%% Copyright (c) 2020, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. %% This module is used when a tunnel is established and either %% StreamRef dereference or a TLS proxy process must be handled %% by the tunnel layer. -module(gun_tunnel). -export([init/4]). -export([handle/4]). -export([handle_continue/5]). -export([update_flow/4]). -export([closing/4]). -export([close/4]). -export([keepalive/3]). -export([headers/11]). -export([request/12]). -export([data/7]). -export([connect/7]). -export([cancel/5]). -export([timeout/3]). -export([stream_info/2]). -export([tunneled_name/1]). -export([down/1]). %-export([ws_upgrade/10]). -record(tunnel_state, { %% Fake socket and transport. socket = undefined :: #{ gun_pid := pid(), reply_to := pid(), stream_ref := gun:stream_ref(), handle_continue_stream_ref := gun:stream_ref() } | pid(), transport = undefined :: gun_tcp_proxy | gun_tls_proxy, %% The stream_ref from which the stream was created. When %% the tunnel exists as a result of HTTP/2 CONNECT -> HTTP/1.1 CONNECT %% the stream_ref is the same as the HTTP/1.1 CONNECT one. stream_ref = undefined :: gun:stream_ref(), %% When the tunnel is a 'connect' tunnel we must dereference the %% stream_ref. When it is 'socks' we must not as there was no %% stream involved in creating the tunnel. type = undefined :: connect | socks5, %% Transport and protocol name of the tunnel layer. tunnel_transport = undefined :: tcp | tls, tunnel_protocol = undefined :: http | http2 | socks, %% Tunnel information. info = undefined :: gun:tunnel_info(), %% The origin socket of the TLS proxy, if any. This is used to forward %% messages to the proxy process in order to decrypt the data. tls_origin_socket = undefined :: undefined | #{ gun_pid := pid(), reply_to := pid(), stream_ref := gun:stream_ref(), handle_continue_stream_ref => gun:stream_ref() }, opts = undefined :: undefined | any(), %% @todo Opts type. %% Protocol module and state of the outer layer. Only initialized %% after the TLS handshake has completed when TLS is involved. protocol = undefined :: module(), protocol_state = undefined :: any(), %% When the protocol is being switched the origin may change. %% We keep the new information to provide it in TunnelInfo of %% the new protocol when the switch occurs. protocol_origin = undefined :: undefined | {origin, binary(), binary(), binary(), connect | socks5} }). %% Socket is the "origin socket" and Transport the "origin transport". %% When the Transport indicate a TLS handshake was requested, the socket %% and transport are given to the intermediary TLS proxy process. %% %% Opts is the options for the underlying HTTP/2 connection, %% with some extra information added for the tunnel. %% %% @todo Mark the tunnel options as reserved. init(ReplyTo, OriginSocket, OriginTransport, Opts=#{stream_ref := StreamRef, tunnel := Tunnel}) -> #{ type := TunnelType, transport_name := TunnelTransport, protocol_name := TunnelProtocol, info := TunnelInfo } = Tunnel, State = #tunnel_state{stream_ref=StreamRef, type=TunnelType, tunnel_transport=TunnelTransport, tunnel_protocol=TunnelProtocol, info=TunnelInfo, opts=maps:without([stream_ref, tunnel], Opts)}, case Tunnel of %% Initialize the protocol. #{new_protocol := NewProtocol} -> {Proto, ProtoOpts} = gun_protocols:handler_and_opts(NewProtocol, Opts), {_, ProtoState} = Proto:init(ReplyTo, OriginSocket, OriginTransport, ProtoOpts#{stream_ref => StreamRef}), %% @todo EvHandlerState = EvHandler:protocol_changed(#{protocol => Protocol:name()}, EvHandlerState0), ReplyTo ! {gun_tunnel_up, self(), StreamRef, Proto:name()}, {tunnel, State#tunnel_state{socket=OriginSocket, transport=OriginTransport, protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState}}; %% We can't initialize the protocol until the TLS handshake has completed. #{handshake_event := HandshakeEvent, protocols := Protocols} -> #{handle_continue_stream_ref := ContinueStreamRef} = OriginSocket, %% @todo FIX THIS!! % #{ % origin_host := DestHost, % origin_port := DestPort % } = TunnelInfo, %% @todo OK so Protocol:init/4 will need to have EvHandler/EvHandlerState! %% Otherwise we can't do the TLS events. #{ tls_opts := TLSOpts, timeout := TLSTimeout } = HandshakeEvent, {ok, ProxyPid} = gun_tls_proxy:start_link("fake", 12345,% @todo FIX THIS!! DestHost, DestPort, TLSOpts, TLSTimeout, OriginSocket, gun_tls_proxy_http2_connect, {handle_continue, ContinueStreamRef, HandshakeEvent, Protocols}), {tunnel, State#tunnel_state{socket=ProxyPid, transport=gun_tls_proxy, tls_origin_socket=OriginSocket}} end. %% When we receive data we pass it forward directly for TCP; %% or we decrypt it and pass it via handle_continue for TLS. handle(Data, State=#tunnel_state{transport=gun_tcp_proxy, protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState0}, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) -> {Commands, EvHandlerState} = Proto:handle(Data, ProtoState0, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0), {{state, commands(Commands, State)}, EvHandlerState}; handle(Data, State=#tunnel_state{transport=gun_tls_proxy, socket=ProxyPid, tls_origin_socket=OriginSocket}, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState) -> %% When we receive a DATA frame that contains TLS-encoded data, %% we must first forward it to the ProxyPid to be decoded. The %% Gun process will receive it back as a tls_proxy_http2_connect %% message and forward it to the right stream via the handle_continue %% callback. ProxyPid ! {tls_proxy_http2_connect, OriginSocket, Data}, {{state, State}, EvHandlerState}. %% This callback will only be called for TLS. %% %% The StreamRef in this callback is special because it includes %% a reference() for Socks layers as well. handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, {gun_tls_proxy, ProxyPid, {ok, Negotiated}, {handle_continue, _, HandshakeEvent, Protocols}}, State=#tunnel_state{socket=ProxyPid, stream_ref=StreamRef, opts=Opts}, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) when is_reference(ContinueStreamRef) -> #{reply_to := ReplyTo} = HandshakeEvent, NewProtocol = gun_protocols:negotiated(Negotiated, Protocols), {Proto, ProtoOpts} = gun_protocols:handler_and_opts(NewProtocol, Opts), % EvHandlerState = EvHandler:tls_handshake_end(HandshakeEvent#{ % socket => Socket, % protocol => NewProtocol % }, EvHandlerState0), %% @todo Terminate the current protocol or something? OriginSocket = #{ gun_pid => self(), reply_to => ReplyTo, stream_ref => StreamRef%, % handle_continue_stream_ref => ContinueStreamRef }, {_, ProtoState} = Proto:init(ReplyTo, OriginSocket, gun_tcp_proxy, ProtoOpts#{stream_ref => StreamRef}), ReplyTo ! {gun_tunnel_up, self(), StreamRef, Proto:name()}, {{state, State#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState}}, EvHandlerState0}; handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, {gun_tls_proxy, ProxyPid, {error, _Reason}, {handle_continue, _, _HandshakeEvent, _}}, #tunnel_state{socket=ProxyPid}, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) when is_reference(ContinueStreamRef) -> %% EvHandlerState = EvHandler:tls_handshake_end(HandshakeEvent#{ %% error => Reason %% }, EvHandlerState0), %%% @todo %% The TCP connection can be closed by either peer. The END_STREAM flag %% on a DATA frame is treated as being equivalent to the TCP FIN bit. A %% client is expected to send a DATA frame with the END_STREAM flag set %% after receiving a frame bearing the END_STREAM flag. A proxy that %% receives a DATA frame with the END_STREAM flag set sends the attached %% data with the FIN bit set on the last TCP segment. A proxy that %% receives a TCP segment with the FIN bit set sends a DATA frame with %% the END_STREAM flag set. Note that the final TCP segment or DATA %% frame could be empty. {[], EvHandlerState0}; %% Send the data. This causes TLS to encrypt the data and send it to the inner layer. handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, {data, _ReplyTo, _StreamRef, IsFin, Data}, #tunnel_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}, _EvHandler, EvHandlerState) when is_reference(ContinueStreamRef) -> {[{send, IsFin, Data}], EvHandlerState}; handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, {tls_proxy, ProxyPid, Data}, State=#tunnel_state{socket=ProxyPid, protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState}, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) when is_reference(ContinueStreamRef) -> {Commands, EvHandlerState} = Proto:handle(Data, ProtoState, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0), {{state, commands(Commands, State)}, EvHandlerState}; %% @todo What to do about those? Does it matter which one closes/errors out? handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, {tls_proxy_closed, ProxyPid}, #tunnel_state{socket=ProxyPid}, _EvHandler, _EvHandlerState0) when is_reference(ContinueStreamRef) -> todo; handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, {tls_proxy_error, ProxyPid, _Reason}, #tunnel_state{socket=ProxyPid}, _EvHandler, _EvHandlerState0) when is_reference(ContinueStreamRef) -> todo; %% We always dereference the ContinueStreamRef because it includes a %% reference() for Socks layers too. %% %% @todo Assert StreamRef to be our reference(). handle_continue([_StreamRef|ContinueStreamRef0], Msg, State=#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState}, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) -> ContinueStreamRef = case ContinueStreamRef0 of [CSR] -> CSR; _ -> ContinueStreamRef0 end, {Commands, EvHandlerState} = Proto:handle_continue(ContinueStreamRef, Msg, ProtoState, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0), {{state, commands(Commands, State)}, EvHandlerState}. %% @todo Probably just pass it forward? update_flow(_State, _ReplyTo, _StreamRef, _Inc) -> todo. %% @todo ? closing(_Reason, _State, _EvHandler, _EvHandlerState) -> todo. %% @todo ? close(_Reason, _State, _EvHandler, _EvHandlerState) -> todo. %% @todo ? keepalive(_State, _EvHandler, _EvHandlerState) -> todo. %% We pass the headers forward and optionally dereference StreamRef. headers(State=#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState0}, StreamRef0, ReplyTo, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers, InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) -> StreamRef = maybe_dereference(State, StreamRef0), {ProtoState, EvHandlerState} = Proto:headers(ProtoState0, StreamRef, ReplyTo, Method, Host, Port, Path, Headers, InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0), {State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState}, EvHandlerState}. %% We pass the request forward and optionally dereference StreamRef. request(State=#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState0, info=#{origin_host := OriginHost, origin_port := OriginPort}}, StreamRef0, ReplyTo, Method, _Host, _Port, Path, Headers, Body, InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) -> StreamRef = maybe_dereference(State, StreamRef0), {ProtoState, EvHandlerState} = Proto:request(ProtoState0, StreamRef, ReplyTo, Method, OriginHost, OriginPort, Path, Headers, Body, InitialFlow, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0), {State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState}, EvHandlerState}. %% We pass the data forward and optionally dereference StreamRef. data(State=#tunnel_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport, stream_ref=TunnelStreamRef0, protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState0}, StreamRef0, ReplyTo, IsFin, Data, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0) -> TunnelStreamRef = if is_list(TunnelStreamRef0) -> lists:last(TunnelStreamRef0); true -> TunnelStreamRef0 end, case StreamRef0 of TunnelStreamRef -> ok = Transport:send(Socket, Data), {State, EvHandlerState0}; _ -> StreamRef = maybe_dereference(State, StreamRef0), {ProtoState, EvHandlerState} = Proto:data(ProtoState0, StreamRef, ReplyTo, IsFin, Data, EvHandler, EvHandlerState0), {State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState}, EvHandlerState} end. %% We pass the CONNECT request forward and optionally dereference StreamRef. connect(State=#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState0}, StreamRef0, ReplyTo, Destination, TunnelInfo, Headers, InitialFlow) -> StreamRef = maybe_dereference(State, StreamRef0), ProtoState = Proto:connect(ProtoState0, StreamRef, ReplyTo, Destination, TunnelInfo, Headers, InitialFlow), State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState}. %% @todo ? cancel(_State, _StreamRef, _ReplyTo, _EvHandler, _EvHandlerState) -> todo. %% @todo ? %% ... we might have to do update Cowlib there... timeout(_State, {cow_http2_machine, _Name}, _TRef) -> todo. stream_info(State=#tunnel_state{transport=Transport, type=Type, tunnel_transport=IntermediaryTransport, tunnel_protocol=IntermediaryProtocol, info=TunnelInfo, protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState}, StreamRef0) -> StreamRef = maybe_dereference(State, StreamRef0), case Proto:stream_info(ProtoState, StreamRef) of {ok, undefined} -> {ok, undefined}; {ok, Info} -> #{ host := IntermediateHost, port := IntermediatePort } = TunnelInfo, IntermediaryInfo = #{ type => Type, host => IntermediateHost, port => IntermediatePort, transport => IntermediaryTransport, protocol => IntermediaryProtocol }, Intermediaries = maps:get(intermediaries, Info, []), {ok, Info#{ intermediaries => [IntermediaryInfo|Intermediaries] }} end. tunneled_name(#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto=gun_tunnel, protocol_state=ProtoState}) -> Proto:tunneled_name(ProtoState); tunneled_name(#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto}) -> Proto:name(). %% @todo ? down(_State) -> todo. %% Internal. commands(Command, State) when not is_list(Command) -> commands([Command], State); commands([], State) -> State; commands([{state, ProtoState}|Tail], State) -> commands(Tail, State#tunnel_state{protocol_state=ProtoState}); %% @todo We must pass down the set_cookie commands. Have a commands_queue. commands([_SetCookie={set_cookie, _, _, _, _}|Tail], State=#tunnel_state{}) -> commands(Tail, State); commands([{send, IsFin, Data}|Tail], State=#tunnel_state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}) -> Transport:send(Socket, Data), commands(Tail, State); commands([Origin={origin, _Scheme, _NewHost, _NewPort, _Type}|Tail], State) -> commands(Tail, State#tunnel_state{protocol_origin=Origin}); commands([{switch_protocol, NewProtocol, ReplyTo}|Tail], State=#tunnel_state{transport=Transport, stream_ref=TunnelStreamRef, info=#{origin_host := Host, origin_port := Port}, opts=Opts, protocol=CurrentProto, protocol_origin={origin, _Scheme, OriginHost, OriginPort, Type}}) -> StreamRef = case Type of socks5 -> TunnelStreamRef; connect -> gun_protocols:stream_ref(NewProtocol) end, ContinueStreamRef0 = continue_stream_ref(State), ContinueStreamRef = case Type of socks5 -> ContinueStreamRef0 ++ [make_ref()]; connect -> ContinueStreamRef0 ++ [if is_list(StreamRef) -> lists:last(StreamRef); true -> StreamRef end] end, OriginSocket = #{ gun_pid => self(), reply_to => ReplyTo, stream_ref => StreamRef, handle_continue_stream_ref => ContinueStreamRef }, ProtoOpts = Opts#{ stream_ref => StreamRef, tunnel => #{ type => Type, transport_name => case Transport of gun_tcp_proxy -> tcp; gun_tls_proxy -> tls end, protocol_name => CurrentProto:name(), info => #{ host => Host, port => Port, origin_host => OriginHost, origin_port => OriginPort }, new_protocol => NewProtocol } }, Proto = gun_tunnel, {_, ProtoState} = Proto:init(ReplyTo, OriginSocket, gun_tcp_proxy, ProtoOpts), %% @todo EvHandlerState = EvHandler:protocol_changed(#{protocol => Protocol:name()}, EvHandlerState0), commands(Tail, State#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState}); commands([{tls_handshake, HandshakeEvent, Protocols, ReplyTo}|Tail], State=#tunnel_state{transport=Transport, info=#{origin_host := Host, origin_port := Port}, opts=Opts, protocol=CurrentProto, protocol_origin={origin, _Scheme, OriginHost, OriginPort, Type}}) -> #{ stream_ref := StreamRef } = HandshakeEvent, ContinueStreamRef0 = continue_stream_ref(State), ContinueStreamRef = case Type of socks5 -> ContinueStreamRef0 ++ [make_ref()]; connect -> ContinueStreamRef0 ++ [lists:last(StreamRef)] end, OriginSocket = #{ gun_pid => self(), reply_to => ReplyTo, stream_ref => StreamRef, handle_continue_stream_ref => ContinueStreamRef }, ProtoOpts = Opts#{ stream_ref => StreamRef, tunnel => #{ type => Type, transport_name => case Transport of gun_tcp_proxy -> tcp; gun_tls_proxy -> tls end, protocol_name => CurrentProto:name(), info => #{ host => Host, port => Port, origin_host => OriginHost, origin_port => OriginPort }, handshake_event => HandshakeEvent, protocols => Protocols } }, Proto = gun_tunnel, {_, ProtoState} = Proto:init(ReplyTo, OriginSocket, gun_tcp_proxy, ProtoOpts), commands(Tail, State#tunnel_state{protocol=Proto, protocol_state=ProtoState}); commands([{active, true}|Tail], State) -> commands(Tail, State). continue_stream_ref(#tunnel_state{socket=#{handle_continue_stream_ref := ContinueStreamRef}}) -> if is_list(ContinueStreamRef) -> ContinueStreamRef; true -> [ContinueStreamRef] end; continue_stream_ref(#tunnel_state{tls_origin_socket=#{handle_continue_stream_ref := ContinueStreamRef}}) -> if is_list(ContinueStreamRef) -> ContinueStreamRef; true -> [ContinueStreamRef] end. maybe_dereference(#tunnel_state{stream_ref=RealStreamRef, type=connect, protocol=gun_tunnel}, [_StreamRef|Tail]) -> %% @todo Assert that we got the right stream. % StreamRef = if is_list(RealStreamRef) -> lists:last(RealStreamRef); true -> RealStreamRef end, case Tail of [Ref] -> Ref; _ -> Tail end; %% We do not dereference when we are the target. %% For example when creating a new stream on the origin via tunnel(s). maybe_dereference(#tunnel_state{type=connect}, StreamRef) -> StreamRef; maybe_dereference(#tunnel_state{type=socks5}, StreamRef) -> StreamRef.