[99s-extend] Cowboy, how call my database select function

Thomas Allen thomas at oinksoft.com
Wed Jan 9 00:12:02 CET 2013

On 1/8/13 4:36 PM, Козлов Вячеслав wrote:
> I hope I could explain clearly.

This was not quite clear to me, but I'll do my best.

> Tell me how can I use this function in a Cowboy, in hendlers.

Well, you'd use it like any other Erlang function. If it's in a handler, 
you probably want to use init/3 or handle/2:

handle(Req, State) ->
     _EredisScript = eredis_db:get_script("example", "test"),
     {ok, Resp} = cowboy_req:reply(200, Req),
     {ok, Resp, State}.

See other examples of implementing `cowboy_http_handler' behaviour in 
the Cowboy documentation and in the examples included with the library.

Thomas Allen

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