#!/bin/sh # Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Mark Allen # Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Spawngrid, Inc # Copyright (c) 2011 Evax Software # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. unset ERL_TOP # Make sure CDPATH doesn't affect cd in case path is relative. unset CDPATH KERL_VERSION='1.8.5' DOCSH_GITHUB_URL='https://github.com/erszcz/docsh.git' ERLANG_DOWNLOAD_URL='https://www.erlang.org/download' KERL_CONFIG_STORAGE_FILENAME='.kerl_config' if [ -z "$HOME" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2016 echo 'Error: $HOME is empty or not set.' 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Default values OTP_GITHUB_URL=${OTP_GITHUB_URL:='https://github.com/erlang/otp'} KERL_BASE_DIR=${KERL_BASE_DIR:="$HOME"/.kerl} KERL_CONFIG=${KERL_CONFIG:="$HOME"/.kerlrc} KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR=${KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR:="${KERL_BASE_DIR:?}"/archives} KERL_BUILD_DIR=${KERL_BUILD_DIR:="${KERL_BASE_DIR:?}"/builds} KERL_GIT_DIR=${KERL_GIT_DIR:="${KERL_BASE_DIR:?}"/gits} if [ -n "$OTP_GITHUB_URL" ]; then _OGU="$OTP_GITHUB_URL" fi if [ -n "$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS" ]; then _KCO="$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS" fi if [ -n "$KERL_CONFIGURE_APPLICATIONS" ]; then _KCA="$KERL_CONFIGURE_APPLICATIONS" fi if [ -n "$KERL_CONFIGURE_DISABLE_APPLICATIONS" ]; then _KCDA="$KERL_CONFIGURE_DISABLE_APPLICATIONS" fi if [ -n "$KERL_SASL_STARTUP" ]; then _KSS="$KERL_SASL_STARTUP" fi if [ -n "$KERL_DEPLOY_SSH_OPTIONS" ]; then _KDSSH="$KERL_DEPLOY_SSH_OPTIONS" fi if [ -n "$KERL_DEPLOY_RSYNC_OPTIONS" ]; then _KDRSYNC="$KERL_DEPLOY_RSYNC_OPTIONS" fi if [ -n "$KERL_INSTALL_MANPAGES" ]; then _KIM="$KERL_INSTALL_MANPAGES" fi if [ -n "$KERL_INSTALL_HTMLDOCS" ]; then _KIHD="$KERL_INSTALL_HTMLDOCS" fi if [ -n "$KERL_BUILD_PLT" ]; then _KBPLT="$KERL_BUILD_PLT" fi if [ -n "$KERL_BUILD_DOCS" ]; then _KBD="$KERL_BUILD_DOCS" fi if [ -n "$KERL_BUILD_BACKEND" ]; then _KBB="$KERL_BUILD_BACKEND" fi OTP_GITHUB_URL= KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS= KERL_CONFIGURE_APPLICATIONS= KERL_CONFIGURE_DISABLE_APPLICATIONS= KERL_SASL_STARTUP= KERL_DEPLOY_SSH_OPTIONS= KERL_DEPLOY_RSYNC_OPTIONS= KERL_INSTALL_MANPAGES= KERL_INSTALL_HTMLDOCS= KERL_BUILD_PLT= KERL_BUILD_DOCS= KERL_BUILD_BACKEND= # ensure the base dir exists mkdir -p "$KERL_BASE_DIR" || exit 1 # source the config file if available if [ -f "$KERL_CONFIG" ]; then # shellcheck source=/dev/null . "$KERL_CONFIG" fi if [ -n "$_OGU" ]; then OTP_GITHUB_URL="$_OGU" fi if [ -n "$_KCO" ]; then KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="$_KCO" fi if [ -n "$_KCA" ]; then KERL_CONFIGURE_APPLICATIONS="$_KCA" fi if [ -n "$_KCDA" ]; then KERL_CONFIGURE_DISABLE_APPLICATIONS="$_KCDA" fi if [ -n "$_KSS" ]; then KERL_SASL_STARTUP="$_KSS" fi if [ -n "$_KDSSH" ]; then KERL_DEPLOY_SSH_OPTIONS="$_KDSSH" fi if [ -n "$_KDRSYNC" ]; then KERL_DEPLOY_RSYNC_OPTIONS="$_KDRSYNC" fi if [ -n "$_KIM" ]; then KERL_INSTALL_MANPAGES="$_KIM" fi if [ -n "$_KIHD" ]; then KERL_INSTALL_HTMLDOCS="$_KIHD" fi if [ -n "$_KBPLT" ]; then KERL_BUILD_PLT="$_KBPLT" fi if [ -n "$_KBD" ]; then KERL_BUILD_DOCS="$_KBD" fi if [ -n "$_KBB" ]; then KERL_BUILD_BACKEND="$_KBB" fi if [ -z "$KERL_SASL_STARTUP" ]; then INSTALL_OPT='-minimal' else INSTALL_OPT='-sasl' fi if [ -z "$KERL_BUILD_BACKEND" ]; then KERL_BUILD_BACKEND='tarball' else KERL_BUILD_BACKEND='git' KERL_USE_AUTOCONF=1 fi KERL_SYSTEM=$(uname -s) case "$KERL_SYSTEM" in Darwin|FreeBSD|OpenBSD) MD5SUM='openssl md5' MD5SUM_FIELD=2 SED_OPT=-E CP_OPT=-a ;; *) MD5SUM=md5sum MD5SUM_FIELD=1 SED_OPT=-r CP_OPT=-pr ;; esac usage() { echo 'kerl: build and install Erlang/OTP' echo "usage: $0 [options ...]" printf '\n Command to be executed\n\n' echo 'Valid commands are:' echo ' build Build specified release or git repository' echo ' install Install the specified release at the given location' echo ' deploy Deploy the specified installation to the given host and location' echo ' update Update the list of available releases from your source provider' echo ' list List releases, builds and installations' echo ' delete Delete builds and installations' echo ' install-docsh Install erl shell documentation access extension - docsh' echo ' path Print the path of a given installation' echo ' active Print the path of the active installation' echo ' plt Print Dialyzer PLT path for the active installation' echo ' status Print available builds and installations' echo ' prompt Print a string suitable for insertion in prompt' echo ' cleanup Remove compilation artifacts (use after installation)' echo " version Print current version (current: $KERL_VERSION)" exit 1 } if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then usage; fi get_releases() { if [ "$KERL_BUILD_BACKEND" = 'git' ]; then get_git_releases else get_tarball_releases fi } get_git_releases() { git ls-remote --tags "$OTP_GITHUB_URL" \ | grep -E -o 'OTP[_-][^^{}]+' \ | sed $SED_OPT 's/OTP[_-]//' \ | sort -n \ | uniq } get_tarball_releases() { tmp="$(mktemp /tmp/kerl.XXXXXX)" if [ 200 = "$(curl -qsL --output "$tmp" --write-out '%{http_code}' $ERLANG_DOWNLOAD_URL/)" ]; then sed $SED_OPT \ -e 's/^.*<[aA] [hH][rR][eE][fF]=\"otp_src_([-0-9A-Za-z_.]+)\.tar\.gz\">.*$/\1/' \ -e '/^R1|^[0-9]/!d' "$tmp" \ | sed -e 's/^R\(.*\)/\1:R\1/' \ | sed -e 's/^\([^\:]*\)$/\1-z:\1/' \ | sort | cut -d: -f2 rm "$tmp" return 0 fi rm "$tmp" exit 1 } update_checksum_file() { if [ "$KERL_BUILD_BACKEND" = 'git' ]; then return 0 else echo 'Getting checksum file from erlang.org...' curl -f -L -o "$KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR"/MD5 "$ERLANG_DOWNLOAD_URL"/MD5 || exit 1 fi } ensure_checksum_file() { if [ ! -s "$KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR"/MD5 ]; then update_checksum_file fi } check_releases() { if [ ! -f "$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_releases ]; then get_releases >"$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_releases fi } is_valid_release() { check_releases while read -r rel; do if [ "$1" = "$rel" ]; then return 0 fi done <"$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_releases return 1 } assert_valid_release() { if ! is_valid_release "$1"; then echo "$1 is not a valid Erlang/OTP release" exit 1 fi return 0 } get_release_from_name() { if [ -f "$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_builds ]; then while read -r l; do rel=$(echo "$l" | cut -d, -f1) name=$(echo "$l" | cut -d, -f2) if [ "$name" = "$1" ]; then echo "$rel" return 0 fi done <"$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_builds fi return 1 } get_newest_valid_release() { check_releases rel=$(tail -1 "$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_releases) if [ ! -z "$rel" ]; then echo "$rel" return 0 fi return 1 } is_valid_installation() { if [ -f "$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_installations ]; then while read -r l; do name=$(echo "$l" | cut -d' ' -f1) path=$(echo "$l" | cut -d' ' -f2) if [ "$name" = "$1" ] || [ "$path" = "$1" ]; then if [ -f "$path"/activate ]; then return 0 fi fi done <"$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_installations fi return 1 } assert_valid_installation() { if ! is_valid_installation "$1"; then echo "$1 is not a kerl-managed Erlang/OTP installation" exit 1 fi return 0 } assert_build_name_unused() { if [ -f "$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_builds ]; then while read -r l; do name=$(echo "$l" | cut -d, -f2) if [ "$name" = "$1" ]; then echo "There's already a build named $1" exit 1 fi done <"$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_builds fi } _check_required_pkgs() { has_dpkg=$(command -v dpkg) has_rpm=$(command -v rpm) if [ -n "$has_dpkg" ] || [ -n "$has_rpm" ]; then # found either dpkg or rpm (or maybe even both!) if [ -n "$has_dpkg" ] && [ -n "$has_rpm" ]; then echo 'WARNING: You appear to have BOTH rpm and dpkg. This is very strange. No package checks done.' elif [ -n "$has_dpkg" ]; then _check_dpkg elif [ -n "$has_rpm" ]; then _check_rpm fi fi } _dpkg_is_installed() { # gratefully stolen from # https://superuser.com/questions/427318/test-if-a-package-is-installed-in-apt # returns 0 (true) if found, 1 otherwise dpkg-query -Wf'${db:Status-abbrev}' "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep -q '^i' } _check_dpkg() { required=' libssl-dev make automake autoconf libncurses5-dev gcc ' for pkg in $required; do if ! _dpkg_is_installed "$pkg"; then echo "WARNING: It appears that a required development package '$pkg' is not installed." fi done } _rpm_is_installed() { rpm --quiet -q "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 } _check_rpm() { required=' openssl-devel make automake autoconf ncurses-devel gcc ' for pkg in $required; do if ! _rpm_is_installed "$pkg"; then echo "WARNING: It appears a required development package '$pkg' is not installed." fi done } do_git_build() { assert_build_name_unused "$3" GIT=$(printf '%s' "$1" | $MD5SUM | cut -d ' ' -f $MD5SUM_FIELD) mkdir -p "$KERL_GIT_DIR" || exit 1 cd "$KERL_GIT_DIR" || exit 1 echo "Checking out Erlang/OTP git repository from $1..." if [ ! -d "$GIT" ]; then if ! git clone -q --mirror "$1" "$GIT" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'Error mirroring remote git repository' exit 1 fi fi cd "$GIT" || exit 1 if ! git remote update --prune >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'Error updating remote git repository' exit 1 fi rm -Rf "${KERL_BUILD_DIR:?}/$3" mkdir -p "$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$3" || exit 1 cd "$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$3" || exit 1 if ! git clone -l "$KERL_GIT_DIR/$GIT" otp_src_git >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'Error cloning local git repository' exit 1 fi cd otp_src_git || exit 1 if ! git checkout "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ! git checkout -b "$2" "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'Could not checkout specified version' rm -Rf "${KERL_BUILD_DIR:?}/$3" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -x otp_build ]; then echo 'Not a valid Erlang/OTP repository' rm -Rf "${KERL_BUILD_DIR:?}/$3" exit 1 fi echo "Building Erlang/OTP $3 from git, please wait..." if [ -z "$KERL_BUILD_AUTOCONF" ]; then KERL_USE_AUTOCONF=1 fi _do_build 'git' "$3" echo "Erlang/OTP $3 from git has been successfully built" list_add builds git,"$3" } get_otp_version() { echo "$1" | sed $SED_OPT -e 's/R?([0-9]{1,2}).+/\1/' } get_perl_version() { if assert_perl; then # This is really evil but it's portable and it works. Don't @ me bro perl -e 'print int(($] - 5)*1000)' else echo 'FATAL: could not find perl which is required to compile Erlang.' exit 1 fi } assert_perl() { perl_loc=$(command -v perl) if [ -z "$perl_loc" ]; then return 1 else # 0 to bash is "true" because of Unix exit code conventions return 0 fi } get_javac_version() { java_loc=$(command -v javac) if [ -z "$java_loc" ]; then # Java's not installed, so just return 0 0 else javaout=$(javac -version 2>&1) echo "$javaout" | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d. -f2 fi } show_configuration_warnings() { # $1 is logfile # $2 is section header (E.g. "APPLICATIONS DISABLED") # Find the row number for the section we are looking for INDEX=$(grep -n -m1 "$2" "$1" | cut -d: -f1) # If there are no warnings, the section won't appear in the log if [ -n "$INDEX" ]; then # Skip the section header, find the end line and skip it # then print the results indented tail -n +$((INDEX+3)) "$1" | \ sed -n '1,/\*/p' | \ awk -F: -v logfile="$1" -v section="$2" \ 'BEGIN { printf "%s (See: %s)\n", section, logfile } /^[^\*]/ { print " *", $0 } END { print "" } ' fi } show_logfile() { echo "$1" tail "$2" echo echo "Please see $2 for full details." } maybe_patch() { # $1 = OS platform e.g., Darwin, etc # $2 = OTP release release=$(get_otp_version "$2") case "$1" in Darwin) maybe_patch_darwin "$release" ;; SunOS) maybe_patch_sunos "$release" ;; *) ;; esac maybe_patch_all "$release" } maybe_patch_all() { perlver=$(get_perl_version) if [ "$perlver" -ge 22 ]; then case "$1" in 14) apply_r14_beam_makeops_patch >>"$LOGFILE" ;; 15) apply_r15_beam_makeops_patch >>"$LOGFILE" ;; *) ;; esac fi # Are we building docs? if [ -n "$KERL_BUILD_DOCS" ]; then if [ "$1" -le 16 ]; then javaver=$(get_javac_version) if [ "$javaver" -ge 8 ]; then apply_javadoc_linting_patch >>"$LOGFILE" fi fi fi # Maybe apply zlib patch if [ "$1" -ge 17 ] && [ "$1" -le 19 ]; then apply_zlib_patch >> "$LOGFILE" fi } maybe_patch_darwin() { # Reminder: $1 = OTP release version if [ "$1" -le 14 ]; then CFLAGS='-DERTS_DO_INCL_GLB_INLINE_FUNC_DEF' apply_darwin_compiler_patch >>"$LOGFILE" elif [ "$1" -eq 16 ]; then # TODO: Maybe check if clang version == 9 apply_r16_wx_ptr_patch >>"$LOGFILE" elif [ "$1" -ge 17 ] && [ "$1" -le 19 ]; then apply_wx_ptr_patch >>"$LOGFILE" fi } maybe_patch_sunos() { if [ "$1" -le 14 ]; then apply_solaris_networking_patch >>"$LOGFILE" fi } do_normal_build() { assert_valid_release "$1" assert_build_name_unused "$2" FILENAME="" download "$1" mkdir -p "$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$2" || exit 1 if [ ! -d "$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$2/$FILENAME" ]; then echo 'Extracting source code' UNTARDIRNAME="$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$2/$FILENAME-kerluntar-$$" rm -rf "$UNTARDIRNAME" mkdir -p "$UNTARDIRNAME" || exit 1 # github tarballs have a directory in the form of "otp[_-]TAGNAME" # Ericsson tarballs have the classic otp_src_RELEASE pattern # Standardize on Ericsson format because that's what the rest of the script expects (cd "$UNTARDIRNAME" && tar xzf "$KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR/$FILENAME".tar.gz && mv -f ./* "$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$2/otp_src_$1") rm -rf "$UNTARDIRNAME" fi echo "Building Erlang/OTP $1 ($2), please wait..." _do_build "$1" "$2" echo "Erlang/OTP $1 ($2) has been successfully built" list_add builds "$1,$2" } _flags() { # We need to munge the LD and DED flags for clang 9/10 shipped with # High Sierra (macOS 10.13) and Mojave (macOS 10.14) case "$KERL_SYSTEM" in Darwin) osver=$(uname -r) case "$osver" in 18*|17*) # Make sure we don't overwrite values that someone who # knows better than us set. if [ -z "$DED_LD" ]; then DED_LD='clang' fi if [ -z "$CC" ]; then CC='clang' fi if [ -z "$DED_LDFLAGS" ]; then host=$(./erts/autoconf/config.guess) DED_LDFLAGS="-m64 -bundle -bundle_loader ${ERL_TOP}/bin/$host/beam.smp" fi CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" DED_LD="$DED_LD" CC="$CC" DED_LDFLAGS="$DED_LDFLAGS" "$@" ;; *) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" "$@" ;; esac ;; *) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" "$@" ;; esac } _do_build() { case "$KERL_SYSTEM" in Darwin) OSVERSION=$(uname -r) # Ensure that the --enable-darwin-64bit flag is set on all macOS # That way even on older Erlangs we get 64 bit Erlang builds # macOS has been mandatory 64 bit for a while if ! echo "$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS" | grep 'darwin-64bit' >/dev/null 2>&1; then KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "--enable-darwin-64bit fi case "$OSVERSION" in 18*|17*|16*|15*) if ! echo "$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS" | grep 'ssl' >/dev/null 2>&1; then whichbrew=$(command -v brew) if [ -n "$whichbrew" ] && [ -x "$whichbrew" ]; then brew_prefix=$(brew --prefix openssl) if [ -n "$brew_prefix" ] && [ -d "$brew_prefix" ]; then KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "--with-ssl=$brew_prefix fi elif [ ! -d /usr/include/openssl ] || [ ! -d /usr/local/include/openssl ]; then # Apple removed OpenSSL from El Capitan, but its still in this # funky location, so set ssl headers to look here xc_ssl='/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift-migrator/sdk/MacOSX.sdk/usr' if [ -d "$xc_ssl"/include/openssl ]; then KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS --with-ssl=$xc_ssl" fi unset xc_ssl fi fi ;; *) ;; esac ;; Linux) # we are going to check here to see if the Linux uses dpkg or rpms # # this is a "best effort" attempt to discover if a Linux has the # packages needed to build Erlang. We will always assume the user # knows better than us and are going to go ahead and try to build # Erlang anyway. But at least it will be a clear warning to the # user if a build fails. _check_required_pkgs ;; *) ;; esac if [ -n "$KERL_BUILD_DOCS" ]; then KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS --prefix=$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$2/release_$1" fi ERL_TOP="$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$2/otp_src_$1" cd "$ERL_TOP" || exit 1 LOGFILE="$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$2/otp_build_$1.log" # Set configuation flags given applications white/black lists if [ -n "$KERL_CONFIGURE_APPLICATIONS" ]; then for app in $KERL_CONFIGURE_APPLICATIONS; do case "$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS" in *"--with-$app"*) echo "Option '--with-$app' in KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS is superfluous" ;; *) KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS --with-$app" ;; esac done fi if [ -n "$KERL_CONFIGURE_DISABLE_APPLICATIONS" ]; then for app in $KERL_CONFIGURE_DISABLE_APPLICATIONS; do case "$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS" in *"--without-$app"*) echo "Option '--without-$app' in KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS is superfluous" ;; *) KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS --without-$app" ;; esac done fi # Check to see if configuration options need to be stored or have changed TMPOPT="/tmp/kerloptions.$$" echo "$CFLAGS" >"$TMPOPT" echo "$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS" >>"$TMPOPT" SUM=$($MD5SUM "$TMPOPT" | cut -d ' ' -f $MD5SUM_FIELD) # Check for a .kerl_config.md5 file if [ -e ./"$KERL_CONFIG_STORAGE_FILENAME".md5 ]; then # Compare our current options to the saved ones read -r OLD_SUM <./"$KERL_CONFIG_STORAGE_FILENAME".md5 if [ "$SUM" != "$OLD_SUM" ]; then echo 'Configure options have changed. Reconfiguring...' rm -f configure mv "$TMPOPT" ./"$KERL_CONFIG_STORAGE_FILENAME" echo "$SUM" >./"$KERL_CONFIG_STORAGE_FILENAME".md5 else # configure options are the same rm -f "$TMPOPT" fi else # no file exists, so write one mv "$TMPOPT" .kerl_config echo "$SUM" >.kerl_config.md5 fi # Don't apply patches to "custom" git builds. We have no idea if they will apply # cleanly or not. if [ "$1" != 'git' ]; then maybe_patch "$KERL_SYSTEM" "$1" fi if [ -n "$KERL_USE_AUTOCONF" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ./otp_build autoconf $KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS >>"$LOGFILE" 2>&1 && \ _flags ./otp_build configure $KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS >>"$LOGFILE" 2>&1 else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 _flags ./otp_build configure $KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS >>"$LOGFILE" 2>&1 fi if ! echo "$KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS" | grep '--enable-native-libs' >/dev/null 2>&1; then make clean >>"$LOGFILE" 2>&1 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! _flags ./otp_build configure $KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS >>"$LOGFILE" 2>&1; then show_logfile 'Configure failed.' "$LOGFILE" list_remove builds "$1 $2" exit 1 fi fi for SECTION in 'APPLICATIONS DISABLED' \ 'APPLICATIONS INFORMATION' \ 'DOCUMENTATION INFORMATION'; do show_configuration_warnings "$LOGFILE" "$SECTION" done if [ -n "$KERL_CONFIGURE_APPLICATIONS" ]; then find ./lib -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec touch -f {}/SKIP \; for app in $KERL_CONFIGURE_APPLICATIONS; do if ! rm ./lib/"$app"/SKIP; then echo "Couldn't prepare '$app' application for building" list_remove builds "$1 $2" exit 1 fi done fi if [ -n "$KERL_CONFIGURE_DISABLE_APPLICATIONS" ]; then for app in $KERL_CONFIGURE_DISABLE_APPLICATIONS; do if ! touch -f ./lib/"$app"/SKIP; then echo "Couldn't disable '$app' application for building" exit 1 fi done fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! _flags ./otp_build boot -a $KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS >>"$LOGFILE" 2>&1; then show_logfile 'Build failed.' "$LOGFILE" list_remove builds "$1 $2" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$KERL_BUILD_DOCS" ]; then echo 'Building docs...' if ! make docs >>"$LOGFILE" 2>&1; then show_logfile 'Building docs failed.' "$LOGFILE" list_remove builds "$1 $2" exit 1 fi if ! make install-docs >>"$LOGFILE" 2>&1; then show_logfile 'Installing docs failed.' "$LOGFILE" list_remove builds "$1 $2" exit 1 fi fi rm -f "$LOGFILE" ERL_TOP="$ERL_TOP" ./otp_build release -a "$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$2/release_$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 cd "$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$2/release_$1" || exit 1 ./Install $INSTALL_OPT "$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$2/release_$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 } do_install() { if ! rel=$(get_release_from_name "$1"); then echo "No build named $1" exit 1 fi if ! is_valid_install_path "$2"; then exit 1 fi mkdir -p "$2" || exit 1 absdir=$(cd "$2" && pwd) echo "Installing Erlang/OTP $rel ($1) in $absdir..." ERL_TOP="$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$1/otp_src_$rel" cd "$ERL_TOP" || exit 1 if ! (ERL_TOP="$ERL_TOP" ./otp_build release -a "$absdir" >/dev/null 2>&1 && cd "$absdir" && ./Install $INSTALL_OPT "$absdir" >/dev/null 2>&1); then echo "Couldn't install Erlang/OTP $rel ($1) in $absdir" exit 1 fi list_add installations "$1 $absdir"; cat <"$absdir"/activate #!/bin/sh # credits to virtualenv kerl_deactivate() { if [ -n "\$_KERL_SAVED_ERL_AFLAGS" ]; then ERL_AFLAGS="\$_KERL_SAVED_ERL_AFLAGS" export ERL_AFLAGS unset _KERL_SAVED_ERL_AFLAGS fi if [ -n "\$_KERL_PATH_REMOVABLE" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2001 PATH="\$(echo "\$PATH" | sed -e "s#\$_KERL_PATH_REMOVABLE:##")" export PATH unset _KERL_PATH_REMOVABLE fi if [ -n "\$_KERL_MANPATH_REMOVABLE" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2001 MANPATH="\$(echo "\$MANPATH" | sed -e "s#\$_KERL_MANPATH_REMOVABLE:##")" export MANPATH unset _KERL_MANPATH_REMOVABLE fi if [ -n "\$_KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR" ]; then REBAR_PLT_DIR="\$_KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR" export REBAR_PLT_DIR unset _KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR fi if [ -n "\$_KERL_ACTIVE_DIR" ]; then unset _KERL_ACTIVE_DIR fi if [ -n "\$_KERL_SAVED_PS1" ]; then PS1="\$_KERL_SAVED_PS1" export PS1 unset _KERL_SAVED_PS1 fi if [ -n "\$_KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG" ]; then rm "\$HOME/.erlang" unset _KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG fi if [ -n "\$_KERL_DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT" ]; then unset DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT unset _KERL_DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT fi if [ -n "\$BASH" ] || [ -n "\$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then hash -r fi if [ ! "\$1" = "nondestructive" ]; then unset -f kerl_deactivate fi unset KERL_ENABLE_PROMPT unset KERL_PROMPT_FORMAT } kerl_deactivate nondestructive _KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR="\$REBAR_PLT_DIR" export _KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR _KERL_PATH_REMOVABLE="$absdir/bin" PATH="\${_KERL_PATH_REMOVABLE}:\$PATH" export PATH _KERL_PATH_REMOVABLE _KERL_MANPATH_REMOVABLE="$absdir/lib/erlang/man:$absdir/man" MANPATH="\${_KERL_MANPATH_REMOVABLE}:\$MANPATH" export MANPATH _KERL_MANPATH_REMOVABLE REBAR_PLT_DIR="$absdir" export REBAR_PLT_DIR _KERL_ACTIVE_DIR="$absdir" export _KERL_ACTIVE_DIR # https://twitter.com/mononcqc/status/877544929496629248 export _KERL_SAVED_ERL_AFLAGS=" \$ERL_AFLAGS" kernel_history=\$(echo "\$ERL_AFLAGS" | grep 'kernel shell_history' || true) if [ -z "\$kernel_history" ]; then export ERL_AFLAGS="-kernel shell_history enabled \$ERL_AFLAGS" fi # shellcheck source=/dev/null if [ -f "$KERL_CONFIG" ]; then . "$KERL_CONFIG"; fi if [ -n "\$KERL_ENABLE_PROMPT" ]; then _KERL_SAVED_PS1="\$PS1" export _KERL_SAVED_PS1 if [ -n "\$KERL_PROMPT_FORMAT" ]; then FRMT="\$KERL_PROMPT_FORMAT" else FRMT="(%BUILDNAME%)" fi PRMPT=\$(echo "\$FRMT" | sed 's^%RELEASE%^$rel^;s^%BUILDNAME%^$1^') PS1="\$PRMPT\$PS1" export PS1 fi if [ -d "$absdir/lib/docsh" ]; then export DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT="$absdir/lib/docsh/user_default" export _KERL_DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT=yes if [ -f "\$HOME/.erlang" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2153 if [ ! x"\$KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG" = x'exists' ]; then echo "Couldn't symlink correct \$HOME/.erlang - file exists - docsh might not work." echo "Please make sure \$HOME/.erlang contains code" echo "from $absdir/lib/docsh/dot.erlang" echo 'and export KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG=exists to suppress this warning.' fi else ln -s "$absdir/lib/docsh/dot.erlang" "\$HOME/.erlang" export _KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG=yes fi fi if [ -n "\$BASH" ] || [ -n "\$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then hash -r fi ACTIVATE cat <"$absdir"/activate.fish # credits to virtualenv function _kerl_remove_el --description 'remove element from array' set -l new_array for el in \$\$argv[1] if test \$el != \$argv[2] set new_array \$new_array \$el end end set -x \$argv[1] \$new_array end function kerl_deactivate --description "deactivate erlang environment" if set --query _KERL_PATH_REMOVABLE _kerl_remove_el PATH "\$_KERL_PATH_REMOVABLE" set --erase _KERL_PATH_REMOVABLE end if set --query _KERL_MANPATH_REMOVABLE _kerl_remove_el MANPATH "\$_KERL_MANPATH_REMOVABLE" set --erase _KERL_MANPATH_REMOVABLE end if set --query _KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR set -x REBAR_PLT_DIR "\$_KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR" set --erase _KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR end if set --query _KERL_ACTIVE_DIR set --erase _KERL_ACTIVE_DIR end if functions --query _kerl_saved_prompt functions --erase fish_prompt # functions --copy complains about about fish_prompt already being defined # so we take a page from virtualenv's book . ( begin printf "function fish_prompt\\n\\t#" functions _kerl_saved_prompt end | psub ) functions --erase _kerl_saved_prompt end if set --query _KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG rm "\$HOME/.erlang" set --erase _KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG end if set --query _KERL_DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT set --erase DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT set --erase _KERL_DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT end if test "\$argv[1]" != "nondestructive" functions --erase kerl_deactivate functions --erase _kerl_remove_el end end kerl_deactivate nondestructive set -x _KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR "\$REBAR_PLT_DIR" set -x _KERL_PATH_REMOVABLE "$absdir/bin" set -x PATH "\$_KERL_PATH_REMOVABLE" \$PATH set -x _KERL_MANPATH_REMOVABLE "$absdir/lib/erlang/man" "$absdir/man" set -x MANPATH \$MANPATH "\$_KERL_MANPATH_REMOVABLE" set -x REBAR_PLT_DIR "$absdir" set -x _KERL_ACTIVE_DIR "$absdir" if test -f "$KERL_CONFIG.fish" source "$KERL_CONFIG.fish" end if set --query KERL_ENABLE_PROMPT functions --copy fish_prompt _kerl_saved_prompt function fish_prompt echo -n "($1)" _kerl_saved_prompt end end if test -d "$absdir/lib/docsh" set -x DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT "$absdir/lib/docsh/user_default" set -x _KERL_DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT yes if test -f "\$HOME/.erlang" if test ! x"\$KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG" = x"exists" echo "Couldn't symlink correct \$HOME/.erlang - file exists - docsh might not work." echo "Please make sure \$HOME/.erlang contains code" echo "from $absdir/lib/docsh/dot.erlang" echo "and export KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG=exists to suppress this warning." end else ln -s "$absdir/lib/docsh/dot.erlang" "\$HOME/.erlang" set -x _KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG yes end end ACTIVATE_FISH cat <"$absdir"/activate.csh # This file must be used with "source bin/activate.csh" *from csh*. # You cannot run it directly. alias kerl_deactivate 'test \$?_KERL_SAVED_PATH != 0 && setenv PATH "\$_KERL_SAVED_PATH" && unset _KERL_SAVED_PATH; rehash; test \$?_KERL_SAVED_MANPATH != 0 && setenv MANPATH "\$_KERL_SAVED_MANPATH" && unset _KERL_SAVED_MANPATH; test \$?_KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR != 0 && setenv REBAR_PLT_DIR "\$_KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR" && unset _KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR; test \$?_KERL_ACTIVE_DIR != 0 && unset _KERL_ACTIVE_DIR; test \$?_KERL_DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT != 0 && unsetenv DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT && unset _KERL_DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT; test \$?_KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG != 0 && rm "\$HOME/.erlang" && unset _KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG; test \$?_KERL_SAVED_PROMPT != 0 && set prompt="\$_KERL_SAVED_PROMPT" && unset _KERL_SAVED_PROMPT; test "!:*" != "nondestructive" && unalias deactivate' # Unset irrelevant variables. kerl_deactivate nondestructive if ( \$?REBAR_PLT_DIR ) then set _KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR = "\$REBAR_PLT_DIR" else set _KERL_SAVED_REBAR_PLT_DIR="" endif set _KERL_PATH_REMOVABLE = "$absdir/bin" set _KERL_SAVED_PATH = "\$PATH" setenv PATH "\${_KERL_PATH_REMOVABLE}:\$PATH" if ( ! \$?MANPATH ) then set MANPATH = "" endif set _KERL_MANPATH_REMOVABLE = "$absdir/lib/erlang/man:$absdir/man" set _KERL_SAVED_MANPATH = "\$MANPATH" setenv MANPATH "\${_KERL_MANPATH_REMOVABLE}:\$MANPATH" setenv REBAR_PLT_DIR "$absdir" set _KERL_ACTIVE_DIR = "$absdir" if ( -f "$KERL_CONFIG.csh" ) then source "$KERL_CONFIG.csh" endif if ( \$?KERL_ENABLE_PROMPT ) then set _KERL_SAVED_PROMPT = "\$prompt" if ( \$?KERL_PROMPT_FORMAT ) then set FRMT = "\$KERL_PROMPT_FORMAT" else set FRMT = "(%BUILDNAME%)" endif set PROMPT = \$(echo "\$FRMT" | sed 's^%RELEASE%^$rel^;s^%BUILDNAME%^$1^') set prompt = "\$PROMPT\$prompt" endif if ( -d "$absdir/lib/docsh" ) then setenv DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT "$absdir/lib/docsh/user_default" set _KERL_DOCSH_USER_DEFAULT = "yes" if ( -f "\$HOME/.erlang" ) then if ( \$?KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG == 0 ) then echo "Couldn't symlink correct \$HOME/.erlang - file exists - docsh might not work." echo "Please make sure \$HOME/.erlang contains code" echo "from $absdir/lib/docsh/dot.erlang" echo "and export KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG=exists to suppress this warning." endif else ln -s "$absdir/lib/docsh/dot.erlang" "\$HOME/.erlang" set _KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG = "yes" endif endif rehash ACTIVATE_CSH if [ -n "$KERL_BUILD_DOCS" ]; then DOC_DIR="$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$1/release_$rel"/lib/erlang if [ -d "$DOC_DIR" ]; then echo 'Installing docs...' cp $CP_OPT "$DOC_DIR/" "$absdir"/lib if [ -d "$absdir"/lib/erlang/man ]; then ln -s "$absdir"/lib/erlang/man "$absdir"/man ln -s "$absdir"/lib/erlang/doc "$absdir"/html elif [ -d "$absdir"/lib/man ]; then ln -s "$absdir"/lib/man "$absdir"/man ln -s "$absdir"/lib/doc "$absdir"/html fi fi else if [ "$KERL_BUILD_BACKEND" = 'tarball' ]; then if [ "$rel" != 'git' ]; then if [ -n "$KERL_INSTALL_MANPAGES" ]; then echo 'Fetching and installing manpages...' download_manpages "$rel" fi if [ -n "$KERL_INSTALL_HTMLDOCS" ]; then echo 'Fetching and installing HTML docs...' download_htmldocs "$rel" fi fi fi fi KERL_CONFIG_STORAGE_PATH="$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$1/otp_src_$rel/$KERL_CONFIG_STORAGE_FILENAME" [ -e "$KERL_CONFIG_STORAGE_PATH" ] && cp "$KERL_CONFIG_STORAGE_PATH" "$absdir/$KERL_CONFIG_STORAGE_FILENAME" if [ -n "$KERL_BUILD_PLT" ]; then echo 'Building Dialyzer PLT...' build_plt "$absdir" fi if command -v apk >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Running on Alpine Linux, assuming non-exotic shell SHELL_SUFFIX='' else PID=$$ PARENT_PID=$(ps -p $PID -o ppid=) || exit 1 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 PARENT_CMD=$(ps -p $PARENT_PID -o ucomm | tail -n 1) case "$PARENT_CMD" in fish) SHELL_SUFFIX='.fish' ;; csh) SHELL_SUFFIX='.csh' ;; *) SHELL_SUFFIX='' ;; esac fi echo 'You can activate this installation running the following command:' echo ". $absdir/activate$SHELL_SUFFIX" echo 'Later on, you can leave the installation typing:' echo 'kerl_deactivate' } install_docsh() { REPO_URL=$DOCSH_GITHUB_URL GIT=$(printf '%s' $REPO_URL | $MD5SUM | cut -d' ' -f $MD5SUM_FIELD) BUILDNAME="$1" DOCSH_DIR="$KERL_BUILD_DIR/$BUILDNAME/docsh" DOCSH_REF='0.7.1' ACTIVE_PATH="$2" OTP_VERSION=$(get_otp_version "$1") # This has to be updated with docsh updates DOCSH_SUPPORTED='^1[9]\|2[01]$' if ! echo "$OTP_VERSION" | grep "$DOCSH_SUPPORTED" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Erlang/OTP version $OTP_VERSION not supported by docsh (does not match regex $DOCSH_SUPPORTED)" exit 1 fi mkdir -p "$KERL_GIT_DIR" || exit 1 cd "$KERL_GIT_DIR" || exit 1 echo "Checking out docsh git repository from $REPO_URL..." if [ ! -d "$GIT" ]; then if ! git clone -q --mirror "$REPO_URL" "$GIT" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'Error mirroring remote git repository' exit 1 fi fi cd "$GIT" || exit 1 if ! git remote update --prune >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'Error updating remote git repository' exit 1 fi rm -Rf "$DOCSH_DIR" mkdir -p "$DOCSH_DIR" || exit 1 cd "$DOCSH_DIR" || exit 1 if ! git clone -l "$KERL_GIT_DIR/$GIT" "$DOCSH_DIR" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'Error cloning local git repository' exit 1 fi cd "$DOCSH_DIR" || exit 1 if ! git checkout "$DOCSH_REF" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ! git checkout -b "$DOCSH_REF" "$DOCSH_REF" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'Could not checkout specified version' rm -Rf "$DOCSH_DIR" exit 1 fi fi if ! ./rebar3 compile; then echo 'Could not compile docsh' rm -Rf "$DOCSH_DIR" exit 1 fi ## Install docsh if [ -f "$ACTIVE_PATH"/lib/docsh ]; then echo "Couldn't install $ACTIVE_PATH/lib/docsh - the directory already exists" rm -Rf "$DOCSH_DIR" exit 1 else cp -R "$DOCSH_DIR"/_build/default/lib/docsh "$ACTIVE_PATH"/lib/ fi ## Prepare dot.erlang for linking as $HOME/.erlang if [ -f "$ACTIVE_PATH"/lib/docsh/dot.erlang ]; then echo "Couldn't install $ACTIVE_PATH/lib/docsh/dot.erlang - the file already exists" rm -Rf "$DOCSH_DIR" exit 1 else cat "$DOCSH_DIR"/templates/dot.erlang >"$ACTIVE_PATH"/lib/docsh/dot.erlang fi ## Warn if $HOME/.erlang exists if [ -f "$HOME"/.erlang ]; then echo "$HOME/.erlang exists - kerl won't be able to symlink a docsh-compatible version." echo "Please make sure your $HOME/.erlang contains code" echo "from $ACTIVE_PATH/lib/docsh/dot.erlang" echo 'and export KERL_DOCSH_DOT_ERLANG=exists to suppress further warnings' fi ## Install docsh user_default if [ -f "$ACTIVE_PATH"/lib/docsh/user_default.beam ]; then echo "Couldn't install $ACTIVE_PATH/lib/docsh/user_default.beam - the file already exists" rm -Rf "$DOCSH_DIR" exit 1 else erlc -I "$DOCSH_DIR"/include -o "$ACTIVE_PATH"/lib/docsh/ "$DOCSH_DIR"/templates/user_default.erl fi } download_manpages() { FILENAME=otp_doc_man_$1.tar.gz tarball_download "$FILENAME" echo 'Extracting manpages' cd "$absdir" && tar xzf "$KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR/$FILENAME" } download_htmldocs() { FILENAME=otp_doc_html_"$1".tar.gz tarball_download "$FILENAME" echo 'Extracting HTML docs' (cd "$absdir" && mkdir -p html && tar -C "$absdir"/html -xzf "$KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR/$FILENAME") } build_plt() { dialyzerd="$1"/dialyzer mkdir -p "$dialyzerd" || exit 1 plt="$dialyzerd"/plt build_log="$dialyzerd"/build.log dirs=$(find "$1"/lib -maxdepth 2 -name ebin -type d -exec dirname {} \;) apps=$(for app in $dirs; do basename "$app" | cut -d- -f1 ; done | grep -Ev 'erl_interface|jinterface' | xargs echo) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 "$1"/bin/dialyzer --output_plt "$plt" --build_plt --apps $apps >>"$build_log" 2>&1 status=$? if [ $status -eq 0 ] || [ $status -eq 2 ]; then echo "Done building $plt" return 0 else echo "Error building PLT, see $build_log for details" return 1 fi } do_plt() { ACTIVE_PATH="$1" if [ -n "$ACTIVE_PATH" ]; then plt="$ACTIVE_PATH"/dialyzer/plt if [ -f "$plt" ]; then echo 'Dialyzer PLT for the active installation is:' echo "$plt" return 0 else echo 'There is no Dialyzer PLT for the active installation' return 1 fi else echo 'No Erlang/OTP installation is currently active' return 2 fi } print_buildopts() { buildopts="$1/$KERL_CONFIG_STORAGE_FILENAME" if [ -f "$buildopts" ]; then echo 'The build options for the active installation are:' cat "$buildopts" return 0 else echo 'The build options for the active installation are not available.' return 1 fi } do_deploy() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo 'No host given' exit 1 fi host="$1" assert_valid_installation "$2" rel="$(get_name_from_install_path "$2")" path="$2" remotepath="$path" if [ ! -z "$3" ]; then remotepath="$3" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! ssh $KERL_DEPLOY_SSH_OPTIONS "$host" true >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Couldn't ssh to $host" exit 1 fi echo "Cloning Erlang/OTP $rel ($path) to $host ($remotepath) ..." # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! rsync -aqz -e "ssh $KERL_DEPLOY_SSH_OPTIONS" $KERL_DEPLOY_RSYNC_OPTIONS "$path/" "$host:$remotepath/"; then echo "Couldn't rsync Erlang/OTP $rel ($path) to $host ($remotepath)" exit 1 fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2029 if ! ssh $KERL_DEPLOY_SSH_OPTIONS "$host" "cd \"$remotepath\" && env ERL_TOP=\"\$(pwd)\" ./Install $INSTALL_OPT \"\$(pwd)\" >/dev/null 2>&1"; then echo "Couldn't install Erlang/OTP $rel to $host ($remotepath)" exit 1 fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2029 if ! ssh $KERL_DEPLOY_SSH_OPTIONS "$host" "cd \"$remotepath\" && sed -i -e \"s#$path#\"\$(pwd)\"#g\" activate"; then echo "Couldn't completely install Erlang/OTP $rel to $host ($remotepath)" exit 1 fi echo "On $host, you can activate this installation running the following command:" echo ". $remotepath/activate" echo 'Later on, you can leave the installation typing:' echo 'kerl_deactivate' } # Quoted from https://github.com/mkropat/sh-realpath # LICENSE: MIT realpath() { canonicalize_path "$(resolve_symlinks "$1")" } resolve_symlinks() { _resolve_symlinks "$1" } _resolve_symlinks() { _assert_no_path_cycles "$@" || return if path=$(readlink -- "$1"); then dir_context=$(dirname -- "$1") _resolve_symlinks "$(_prepend_dir_context_if_necessary "$dir_context" "$path")" "$@" else printf '%s\n' "$1" fi } _prepend_dir_context_if_necessary() { if [ "$1" = . ]; then printf '%s\n' "$2" else _prepend_path_if_relative "$1" "$2" fi } _prepend_path_if_relative() { case "$2" in /* ) printf '%s\n' "$2" ;; * ) printf '%s\n' "$1/$2" ;; esac } _assert_no_path_cycles() { target=$1 shift for path in "$@"; do if [ "$path" = "$target" ]; then return 1 fi done } canonicalize_path() { if [ -d "$1" ]; then _canonicalize_dir_path "$1" else _canonicalize_file_path "$1" fi } _canonicalize_dir_path() { (cd "$1" 2>/dev/null && pwd -P) } _canonicalize_file_path() { dir=$(dirname -- "$1") file=$(basename -- "$1") (cd "$dir" 2>/dev/null && printf '%s/%s\n' "$(pwd -P)" "$file") } # END QUOTE is_valid_install_path() { # don't allow installs into .erlang because # it's a special configuration file location for OTP if [ "$(basename -- "$1")" = '.erlang' ]; then echo 'ERROR: You cannot install a build into .erlang. (It is a special configuration file location for OTP.)' return 1 fi candidate=$(realpath "$1") canonical_home=$(realpath "$HOME") canonical_base_dir=$(realpath "$KERL_BASE_DIR") # don't allow installs into home directory if [ "$candidate" = "$canonical_home" ]; then echo "ERROR: You cannot install a build into $HOME. It's a really bad idea." return 1 fi # don't install into our base directory either. if [ "$candidate" = "$canonical_base_dir" ]; then echo "ERROR: You cannot install a build into $KERL_BASE_DIR." return 1 fi INSTALLED_NAME=$(get_name_from_install_path "$candidate") if [ -n "$INSTALLED_NAME" ]; then echo "ERROR: Installation ($INSTALLED_NAME) already registered for this location ($1)" return 1 fi # if the install directory exists, # do not allow installs into a directory that is not empty if [ -e "$1" ]; then if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then echo "ERROR: $1 is not a directory." return 1 else count=$(find "$1" | wc -l) if [ "$count" -ne 1 ]; then echo "ERROR: $1 does not appear to be an empty directory." return 1 fi fi fi return 0 } maybe_remove() { candidate=$(realpath "$1") canonical_home=$(realpath "$HOME") if [ "$candidate" = "$canonical_home" ]; then echo "WARNING: You cannot remove an install from $HOME; it's your home directory." return 0 fi ACTIVE_PATH="$(get_active_path)" if [ "$candidate" = "$ACTIVE_PATH" ]; then echo 'ERROR: You cannot delete the active installation. Deactivate it first.' exit 1 fi rm -Rf "$1" } list_print() { if [ -f "$KERL_BASE_DIR/otp_$1" ]; then if [ "$(wc -l "$KERL_BASE_DIR/otp_$1")" != '0' ]; then cat "$KERL_BASE_DIR/otp_$1" return 0 fi fi echo "There are no $1 available" } list_add() { if [ -f "$KERL_BASE_DIR/otp_$1" ]; then while read -r l; do if [ "$l" = "$2" ]; then return 1 fi done <"$KERL_BASE_DIR/otp_$1" echo "$2" >>"$KERL_BASE_DIR/otp_$1" || exit 1 else echo "$2" >"$KERL_BASE_DIR/otp_$1" || exit 1 fi } list_remove() { if [ -f "$KERL_BASE_DIR/otp_$1" ]; then sed $SED_OPT -i -e "/^.*$2$/d" "$KERL_BASE_DIR/otp_$1" || exit 1 fi } list_has() { if [ -f "$KERL_BASE_DIR/otp_$1" ]; then grep "$2" "$KERL_BASE_DIR/otp_$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0 fi return 1 } path_usage() { echo "usage: $0 path []" } list_usage() { echo "usage: $0 list " } delete_usage() { echo "usage: $0 delete " } cleanup_usage() { echo "usage: $0 cleanup " } update_usage() { echo "usage: $0 update releases" } get_active_path() { if [ -n "$_KERL_ACTIVE_DIR" ]; then echo "$_KERL_ACTIVE_DIR" fi return 0 } get_name_from_install_path() { if [ -f "$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_installations ]; then grep -m1 -E "$1$" "$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_installations | cut -d' ' -f1 fi return 0 } get_install_path_from_name() { if [ -f "$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_installations ]; then grep -m1 -E "$1$" "$KERL_BASE_DIR"/otp_installations | cut -d' ' -f2 fi return 0 } do_active() { ACTIVE_PATH="$(get_active_path)" if [ -n "$ACTIVE_PATH" ]; then echo 'The current active installation is:' echo "$ACTIVE_PATH" return 0 else echo 'No Erlang/OTP installation is currently active' return 1 fi } make_filename() { release=$(get_otp_version "$1") if [ "$release" -ge 17 ]; then echo "OTP-$1" else echo "OTP_$1" fi } download() { mkdir -p "$KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR" || exit 1 if [ "$KERL_BUILD_BACKEND" = 'git' ]; then FILENAME=$(make_filename "$1") github_download "$FILENAME".tar.gz else FILENAME="otp_src_$1" tarball_download "$FILENAME".tar.gz fi } github_download() { # if the file doesn't exist or the file has no size if [ ! -s "$KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR/$1" ]; then echo "Downloading $1 to $KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR" curl -f -L -o "$KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR/$1" "$OTP_GITHUB_URL/archive/$1" || exit 1 fi } tarball_download() { if [ ! -s "$KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR/$1" ]; then echo "Downloading $1 to $KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR" curl -f -L -o "$KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR/$1" "$ERLANG_DOWNLOAD_URL/$1" || exit 1 update_checksum_file fi ensure_checksum_file echo 'Verifying archive checksum...' SUM="$($MD5SUM "$KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR/$1" | cut -d' ' -f $MD5SUM_FIELD)" ORIG_SUM="$(grep -F "$1" "$KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR"/MD5 | cut -d' ' -f2)" if [ "$SUM" != "$ORIG_SUM" ]; then echo "Checksum error, check the files in $KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR" exit 1 fi echo "Checksum verified ($SUM)" } apply_solaris_networking_patch() { patch -p1 <<_END_PATCH --- otp-a/erts/emulator/drivers/common/inet_drv.c +++ otp-b/erts/emulator/drivers/common/inet_drv.c @@ -4166,16 +4166,7 @@ break; case INET_IFOPT_HWADDR: { -#ifdef SIOCGIFHWADDR - if (ioctl(desc->s, SIOCGIFHWADDR, (char *)&ifreq) < 0) - break; - buf_check(sptr, s_end, 1+2+IFHWADDRLEN); - *sptr++ = INET_IFOPT_HWADDR; - put_int16(IFHWADDRLEN, sptr); sptr += 2; - /* raw memcpy (fix include autoconf later) */ - sys_memcpy(sptr, (char*)(&ifreq.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data), IFHWADDRLEN); - sptr += IFHWADDRLEN; -#elif defined(SIOCGENADDR) +#if defined(SIOCGENADDR) if (ioctl(desc->s, SIOCGENADDR, (char *)&ifreq) < 0) break; buf_check(sptr, s_end, 1+2+sizeof(ifreq.ifr_enaddr)); _END_PATCH } apply_darwin_compiler_patch() { patch -p0 <<_END_PATCH --- erts/emulator/beam/beam_bp.c.orig 2011-10-03 13:12:07.000000000 -0500 +++ erts/emulator/beam/beam_bp.c 2013-10-04 13:42:03.000000000 -0500 @@ -496,7 +496,8 @@ } /* bp_hash */ -ERTS_INLINE Uint bp_sched2ix() { +#ifndef ERTS_DO_INCL_GLB_INLINE_FUNC_DEF +ERTS_GLB_INLINE Uint bp_sched2ix() { #ifdef ERTS_SMP ErtsSchedulerData *esdp; esdp = erts_get_scheduler_data(); @@ -505,6 +506,7 @@ return 0; #endif } +#endif static void bp_hash_init(bp_time_hash_t *hash, Uint n) { Uint size = sizeof(bp_data_time_item_t)*n; Uint i; --- erts/emulator/beam/beam_bp.h.orig 2011-10-03 13:12:07.000000000 -0500 +++ erts/emulator/beam/beam_bp.h 2013-10-04 13:42:08.000000000 -0500 @@ -144,7 +144,19 @@ #define ErtsSmpBPUnlock(BDC) #endif -ERTS_INLINE Uint bp_sched2ix(void); +ERTS_GLB_INLINE Uint bp_sched2ix(void); + +#ifdef ERTS_DO_INCL_GLB_INLINE_FUNC_DEF +ERTS_GLB_INLINE Uint bp_sched2ix() { +#ifdef ERTS_SMP + ErtsSchedulerData *esdp; + esdp = erts_get_scheduler_data(); + return esdp->no - 1; +#else + return 0; +#endif +} +#endif #ifdef ERTS_SMP #define bp_sched2ix_proc(p) ((p)->scheduler_data->no - 1) _END_PATCH } # javadoc 8 includes always-enabled document linting which causes # documentation builds to fail on older OTP releases. apply_javadoc_linting_patch() { # The _END_PATCH token is quoted below to disable parameter substitution patch -p0 <<'_END_PATCH' --- lib/jinterface/doc/src/Makefile.orig 2016-05-23 14:34:48.000000000 -0500 +++ lib/jinterface/doc/src/Makefile 2016-05-23 14:35:48.000000000 -0500 @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ rm -f errs core *~ jdoc:$(JAVA_SRC_FILES) - (cd ../../java_src;$(JAVADOC) -sourcepath . -d $(JAVADOC_DEST) \ + (cd ../../java_src;$(JAVADOC) -Xdoclint:none -sourcepath . -d $(JAVADOC_DEST) \ -windowtitle $(JAVADOC_TITLE) $(JAVADOC_PKGS)) man: _END_PATCH } # perl 5.24 fatalizes the warning this causes apply_r14_beam_makeops_patch() { patch -p0 <<'_END_PATCH' --- erts/emulator/utils/beam_makeops.orig 2016-05-23 21:40:42.000000000 -0500 +++ erts/emulator/utils/beam_makeops 2016-05-23 21:41:08.000000000 -0500 @@ -1576,7 +1576,7 @@ if $min_window{$key} > $min_window; pop(@{$gen_transform{$key}}) - if defined @{$gen_transform{$key}}; # Fail + if defined $gen_transform{$key}; # Fail my(@prefix) = (&make_op($comment), &make_op('', 'try_me_else', &tr_code_len(@code))); unshift(@code, @prefix); push(@{$gen_transform{$key}}, @code, &make_op('', 'fail')); _END_PATCH } # https://github.com/erlang/otp/commit/21ca6d3a137034f19862db769a5b7f1c5528dbc4.diff apply_r15_beam_makeops_patch() { patch -p1 <<'_END_PATCH' --- a/erts/emulator/utils/beam_makeops +++ b/erts/emulator/utils/beam_makeops @@ -1711,7 +1711,7 @@ sub tr_gen_to { my $prev_last; $prev_last = pop(@{$gen_transform{$key}}) - if defined @{$gen_transform{$key}}; # Fail + if defined $gen_transform{$key}; # Fail if ($prev_last && !is_instr($prev_last, 'fail')) { error("Line $line: A previous transformation shadows '$orig_transform'"); _END_PATCH } #https://github.com/erlang/otp/commit/a64c4d806fa54848c35632114585ad82b98712e8.diff apply_wx_ptr_patch() { patch -p1 <<'_END_PATCH' diff --git a/lib/wx/c_src/wxe_impl.cpp b/lib/wx/c_src/wxe_impl.cpp index 0d2da5d4a79..8118136d30e 100644 --- a/lib/wx/c_src/wxe_impl.cpp +++ b/lib/wx/c_src/wxe_impl.cpp @@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ void * WxeApp::getPtr(char * bp, wxeMemEnv *memenv) { throw wxe_badarg(index); } void * temp = memenv->ref2ptr[index]; - if((index < memenv->next) && ((index == 0) || (temp > NULL))) + if((index < memenv->next) && ((index == 0) || (temp != (void *)NULL))) return temp; else { throw wxe_badarg(index); @@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ void WxeApp::registerPid(char * bp, ErlDrvTermData pid, wxeMemEnv * memenv) { if(!memenv) throw wxe_badarg(index); void * temp = memenv->ref2ptr[index]; - if((index < memenv->next) && ((index == 0) || (temp > NULL))) { + if((index < memenv->next) && ((index == 0) || (temp != (void *) NULL))) { ptrMap::iterator it; it = ptr2ref.find(temp); if(it != ptr2ref.end()) { _END_PATCH } apply_r16_wx_ptr_patch() { patch -p1 <<'_END_PATCH' diff --git a/lib/wx/c_src/wxe_impl.cpp b/lib/wx/c_src/wxe_impl.cpp index cc9bcc995..1b1912630 100644 --- a/lib/wx/c_src/wxe_impl.cpp +++ b/lib/wx/c_src/wxe_impl.cpp @@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ void * WxeApp::getPtr(char * bp, wxeMemEnv *memenv) { throw wxe_badarg(index); } void * temp = memenv->ref2ptr[index]; - if((index < memenv->next) && ((index == 0) || (temp > NULL))) + if((index < memenv->next) && ((index == 0) || (temp != (void *)NULL))) return temp; else { throw wxe_badarg(index); @@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ void WxeApp::registerPid(char * bp, ErlDrvTermData pid, wxeMemEnv * memenv) { if(!memenv) throw wxe_badarg(index); void * temp = memenv->ref2ptr[index]; - if((index < memenv->next) && ((index == 0) || (temp > NULL))) { + if((index < memenv->next) && ((index == 0) || (temp != (void *)NULL))) { ptrMap::iterator it; it = ptr2ref.find(temp); if(it != ptr2ref.end()) { _END_PATCH } # https://github.com/erlang/otp/commit/e27119948fc6ab28bea81019720bddaac5b655a7.patch apply_zlib_patch() { patch -p1 <<'_END_PATCH' diff --git a/erts/emulator/beam/external.c b/erts/emulator/beam/external.c index 656de7c49ad..4491d486837 100644 --- a/erts/emulator/beam/external.c +++ b/erts/emulator/beam/external.c @@ -1193,6 +1193,7 @@ typedef struct B2TContext_t { } u; } B2TContext; +static B2TContext* b2t_export_context(Process*, B2TContext* src); static uLongf binary2term_uncomp_size(byte* data, Sint size) { @@ -1225,7 +1226,7 @@ static uLongf binary2term_uncomp_size(byte* data, Sint size) static ERTS_INLINE int binary2term_prepare(ErtsBinary2TermState *state, byte *data, Sint data_size, - B2TContext* ctx) + B2TContext** ctxp, Process* p) { byte *bytes = data; Sint size = data_size; @@ -1239,8 +1240,8 @@ binary2term_prepare(ErtsBinary2TermState *state, byte *data, Sint data_size, size--; if (size < 5 || *bytes != COMPRESSED) { state->extp = bytes; - if (ctx) - ctx->state = B2TSizeInit; + if (ctxp) + (*ctxp)->state = B2TSizeInit; } else { uLongf dest_len = (Uint32) get_int32(bytes+1); @@ -1257,16 +1258,26 @@ binary2term_prepare(ErtsBinary2TermState *state, byte *data, Sint data_size, return -1; } state->extp = erts_alloc(ERTS_ALC_T_EXT_TERM_DATA, dest_len); - ctx->reds -= dest_len; + if (ctxp) + (*ctxp)->reds -= dest_len; } state->exttmp = 1; - if (ctx) { + if (ctxp) { + /* + * Start decompression by exporting trap context + * so we don't have to deal with deep-copying z_stream. + */ + B2TContext* ctx = b2t_export_context(p, *ctxp); + ASSERT(state = &(*ctxp)->b2ts); + state = &ctx->b2ts; + if (erl_zlib_inflate_start(&ctx->u.uc.stream, bytes, size) != Z_OK) return -1; ctx->u.uc.dbytes = state->extp; ctx->u.uc.dleft = dest_len; ctx->state = B2TUncompressChunk; + *ctxp = ctx; } else { uLongf dlen = dest_len; @@ -1308,7 +1319,7 @@ erts_binary2term_prepare(ErtsBinary2TermState *state, byte *data, Sint data_size { Sint res; - if (binary2term_prepare(state, data, data_size, NULL) < 0 || + if (binary2term_prepare(state, data, data_size, NULL, NULL) < 0 || (res=decoded_size(state->extp, state->extp + state->extsize, 0, NULL)) < 0) { if (state->exttmp) @@ -1435,7 +1446,7 @@ static Eterm binary_to_term_int(Process* p, Uint32 flags, Eterm bin, Binary* con if (ctx->aligned_alloc) { ctx->reds -= bin_size / 8; } - if (binary2term_prepare(&ctx->b2ts, bytes, bin_size, ctx) < 0) { + if (binary2term_prepare(&ctx->b2ts, bytes, bin_size, &ctx, p) < 0) { ctx->state = B2TBadArg; } break; _END_PATCH } case "$1" in version) echo "$KERL_VERSION" exit 0 ;; build) if [ "$2" = 'git' ]; then if [ $# -ne 5 ]; then echo "usage: $0 $1 $2 " exit 1 fi do_git_build "$3" "$4" "$5" else if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then do_normal_build "$2" "$2" elif [ $# -eq 3 ]; then do_normal_build "$2" "$3" else echo "usage: $0 $1 " exit 1 fi fi ;; install) if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "usage: $0 $1 [directory]" exit 1 fi if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then do_install "$2" "$3" else if [ -z "$KERL_DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR" ]; then do_install "$2" "$PWD" else do_install "$2" "$KERL_DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR/$2" fi fi ;; install-docsh) ACTIVE_PATH="$(get_active_path)" if [ -n "$ACTIVE_PATH" ]; then ACTIVE_NAME="$(get_name_from_install_path "$ACTIVE_PATH")" if [ -z "$ACTIVE_NAME" ]; then ## TODO: Are git builds installed the usual way ## or do we need this clause to provide a fallback? #BUILDNAME="$(basename "$ACTIVE_PATH")" echo "$ACTIVE_PATH is not a kerl installation" exit 1 else BUILDNAME="$ACTIVE_NAME" fi install_docsh "$BUILDNAME" "$ACTIVE_PATH" echo 'Please kerl_deactivate and activate again to enable docsh' else echo 'No Erlang/OTP installation is currently active - cannot install docsh' exit 1 fi ;; deploy) if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "usage: $0 $1 <[user@]host> [directory] [remote_directory]" exit 1 fi if [ $# -eq 4 ]; then do_deploy "$2" "$3" "$4" else if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then do_deploy "$2" "$3" else do_deploy "$2" . fi fi ;; update) if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then update_usage exit 1 fi case "$2" in releases) rm -f "${KERL_BASE_DIR:?}"/otp_releases check_releases echo 'The available releases are:' list_print releases ;; *) update_usage exit 1 ;; esac ;; list) if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then list_usage exit 1 fi case "$2" in releases) check_releases list_print "$2" echo "Run '$0 update releases' to update this list from erlang.org" ;; builds) list_print "$2" ;; installations) list_print "$2" ;; *) echo "Cannot list $2" list_usage exit 1 ;; esac ;; path) # Usage: # kerl path # # Print currently active installation path, else non-zero exit # kerl path # Print path to installation with name , else non-zero exit if [ -z "$2" ]; then activepath=$(get_active_path) if [ -z "$activepath" ]; then echo 'No active kerl-managed erlang installation' exit 1 fi echo "$activepath" else # There are some possible extensions to this we could # consider, such as: # - if 2+ matches: prefer one in a subdir from $PWD # - prefer $KERL_DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR match= for ins in $(list_print installations | cut -d' ' -f2); do if [ "$(basename "$ins")" = "$2" ]; then if [ -z "$match" ]; then match="$ins" else echo 'Error: too many matching installations' >&2 exit 2 fi fi done [ -n "$match" ] && echo "$match" && exit 0 echo 'Error: no matching installation found' >&2 && exit 1 fi ;; delete) if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then delete_usage exit 1 fi case "$2" in build) rel="$(get_release_from_name "$3")" if [ -d "${KERL_BUILD_DIR:?}/$3" ]; then maybe_remove "${KERL_BUILD_DIR:?}/$3" else if [ -z "$rel" ]; then echo "No build named $3" exit 1 fi fi list_remove "$2"s "$rel,$3" echo "The $3 build has been deleted" ;; installation) assert_valid_installation "$3" if [ -d "$3" ]; then maybe_remove "$3" else maybe_remove "$(get_install_path_from_name "$3")" fi escaped="$(echo "$3" | sed $SED_OPT -e 's#/$##' -e 's#\/#\\\/#g')" list_remove "$2"s "$escaped" echo "The installation \"$3\" has been deleted" ;; *) echo "Cannot delete $2" delete_usage exit 1 ;; esac ;; active) if ! do_active; then exit 1; fi ;; plt) ACTIVE_PATH=$(get_active_path) if ! do_plt "$ACTIVE_PATH"; then exit 1; fi ;; status) echo 'Available builds:' list_print builds echo '----------' echo 'Available installations:' list_print installations echo '----------' if do_active; then ACTIVE_PATH=$(get_active_path) if [ -n "$ACTIVE_PATH" ]; then do_plt "$ACTIVE_PATH" print_buildopts "$ACTIVE_PATH" else echo 'No Erlang/OTP installation is currently active' exit 1 fi fi exit 0 ;; prompt) FMT=' (%s)' if [ -n "$2" ]; then FMT="$2" fi ACTIVE_PATH="$(get_active_path)" if [ -n "$ACTIVE_PATH" ]; then ACTIVE_NAME="$(get_name_from_install_path "$ACTIVE_PATH")" if [ -z "$ACTIVE_NAME" ]; then VALUE="$(basename "$ACTIVE_PATH")*" else VALUE="$ACTIVE_NAME" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf "$FMT" "$VALUE" fi exit 0 ;; cleanup) if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then cleanup_usage exit 1 fi case "$2" in all) echo 'Cleaning up compilation products for ALL builds' rm -rf "${KERL_BUILD_DIR:?}"/* rm -rf "${KERL_DOWNLOAD_DIR:?}"/* rm -rf "${KERL_GIT_DIR:?}"/* echo "Cleaned up all compilation products under $KERL_BUILD_DIR" ;; *) echo "Cleaning up compilation products for $3" rm -rf "${KERL_BUILD_DIR:?}/$3" echo "Cleaned up compilation products for $3 under $KERL_BUILD_DIR" ;; esac ;; *) echo "unknown command: $1"; usage; exit 1 ;; esac