%% Copyright (c) 2020, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. %% A reference cookie store implemented as a list of cookies. %% This cookie store cannot be shared between connections. -module(gun_cookies_list). -behavior(gun_cookies). -export([init/0]). -export([init/1]). -export([query/2]). -export([set_cookie_secure_match/2]). -export([set_cookie_get_exact_match/2]). -export([store/2]). -export([gc/1]). -export([session_gc/1]). -type state() :: #{ cookies := [gun_cookies:cookie()] %% @todo max_cookies_per_domain => non_neg_integer() | infinity, %% @todo max_cookies => non_neg_integer() | infinity }. -type opts() :: #{ }. -export_type([opts/0]). -spec init() -> {?MODULE, state()}. init() -> init(#{}). -spec init(opts()) -> {?MODULE, state()}. init(_Opts) -> {?MODULE, #{cookies => []}}. -spec query(State, uri_string:uri_map()) -> {ok, [gun_cookies:cookie()], State} when State::state(). query(State=#{cookies := Cookies}, URI) -> CurrentTime = erlang:universaltime(), query(State, URI, Cookies, CurrentTime, [], []). query(State, _, [], _, CookieList, Cookies) -> {ok, CookieList, State#{cookies => Cookies}}; query(State, URI=#{scheme := Scheme, host := Host, path := Path}, [Cookie|Tail], CurrentTime, CookieList, Acc) -> Match0 = case Cookie of #{host_only := true, domain := Host} -> true; #{host_only := false, domain := Domain} -> gun_cookies:domain_match(Host, Domain); _ -> false end, Match1 = Match0 andalso gun_cookies:path_match(Path, maps:get(path, Cookie)), Match = Match1 andalso case {Cookie, Scheme} of {#{secure_only := true}, <<"https">>} -> true; {#{secure_only := false}, _} -> true; _ -> false end, %% This is where we would check the http_only flag should %% we want to implement a non-HTTP interface. %% This is where we would check for same-site/cross-site. case Match of true -> UpdatedCookie = Cookie#{last_access_time => CurrentTime}, query(State, URI, Tail, CurrentTime, [UpdatedCookie|CookieList], [UpdatedCookie|Acc]); false -> query(State, URI, Tail, CurrentTime, CookieList, [Cookie|Acc]) end. -spec set_cookie_secure_match(state(), #{ name := binary(), % secure_only := true, domain := binary(), path := binary() }) -> match | nomatch. set_cookie_secure_match(#{cookies := Cookies}, #{name := Name, domain := Domain, path := Path}) -> Result = [Cookie || Cookie=#{name := CookieName, secure_only := true} <- Cookies, CookieName =:= Name, gun_cookies:domain_match(Domain, maps:get(domain, Cookie)) orelse gun_cookies:domain_match(maps:get(domain, Cookie), Domain), gun_cookies:path_match(Path, maps:get(path, Cookie))], case Result of [] -> nomatch; _ -> match end. -spec set_cookie_get_exact_match(State, #{ name := binary(), domain := binary(), host_only := boolean(), path := binary() }) -> {ok, gun_cookies:cookie(), State} | error when State::state(). set_cookie_get_exact_match(State=#{cookies := Cookies0}, Match) -> Result = [Cookie || Cookie <- Cookies0, Match =:= maps:with([name, domain, host_only, path], Cookie)], Cookies = [Cookie || Cookie <- Cookies0, Match =/= maps:with([name, domain, host_only, path], Cookie)], case Result of [] -> error; [Cookie] -> {ok, Cookie, State#{cookies => Cookies}} end. -spec store(State, gun_cookies:cookie()) -> {ok, State} | {error, any()} when State::state(). store(State=#{cookies := Cookies}, NewCookie=#{expiry_time := ExpiryTime}) -> CurrentTime = erlang:universaltime(), if %% Do not store cookies with an expiry time in the past. ExpiryTime =/= infinity, CurrentTime >= ExpiryTime -> {ok, State}; true -> {ok, State#{cookies => [NewCookie|Cookies]}} end. -spec gc(State) -> {ok, State} when State::state(). gc(State=#{cookies := Cookies0}) -> CurrentTime = erlang:universaltime(), Cookies = [C || C=#{expiry_time := ExpiryTime} <- Cookies0, (ExpiryTime =:= infinity) orelse (ExpiryTime >= CurrentTime)], {ok, State#{cookies => Cookies}}. -spec session_gc(State) -> {ok, State} when State::state(). session_gc(State=#{cookies := Cookies0}) -> Cookies = [C || C=#{persistent := true} <- Cookies0], {ok, State#{cookies => Cookies}}.