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   <H1>[99s-extend] Newbie, Cowboy + Websocket + Audio Recording</H1>
    <B>Eduardo Gurgel</B> 
    <A HREF=""
       TITLE="[99s-extend] Newbie, Cowboy + Websocket + Audio Recording">edgurgel at
    <I>Tue Sep 30 00:53:26 CEST 2014</I>
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<PRE>Looking on the output it says:

*{reason,badarith} *on this line:

RecorderPid ! {rec, _Frame/binary},

This may help you somehow.

BTW, variables starting with _ are usually used to show unused variables
and stop warnings from the compiler.

On 30 September 2014 05:52, Juan Mat&#237;as &lt;<A HREF="">jmrepetti at</A>&gt; wrote:

&gt;<i> Hello list, I hope this is the right place to ask this.
</I>&gt;<i> I'm learning Erlang, and I wanted to create a Cowboy app to record audio
</I>&gt;<i> from a web browser.
</I>&gt;<i> Based on the websocket example in the Cowboy source code, I get the user
</I>&gt;<i> mic input and send this input to the websocket.
</I>&gt;<i> I created a &quot;recorder&quot; module, which functionality is to save the data to
</I>&gt;<i> the a file.
</I>&gt;<i> *#rawe_handler.erl*-module(rawec_handler).
</I>&gt;<i> -behaviour(cowboy_websocket_handler).
</I>&gt;<i> ......
</I>&gt;<i> init(_, _, _) -&gt;
</I>&gt;<i>   case whereis(recorder) of
</I>&gt;<i>     undefined -&gt;
</I>&gt;<i>         RecorderPid = recorder:start(),
</I>&gt;<i>         register(recorder, RecorderPid);
</I>&gt;<i>     _ -&gt; ok
</I>&gt;<i>   end,
</I>&gt;<i>     {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket}.
</I>&gt;<i> .....
</I>&gt;<i> websocket_handle(_Frame, Req, State) -&gt;
</I>&gt;<i>   RecorderPid = whereis(recorder),
</I>&gt;<i>   RecorderPid ! {rec, _Frame/binary},
</I>&gt;<i>     {ok, Req, State}.
</I>&gt;<i> *#recorder.erl*
</I>&gt;<i> -module(recorder).
</I>&gt;<i> -export([start/0, recorder_fun/1]).
</I>&gt;<i> -compile([debug_info]).
</I>&gt;<i> recorder_fun(IoDevice) -&gt;
</I>&gt;<i>   receive
</I>&gt;<i>     {rec, Data} -&gt;
</I>&gt;<i>       ok = file:write(IoDevice, Data),
</I>&gt;<i>       io:format(Data),
</I>&gt;<i>       recorder_fun(IoDevice);
</I>&gt;<i>     {stop, _} -&gt;
</I>&gt;<i>       %%Close file
</I>&gt;<i>       file:close(IoDevice)
</I>&gt;<i>     end.
</I>&gt;<i> start() -&gt;
</I>&gt;<i>   {ok, IoDevice} = file:open(&quot;/tmp/test_binary.wav&quot;, [write,
</I>&gt;<i> binary]),
</I>&gt;<i>   spawn(recorder, recorder_fun, [IoDevice]).
</I>&gt;<i> When I start the console, and allow the microphone on the browser, I see
</I>&gt;<i> this error on the console:
</I>&gt;<i> =ERROR REPORT==== 29-Sep-2014::18:13:03 ===
</I>&gt;<i> Ranch listener http had connection process started with
</I>&gt;<i> cowboy_protocol:start_link/4 at &lt;0.178.0&gt; exit with reason:
</I>&gt;<i> *{[{reason,badarith},{mfa,{rawec_handler,websocket_handle,3*}},{stacktrace,[{rawec_handler,websocket_handle,3,[{file,&quot;src/rawec_handler.erl&quot;},{line,35}]},{cowboy_websocket,handler_call,7,[{file,&quot;src/cowboy_websocket.erl&quot;},{line,588}]},{cowboy_protocol,execute,4,[{file,&quot;src/cowboy_protocol.erl&quot;},{line,435}]}]},{msg,{binary,&lt;&lt;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0....(ETC,
</I>&gt;<i> Probably my approach to do this is totally wrong. I there any obvious
</I>&gt;<i> problem here?
</I>&gt;<i> Can someone point me to a right direction?. Maybe I should write directly
</I>&gt;<i> to a file in the *websocket_handle *funcion, but how can I keep a file
</I>&gt;<i> opened during the streaming?
</I>&gt;<i> The github repo is here: <A HREF=""></A> with the
</I>&gt;<i> whole source code if you want to take a look.
</I>&gt;<i> Thanks in advance,
</I>&gt;<i> Matias.
</I>&gt;<i> _______________________________________________
</I>&gt;<i> Extend mailing list
</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF="">Extend at</A>
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