%% Copyright (c) 2020, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(gun_cookies). -export([domain_match/2]). -export([gc/1]). -export([path_match/2]). -export([query/2]). -export([session_gc/1]). -export([set_cookie/5]). -ifdef(TEST). -export([wpt_http_state_test_files/1]). %% Also used in rfc6265bis_SUITE. -endif. -type store_state() :: any(). -type store() :: {module(), store_state()}. -export_type([store/0]). -type cookie() :: #{ name := binary(), value := binary(), domain := binary(), path := binary(), creation_time := calendar:datetime(), last_access_time := calendar:datetime(), expiry_time := calendar:datetime() | infinity, persistent := boolean(), host_only => boolean(), secure_only := boolean(), http_only := boolean(), same_site := strict | lax | none }. -export_type([cookie/0]). -callback init(any()) -> store(). -callback query(State, uri_string:uri_map()) -> {ok, [{binary(), binary()}], State} when State::store_state(). -callback set_cookie_secure_match(store_state(), #{ name := binary(), % secure_only := true, domain := binary(), path := binary() }) -> match | nomatch. -callback set_cookie_exact_match(store_state(), #{ name := binary(), domain := binary(), host_only := boolean(), path := binary() }) -> {match, cookie()} | nomatch. -callback store(State, cookie()) -> {ok, State} | {error, any()} when State::store_state(). -callback gc(State) -> {ok, State} when State::store_state(). -callback session_gc(State) -> {ok, State} when State::store_state(). -spec domain_match(binary(), binary()) -> boolean(). domain_match(String, String) -> true; domain_match(String, DomainString) -> SkipLen = byte_size(String) - byte_size(DomainString) - 1, case String of <<_:SkipLen/unit:8, $., DomainString/binary>> -> case inet:parse_strict_address(binary_to_list(String)) of {ok, _} -> false; {error, einval} -> true end; _ -> false end. -spec gc(Store) -> {ok, Store} when Store::store(). gc({Mod, State0}) -> {ok, State} = Mod:gc(State0), {ok, {Mod, State}}. -spec path_match(binary(), binary()) -> boolean(). path_match(Path, Path) -> true; path_match(ReqPath, CookiePath) -> Len = byte_size(CookiePath), CookieLast = binary:last(CookiePath), case ReqPath of <> when CookieLast =:= $/ -> true; <> -> true; _ -> false end. -ifdef(TEST). path_match_test_() -> Tests = [ {<<"/">>, <<"/">>, true}, {<<"/path/to/resource">>, <<"/path/to/resource">>, true}, {<<"/path/">>, <<"/path/">>, true}, {<<"/path/to/resource">>, <<"/path/">>, true}, {<<"/path/to/resource">>, <<"/path">>, true}, {<<"/path/to/resource">>, <<"/path/to/">>, true}, {<<"/path/to/resource">>, <<"/path/to">>, true}, {<<"/path/to/resource">>, <<"/pa">>, false}, {<<"/path/to/resource">>, <<"/pat">>, false}, {<<"/path/to/resource">>, <<"/path/to/r">>, false}, {<<"/abc">>, <<"/def">>, false} ], [{iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format("(~p,~p)", [PA, PB])), fun() -> Res = path_match(PA, PB) end} || {PA, PB, Res} <- Tests]. -endif. %% @todo The given URI must be normalized. -spec query(Store, uri_string:uri_map()) -> {ok, [{binary(), binary()}], Store} when Store::store(). query({Mod, State0}, URI) -> {ok, Cookies0, State} = Mod:query(State0, URI), Cookies = lists:sort(fun (#{path := P, creation_time := CTA}, #{path := P, creation_time := CTB}) -> CTA =< CTB; (#{path := PA}, #{path := PB}) -> PA > PB end, Cookies0), {ok, Cookies, {Mod, State}}. -spec session_gc(Store) -> {ok, Store} when Store::store(). session_gc({Mod, State0}) -> {ok, State} = Mod:session_gc(State0), {ok, {Mod, State}}. %% @todo The given URI must be normalized. -spec set_cookie(Store, uri_string:uri_map(), binary(), binary(), cow_cookie:cookie_attrs()) -> {ok, Store} | {error, any()} when Store::store(). set_cookie(Store, URI=#{host := Host}, Name, Value, Attrs) -> %% This is where we would add a feature to block cookies (like a blacklist). CurrentTime = erlang:universaltime(), Cookie0 = #{ name => Name, value => Value, creation_time => CurrentTime, last_access_time => CurrentTime }, Cookie = case Attrs of #{max_age := ExpiryTime} -> Cookie0#{ persistent => true, expiry_time => ExpiryTime }; #{expires := ExpiryTime} -> Cookie0#{ persistent => true, expiry_time => ExpiryTime }; _ -> Cookie0#{ persistent => false, expiry_time => infinity } end, Domain0 = maps:get(domain, Attrs, <<>>), Domain = case gun_public_suffix:match(Domain0) of false -> Domain0; true when Host =:= Domain0 -> <<>>; true -> {error, domain_is_public_suffix} end, case Domain of <<>> -> set_cookie(Store, URI, Attrs, Cookie#{ host_only => true, domain => Host }); Error = {error, _} -> Error; _ -> case domain_match(Host, Domain) of true -> set_cookie(Store, URI, Attrs, Cookie#{ host_only => false, domain => Domain }); false -> {error, domain_match_failed} end end. set_cookie(Store, URI, Attrs, Cookie0) -> Cookie1 = case Attrs of #{path := Path} -> Cookie0#{path => Path}; _ -> Cookie0#{path => default_path(URI)} end, SecureOnly = maps:get(secure, Attrs, false), case {SecureOnly, maps:get(scheme, URI)} of {true, <<"http">>} -> {error, secure_scheme_only}; _ -> Cookie = Cookie1#{ secure_only => SecureOnly, http_only => maps:get(http_only, Attrs, false) }, %% This is where we would drop cookies from non-HTTP APIs. set_cookie1(Store, URI, Attrs, Cookie) end. default_path(#{path := Path}) -> case string:split(Path, <<"/">>, trailing) of [_] -> <<"/">>; [<<>>, _] -> <<"/">>; [DefaultPath, _] -> DefaultPath end; default_path(_) -> <<"/">>. set_cookie1(Store, URI=#{scheme := <<"http">>}, Attrs, Cookie=#{secure_only := false}) -> Match = maps:with([name, domain, path], Cookie), case set_cookie_secure_match(Store, Match) of match -> {error, secure_cookie_matches}; nomatch -> set_cookie2(Store, URI, Attrs, Cookie) end; set_cookie1(Store, URI, Attrs, Cookie) -> set_cookie2(Store, URI, Attrs, Cookie). set_cookie_secure_match({Mod, State}, Match) -> Mod:set_cookie_secure_match(State, Match). set_cookie2(Store, _URI, Attrs, Cookie0) -> Cookie = Cookie0#{same_site => maps:get(same_site, Attrs, none)}, %% This is where we would perform the same-site checks. %% %% It seems that an option would need to be added to Gun %% in order to define the "site for cookies" value. It is %% not the same as the site identified by the URI. Although %% I do wonder if in the case of server push we may consider %% the requested URI to be the "site for cookies", at least %% by default. %% %% The URI argument will be used if/when the above gets %% implemented. set_cookie3(Store, Attrs, Cookie). set_cookie3(Store, Attrs, Cookie=#{name := Name, host_only := HostOnly, secure_only := SecureOnly}) -> Path = maps:get(path, Attrs, undefined), case Name of <<"__Secure-",_/bits>> when not SecureOnly -> {error, name_prefix_secure_requires_secure_only}; <<"__Host-",_/bits>> when not SecureOnly -> {error, name_prefix_host_requires_secure_only}; <<"__Host-",_/bits>> when not HostOnly -> {error, name_prefix_host_requires_host_only}; <<"__Host-",_/bits>> when Path =/= <<"/">> -> {error, name_prefix_host_requires_top_level_path}; _ -> set_cookie_store(Store, Cookie) end. set_cookie_store(Store0, Cookie) -> Match = maps:with([name, domain, host_only, path], Cookie), case set_cookie_take_exact_match(Store0, Match) of {ok, #{creation_time := CreationTime}, Store} -> %% This is where we would reject a new non-HTTP cookie %% if the OldCookie has http_only set to true. store(Store, Cookie#{creation_time => CreationTime}); error -> store(Store0, Cookie) end. set_cookie_take_exact_match({Mod, State0}, Match) -> case Mod:set_cookie_take_exact_match(State0, Match) of {ok, Cookie, State} -> {ok, Cookie, {Mod, State}}; Error -> Error end. store({Mod, State0}, Cookie) -> case Mod:store(State0, Cookie) of {ok, State} -> {ok, {Mod, State}}; %% @todo Is this return value useful? Can't it just return {ok, State}? Error -> Error end. -ifdef(TEST). gc_test() -> URIMap = #{scheme => <<"http">>, host => <<"example.org">>, path => <<"/path/to/resource">>}, Store0 = gun_cookies_list:init(), %% Add a cookie that expires in 1 second. GC. Cookie can be retrieved. {ok, N0, V0, A0} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"a=b; Path=/; Max-Age=1">>), {ok, Store1} = set_cookie(Store0, URIMap, N0, V0, A0), {ok, Store2} = gc(Store1), {ok, [_], _} = query(Store2, URIMap), %% Wait 2 seconds. GC. Cookie was removed. timer:sleep(2000), {ok, Store} = gc(Store2), {ok, [], _} = query(Store, URIMap), ok. gc_expiry_time_infinity_test() -> URIMap = #{scheme => <<"http">>, host => <<"example.org">>, path => <<"/path/to/resource">>}, Store0 = gun_cookies_list:init(), %% Add a session cookie. GC. Cookie can be retrieved. {ok, N0, V0, A0} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"a=b; Path=/">>), {ok, Store1} = set_cookie(Store0, URIMap, N0, V0, A0), {ok, Store} = gc(Store1), {ok, [_], _} = query(Store, URIMap), ok. session_gc_test() -> URIMap = #{scheme => <<"http">>, host => <<"example.org">>, path => <<"/path/to/resource">>}, Store0 = gun_cookies_list:init(), %% Add a persistent and a session cookie. GC session cookies. Only persistent can be retrieved. {ok, N0, V0, A0} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"s=s; Path=/">>), {ok, Store1} = set_cookie(Store0, URIMap, N0, V0, A0), {ok, N1, V1, A1} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"p=p; Path=/; Max-Age=999">>), {ok, Store2} = set_cookie(Store1, URIMap, N1, V1, A1), {ok, Store} = session_gc(Store2), {ok, [#{name := <<"p">>}], _} = query(Store, URIMap), ok. %% Most of the tests for this module are converted from the %% Web platform test suite. At the time of writing they could %% be found at https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/tree/master/cookies %% %% Some of the tests use files from wpt directly, namely the %% http-state ones. They are copied to the test/wpt/cookies directory. -define(HOST, "web-platform.test"). %% WPT: domain/domain-attribute-host-with-and-without-leading-period %% WPT: domain/domain-attribute-host-with-leading-period wpt_domain_with_and_without_leading_period_test() -> URIMap = #{scheme => <<"http">>, host => <>, path => <<"/path/to/resource">>}, Store0 = gun_cookies_list:init(), %% Add a cookie with a leading period in the domain. Cookie can be retrieved. {ok, N0, V0, A0} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"a=b; Path=/; Domain=." ?HOST>>), {ok, Store1} = set_cookie(Store0, URIMap, N0, V0, A0), {ok, [#{value := <<"b">>}], _} = query(Store1, URIMap), {ok, [#{value := <<"b">>}], _} = query(Store1, URIMap#{host => <<"sub." ?HOST>>}), %% Add a cookie without a leading period in the domain. Overrides the existing cookie. {ok, N1, V1, A1} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"a=c; Path=/; Domain=" ?HOST>>), {ok, Store} = set_cookie(Store1, URIMap, N1, V1, A1), {ok, [#{value := <<"c">>}], _} = query(Store, URIMap), {ok, [#{value := <<"c">>}], _} = query(Store, URIMap#{host => <<"sub." ?HOST>>}), ok. %% WPT: domain/domain-attribute-matches-host wpt_domain_matches_host_test() -> URIMap = #{scheme => <<"http">>, host => <>, path => <<"/path/to/resource">>}, Store0 = gun_cookies_list:init(), %% Add a cookie without a leading period in the domain. Cookie can be retrieved. {ok, N1, V1, A1} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"a=c; Path=/; Domain=" ?HOST>>), {ok, Store} = set_cookie(Store0, URIMap, N1, V1, A1), {ok, [#{value := <<"c">>}], _} = query(Store, URIMap), {ok, [#{value := <<"c">>}], _} = query(Store, URIMap#{host => <<"sub." ?HOST>>}), ok. %% WPT: domain/domain-attribute-missing wpt_domain_missing_test() -> URIMap = #{scheme => <<"http">>, host => <>, path => <<"/path/to/resource">>}, Store0 = gun_cookies_list:init(), %% Add a cookie without a domain attribute. Cookie is not sent on subdomains. {ok, N1, V1, A1} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"a=c; Path=/">>), {ok, Store} = set_cookie(Store0, URIMap, N1, V1, A1), {ok, [#{value := <<"c">>}], _} = query(Store, URIMap), {ok, [], _} = query(Store, URIMap#{host => <<"sub." ?HOST>>}), ok. %% WPT: http-state/*-tests wpt_http_state_test_files() -> wpt_http_state_test_files("test/"). wpt_http_state_test_files(TestPath) -> filelib:wildcard(TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/*-test") -- [ TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/attribute0023-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (path override). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/chromium0009-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/chromium0010-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/chromium0012-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/disabled-chromium0020-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/disabled-chromium0022-test", %% Nonsense. TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/mozilla0012-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/mozilla0014-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/mozilla0015-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/mozilla0016-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/mozilla0017-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0017-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0023-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0025-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0028-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0031-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (name with quotes). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0032-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (name with quotes). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/name0033-test", %% Doesn't match the spec (empty names). TestPath ++ "wpt/cookies/optional-domain0042-test" %% Doesn't match the spec (empty domain override). ]. wpt_http_state_test_() -> URIMap0 = #{scheme => <<"http">>, host => <<"home.example.org">>, path => <<"/cookie-parser">>}, TestFiles = wpt_http_state_test_files(), [{F, fun() -> {ok, Test} = file:read_file(F), %% We don't want the final empty line. Lines = lists:reverse(tl(lists:reverse(string:split(Test, <<"\n">>, all)))), {Store, URIMap2} = lists:foldl(fun (<<"Set-Cookie: ",SetCookie/bits>>, Acc={Store0, URIMap1}) -> case cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(SetCookie) of {ok, N, V, A} -> %% We use the URIMap that corresponds to the request. case set_cookie(Store0, URIMap0, N, V, A) of {ok, Store1} -> {Store1, URIMap1}; {error, _} -> Acc end; ignore -> Acc end; (<<"Set-Cookie:">>, Acc) -> Acc; (<<"Location: ",Location/bits>>, {Store0, URIMap1}) -> {Store0, maps:merge(URIMap1, uri_string:normalize(Location, [return_map]))} end, {gun_cookies_list:init(), URIMap0}, Lines), %% We must change the URI if it wasn't already changed by the test. URIMap = case URIMap2 of URIMap0 -> maps:merge(URIMap0, uri_string:normalize(<<"/cookie-parser-result">>, [return_map])); _ -> URIMap2 end, {ok, Cookies, _} = query(Store, URIMap), case file:read_file(iolist_to_binary(string:replace(F, <<"-test">>, <<"-expected">>))) of {ok, ExpectedFile} when ExpectedFile =:= <<>>; ExpectedFile =:= <<"\n">> -> [] = Cookies, ok; {ok, <<"Cookie: ",CookiesBin0/bits>>} -> %% We only care about the first line. [CookiesBin, <<>>|_] = string:split(CookiesBin0, <<"\n">>, all), ExpectedCookies = cow_cookie:parse_cookie(CookiesBin), wpt_http_state_test_validate_cookies(Cookies, ExpectedCookies) end end} || F <- TestFiles]. wpt_http_state_test_validate_cookies([], []) -> ok; wpt_http_state_test_validate_cookies([Cookie|Tail], [{Name, Value}|ExpectedTail]) -> #{name := Name, value := Value} = Cookie, wpt_http_state_test_validate_cookies(Tail, ExpectedTail). %% WPT: path/default wpt_path_default_test() -> URIMap = #{scheme => <<"http">>, host => <>, path => <<"/path/to/resource">>}, Store0 = gun_cookies_list:init(), %% Add a cookie without a path attribute. {ok, N1, V1, A1} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"cookies-path-default=1">>), {ok, Store1} = set_cookie(Store0, URIMap, N1, V1, A1), %% Confirm the cookie was stored with the proper default path, %% and gets sent for the same path, other resources at the same level or child paths. {ok, [#{path := <<"/path/to">>}], _} = query(Store1, URIMap), {ok, [#{path := <<"/path/to">>}], _} = query(Store1, URIMap#{path => <<"/path/to/other">>}), {ok, [#{path := <<"/path/to">>}], _} = query(Store1, URIMap#{path => <<"/path/to/resource/sub">>}), %% Confirm that the cookie cannot be retrieved for parent or unrelated paths. {ok, [], _} = query(Store1, URIMap#{path => <<"/path">>}), {ok, [], _} = query(Store1, URIMap#{path => <<"/path/toon">>}), {ok, [], _} = query(Store1, URIMap#{path => <<"/">>}), %% Expire the cookie. {ok, N2, V2, A2} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"cookies-path-default=1; Max-Age=0">>), {ok, Store} = set_cookie(Store1, URIMap, N2, V2, A2), {ok, [], _} = query(Store, URIMap), {ok, [], _} = query(Store, URIMap#{path => <<"/path/to/other">>}), {ok, [], _} = query(Store, URIMap#{path => <<"/path/to/resource/sub">>}), ok. %% WPT: path/match wpt_path_match_test_() -> URIMap = #{ scheme => <<"http">>, host => <>, path => <<"/cookies/resources/echo-cookie.html">> }, MatchTests = [ <<"/">>, <<"match.html">>, <<"cookies">>, <<"/cookies">>, <<"/cookies/">>, <<"/cookies/resources/echo-cookie.html">> ], NegTests = [ <<"/cook">>, <<"/w/">> ], [{P, fun() -> {ok, N1, V1, A1} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"a=b; Path=",P/binary>>), {ok, Store0} = set_cookie(gun_cookies_list:init(), URIMap, N1, V1, A1), {ok, [#{name := <<"a">>}], _} = query(Store0, URIMap), {ok, N2, V2, A2} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"a=b; Max-Age=0; Path=",P/binary>>), {ok, Store} = set_cookie(Store0, URIMap, N2, V2, A2), {ok, [], _} = query(Store, URIMap) end} || P <- MatchTests] ++ [{P, fun() -> {ok, N, V, A} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"a=b; Path=",P/binary>>), {ok, Store} = set_cookie(gun_cookies_list:init(), URIMap, N, V, A), {ok, [], _} = query(Store, URIMap) end} || P <- NegTests]. %% WPT: prefix/__host.header wpt_prefix_host_test_() -> Tests = [ {<<"http">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Path=/;">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Path=/;domain=" ?HOST>>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Path=/;Max-Age=10">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Path=/;HttpOnly">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;domain=" ?HOST>>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;Max-Age=10">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;HttpOnly">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/; Domain=" ?HOST "; ">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/; Domain=" ?HOST "; domain=" ?HOST>>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/; Domain=" ?HOST "; Max-Age=10">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/; Domain=" ?HOST "; HttpOnly">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/cookies/resources/list.py">>, false}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Path=/;">>, false}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Path=/;Max-Age=10">>, false}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Path=/;HttpOnly">>, false}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;">>, true}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;Max-Age=10">>, true}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;HttpOnly">>, true}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/; Domain=" ?HOST "; ">>, false}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/; Domain=" ?HOST "; Max-Age=10">>, false}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/; Domain=" ?HOST "; HttpOnly">>, false}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Host-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/cookies/resources/list.py">>, false} ], wpt_prefix_common(Tests, <<"__Host-foo">>). %% WPT: prefix/__secure.header wpt_prefix_secure_test_() -> Tests = [ {<<"http">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Path=/;">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Path=/;domain=" ?HOST>>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Path=/;Max-Age=10">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Path=/;HttpOnly">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;domain=" ?HOST>>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;Max-Age=10">>, false}, {<<"http">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;HttpOnly">>, false}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Path=/;">>, false}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Path=/;Max-Age=10">>, false}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Path=/;HttpOnly">>, false}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;">>, true}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;Max-Age=10">>, true}, {<<"https">>, <<"__Secure-foo=bar; Secure; Path=/;HttpOnly">>, true} %% Missing two SameSite cases from prefix/__secure.header.https. (Not implemented.) ], wpt_prefix_common(Tests, <<"__Secure-foo">>). wpt_prefix_common(Tests, Name) -> URIMap0 = #{ host => <>, path => <<"/cookies/resources/set.py">> }, [{<>, fun() -> URIMap1 = URIMap0#{scheme => S}, {ok, N, V, A} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(H), case set_cookie(gun_cookies_list:init(), URIMap1, N, V, A) of {ok, Store} when Res =:= true -> URIMap = URIMap1#{path => <<"/cookies/resources/list.py">>}, {ok, [#{name := Name}], _} = query(Store, URIMap), ok; {error, _} -> ok end end} || {S, H, Res} <- Tests]. %% WPT: samesite-none-secure/ (Not implemented.) %% WPT: samesite/ (Not implemented.) wpt_secure_https_test() -> URIMap = #{ scheme => <<"https">>, host => <>, path => <<"/cookies/secure/any.html">> }, {ok, N, V, A} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"secure_from_secure_http=1; Secure; Path=/">>), {ok, Store} = set_cookie(gun_cookies_list:init(), URIMap, N, V, A), {ok, [#{name := <<"secure_from_secure_http">>}], _} = query(Store, URIMap), ok. wpt_secure_http_test() -> URIMap = #{ scheme => <<"http">>, host => <>, path => <<"/cookies/secure/any.html">> }, {ok, N, V, A} = cow_cookie:parse_set_cookie(<<"secure_from_nonsecure_http=1; Secure; Path=/">>), {error, secure_scheme_only} = set_cookie(gun_cookies_list:init(), URIMap, N, V, A), ok. %% @todo WPT: secure/set-from-ws* - Anything special required? -endif.