport=undefined, protocol=undefined}, Retry); {Error, Socket, _} -> Transport:close(Socket), retry_loop(State#state{socket=undefined, transport=undefined, protocol=undefined}, Retry); keepalive -> ProtoState2 = Protocol:keepalive(ProtoState), before_loop(State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2}); {request, Owner, StreamRef, Method, Path, Headers} -> ProtoState2 = Protocol:request(ProtoState, StreamRef, Method, Host, Path, Headers), loop(State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2}); {request, Owner, StreamRef, Method, Path, Headers, Body} -> ProtoState2 = Protocol:request(ProtoState, StreamRef, Method, Host, Path, Headers, Body), loop(State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2}); {data, Owner, StreamRef, IsFin, Data} -> ProtoState2 = Protocol:data(ProtoState, StreamRef, IsFin, Data), loop(State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2}); {cancel, Owner, StreamRef} -> ProtoState2 = Protocol:cancel(ProtoState, StreamRef), loop(State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2}); {ws_upgrade, Owner, Path, Headers} when Protocol =/= gun_spdy -> %% @todo ProtoState2 = Protocol:ws_upgrade(ProtoState, Path, Headers), ws_loop(State#state{protocol=gun_ws, protocol_state=ProtoState2}); {shutdown, Owner} -> %% @todo Protocol:shutdown? ok; {system, From, Request} -> sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, Parent, ?MODULE, [], {loop, State}); Any when is_tuple(Any), is_pid(element(2, Any)) -> element(2, Any) ! {gun_error, self(), {notowner, "Operations are restricted to the owner of the connection."}}, loop(State); {ws_upgrade, _, _, _} -> Owner ! {gun_error, self(), {badstate, "Websocket over SPDY isn't supported."}}, loop(State); {ws_send, _, _} -> Owner ! {gun_error, self(), {badstate, "Connection needs to be upgraded to Websocket " "before the gun:ws_send/1 function can be used."}}, loop(State); Any -> error_logger:error_msg("Unexpected message: ~w~n", [Any]) end. ws_loop(State=#state{parent=Parent, owner=Owner, retry=Retry, socket=Socket, transport=Transport, protocol=Protocol, protocol_state=ProtoState}) -> {OK, Closed, Error} = Transport:messages(), ok = Transport:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]), receive {OK, Socket, Data} -> ProtoState2 = Protocol:handle(ProtoState, Data), ws_loop(State#state{protocol_state=ProtoState2}); {Closed, Socket} -> Transport:close(Socket), retry_loop(State#state{socket=undefined, transport=undefined, protocol=undefined}, Retry); {Error, Socket, _} -> Transport:close(Socket), retry_loop(State#state{socket=undefined, transport=undefined, protocol=undefined}, Retry); %% @todo keepalive {ws_send, Owner, Frames} when is_list(Frames) -> todo; %% @todo {ws_send, Owner, Frame} -> {todo, Frame}; %% @todo {shutdown, Owner} -> %% @todo Protocol:shutdown? ok; {system, From, Request} -> sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, Parent, ?MODULE, [], {ws_loop, State}); Any when is_tuple(Any), is_pid(element(2, Any)) -> element(2, Any) ! {gun_error, self(), {notowner, "Operations are restricted to the owner of the connection."}}, loop(State); Any -> error_logger:error_msg("Unexpected message: ~w~n", [Any]) end. system_continue(_, _, {retry_loop, State, Retry}) -> retry_loop(State, Retry); system_continue(_, _, {loop, State}) -> loop(State); system_continue(_, _, {ws_loop, State}) -> ws_loop(State). -spec system_terminate(any(), _, _, _) -> no_return(). system_terminate(Reason, _, _, _) -> exit(Reason). system_code_change(Misc, _, _, _) -> {ok, Misc}.