%% Copyright (c) 2016, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(gun_http2). -export([check_options/1]). -export([name/0]). -export([init/4]). -export([handle/2]). -export([close/1]). -export([keepalive/1]). -export([request/8]). -export([request/9]). -export([data/5]). -export([cancel/3]). -export([down/1]). -record(stream, { id :: non_neg_integer(), ref :: reference(), reply_to :: pid(), %% Whether we finished sending data. local = nofin :: cowboy_stream:fin(), %% Whether we finished receiving data. remote = nofin :: cowboy_stream:fin(), %% Content handlers state. handler_state :: undefined | gun_content_handler:state() }). -record(http2_state, { owner :: pid(), socket :: inet:socket() | ssl:sslsocket(), transport :: module(), content_handlers :: gun_content_handler:opt(), buffer = <<>> :: binary(), %% @todo local_settings, next_settings, remote_settings streams = [] :: [#stream{}], stream_id = 1 :: non_neg_integer(), %% HPACK decoding and encoding state. decode_state = cow_hpack:init() :: cow_hpack:state(), encode_state = cow_hpack:init() :: cow_hpack:state() }). check_options(Opts) -> do_check_options(maps:to_list(Opts)). do_check_options([]) -> ok; do_check_options([{keepalive, K}|Opts]) when is_integer(K), K > 0 -> do_check_options(Opts); do_check_options([Opt={content_handlers, Handlers}|Opts]) -> case gun_content_handler:check_option(Handlers) of ok -> do_check_options(Opts); error -> {error, {options, {http, Opt}}} end; do_check_options([Opt|_]) -> {error, {options, {http2, Opt}}}. name() -> http2. init(Owner, Socket, Transport, Opts) -> %% Send the HTTP/2 preface. Transport:send(Socket, [ << "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n">>, cow_http2:settings(#{}) %% @todo Settings. ]), Handlers = maps:get(content_handlers, Opts, [gun_data]), #http2_state{owner=Owner, socket=Socket, transport=Transport, content_handlers=Handlers}. handle(Data, State=#http2_state{buffer=Buffer}) -> parse(<< Buffer/binary, Data/binary >>, State#http2_state{buffer= <<>>}). parse(Data0, State=#http2_state{buffer=Buffer}) -> %% @todo Parse states: Preface. Continuation. Data = << Buffer/binary, Data0/binary >>, case cow_http2:parse(Data) of {ok, Frame, Rest} -> parse(Rest, frame(Frame, State)); {stream_error, StreamID, Reason, Human, Rest} -> parse(Rest, stream_reset(State, StreamID, {stream_error, Reason, Human})); Error = {connection_error, _, _} -> terminate(State, Error); more -> State#http2_state{buffer=Data} end. %% DATA frame. frame({data, StreamID, IsFin, Data}, State) -> case get_stream_by_id(StreamID, State) of Stream = #stream{remote=nofin, handler_state=Handlers0} -> Handlers = gun_content_handler:handle(IsFin, Data, Handlers0), remote_fin(Stream#stream{handler_state=Handlers}, State, IsFin); _ -> %% @todo protocol_error if not existing stream_reset(State, StreamID, {stream_error, stream_closed, 'DATA frame received for a closed or non-existent stream. (RFC7540 6.1)'}) end; %% Single HEADERS frame headers block. frame({headers, StreamID, IsFin, head_fin, HeaderBlock}, State=#http2_state{decode_state=DecodeState0, content_handlers=Handlers0}) -> case get_stream_by_id(StreamID, State) of Stream = #stream{ref=StreamRef, reply_to=ReplyTo, remote=nofin} -> try cow_hpack:decode(HeaderBlock, DecodeState0) of {Headers0, DecodeState} -> case lists:keytake(<<":status">>, 1, Headers0) of {value, {_, Status}, Headers} -> ReplyTo ! {gun_response, self(), StreamRef, IsFin, parse_status(Status), Headers}, Handlers = case IsFin of fin -> undefined; nofin -> gun_content_handler:init(ReplyTo, StreamRef, Status, Headers, Handlers0) end, remote_fin(Stream#stream{handler_state=Handlers}, State#http2_state{decode_state=DecodeState}, IsFin); false -> stream_reset(State, StreamID, {stream_error, protocol_error, 'Malformed response; missing :status in HEADERS frame. (RFC7540'}) end catch _:_ -> terminate(State, StreamID, {connection_error, compression_error, 'Error while trying to decode HPACK-encoded header block. (RFC7540 4.3)'}) end; _ -> stream_reset(State, StreamID, {stream_error, stream_closed, 'DATA frame received for a closed or non-existent stream. (RFC7540 6.1)'}) end; %% @todo HEADERS frame starting a headers block. Enter continuation mode. %frame(State, {headers, StreamID, IsFin, head_nofin, HeaderBlockFragment}) -> % State#http2_state{parse_state={continuation, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlockFragment}}; %% @todo Single HEADERS frame headers block with priority. %frame(State, {headers, StreamID, IsFin, head_fin, % _IsExclusive, _DepStreamID, _Weight, HeaderBlock}) -> % %% @todo Handle priority. % stream_init(State, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock); %% @todo HEADERS frame starting a headers block. Enter continuation mode. %frame(State, {headers, StreamID, IsFin, head_nofin, % _IsExclusive, _DepStreamID, _Weight, HeaderBlockFragment}) -> % %% @todo Handle priority. % State#http2_state{parse_state={continuation, StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlockFragment}}; %% @todo PRIORITY frame. %frame(State, {priority, _StreamID, _IsExclusive, _DepStreamID, _Weight}) -> % %% @todo Validate StreamID? % %% @todo Handle priority. % State; %% @todo RST_STREAM frame. frame({rst_stream, StreamID, Reason}, State) -> stream_reset(State, StreamID, {stream_error, Reason, 'Stream reset by server.'}); %% SETTINGS frame. frame({settings, _Settings}, State=#http2_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}) -> %% @todo Apply SETTINGS. Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:settings_ack()), State; %% Ack for a previously sent SETTINGS frame. frame(settings_ack, State) -> %% @todo =#http2_state{next_settings=_NextSettings}) -> %% @todo Apply SETTINGS that require synchronization. State; %% PUSH_PROMISE frame. %% @todo Continuation. frame({push_promise, StreamID, head_fin, PromisedStreamID, HeaderBlock}, State=#http2_state{owner=Owner, decode_state=DecodeState0}) -> case get_stream_by_id(PromisedStreamID, State) of false -> case get_stream_by_id(StreamID, State) of #stream{ref=StreamRef, reply_to=ReplyTo} -> try cow_hpack:decode(HeaderBlock, DecodeState0) of {Headers0, DecodeState} -> {Method, Scheme, Authority, Path, Headers} = try {value, {_, Method0}, Headers1} = lists:keytake(<<":method">>, 1, Headers0), {value, {_, Scheme0}, Headers2} = lists:keytake(<<":scheme">>, 1, Headers1), {value, {_, Authority0}, Headers3} = lists:keytake(<<":authority">>, 1, Headers2), {value, {_, Path0}, Headers4} = lists:keytake(<<":path">>, 1, Headers3), {Method0, Scheme0, Authority0, Path0, Headers4} catch error:badmatch -> stream_reset(State, StreamID, {stream_error, protocol_error, 'Malformed push promise; missing pseudo-header field. (RFC7540'}) end, NewStreamRef = make_ref(), ReplyTo ! {gun_push, self(), StreamRef, NewStreamRef, Method, iolist_to_binary([Scheme, <<"://">>, Authority, Path]), Headers}, new_stream(PromisedStreamID, NewStreamRef, ReplyTo, nofin, fin, State#http2_state{decode_state=DecodeState}) catch _:_ -> terminate(State, {connection_error, compression_error, 'Error while trying to decode HPACK-encoded header block. (RFC7540 4.3)'}) end; _ -> stream_reset(State, StreamID, {stream_error, stream_closed, 'DATA frame received for a closed or non-existent stream. (RFC7540 6.1)'}) end; _ -> stream_reset(State, StreamID, {stream_error, todo, ''}) end; %% PING frame. frame({ping, Opaque}, State=#http2_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}) -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:ping_ack(Opaque)), State; %% Ack for a previously sent PING frame. %% %% @todo Might want to check contents but probably a waste of time. frame({ping_ack, _Opaque}, State) -> State; %% GOAWAY frame. frame(Frame={goaway, StreamID, _, _}, State) -> terminate(State, StreamID, {stop, Frame, 'Client is going away.'}); %% Connection-wide WINDOW_UPDATE frame. frame({window_update, _Increment}, State) -> %% @todo control flow State; %% Stream-specific WINDOW_UPDATE frame. frame({window_update, _StreamID, _Increment}, State) -> %% @todo stream-specific control flow State; %% Unexpected CONTINUATION frame. frame({continuation, StreamID, _, _}, State) -> terminate(State, StreamID, {connection_error, protocol_error, 'CONTINUATION frames MUST be preceded by a HEADERS frame. (RFC7540 6.10)'}). parse_status(Status) -> << Code:3/binary, _/bits >> = Status, list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Code)). close(#http2_state{streams=Streams}) -> close_streams(Streams). close_streams([]) -> ok; close_streams([#stream{ref=StreamRef, reply_to=ReplyTo}|Tail]) -> ReplyTo ! {gun_error, self(), StreamRef, {closed, "The connection was lost."}}, close_streams(Tail). keepalive(State=#http2_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}) -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:ping(0)), State. request(State=#http2_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, encode_state=EncodeState0, stream_id=StreamID}, StreamRef, ReplyTo, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers) -> {HeaderBlock, EncodeState} = prepare_headers(EncodeState0, Transport, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers), IsFin = case (false =/= lists:keyfind(<<"content-type">>, 1, Headers)) orelse (false =/= lists:keyfind(<<"content-length">>, 1, Headers)) of true -> nofin; false -> fin end, Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(StreamID, IsFin, HeaderBlock)), new_stream(StreamID, StreamRef, ReplyTo, nofin, IsFin, State#http2_state{stream_id=StreamID + 2, encode_state=EncodeState}). %% @todo Handle Body > 16MB. (split it out into many frames) request(State=#http2_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, encode_state=EncodeState0, stream_id=StreamID}, StreamRef, ReplyTo, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers0, Body) -> Headers = lists:keystore(<<"content-length">>, 1, Headers0, {<<"content-length">>, integer_to_binary(iolist_size(Body))}), {HeaderBlock, EncodeState} = prepare_headers(EncodeState0, Transport, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers), Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:headers(StreamID, nofin, HeaderBlock)), %% @todo 16384 is the default SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE. %% Use the length set by the server instead, if any. %% @todo Would be better if we didn't have to convert to binary. send_data(Socket, Transport, StreamID, fin, iolist_to_binary(Body), 16384), new_stream(StreamID, StreamRef, ReplyTo, nofin, fin, State#http2_state{stream_id=StreamID + 2, encode_state=EncodeState}). prepare_headers(EncodeState, Transport, Method, Host0, Port, Path, Headers0) -> Authority = case lists:keyfind(<<"host">>, 1, Headers0) of {_, Host} -> Host; _ -> [Host0, $:, integer_to_binary(Port)] end, %% @todo We also must remove any header found in the connection header. Headers1 = lists:keydelete(<<"host">>, 1, lists:keydelete(<<"connection">>, 1, lists:keydelete(<<"keep-alive">>, 1, lists:keydelete(<<"proxy-connection">>, 1, lists:keydelete(<<"transfer-encoding">>, 1, lists:keydelete(<<"upgrade">>, 1, Headers0)))))), Headers = [ {<<":method">>, Method}, {<<":scheme">>, case Transport:secure() of true -> <<"https">>; false -> <<"http">> end}, {<<":authority">>, Authority}, {<<":path">>, Path} |Headers1], cow_hpack:encode(Headers, EncodeState). data(State=#http2_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, StreamRef, ReplyTo, IsFin, Data) -> case get_stream_by_ref(StreamRef, State) of #stream{local=fin} -> error_stream_closed(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo); S = #stream{} -> %% @todo 16384 is the default SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE. %% Use the length set by the server instead, if any. %% @todo Would be better if we didn't have to convert to binary. send_data(Socket, Transport, S#stream.id, IsFin, iolist_to_binary(Data), 16384), local_fin(S, State, IsFin); false -> error_stream_not_found(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo) end. %% This same function is found in cowboy_http2. send_data(Socket, Transport, StreamID, IsFin, Data, Length) -> if Length < byte_size(Data) -> << Payload:Length/binary, Rest/bits >> = Data, Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:data(StreamID, nofin, Payload)), send_data(Socket, Transport, StreamID, IsFin, Rest, Length); true -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:data(StreamID, IsFin, Data)) end. cancel(State=#http2_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, StreamRef, ReplyTo) -> case get_stream_by_ref(StreamRef, State) of #stream{id=StreamID} -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, cancel)), delete_stream(StreamID, State); false -> error_stream_not_found(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo) end. %% @todo Add unprocessed streams when GOAWAY handling is done. down(#http2_state{streams=Streams}) -> KilledStreams = [Ref || #stream{ref=Ref} <- Streams], {KilledStreams, []}. terminate(#http2_state{streams=Streams}, Reason) -> %% Because a particular stream is unknown, %% we're sending the error message to all streams. _ = [ReplyTo ! {gun_error, self(), Reason} || #stream{reply_to=ReplyTo} <- Streams], %% @todo Send GOAWAY frame. %% @todo LastGoodStreamID close. terminate(State, StreamID, Reason) -> case get_stream_by_id(StreamID, State) of #stream{reply_to=ReplyTo} -> ReplyTo ! {gun_error, self(), Reason}, %% @todo Send GOAWAY frame. %% @todo LastGoodStreamID close; _ -> terminate(State, Reason) end. stream_reset(State=#http2_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, streams=Streams0}, StreamID, StreamError={stream_error, Reason, _}) -> Transport:send(Socket, cow_http2:rst_stream(StreamID, Reason)), case lists:keytake(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams0) of {value, #stream{ref=StreamRef, reply_to=ReplyTo}, Streams} -> ReplyTo ! {gun_error, self(), StreamRef, StreamError}, State#http2_state{streams=Streams}; false -> %% @todo Unknown stream. Not sure what to do here. Check again once all %% terminate calls have been written. State end. error_stream_closed(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo) -> ReplyTo ! {gun_error, self(), StreamRef, {badstate, "The stream has already been closed."}}, State. error_stream_not_found(State, StreamRef, ReplyTo) -> ReplyTo ! {gun_error, self(), StreamRef, {badstate, "The stream cannot be found."}}, State. %% Streams. %% @todo probably change order of args and have state first? new_stream(StreamID, StreamRef, ReplyTo, Remote, Local, State=#http2_state{streams=Streams}) -> New = #stream{id=StreamID, ref=StreamRef, reply_to=ReplyTo, remote=Remote, local=Local}, State#http2_state{streams=[New|Streams]}. get_stream_by_id(StreamID, #http2_state{streams=Streams}) -> lists:keyfind(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams). get_stream_by_ref(StreamRef, #http2_state{streams=Streams}) -> lists:keyfind(StreamRef, #stream.ref, Streams). delete_stream(StreamID, State=#http2_state{streams=Streams}) -> Streams2 = lists:keydelete(StreamID, #stream.id, Streams), State#http2_state{streams=Streams2}. remote_fin(S=#stream{local=fin}, State, fin) -> delete_stream(S#stream.id, State); %% We always replace the stream in the state because %% the content handler state has changed. remote_fin(S, State=#http2_state{streams=Streams}, IsFin) -> Streams2 = lists:keyreplace(S#stream.id, #stream.id, Streams, S#stream{remote=IsFin}), State#http2_state{streams=Streams2}. local_fin(_, State, nofin) -> State; local_fin(S=#stream{remote=fin}, State, fin) -> delete_stream(S#stream.id, State); local_fin(S, State=#http2_state{streams=Streams}, IsFin) -> Streams2 = lists:keyreplace(S#stream.id, #stream.id, Streams, S#stream{local=IsFin}), State#http2_state{streams=Streams2}.