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   <H1>[99s-extend] cowboy how to ruduce the memory usage per	long-hold connection</H1>
    <A HREF=""
       TITLE="[99s-extend] cowboy how to ruduce the memory usage per	long-hold connection">erlang at
    <I>Fri Apr 26 15:11:53 CEST 2013</I>
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<PRE>Is 13.6K/connection considered a lot? Once you start doing SSL, each
connection will be about 80K, IMHO the most important factor for huge
ammount of COMET users is latency, which Cowboy and Erlang do great.


On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 2:11 AM, yongboy &lt;<A HREF="">yongboy at</A>&gt; wrote:

&gt;<i> I have tested one long-hold webapp, when 512000 user connected, the app
</I>&gt;<i> used
</I>&gt;<i> 6801M memory, 6801M*1024K / 512000 = 13.6K/Connection.
</I>&gt;<i> Does anyone give me some advice on how to reduce the memory usage per one
</I>&gt;<i> connection, thanks very much !
</I>&gt;<i> Here is the code snippet:
</I>&gt;<i> start(_Type, _Args) -&gt;
</I>&gt;<i>         Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
</I>&gt;<i>             {'_', [{'_', htmlfile_handler, []}]}
</I>&gt;<i>         ]),
</I>&gt;<i>         cowboy:start_http(my_http_listener, 100,
</I>&gt;<i>             [{port, 8000}, {max_connections, infinity}],
</I>&gt;<i>             [{env, [{dispatch, Dispatch}]}]
</I>&gt;<i>         ),
</I>&gt;<i>         count_server:start(),
</I>&gt;<i>         htmlfilesimple_sup:start_link().
</I>&gt;<i> ......
</I>&gt;<i> -module(htmlfile_handler).
</I>&gt;<i> -behaviour(cowboy_loop_handler).
</I>&gt;<i> -export([init/3, info/3, terminate/3]).
</I>&gt;<i> -define(HEARBEAT_TIMEOUT, 20*1000).
</I>&gt;<i> -record(status, {count=0}).
</I>&gt;<i> init(_Any, Req, State) -&gt;
</I>&gt;<i>         NowCount = count_server:welcome(),
</I>&gt;<i>         io:format(&quot;online user ~p :))~n&quot;, [NowCount]),
</I>&gt;<i>         output_first(Req),
</I>&gt;<i>         Req2 = cowboy_req:compact(Req),
</I>&gt;<i>         {loop, Req2, State, hibernate}.
</I>&gt;<i> %% POST/Short Request
</I>&gt;<i> info(_Any, Req, State) -&gt;
</I>&gt;<i>         {loop, Req, State, hibernate}.
</I>&gt;<i> output_first(Req) -&gt;
</I>&gt;<i>         {ok, Reply} = cowboy_req:chunked_reply(200, [{&lt;&lt;&quot;Content-Type&quot;&gt;&gt;,
</I>&gt;<i> &lt;&lt;&quot;text/html; charset=utf-8&quot;&gt;&gt;},
</I>&gt;<i> {&lt;&lt;&quot;Connection&quot;&gt;&gt;, &lt;&lt;&quot;keep-alive&quot;&gt;&gt;}], Req),
</I>&gt;<i>         cowboy_req:chunk(&lt;&lt;&quot;&lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;script&gt;var _ = function (msg) {
</I>&gt;<i> parent.s._(msg, document);
</I>&gt;<i> };&lt;/script&gt;
</I>&gt;<i> &quot;&gt;&gt;,
</I>&gt;<i>                                                                 Reply),
</I>&gt;<i>         cowboy_req:chunk(gen_output(&quot;1::&quot;), Reply).
</I>&gt;<i> gen_output(String) -&gt;
</I>&gt;<i>         DescList = io_lib:format(&quot;&lt;script&gt;_('~s');&lt;/script&gt;&quot;, [String]),
</I>&gt;<i>         list_to_binary(DescList).
</I>&gt;<i> terminate(Reason, _Req, _State) -&gt;
</I>&gt;<i>         NowCount = count_server:bye(),
</I>&gt;<i>         io:format(&quot;offline user ~p :(( ~n&quot;, [NowCount]).
</I>&gt;<i> _______________________________________________
</I>&gt;<i> Extend mailing list
</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF="">Extend at</A>
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