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   <H1>[99s-extend] Full example of cowboy_rest?</H1>
    <B>Paulo F. Oliveira</B> 
    <A HREF=""
       TITLE="[99s-extend] Full example of cowboy_rest?">paulo.ferraz.oliveira at
    <I>Tue Aug 26 01:11:44 CEST 2014</I>
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<PRE>Hello, St&#233;phane.

On 24 August 2014 10:54, St&#233;phane Wirtel &lt;<A HREF="">stephane at</A>&gt; wrote:
</I>&gt;<i> Hi all,
</I>&gt;<i> Do you have a concrete example of cowboy_rest ? with POST, GET, HEAD, PUT and DELETE ?
AFAIK, from the official examples, the correct answer is &quot;no&quot;, there
is no &quot;complete&quot; example (does it even make sense to have one?).

On the other hand, I've been using Cowboy for a couple of months now,
and find these docs (REST flowcharts -
<A HREF=""></A>) to be
very useful, and they might also help you. You should find the time to
read the complete REST guide/manual as a lot of useful information can
be found there and a very nice effort was put into not wasting words
and going straight to the point.


&gt;<i> What are the best practices?
For what specifically?

&gt;<i> The examples in the repository of cowboy don't cover all the possibilities of a simple rest api with these verbs.
That is a fact. I, for one, tend to have a _template_ source code file
from where I get the functions that I need (only not to have to write
2/3 lines of code every time), and that I &quot;chain&quot; looking at the
flowcharts. [I also have a lib for JSON parsing and validating, query
string validation, etc...] This might not always be very easy (to
&quot;chain&quot; it all together, but it shouldn't be that hard either&quot;), but
my approach is usually &quot;OK, so I want a route to have GET, PUT and
DELETE... what are the related methods that I'll most probably
require? resource_exists (serves all methods), is_conflict (serves
PUT), delete_resource (serves DELETE), delete_completed (serves
DELETE)&quot; and then I think about replying with a body or not (in the
case of GET there will almost always be a body, in the case of PUT
your method call might result in a 204 and in the case of DELETE there
may or not be a body). I then code the methods, test the API, checking
that the codes I get make sense (404, 200, 409, 204, 202, ...
depending on the conditions I want set) and then slightly document
this for the users of the API (if the API is complicated and requires
a lot of documentation there might be something wrong with it). For
documentation purposes you can either go with a &quot;[VERB] route
accepts...?..., serves...?..., and the result codes are...?...&quot; simple
doc or something more elaborate like
<A HREF=""></A>

Hope it helps.

- Paulo F. Oliveira

</I>&gt;<i> Thanks in advance,
</I>&gt;<i> Stephane
</I>&gt;<i> --
</I>&gt;<i> St&#233;phane Wirtel - <A HREF=""></A> - @matrixise
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